Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Year 5 Careers Fair 2024

Date: 17th Jun 2024 @ 10:39am

The children in Year 5 had the opportunity to talk about a variety of careers such as The Sandcastle, Occupational Therapy at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, DWP Digtal Jobs, Handels Bank and The Ministry of Defence.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their morning learning about these different occupations and it has given them an insight into a future that they would like to have for themselves. Another huge thank you to everyone who was involved!

Acorns meet the ducklings

Date: 16th Jun 2024 @ 7:28pm

This week the children in Reception received a very special delivery - 5 duck eggs.  The duck eggs warm in the incubator until they were ready to hatch, we even saw one hatching. The children enjoyed visiting the ducks in reception, but were even more excited when they visited Acorn class. We enjoyed looking at the chicks and listening to how the ducks lay eggs and then hatch into ducklings. Then we had an opportunity to touch them and feel how soft they were. 

"Ducks" said Krithik

"Quack" said Omer

"So cute" Amelia

Reception Special Delivery

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 11:36am

This week the children in Reception recieved a very special delivery- 5 duck eggs.  We kept the duck eggs warm in the incubator until they were ready to hatch.  The she waited patiently observing the cracks appearing in the eggs and listening carefully- they could even hear the ducklings cheeping inside the eggs.  On Wednesday the children were lucky enough to observe two of our duckling hatch- Sunny and Cher.  The children enjoyed getting their cage ready with food and water and making sure the heat lamp was working.  Thet are extremly excited to look after and care for the ducks over the next few weeks aswell as learn about the lifecycle.

"There is a little crack in the egg" Summer

"It is making a hole with his bill" Levi

"I can hear him cheeping" Alaiya

"they have to stay in the incubator to dry their feather" Oliver

Acorns - Sam plants a sunflower

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 4:42pm

This week Acorns have been reading Sam plants a Sunflower, as our class story.

We have enjoyed learning about how plants grow and what they need, including soil, water and sunlight.

We have been developing our focus and attention, taking part in small adult led group activities based around our story.

Acorns have enjoyed the immersive sensory story, especially being sprayed with the water spray when Sam plants his seeds and waters them.

Acorns have experienced planting their very own sunflowers and can't wait to see them grow. 

Acorns Butterflies

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 4:33pm

Acorns have been watching and waiting patiently for our caterpillars to change into butterflies. On Wednesday, we were excited to see our first butterfly leave its chrysalis.

We waited patiently for all 5 butterflies to appear and then enjoyed watching them fluttering around and drinking from some oranges and flowers.

Today, we released them back into the wild so the life cycle can begin again.

We have really enjoy watching our caterpillars grow and change.

Reception Releasing the Butterflies

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 2:02pm

After observing our caterpilars grow and change, the recpetion children finally released them into the wild.  Some of the children were even lucky enough to hold them before they flew off.  What a wonderful experience for the children!

"Their wings are red and black" Kisha

"the flap their wings quickly when they fly" Oliver

"They are called Painted Ladies" Levi

Year 2- Character Descriptions

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 7:50am

This week, Year Two were lucky to have a visit from author Dan Worsley. We began the morning by participating in a storytelling assembly where Dan kindly shared one of his stories with us before he came to visit our classroom and delivered a descriptive writing workshop with us. As part of our Reading into Writing unit, Twisted Fairytales, we picked a character from famous fairytale and created our own evil troll that we could use in our final write. Some of us were lucky and got to put on Dan's storytelling waistcoat to share some of our descriptive sentences. Thank you to Dan for coming in, we all really enjoyed the workshop and it has inspired us to write some incredible twisted fairytales. 

Reception- PE- Castles, Knights and Dragons.

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 3:03pm

This week Reception have been continuing to have lots of fun in PE.

Mr Humble had them learning the fundamental skills of catching, throwing, running and listening through an imaginary world of castles, dragons and knights.  



Reception The Lifecycle of a Butterfly

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 9:47am

Over the last few weeks the children in Reception have been observing our classroom caterpillars grow and change.  We have been learning about the different stages in the lifecycle including; the butterfly laying an egg on a leaf, the caterpillar hatching a eating lots of food, the caterpillar making a chrysalis and finally transorming into a butterfly.  The children have sequenced the lifecycle and written sentences about what is happening.  The children were meserised when eight beautiful butterflies emeged from the chrysalis.

