Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Year 4 start RUGBY!

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 11:33am

We started our Rubgy lessons today with Tom from Wigan Warriors. We will be learning lots of new rugby skills over this half term when Tom comes in every Thursday! We absolutely loved it. We learned how to hold the rugby ball and even started to tag each other with it when we were trying to score a try!

Year 2 - Promises, promises, promises.

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 8:19pm

The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to recap on our all important Boundary Promises.  We discussed why we have rules and why they are important in a range different of environments, not just in school.  We then recapped on our five key Always Promises at Boundary; be in the right place at the right time with the right things, act with honesty and respect, always try your best, work well together and use safe and friendly words and behaviours.  We then worked well together to sort different scenarios, discuss how they linked to each Promise and whether they were a good choice or a bad choice.

Nursery Get off To A Flying start!

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 4:45pm

We have been having a wonderful time in nursery getting to know all of our new starters. It looks like we are going to be in for a fabulous year with a super bunch of children! They have been working so hard to learn all of the routines and have really impressed us with how quickly the are learning everything. The children have demonstrated some great PSED skills by making friends and playing well together. They have also been showing their super drawing skills by making some wonderful self-portraits. What a great start! 

Year 4 Brand New Timelines

Date: 6th Sep 2022 @ 4:22pm

We are delighted that over summer our new History timelines have been installed in the school main hall. We have had two installed. One is about world history and includes events such as world wars, the invention of the internet and legalisation of gay marriage. The other timeline is all about our local area of Blackpool. Underneath our Blackpool timeline we have maps of how the area of Layton and Grange Park has changed too!

Year 2's Final Forest School Fun

Date: 22nd Jul 2022 @ 3:37pm

Yesterday saw our final forest school session of Year 2 before we begin completing our passport in Year 3. This week, we thought about our senses and took a moment to lie on the floor and think about the things we could see, hear, taste, smell and feel- some of us were lucky enough to be joined by a miniature spider. We then looked at different cloud formations and tried to see if we could see any different ones in the sky as well as playing a game of forest school bingo. To end the session, we toasted crumpets on the fire. 

Year 4 - Sacrifice and Temptation

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 4:55pm

In RE we have been learning about sacrifice and temptation. We have looked at when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and the importance of him suffering for his people. Most recently we have learned about the life of Oscar Romero who was an Archbishop that fought for equality in El Salvador.

Reception - Choral Speaking

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 10:46am

This week Reception took part in the Boundary Choral Speaking competition, reciting the nursery rhyme 'Old Mother Hubbard'.

The children tried to communicate the mood through drama, costumes, choreography of body movements and emphasis of certain words in the rhyme. 

They were amazing and we are so proud of them all!

Whole School Pupil Pipeline for Water Aid!

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 10:30am

The children at Boundary have been raising money for Water Aid by taking part in the Pupil Pipeline Challenge. This was a joint venture with the School Council and Eco Warriors.
Water Aid was a charity chosen by the School Council and its goal is to make sure everyone, everywhere has clean water. It is also a great opportunity to be mindful of not wasting water and remembering the healthy benefits of drinking it too.
All the children made a huge pipeline around the school and passed around a bucket full of water- trying not to spill it! 
This helped us to try and understand the difficulties children face in some parts of the world when fetching water for their families. It can often be dirty, disease ridden and situated some distance away from their village.   
 Our School Council and Eco Warriors also asked everyone to bring in any spare coins to try and fill a bucket! We raised £112.84- brilliant! 

Nursery Cool Off!

Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 7:48pm

What could be better than a nice cold ice cream to cool you down in this hot weather? Nursery have been doing some super imaginative play this week by serving some refreshing ice creams and ice lollies from our new Ice Cream van. This has been great for supporting the children's speech and languge development and developing their social skills as well using their wonderful imaginations to make up stories. I'll have a 99 with strawberry sauce please! 

Year 3- Choral speaking champions!

Date: 12th Jul 2022 @ 6:00pm

Across the school children have been learning a range of poems to perform in our choral speaking competition. Year Three have spent the last few weeks rehearsing and preparing our poem 'Don't Quit' by Edgar Albert Guest. We chose this poem because of it's link to growth mindset, by sending the message that we mustn't give up when things seem challenging. 

Year Three did an amazing performance today which made us become KS2 choral speaking champions!


Year 4 - Heritage Day

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 7:47am

This week we had our Heritage Day. It was a fantastic day learning all about the history of Doreen Lofthouse and Fisherman's Friend. We began the day by learning all about how Fisherman's Friend are made and how they first came to be. We then tried a lot of the different flavours (some were much better than others)! Then, we created our own timelines to show the development of Fisherman's Friend over time and how Doreen Lofthouse and her charitable donations benefited the local commnity for years after her death. 

Year 5 Yoga and Meditiation

Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 3:47pm

We have been learning different yoga poses in our PE lessons this half term. We have been listening to calming music and learning how to control our breathing in order to get the best out of the different breathing exercises. Yoga is beneficial for our bodies but also our minds, it helps us to find a place of calm, grounds us and helps us to maintain a good mental health. We sequenced some of our different poses in order to creat our own mini meditations. 

Heritage Day 2022

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 2:15pm

What another amazing Boundary Heritage Day! This year our theme was ‘Significant people and events in Blackpool’. From a trip to Bloomfield Road to a visit from a Funny Girl's Drag Queen, the children have had a great day. Each year group was given a different key question to investigate and enquire about.


Nursery/Reception: How has the seaside changed? What was it like in the past compared to now?

Year 1: How did William Cocker and Sir John Bickerstaffe influence Blackpool tourism by building Blackpool Tower?

Year 2: How did Thomas Sergenson and Frank Matcham influence theatre in Blackpool by building The Grand Theatre?

Year 3: Who are the Thompson family and more specifically who is Amanda Thompson?

Year 4: What is Fisherman’s Friend and how did Doreen Lofthouse help and continue to help the community after her passing?

Year 5: Who is Ian Holloway and what did he and Blackpool FC achieve in 2010?

Year 6: How has Basil Newby influenced the LGBT community in Blackpool?


Head to your child’s class page on the school website for more photos and information about their day. Well done everyone!

Year 6 Heritage Day - Blackpool's LGBTQ+ history

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 12:53pm

Today is our Blackpool Heritage Day and our topic is the history of LGBTQ+ in the resort. We were extremely privileged to have a visit from Basil Newby - a prominent name with Blackpool's gay bars and nightclubs. He talked about his life, how he had influenced the LGBTQ+ community here in Blackpool and introduced us to 2 of his team from Funny Girls, Alex and Nikki. Nikki came dressed in drag and it was a great opportunity for us all to ask questions to the whole team, which they all answered and gave us lots of information about life at Funny Girls. We would like to say a big thank you to all three of them for taking time out of their busy schedules to come and talk to us today.

Whole School Sports Week

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 8:42am

This week children have enjoyed taking part in rugby workshops with the Wigan Warriors and netball workshops with a Lancashire coach. We were lucky to be visited by the CommonWealth Games Baton, which is on a journey to Birmingham ready for the Commonwealth Games. Pupils got a chance to find out about the significance of the baton and got to hold it. We are looking forward to all our Sports Days.

Year 6 - Girls Football

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 9:14pm

This week has been a very busy week for lots of our Year 6 children, who have been taking part in various events at Stanley Park. Today, some of our Year 6 girls took part in a football event and did themselves and the school proud. The girls have never played as a team together before so to play as they did really demonstrated their team-work and determination. Well done to all the girls who took part.

Year 3 - Zoo trip!

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 4:19pm

As part of our Science consolidation unit we went on a trip to the zoo to investigate an animals diet. We looked at what they ate to keep them healthy and compared this to our diet. We also linked our discussion to out Skeletons and Muscles topic and compared the size and shape of different muscles and bones. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip out and looking at the different animals.

Reception Superheroes

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 4:26pm

Reception have returned to school from the half term holidays and our classrooms have been transformed into Superhero Central.  The children have enjoyed exploring the classroom areas and completing lots of superhero themed activities including superhero maths composition, superhero phonics, role playing in the superhero headquarters, retelling the story of 'Supertato and lots more. What a 'super' start to Summer 2.

Boundary's Jubilee Jamboree!

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 4:02pm

The flag was flying high, all the corridors and the hall were decorated with Union Jack bunting and  our staff and children, dressed in red, white and blue to celebrate HM The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We then took part in a whole school assembly where we watched footage of the Queen's Coronation from 2nd June 1953 and learnt a song which told us a little bit more about our longest reigning monarch!

At lunchtime the children enjoyed a Royal picnic lunch and raised their cup of juice to give a toast to HM The Queen!

Long live The Queen!


Nursery Celebrate 70 years of The Queen

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 3:06pm

Nursery enjoyed celebrating the Queen being on the throne for 70 years with some very royal activities. They made crowns, had a Royal tea party and made some finger print Union Jack flags. Everybody wore red, white and blue clothes and had a very royal time indeed! 

Year 2- Here's to the Queen

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 4:25pm

Today, alongside the whole School, Year Two celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We begun the day with an assembly explaining why we celebrate and how life has changed during the Queen's time on the throne. We all enjoyed a delicious special Jubilee lunch party eating yummy sandwiches, crisps and some salad with music to celebrate in true style. During the afternoon, we looked at some jubilee themed riddles linking to our Reading into Writing journey. We all had a lovely day and the children looked lovely in their red, white and blue clothing. Here's to the Queen!

Jubilee Celebrations at Boundary

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 1:51pm

Boundary's Jubilee Celebration's have begun. Our staff and children took part in a whole school assembly where we watched footage of the Queen's Coronation from 2nd June 1953 and learnt a song which told us a little bit more about our longest reigning monarch!

Jubilee lunchtime! The children are enjoying their special Jubilee picnic boxes and homemade cupcakes (these will be on sale at the end of the day too!)

Year 6 - 'Road Sense' safety talk

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 11:08am

Today we were visited by Lancashire Fire Service who delivered a talk on road safety. They talked through the importance of being aware when crossing roads by putting our phones down, turning music off and pulling down hoods. They also talked about the different pedestrian crossings to use when walking to high school. This was a very important talk as soon the children will be more indepdent and allowed to walk on their own if they don't already so road safety is crucial.

Year 6 - After SATs treat!

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 10:54am

Today, Year 6 pupils (and staff) were treated to an end of term treat - the ice cream van came to see us!! All the children received either an ice cream or ice looly as a treat for doing so well in their SATs. Well done Year 6, we're very proud of your achievements.

Year 2 Now Press Play

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 4:43pm

Today, Year Two used the Now Press Play equipment to consolidate their knowledge about plants. During the story, we were set a mission to find the best place to plant seeds to ensure they would grow into healthy vegetables. We planted our seeds in a dark cave, a sandy desert and a grassy forest. We found in the cave the plants grew along the floor in search of sunlight just like our cress we grew in the cupboard. The plants in the desert grew but were brown because they didn't have enough water. Finally, our plant in the forest grew into healthy vegetables which we then gave out to the villagers. 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust