Science: Blog items

Year 1 Observational Walk

Date: 18th Sep 2023 @ 5:36pm

Today we began our second lesson on senses. We recapped the fact that we have five senses and the body part associated with each. We then focused on hearing and sight. Firstly, we talked about the sense of hearing, which body part we use and what is happening when we hear. We played sound bingo with a range of common sounds. We had to listen very carefully!

After this we moved onto our sense of sight. We again discussed which body part we use and what is happening when we see something. We then did an illusions test! Some of us could see both pictures and some of us could only see one! We also learnt the different parts of our eyes, including eyelashes, eyebrow, pupil and eyelid.

We realised that there are lots of things we do that use more than one sense! We then went on an observational walk around our school grounds, inside and outside, focusing on what we could see and what we could hear. We stopped on the playground, closed our eyes and focused on the sounds around us. We also walked through school and listened to the sounds coming from all around our school!

Year 5 - Solar System Science

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 9:17am

As part of our science journey into space, we have learned about the different planets in our solar system and how they orbit the Sun. In this lesson, we went outside and made a scale model to represent the distances between the planets. 

Year 3- Fantastic forces!

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 8:53am

In Science, Year 3 have looked at investigating forces and looking at friction in action. The children did a range of activities to see how friction worked and what happened when they rubbed their hands together.

Year 1 Our Sense of Touch

Date: 11th Sep 2023 @ 5:36pm

Today we began to explore our five senses by naming each sense and the part of the body that is to do with each sense. We then focused specifically on our sense of touch. We recapped on the different parts of the hand, including thumb, palm, skin and wrist. As a class, we then discussed what is touch? What happens when we touch something? And is it only our hands that we touch with?

‘We touch with our skin!’

‘Your sense of touch tells you if something is hot or cold.’

We talked about what is safe and unsafe to touch, completed ‘I can feel’ sheets, labeled the properties of these objects and completed a mystery box feely activity.

Reception- Peas! Peas! Peas!

Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 10:22pm

This week on a rather rainy day, Reception harvested the peas they had grown in their outdoor area. They enjoyed eating them, counting the peas and calculating how many were left in the pod.

"The peas needed water to grow and the sun too" Lana- Rose.

"They taste yummy!" Halleigh.

"Peas are healthy for you- they are a vegetable".Harper.

"I had five peas. i ate one and had four left" Amelia.

Year 1 Forest School

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 7:41am

Today our Forest School session was all about plants! We began by identifying plants around the area, looking closely at their leaves to help us. We then made our own transient flowers out of natural objects, planted seeds and small plants and used paint pens and charcoal to create drawings of flowers. By the end of our session we had found lots of different wild plants and garden plants, recapped on the parts of plants and the 5 things plants need to survive.

Nursery Save the Bees!

Date: 6th Jul 2023 @ 12:21pm

We found a very sleepy bumble bee in our nursery garden this week. To help him get some energy back we gave him some sugar water and he was soon off flying again. The children showed a real interest in the bugs so we went on a big bug hunt around the nursery garden. We found grasshoppers, more bees and a little grass beetle. The children were so excited we're going to carry on exploring for bugs next week. 

Year 4 - States of matter consolidation

Date: 26th Jun 2023 @ 4:05pm

Today we did some 'States of Matter' consolidation. We remember lots from our unit earlier in the year! We started the lesson looking at a chocolate bar which Miss Crystal had mistakenly left on the window ledge in the sun. It had melted into a liquid. We put it in the fridge to see if we could change it back to a solid and checked on it at the end of the lesson. It had changed back to a solid but the shape wasn't like the chocolate bar was at the beginning. So we learned that the melting process can be reversed, but it may look different to the original solid. Then we were all given an ice cube and observed what happened to it. We recalled that applying heat to a solid such as an ice cube causes melting to happen. The solid turns to a liquid (water). Next we got a little bit messy. It's been a warm day, so we were all given a piece of chocolate and we had to see what would happen it we just kept it in our hands!

Reception Five Little Ducks

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 12:26pm

Over the past few weeks in Reception the children have had an amazing time with our five ducklings; Phyilis, Dennis, Kevin, Dave and Freddie.  At the beginning of the term 5 little eggs were delivered and put into the incubator.  The children were lucky enough to  observe the ducklings hatching out of their eggs.  Once the duckling hatched they stayed in the incubator to rest and make sure their feathers dried out.  The ducklings were then transferred into their cage and the children took responsibility for ensuring they had enough food and water, their cage was clean and that they had enough exercise.  The children enjoyed reading books about the ducks, learning what they eat, finding out about their lifecycle, making models of them at the creative table and producing some lovely pieces of writing.
"The egg is hatching.  Look there is a big crack" Nikodem
"I can hear them cheeping in the egg" Miley
:Look Mrs Clark the little duckling is so adorable and fluffy" Emelia
"They can run so fast and love swimming" Albie
"The mummy duck lays and egg in a nest and it hatches" Logan
"The incubator keeps the egg warm" Jack

Year 3- Stop the Block Mad Science!

Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 2:39pm

We had a special visit from a mad scientist, Inquisitive Indie, who came to speak to us about what we put down the toilet! We found out that by putting things we shouldn't down the toilet that we are clogging up the drains. Inquisitive Indie showed us how this happens through some exciting Science experiments, we even got to use dry ice! We found out that we should only flush the 3 P's (ask us what they are!) and we all got our own toilet roll to take home. 

Year 3- Fascinating Forces

Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 2:34pm

Today we recapped out learning on forces by doing a carousel of activities around the room. We looked at how much force was needed to make an object move, we tested if bigger magnets were strong, if magnets worked underwater, we sorted push and pull forces and finally we used magnets to complete a maze. 

Reception Special Delivery

Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 11:50am

On Monday Recepton had 5 little eggs delivered to your classroom.  The eggs were placed in the incubator to keep them warm.  The children waiting in anticipation for the eggs to begin to hatch.  On Tuesday some cracks appeared in one of the eggs and at lunchline a little baby duckling hatched.  the duckling had to stay in the incubator until her feather dried out.  The children will be watching closely all week to observe the nest for eggs hatching.

Year 4 - Mad Science United Utilities assembly

Date: 13th Jun 2023 @ 8:01pm

This morning, we had 'Mad Science' in funded by United Utilities to talk to us about our drains. We learned about what is (toilet roll sheets and sugar) and what isn't (wet wipes, oil, fat) appropriate to flush down the toilet and down the sink.


Too add a bit more fun - we even got to feel some dry ice whilst we waited to the oil to freeze at -72 degrees.

Year 2 Transparent, Translucent or Opaque?

Date: 13th Jun 2023 @ 3:47pm

Today, Year Two began consolidating our Science learning by recapping our knowledge learnt in our Everyday materials and their properties unit. We flashbacked different materials and their properties before conducting an investigation to find the most suitable window for the three little pigs house to ensure they were hidden from the wolf but light would be able to fill the house. We tested a variety of materials and described them using key language transparent, translucent and opaque. We decided the best materials were the ones that were translucent. 

Nursery Visit the Farm

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 3:38pm

Nursery had a super time when the mobile farm visited school. They found out about the animals and what they like to eat and drink and really enjoyed grooming the sheep, goats and donkey. We talked about what happens on a farm, where the animals sleep and how we get milk from a cow and wool from a sheep. 

Year 1 Sunflower Science

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 9:16pm

During this half term we have been growing sunflowers for our science topic. We ended our topic by observing over time the changes that happened from seed to small plant, we saw how the plant had grown a stem and some leaves, as well as roots under the soil. We recapped the topics we had covered including evergreen and decidious trees, wild and garden flowers, seeds and bulbs - we have identified, sorted and classified plants. We then used our collaging art skills to create a model flower that included the roots, stem, leaves, petals and flower. 

Year 1 Farm Visit

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 5:50pm

Today we enjoyed a visit from Fisher's Farm and their very friendly animals! We were all looking forward to seeing the animals and finding out more about them. We looked around the different pens and asked the visitors questions such as, 'What food do they eat?' 'How old are they?' and 'How do you care for them?' We even stroked and brushed some of the animals!

Year 5 - Farm Visit

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:10pm

Today are children were treated to a visit from Fishers Farm. The children met a variety of farm animals and learned lots about each one. We all had great fun spending time with the animals and stroking them. A lucky few managed to groom some of them too!!

Year 4 - Fishers Farm Visit

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 3:34pm

Today we had a visit from the farm!

Whole School - Fishers Farm visit

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 2:39pm

Boundary has been lucky enough to secure a visit from Fishers Mobile Farm today! This special event not only gives the opportunity for children to see animals they may not have seen before up-close but it also supports their learning journey across Science, Geography, PSHE, Maths and even Reading into Writing! Our children have been telling us about the animals that they have at home including those whose family live in other countries, like Emmanuel whose family have a goat called Coonudoo!
Visit our school website for more pictures and to learn more about the learning taking place today. #BoundaryBelieves

Year 6 - The Human Circulatory System

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 1:07pm

Our Science unit this half term is focusing on the human body and how to stay healthy. We started by looking at the function of the heart before learning about the circulatory system. This week we have learned about diffision and osmosis  - the way that nutrients are moved between cells in our body. Although it is a complicated concept. the children conducted an experiment using potatoes to demonstrate how osmosis works, which really helped to deepen their understanding. 

Year 6 - Fishers Farm

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:47pm

Today are children were treated to a visit from Fishers Farm. The children met a variety of farm animals and learned lots about each one. We all had great fun spending time with the animals and stroking them. A lucky few managed to groom some of them too!!

Reception visit Fishers Farm

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:00pm

Today the children in Reception have been lucky enough to visit the mobile farm on the Key Stage 2 playground.  The children had a fabulous time visiting the different animals including rabbits, chickens, goats, sheep, a cow, a donkey, a pony and Helga the pig.  The children enjoyed learing about how a farm works, why it is important to look after the animals and the job of a farmer. 

Year 6 - Manchester Museum Visit

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 4:15pm

Today Year 6 went on a trip to Manchester Museum to support their learning so far. This involved areas such as:



Ancient Egypt




The children had a wonderful time bringing their learning to life and being given the opportunity to observe artifacts from a range of periods of time.

Year 3 explore how water is transported in a plant!

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 11:53am

In Science we investigated how water is trasported through plants. We had flowers, cups, celary, food colouring and water. These were placed on the children's desk and they were to decide how to use these resources to show water being transported. We placed the flowers in cups of water and food colouring. Through the next 24 hours, we observed the flowers change colour. The leaves, inside the stem, the buds and the petals all started to dye.


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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust