Science: Blog items
Date: 27th Feb 2024 @ 11:51am
In our first lesson on light we explored what light was and what darkness is. We discoverd that darkness was the absence of light. We also learnt that light travels in straight lines. Finally, we explored what light sources are and which were natural and manmade.
Year 4 - Classifying vertebrates
Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 7:03pm
Today we focused on how to classify vertebrate using branching. We recapped the characteristics of the five vertebrates then used various resources to make our own.
Date: 20th Feb 2024 @ 1:22pm
"What will melt the ice the quickest?"
This was the question that Reception had to answer when they carried out their very exciting science experiment.
They worked in small groups, discussing the changes that were happening as the ice began to melt. They used warm water, salt, a scrubbing brush and washing up liquid.
They eventually discovered that the warm water melted the ice the quickest and that salt was much better than a scrubbing brush or washing up liquid.
"I think it will be warm water that melts the ice the fastest because it is warm like the sun and the sun melts the ice when its frosty." Mathew.
"The brush is too hard to melt the ice- it's not working!" Niko.
"The warm water has melted it quicker than the others- look the toy is already out of it!" Kierah.
Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 3:57pm
Today, we used our electricity knowledge and participated in a Now Press Play where our town had lost power and we needed to get the power back on to save our cousin on dialysis. We made a torch using our knowledge of circuits using wire, bulbs and batteries so we could make our way around to the power station. We even made the bulb brighter by adding another battery.
Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 5:15pm
Today we learnt how to group animals based on what they eat. We learnt that all animals need to eat so that they can stay alive. We understood that this is because food is the main source of energy for all animals! We learnt that different animals eat different types of food and we discussed the scientific vocabulary to explain how to sort these animals into groups. We went through lots of examples together, naming the animal, discussing their diet and then identifying the diet group they belong to. Working with a partner, we then sorted a number of common animals into groups based on what they eat. We used the correct scientific vocabulary when discussing our choices and explaining our reasoning.
Year 6 - Working Scientifically
Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 3:05pm
In Science this week we have planned and set up an investigation into mould growth on bread. We chose to wipe hands on different slices of bread with different cleaning products on the hands. We had to have a control slice of bread where nothing at all was put on it. This is so that we can compare all the slices of bread to it at the end of the investigation. The other 4 slices of bread were:
Dirty hands
Hands cleaned with soap and water
Hands cleaned with hand sanitiser
Hands cleaned with an alcohol wipe
We will observe any changes to the bread over a 2-week period. Come back to see the conclusion to our fair test...
Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 12:16pm
As part of our biology lessons this half term, we have been learning about how our bodies change as we get older. In this lesson, pupils worked together to plan a fair test to investigate how people's eye-sight may be different. We discovered that moving closer to an object generally improves our vision. Also, we learned that as we get older our eye-sight gets worse as the lenses in our eyes become worn, and this is why more people wear glasses as they enter old age.
Nursery Meet Alan and his Big Scary Teeth
Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 1:01pm
Nursery read a brilliant story called "Alan's Big Scary Teeth" about an Alligator who scares all the jungle animals with his very large teeth! Alan takes really good care of his teeth, so we have been learning about how to take care of our own teeth and have practised brushing some giant teeth! We have also talked about "A" for alligator and thought of other items that begin with "A". To practise out counting, we have have been giving Alan the right number of teeth. To support the children with their social interactions, we played the Crocodile Tooth game. The children had to take it in turns to press down a tooth and hope that they don't get bitten by the crocodile!
Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 4:48pm
Today in Science we were investigating how to make a bulb light. We started off by trying to light up Energy Sticks. We worked together and found out that in order to light, the sticks needed to be part of a circuit. We learned that energy travels around a circuit and if there is a break in the circuit, the energy can no longer travel all the way around. We then applied what we had learned to build a circuit that would make a bulb light. We also used an interactive program to build a circuit that would make a bulb light. We experimented with using more than one bulb in a circuit and using more than one power source.
Nursery explore the snow and ice
Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 6:50am
Brrrrrrr! It's been a cold one this week - but that didn't stop us exploring! The children have had a great time playing in the snow and ice and made some amazing dicoveries! The water in our sink in the mud kitchen was frozen with very thick ice - so thick that matter what the children tired, they couldn't crack it! We also found a pair of gloves that had been left outside and were frozen to the table! There was no moving them no matter what we did! Best of all, we managed to have a quick snowball fight before or all the snow melted.
Nursery Explore What Winter Feels Like
Date: 15th Jan 2024 @ 10:19pm
This week we read the story "A Little Bit of Winter" about a hedghog who asks his friend rabbit to save him a little bit of winter so he knows what it feels like. The children have held ice to and talked about what it feels like and compared it to holding something warm. We have also explored cold colours through painting and collage and made some winter cocktails, There were some lovely conversations about snow at our winter sensory tray and discussions about fun things we can do in the winter as the children played with the mini ice skating rink.
Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 9:15am
One of Santa's elves has been visiting us recently. Today, we brought a snowman from the North Pole to visit us. Unfortunately, the snowman had melted. We discussed why he had melted and used our States of Matter knowledge from Science to work out that the classroom was too hot. Someone asked if we could take him to the freezer but we realised we couldn't because he would then freeze in the shape of the container.
Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 2:32pm
In this lesson, pupils investigated which materials were good conductors of heat and which materials were good conductors of electricity. We concluded that metals were the best conductors of heat and electricity, and also that materials that were good heat conductors were also good electrical conductors. Materials that are not good conductors are called insulators.
Year 2 - Which ship can hold the most weight?
Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 7:27am
Last week, we conducted an experiment as part of our Everyday Materials unit to test which ship can hold the most weight? We made different sized boats using tin foil and placed counters on the top, counting how many counters it took until the ship sunk. This week, we used our results to use an online program to record our data in a block chart. We thought about the axis and giving the chart a title as well as inputting our own data before we interpreted our results using the chart. We found that the biggest ship could hold the most weight whilst the smallest ship held the least. This is because we can spread the weight.
Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 11:26am
Nursery visited outerspace this week! We read the story "The Way Back Home" by Oliver Jeffers about a boy who finds an areoplane and flies all the way to the moon! He runs out of petrol and meets an alien whose spaceship has broken down! We learnt all about the different planets and used balloons to print some planets. Outside we built a rocket using the bricks and went on lots of adventures to space! One day we discovered some aliens in our garden and we talked about how they might of got there. We also used magnetic shapes and building blocks to build our own rockets. We had to think carefully about the shapes we needed to make a rocket. Its been a very busy week!
Year 4 - Most effective toothpaste
Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 8:50am
This week we tested which the most effective toothpaste is. We observe how damaged egg shells (representing our teeth enamel) were after leaving them in white vinegar for 24 hours. We had one control egg, one egg covered in children's toothpaste, one egg covered in a toothpaste which cost £1 and one egg covered in a toothpaste which cost £5. Which do you think was the most effective? Ask a Year 4 child for the answer!
Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 6:16pm
Today we helped Ted solve another problem! Firstly, we learnt our new vocabulary. We learnt that transparent means it allows light to pass through so that objects behind are seen easily. We also learnt that opaque means that no light is able to pass through it. We looked at different examples together until we were confident in identifying transparent and opaque. We then learnt that Ted had another problem! His new house needed curtains because his windows are transparent and let lots of light in. We then tested different materials to offer him advice on which material would be best to make curtains from. We identified how to make it a fair test and the method we needed to follow.
Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 3:00pm
This week, Year 3 have explored Fossils and how they are formed. We did a mixture of activities such as sorting, becoming a paleontologist, making fossils and looking closely at the texture, shapes and colours of the fossils.
Date: 20th Nov 2023 @ 8:31pm
Last week, we were introduced to the digestive system. Using our new knowledge, today we made our own digestive system to represent what it's like inside our bodies.
Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 4:00pm
This week pupils in year 5 conducted an experiment to find out which solids would make a solution when mixed with water. Solids that dissolve into a liquid are known as soluble. Solids that do not dissolve are called insoluble. Salt and sugar were soluble, whereas sand and soil were insoluble. A liquid can only hold so much of a soluble material, as all of the gaps between the particles are filled. Increasing the temperature allows the solute (liquid) to hold more.
Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 2:46pm
In Science, the children have been exploring the process of Sedimentary rocks forming into Metamorphic rocks. Normally, this process would take millions of years however we sped this process us by using chocolate! The children enjoyed creating the sediments, then applying heat and pressure to form their own metamorphic rock!
Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 8:25am
In Science, Year 3 have been looking at rocks. We looked at a range of rocks to identify the characteristics of Metamorphic, Igneous and Sedimentary rocks. We sorted them into groups and identifies similarities and differences between them.
Year 2 - Absorbency Investigation
Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 4:30pm
Today, in Science, we had a problem to solve. Mrs Jones-Boast wanted to know the best material to help mop up spills in the dinner hall. We discussed the problem and decided that the material needed to be absorbent. We then planned our investigation, thinking about what we needed to change, what we will measure and what we needed to keep the same to ensure a fair test. We also consolidated our maths skills by using a ruler to measure our results. We found that the most absorbent material was felt. The tinfoil and the cellophane were non-absorbent because they didin't absorb any liquid.
Year 1 Waterproof or Absorbent?
Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 7:50am
Today we used what have learnt about materials, their properties and our new vocabulary to solve Ted’s emergency. We had to test the best material to make Ted an umbrella so he could stay nice and dry! We read our brief and collected the equipment needed for our test. We discussed how we were going to make it a fair test, by using the same amount of water and the same amount of time. We then worked in small groups to complete our experiment. In these groups we made our predictions, before following our method. Finally we all came back together to discuss what happened during the test? Did we correctly guess what would happen? What have we found out from doing the experiment and if we were going to do the equipment again what would you do differently?
Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 4:42pm
This half-term, Year 4 our topic in science is Animals including Humans. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking at the functions of each one of our teeth. After this, we modelled our own teeth using playdough. We have also looked at why it is important that we brush our teeth twice a day. To test why we need to do this, we put 6 eggs into a range of different liquids and observed what happened to their shells. We found that the driinks with the most sugar caused the egg shells to decay and discolour. This showed us that too many sugary drinks can damage our teeth.