Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items
Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 4:19pm
Today, Year Two began celebrating Christmas by wearing Christmas jumpers and tucking into a delicious Christmas dinner. We ate whilst listening to Christmas music and enjoyed pulling our crackers to reveal a joke and a toy. It really has begun to put everyone in the Christmas spirit and we are looking forward to the KS1 disco later this week! Well done everyone for your effort raising money for Brian's House!
Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 3:37pm
Amazing news coming out of Year 4 - we have won our Fylde Coast and Lancashire League for the mile Timestable World Cup and we are now through to the National finals!
The Nationals will commence over the coming days, so please support your Year 4 child in practising as much as they can to get Boundary to the top once again!
Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 1:33pm
During Music in Year 5 we have been learning lots about the musical vocabulary and how to use it to describe the pieces of music we listen to. We have been composing on Charanga as well as on the musical score using crotchets, minims and quavers. We did a Menti quiz to see what we had learned and began to practise playing Deck the Halls for Christmas on the Glockenspiels.
Year 3 Listening and performing in Music
Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 4:24pm
In Year 3 we have been doing lots of listening and describing with our new Musical Vocabulary mats. We have discussed the key vocabulary and thought about how we can use it to describe the pieces of music that we have listened to. We have improved our use of sentence starters because we now have examples. We have started to think about our Christmas songs and have begun to learn about the musical score, treble clef and time signature. We started to play the glockenspeil to Jingle Bells!
Year 1 Musical Listening and Composing
Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 4:06pm
In Year 1 we have been doing lots of listening to different types of music. We used our new Musical Listening Mats to think about the tempo, pitch and how the music made us feel. We also started composing using Chrome Music Lab and understood that different patterns and marks represent different notes and sounds. We made our own ostinato patterns which repeat. We have been playing percussion instruments in time to the music and learning the names of other common instruments.
Year 3- What makes a good role model?
Date: 29th Nov 2022 @ 1:16pm
In R.E we were exploring a wide variety of stories surrounding Prophet Muhammed. We explored which characteristics he demonstrated and how these made him role model. We created a freeze frame from the stories that pin- pointed the most important part of each. We had to explain why it was the most important section. Then we identified what characteristics, message and how he was portrayed as a role model. We then had to teach other groups what we had found.
Year 3- Dancing with charcoal!
Date: 29th Nov 2022 @ 1:05pm
In Art, Year Three have been exploring how to draw with charcoal. We were inspired this week by the artist Heather Hansen who mixes art with dance! We noticed that with gestural drawing we use long sweeping movements and the use of our whole body to create our masterpieces!
Date: 29th Nov 2022 @ 9:40am
Date: 29th Nov 2022 @ 8:47am
On Monday morning we travelled to Blackpool Sports Centre to take part in this year's Sportshall Athletics competition. The competition saw students compete in various field and track events, such as Standing Long Jump and the 4x1 Relay.
Unfortunately we fell short of qualifying for the North schools section but, as always, our pupils represented the school with great pride and attitude, with the team scoring highly in plenty of their events.
Reception visited by Hedgehog Rescue
Date: 28th Nov 2022 @ 9:59pm
Today the children in Reception have had a special visit from Hedgehog Rescue. Carolyn from Hedgehog Rescue talked about what a nocturnal animal is and shared lots of intersting facts about hedgehogs including what they eat, where they live and what to do if an hedgehog is poorly. The children enjoyed meeting Sid, even though he was very sleepy!
The children recalled lots of facts about hedgehogs.
"They have 44 teeth" Emelia
"You shouldn't feed them milk, it makes them poorly" Lana-Rose
"Hedgehogs hibernate in the winter" Kristian
"They sleep in the day and wake up at night. They are nocturnal" Logan
"Badgers like to eat hedgehogs" Lelan
""They eat slugs, snails and worms" Ishaanvir
"Their spikes are called quills" Noor-Fatima.
Following the session the children completed lots of activities including writing about nocturnal animals, making hedgehogs at the creative table and counting out the correct amount on spikes for each hedgehog. The children are even planning on making a hedgehog house for our outside area, just incase we have any prickly friends come and visit. Have a look at some of our work.
Date: 27th Nov 2022 @ 8:56pm
This week we have been busy taking part in the energy saving campaign ‘’Switch Off Fortnight”.
The children will take part, with other schools from around the UK, and will make small changes in their lives that save energy and help protect the planet. It is a fun and rewarding campaign led by Boundary Primary School’s Eco Warriors and will bring Cop 27 to life for our pupils.
Switching off lights when we are not in the room, turning off interactive screens when not in use and ensuring fewer electrical items are turned off at the plug socket, and not just on standby, are the main issues we are tackling in school now and for the rest of the year. Hopefully, Miss Ashton should see a reduction the school fuel bill!
Be smart- start saving energy NOW!
Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 4:01pm
This half term in RE, Year Two have been exploring the Key Question 'Why do Christians say that Jesus is the light of the world?' and after discussing the Christian story and exploring different lights we began exploring Christingle. We learnt that Christingles is a symbol of advent and were taught what each part of a christingle symbolises. The orange represents the world and the red ribbon around the middle represents Christ's blood. There are four cocktail sticks to represent the creation of the four seasons and the sweets on the sticks represent all of God's creations. Last of all, the candle in the middle represents Jesus being the light of the world. The children loved making their Christingles to take home and really understood the meaning behind it.
Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 9:01pm
This week, as part of our History unit 'Remembrance', we continued our learning journey by exploring the key question 'What was it like for a soldier in World War 1?' We began the lesson by learning the key word trench and discussed what one of these was before we split into groups to explore different aspects of life for soldiers in the First World War. We explored how life was in their free time, the trench conditions, food as well as the dangers of being involved with the war by looking at different pictures and interpreting what they were showing us. Once we had explored our given area, we were all very brave and presented our information to our friends so we all had an understanding of all elements of the war.
Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 4:06pm
We started our first of three Forest School sessions today. As the cold has drawn in, more and more grass and mose has got in and around the pond area. The children did an amazing job clearing it out. They also made crowns and head gear with bendy branches, leaves and wool. It was very muddy today and the children simply enjoying some messy play too!
Key Stage 2 Cross Country Race 2
Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 9:18am
On Wednesday morning, 13 of our KS2 pupils from Year 4-6 travelled to Stanley Park to take part in the second Cross Country race of this academic year.
The course was a long and wet one, with plenty of muddy trainers crossing the finish line, but our Boundary pupils showed fantastic determination to secure some fantastic finishing positions. Each place gains points for our school, and after 2 races we are currently third out of all participating Blackpool schools. Many of our pupils who took part in the first race showed improvement in their finishing positions, which is great to see.
There are 6 races in total, with 4 coming up in 2023. Keep your eyes peeled as we gain more points that will see us progress up the table!
Date: 22nd Nov 2022 @ 9:03pm
Today Year 6 were visited by 2 local magistrates. They gave the children information about the role of a magistrate and how they make their decisions when it comes to choosing the punishments given to those who have broken the law. We then acted out a mock trial where a child had been found guilty of cyber bullying through sending mean and threatening messages to another girl. We all enjoyed taking on our roles and acting them out.
Reception Exploring Differences
Date: 21st Nov 2022 @ 7:18pm
During Anti-Bullying Week Reception have been busy exploring similarities and differencesand discussing what make everyone unique. We talked about how lots of people have similarities and differences but it is always important to be kind, respect one anothers differences and celebrate what makes them unique.
"I'm different because I have glasses" Lana-Rose
"Some people have different colour hair and skin" Kristian
"People wear different clothes. Everyone likes different things" Kazimir.
""We all go to the same school" Phoebe
"I'm small and some people are bigger than me" Emelia
We talked about how it is okay to be different and how we should always treat people equally and kindly regardless of their differences.
Then we created our own funny jigsaw faces uses different features off each other faces.
"I like Noor-Fatima's hair because she always has nice bows in" Olivia
"Alfie wears cool glasses" Albie
"Ishaanvir has black hair. That's my favourite colour: Nikodem.
Date: 21st Nov 2022 @ 3:40pm
Date: 21st Nov 2022 @ 3:39pm
This morning our KS2 boys football team travelled to Stanley Park to take part in the Utilita Cup, organised by Blackpool FC Community Trust. The tournament saw our boys placed into a group facing various schools from across the Fylde Coast.
The team battled well, representing Boundary well and putting their all into their performances. Falling short in the group stages meant we missed out on the semi-finals but the boys showed real determination, some fantastic skills and positive play against tough opponents.
Date: 20th Nov 2022 @ 9:40pm
On Friday, the children in Reception joined the whole school in raising money for Children In Need. They came to school in something spotty to support the national charity that helps improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in the UK.
They took home their own designed Pudsey Bear and danced the Macarena in a whole school assembly.
Date: 20th Nov 2022 @ 6:52pm
During Anti-Bullying week, Year 1 explored different types of bullying. We read the story 'Carrot Club,' which reminded us not to judge others by their appearance and to think positively about healthy eating! We discussed what we thought bullying is and learnt the thorough definition. We then learnt about different types of bullying, including physical, verbal, cyber and indirect.
'Indirect bullying could be leaving people out of games'
'Cyber bullying is when people use messages to upset someone'
We discussed lots of examples together and then moved on to talking about what we could do in certain situations.
'You can tell your trusted adult'
'You can be kind to the person being bullied and help them not to feel alone'
Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 11:16am
Today we had a visit from Debby Savage, a local PSCO, who delivered a 2-hour talk to Year 6 about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. We had the chance to look at imitation drugs to know what they look like so that we know to avoid them as we get older - we were shocked to learn that some drugs can be disguised as sweets! She also told us the dangers of smoking and vaping. We learned that cigarettes are made up of lots of different parts - many of which can be very dangerous, such as amonia, glycerin, candle wax. Thank you Debby for such an informative talk.
Date: 16th Nov 2022 @ 7:10pm
We began our history topic with reading the story ‘Too Many Toys.’ We read and discussed the story, talking about other children’s favourite toys, before moving onto identifying our own favourite toys. We found out what Miss Kay’s and Mrs Websters favourite toy were and listened to the reasons why, before contributing our own thoughts and ideas. We became confident using the phrase ‘My favourite toy is ___ because ___’
'My favourite toy is Lightning McQueen because it has flames and can go fast'
'My favourite toy is a ukalele because it can make music'
'My favourite toy is Elsa because she has long blonde hair and ice powers'
Date: 16th Nov 2022 @ 7:44am
Today we watched a video from Primary Futures, about gender stereotypes. The video began by explaining that we were going to be introduced to 4 people whose jobs were:
- Tree surgeon
- Engineer
- Forest school leader
- Nurse
Before we actually saw the people, we had a good discussion as a class about what gender we thought the person who did each job would be. We realised that some of us went straight to a specific gender due to our preconceptions about the roles of men and women in society. We then agreed that we can't make assumptions on people based solely on their gender.
Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 7:17pm
Today we watched a video about gender stereptypes from Primary Futures. The video began by explaining that we were going to be introduced to 4 people whose jobs were:
- Tree surgeon
- Engineer
- Forest school leader
- Nurse
Before we actually saw the people, we had a good discussion as a class about what gender we thought the person who did each job would be. We realised that some of us went straight to a specific gender due to our prejudices about the roles of men and women in society. We then agreed that we can't make assumptions on people based slely on their gender.