"The caterpillar hatches out of an egg" Summer S

"It eats leave and vegetables and grows bigger" Neveah

"It's called a larvae" Sid

""It sheds it skin when it gets bigger" Levi

"It makes a cucoon, so it can grow its wings inside" Niko

"The butterfly comes out of the cucoon" Thomas

Year 1 Assembly With Dan

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 7:55am

Today Year 1 enjoyed a fantastic assembly with Dan. We were all throughly engaged with Dans story about Dave the horse, who had some very interesting powers! We all listened and participated extremely well and Dans assembly inspired lots of us to want to tell our own stories about Dave! 

Year 1 Murti

Date: 14th May 2024 @ 4:27pm

Today we looked at the use of Murti in Hindu worship. We learnt that Murtis are often colourful and bright and that Hindus give offerings to them. We then looked at lots of different examples of Murtis, including both Gods and Goddesses, and looked at why Hindus may worship them. We then chose a Murti to represent using salt dough, thinking about why Hindus may choose this Murti to worship. Again, we discussed how these are used as a way of showing respect to the different roles of God.



Year 5 - A 'Grand' Day out

Date: 13th May 2024 @ 5:15pm

All of the pupils in year 5 had a great experience at Blackpool's Grand Theatre watching the amazing new show, The Boy at the Back of the Class; based on the book by 

Onjali Q. Raúf, which we have been reading in class. The children loved the opportunity to visit the theatre and watch the production. 
Some quotes from Year 5 pupils:

“All of the acting was brilliant.”

“My favourite part was when Ahmet had eyes like a lion.”

“I liked the unexpected turn of events.”

“I loved it when Mr Irons was fired.”

“It was clever how they showed Alexa and Tom travelling around London by train and taxi.”

Reception Hindu Visitor

Date: 13th May 2024 @ 4:23pm

What a great morning we have had with Krishna our Hindu visitor. Firstly, we had a whole school assembly where we recapped the story of Diwali and were introduced to the characters.  When we returned to class we recap what we had learnt so far this year about  different religions including a 'flash back' to our work on Divali.

"It is the festival of light' Esmai

"They have diva lamps in the windows' Mathew

'They wear bright clothes and have a special meal with their family" Sid

"It is the festival of Light" Levi

Acorns - Ben plants a Butterfly Garden

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 6:25pm

This week Acorns have been exploring the story Ben plants a Butterfly Garden.

We are continuing to develop our understanding of the butterfly life cycle.

We have enjoyed a variety of sensory tuff tray experiences as well as the sensory story.

We have also noticed the change in our caterpillars, which a now chrysalis.

We have engaged well in lots of different literacy and numeracy activities, developing our overwriting skills and number knowledge. We are continuing to develop our engagement in adult-led activities alongside our peers.

What a busy week. 

Acorns Spring Walk

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 5:48pm

Acorns have been listening to our adults talk about new life spring brings and this week we went on a spring walk.

Acorns had lots of fun exploring our forest school area and looking at all the different flora and fauna around us.

We enjoyed using visuals to find different plants and tick them of our checklist.

Acorns were excited to see tadpoles from our little pond and enjoyed watching them swim in the bucket.

We are curious to see what they grow up to become and are looking forward to learn about their life cycle next term.

We were excited to spot some butterflies and collected some natural materials to create our very own natural art butterflies after learning about the butterfly lifecycle this term. 

Reception- The very Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 12:16pm

We have been reading the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 

 It is about a very hungry caterpillar that consumes a variety of foods before making a cocoon and becoming a butterfly. 

We have had lots of fun retelling the story with our friends using stick puppets, painting a caterpillar, creating our own caterpillar using art resources and making a paper plate butterfly.

Finally, we wrote about our favourite part of the story.

Take a look at our photos!

Year 2- Christianity

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 7:54am

Yesterday, Year Two welcomed Matt from from Hope Community Church who came to talk to us as part of our current RE unit- Christianity The Church exploring the key question 'What unites the Christian community?' Matt discussed the symbols of Christianity with us before discussing different items found in a church and the uses they have, he also taught us why Christians come together on a Sunday to pray, sing and read stories from the Bible. Lastly, he talked about baptism and allowed some of us to perfrom a baptism as well as sharing bread and juice with those who wished to take part. 

Year 1 and Year 2 Move for Mental Health

Date: 7th May 2024 @ 8:03am

This week as part of Mental Health Awareness week Year 1 and Year 2 have been exploring how exercise keeps us healthy both physically and mentally. We have continued to complete our daily four laps of the playground and found lots of different ways to keep moving for our whole break time! During Always Time this week, we also danced outside to music and created chalk art. 

Acorns - Caterpillars

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:54pm

Acorns have been learning about the life cycle of butterflies. We have enjoyed singing the life cycle rhyme to support our understanding and even had tiny little caterpillars come to live in class with us. We have been very curious over the last two weeks, watching them growing. We now have 5 very big caterpillars who are just turning into their chrysalis. It has been very exciting watching the caterpillars get bigger every day and we can’t wait to see what emerges from their cocoons.

Acorns - The Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:36pm

This week Acorns have been reading the Hungry Caterpillar. We have engaged in a variety of learning activities and experiences to support our understanding of the world around us and the life cycles of butterflies. We have enjoyed making hungry caterpillars in Art and even feeding our very own hungry caterpillar. We found caterpillars and butterflies everywhere, including in our tuff tray and our 'Bucket'. We even had our very own caterpillars come to live in Acorns! We can't wait to see what happens. 

Acorns grow a beanstalk

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:18pm

Acorns have been developing an understanding about how plants grow. We have explored the need for sunlight, water and soil to be able to grow. Acorns have planted their own beanstalks and cress. We enjoyed filling the plant pots and planting the big seed (bean) and the smaller seeds (cress) and listening to an adult talking about these. We have had fun watering them and checking to see how they have been growing over the last two weeks. We are excited to see the beans beginning to grow taller!! 

Acorns - Jaspers Beanstalk

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:00pm

We have enjoyed our sensory story this week all about Jaspers Beanstalk. We have been engaging in small adult led activities to support our understanding, learning and developing our focus and concentration. We have loved copying the actions from the book, planting, digging, watering and watching to see what grows. We have enjoyed exploring a variety of vegetables through touch, smell and taste if we were brave enough. We also enjoyed counting vegetables and trying to order beanstalks from smallest to biggest. For some of us we counted to 10 and others showed great listening skills and engagement. What a busy week. 

Acorns - PE

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 8:41pm

Over the last few weeks Acorns have been exploring how our bodies can move. We have enjoyed rolling over yoga balls and trying out yoga, kicking and throwing a variety of equipment and running and jumping. Our most enjoyable moments are when we are watching ourselves move in the large mirrors. We also had lots of fun taking part in some turn taking activities, including rolling the balls to our peers. Through PE, Acorns are developing their gross motor skills and social interactions with others. We are also exploring healthy bodies leading to happy minds and we certainly have lots of fun! 

Year 6 - Mental Health Awareness Week

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 12:50pm

This week, Boundary have been holding their own Mental Health Awareness week. One thing we have discussed is how exercise and movement can boost your mood. We all made sure we moved for the whole break time, with many of us running around the playground - including Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Jones!!

Reception- What Does a Beanstalk Need to Grow?

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 11:57am

A very mysterious letter arrived in Reception from Jack (and the Beanstalk!). He wanted us to find out what a beanstalk needs to grow so off we went to investigate. 

We discovered that it needed soil, water, sunlight and air. The children looked at the different phases in the lifecycle of a bean and how it changes each time. We then labelled the parts of the bean using scientific vocabulary, root, shoot, seedling, leaf, and flower. Then we planted our own beans with Mrs McAllister and wrote instructions on how to plant them.

"The bean needs sunlight for it to grow" Lucy

"We need to water it " Isla

"The plant gets the goodness from the soil" Oliver J

"The roots grow under ground" Levi

"When it gets leaves it's a seedling" Esmai



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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust