Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Year 6 Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination

Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 5:38pm

As part of antibullying week, Year 6 have been focusing on stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination. We explored the meaning of each word before going on to find out how they can affect people. As part of the lesson, we completed two activities. In the first one, we looked at real news articles and discussed what prejudice had been shown and whom it was directed towards. The second activiity was based in the TV show 'The Apprentice'. We had to select an engineer for a project and 'fire' people based on information provided. We discussed prejudice and discrimination based on name, age, skin colour, disability, gender and sexuality. 

Year 4 - Gender Stereotypes

Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 2:51pm

Today we watched a video about gender stereptypes from Primary Futures. We were introduced to four people (two men and two women). All four people described their job to us and we had to guess what we thought they did. Their jobs were:

  • Tree surgeon (female)
  • Engineer (female)
  • Forest school leader (male)
  • Nurse (male)

We didn't guess all their jobs currently, but we had a discussion about jobs not being stereotyped to one gender and the children had some great discussions.

Nursery - Odd Socks

Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 1:38pm

To help us understand Anti-Bullying Day, we talked about how we are all different with our own likes and dislikes and how we all look different. We read the story  "It's Ok to be Different" By Todd Parr. This is a great story to explore our differences with young children and we had some super discussions about what makes us special. We all wore odd socks too to embrace being different! 

Year 4 - Anti Bullying and Oracy

Date: 14th Nov 2022 @ 7:04pm

This morning we had an assembly with Mrs Clark and the ABAs (Anti Bullying Ambassadors) about Anti Bullying week. The theme this year is all about reaching out. As a year group our focus was on the roles that different people play in bullying and we very much focused on not being a bystanding but being an upstander! This year in school we are really promoting talk and oracy. We have provided the children with lots of sentence stems and sentence starters to help with their oracy skills. During today's work about Anti Bullying it was great to see some of the children using their oracy skills so fluently.

Year 3- BFC tackle bullying!

Date: 14th Nov 2022 @ 2:56pm

Today we celebrated Anti-bullying Day. As a school, we came in wearing odd socks to show that we are all individual yet all special in our own way. As part of our anti-bullying learning, Year 3 were lucky enough to have a session with Simon and Mark from Blackpool Football Club. We learnt how important it is to be an upstander and not a bystander. Together we can tackle bullying! We also learnt the importance of kindness and created our own kindness jars. We finished the session off by watching a powerful video of acts of kindness being passed on and we made a pledge to carry out our own act of kindness this week. 

Reception celebrate Diwali

Date: 13th Nov 2022 @ 7:46pm

This week Reception had a very special day celebrating Diwali 'the festival of Light'.  To help celebrate the children were invited into school wearing a brightly coloured accessory.  Thoughout the day the children learnt about lots of Hindu and Sikh tranditions including how they prepared their homes ready for Diwali and  where they went to pray.  The children enjoyed making and painting their own diya lamps, creating rangoli patterns, making a Diwali treat called a 'lado', trying on some of the traditional clothing and jewellery, makig cards for their friends and family and even taking part in some tradition dancing.  At the end of the day we invited Miss Mloyes and Mrs Bunday to the dance studio to come an watch us perform our special Diwali dance and light of diya lamps.  When we lit our diyas lamps we sat quietly and reflected on all the different things we had learnt.

"I'm going to light my diya and put in in my window at home" Kristian

"Sikh men wear a turban on their head because their hair is very special to them" Kazimir

"They wear special clothes and set of fireworks to celebrate" Logan

"I've made a Diwali card for my mummy and daddy" Sheraa

"Rangolli patterns welcome people to their homes" Lana-Rose.

Reception Willow Class visit Salisbury Woods

Date: 13th Nov 2022 @ 5:04pm

This week Willow class went on a woodland walk to Salisbury Woods, to look for signs of Autumn.

The children had such a great time collecting the leaves that have fallen off the trees, observing all the different Autumn colours and looking out for woodland animals.

We managed to collect lots of leaves in different coloures, shapes and sizes and were also very lucky to spot some squirrels running through the tree tops.

Everyone had such a good time and we will use our leaves to make Autumn pictures and leaf rattles aswell as writing about what we saw in the woods.

Take a look at some of the things we got up to down in the woods!


"The leave change colour in Autumn" Lana-Rose.

"Some of the animals are going to hibernate in the winter" Kristian

"The temperature is colder in Autumn" Kaziimir


Year 2 Composing

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 4:04pm

Today in Music, Year 2 focused on their listening and composing skills. We began the lesson by listening to what different instruments sounded like and listened to a variety of songs to try and identify the instruments we could hear, songs included We Will Rock You and Count on Me. Then, we began to compose, playing around with notes to create a sequence to play on the glokenspiels. 

Year 2 Remembrance Day

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 4:00pm

Today, alongside the whole School, we celebrated Remembrance Day. We begun the morning by going and planting our poppies with a soldiers name on in our School Remembrance Garden before taking part in our remembrance service. We also observed a 2 minute silence at 11am spending the time reflecting on those who lost their lives to give us ours. Well done Year 2, you showed excellent respect. 

Year 4 Remembrance Garden

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 10:15am

This morning we have been and planted our poppies in our Remembrance Garden at the front of school. The children were really respectful and thought about those who fought and continue to fight for our country.

Reception- If you go down to the woods today...

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 5:40pm

This week Holly class went on a woodland walk to Salisbury Woods, next to the golf course and the hospital, to look for signs of Autumn.

The children had such a great time collecting the leaves that have fallen off the trees, observing all the different Autumn colours and looking out for woodland animals too.

We manage to collect lots of leaves in different coloures, shapes and sizes and were also very lucky to spot a squirrel running through the tree tops. Also, on the ground, there were mushrooms growing, however, we did not touch them as they might be poisonous!

Everyone had such a good time and we will use our leaves to make Autumn pictures and leaf rattles aswell as writing about what we saw in the woods.

Take a look at some of the things we got up to down in the woods!


"The leaves are on the floor- they have fallen off the tree" Sheraa.

" In Autumn the leaves die and fall to the ground" Lennox.

"The leaves are orange, red, brown and yellow" Harper.

" In Autumn the weather is colder" Alfie

Year 2 Fire Service Visitors

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 4:54pm

Today, Year 2 had a very special visit from 3 firefighters from the Blackpool Fire Station near Stanley Park. The 3 firefighters talked to the children all about fire safety and what to do in the event of being in a fire themselves. Firstly, they showed us all their different equipment that helps keep them safe when they are working before teaching us what to do. We learnt so much including: how to test if the fire is close to a closed door, how to stop smoke leaking into the room we are in and taught us to remember 3 very important words: Get out, Stay out and call 999. They even tasked us to go home, find where our smoke alarms are located and ensure they work. The children loved meeting the firefighters and listened intently. 

Year 4 - PSHE

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 2:59pm

Today in PSHE, Year 4 looked at what qualities it takes for people to be a good friend. We had a discussion around what characteristics we look for in people and how these help them to be a good friend to somebody. We then picked the most important six qualities that we thought would make the 'ultimate' friend. Lots of great discussion again in Year 4.

Nursery go off with a BANG!

Date: 9th Nov 2022 @ 9:55pm

There's been alot of pop, whizz, bang, whoosh and crackle in nursery this week as we have been celebrating Bonfire Night. The children enjoyed sharing their experiences of Bonfire Night and were able to recall the fireworks they saw. They described the fireworks using words like "big", "loud" and "bright". It was lovely to hear them talking about their experiences and making links between what they had seen and what their freinds had seen. 


Girls' Football!

Date: 8th Nov 2022 @ 4:08pm

Well done to the girls who played their first match against Devonshire this yesterday. They didn't win but they worked hard and showed great resilience ??

Year 2 Fundamental Skills

Date: 7th Nov 2022 @ 4:16pm

This half term, Year 2 are lucky to have Mr Williams supporting us in PE. Over the last two weeks, we have been practising our hopping and jumping skills in a circuit of activities including hopscotch, hopping over the stepping stones and skipping. Although, we have found some of these skills difficult- in particular the skipping- the children have worked incredibly hard and have began to see some great progress. Some children who couldn't skip at the start are now beginning to skip steps at a time and getting faster. We are looking forward to the next 5 weeks, kepe up the good work Year 2!

Year 4 Teeth Observation RESULTS!

Date: 7th Nov 2022 @ 2:36pm

The results are in!!  

The coke and orange juice caused the worst staining. If this was our teeth they would have gone through our enamel and caused decay. Even though, diet coke is low sugar it still caused a stain. This could be because of the dark colour it is. Today, we also spoke about the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day. We know what eating a balanced diet means, but it is important to brush away the foods and drinks we eat at the end of the day and before the day starts. We need to clean bacteria etc away so it doesn't stain our teeth or cause cavities or decaying. When we have finished brushing our teeth, we shouldn't rinse with water because the toothpaste won't then stay on our teeth to continue protecting them.

Year 2 Poppy Art

Date: 6th Nov 2022 @ 11:08am

In the lead up to Remembrance Day on 11th November, Year Two have been creating poppies in Art. We glued two sticks together to create the cross and used our weaving skills to weave red wool through a template. This created a cross on the front and a square on the back, when we removed the cardboard template it created the shape of the poppy. It took a lot of perseverance to ensure we followed the number sequence correctly but everyone did very well! 

Year 2 Addition and Subtraction

Date: 6th Nov 2022 @ 11:02am

This week, we have began exploring addition and subtraction when you have to cross into another ten. To master the skill, we used concrete resources- Base 10- to practise exchanging ten ones for one ten when adding and exchanging one ten for ten ones when subtracting. To help us to grasp the concept of exchanging through our role play of shop keepers and ensuring you exchange for the same amount. These practical activities really helped us apply our knowledge to more abstract questions. 

Year 3- Poppy art

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 4:19pm

As we get closer to Remembrance Day Year Three have been using charcoal to draw poppies. We experimented with water colours, oil pastels and felt tips to create the red poppies.

Year 3- Rugby

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 4:08pm

This week in Year Three we had our first rugby session with Wigan Warriors. The children enjoyed learning how to learn how to hold the ball properly and dodging their opponents. We also worked well as a team playing a wide range of games and look forward to learn new skills in the coming weeks.

Year 4 Science Observation Set Up

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 11:48am

Today we set up a Science observation ready for our lesson on Monday. We used eggs to act like our teeth (the shell acting like the enamel of our teeth). We poured milk, orange juice, coffee, diet coke, water and full fat coke into cups with the eggs instead. We are going to leave them over the weekend and see what changes there are on Monday in our Science lesson. Check back on Monday for the results!

Year 5 Musical Improvisations

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 2:03pm

Today we have listened again to the Ghost Parade track and kept time to the beat by moving our bodies. We then used the percussion and xylophones to play a short melody before we began improvising our own patterns using CGE. We also began to learn some of the vocabulary for musical transcription, including sharpes, flats, stave, treble clef and time signature. Next week we will continue to develop our compositions!

Year 4 Art for Remembrance

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 1:54pm

Today we have studied poppies and use our observational drawing skills to draw poppies, shading them with pencil crayons carefully. The aim is that we make a repeating pattern that can be used as part of our Remembrance display Soldier. We have taken great care and concentrated, whilst listening to music that would typically be played and performed at the cenotaph, including Abide with me and Elgar's Nimrod played by the orchestra. This allowed us to reflect on the soldiers who have fought or died for our country. 

Year 4 Handwriting

Date: 1st Nov 2022 @ 1:57pm

This year we are really focusing on our handwriting. This afternoon we did some activities to help support our handwriting practise. Please encourage your children to practise at home too. After we went over some tricky letter formations, we wrote a poem for Remembrance Day for our Year 4 display.

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