Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Year 6 Police visit

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 2:48pm

We have had a visit from the Police this week to talk about legal and, mainly, illegal drugs. This involved looking at how drugs are trying to be disguised as sweets, looking at the risks and 'street' names of illegal drugs and discussing peer pressure. Year 6 children were really sensible, listened carefully, participated well and asked some great question.

Year 5 And..... action!

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 10:54am

We are proud to publish the official photographs from Year 5's performance of 'Much Ado About Nothing' at Blackpool's famous Grand Theatre, which was held on Tuesday 15th March 2022. 

The children who performed did an outstanding job at performing one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays, and at representing our school! 

Don't they look like they should be on a film set in Hollywood?! 



Year 3 Happy Vaisakhi!

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 4:10pm

In RE, we held our very own Vaisakhi celebration! We learnt the importance and traditions of the celebrations and tried them out for ourselves. We started by discussing the worship and we had a look at a real Chaur Sahib. We then learnt some traditional dances, tried on some clothing and finally tasted some traditional foods. We had a great time celebrating and enjoyed enbracing other cultures and traditions. 

Reception Comic Relief- Super Heroes!

Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 8:54pm

Reception had a great time dressing up as their super heroes to raise money for Comic Relief.

Marvel Super Heroes, The Justice League and the NHS were just some of the many heroes found in Reception on Friday!

Take a look!


Year 4 Church Visit

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 9:16am

This week we visited St Mark's church as part of our RE journey this half term. We spent some fo the afternoon exploring the church and discussing how the different features are used day to day. After that, we learnt about the different parts of the Bible and how the Bible tells us a whole host of different stories. To finish the afternoon, we took some time to reflect on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and we wrote supportive messages and pictures on popst it notes to show our support.

Year 5 School Games Winners!

Date: 9th Mar 2022 @ 12:29pm

Congratulations to our Year 5 Multi Skills team who were voted the best team after showing all the characteristics of the schools games at the Year 5 Multi Skills Festival.
Well deserved winners, who will now get the chance to represent Team Blackpool at the Lancashire School Games
Well done team Boundary.

Year 4 World Book Day 2022!

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 5:16pm

This week we celebrated World Book Day 2022! We had a fantastic day in Year 4 as this was also our Forest School day! We had some great activites in class for World Book Day. We used our new bookmarks (which have a QR Code and log in details to access a whole online library on Oxford Owl) to do some book surfing and choose an online book to read. We talked about the characters that we had come dressed up as and what book they were from. We also played a fantastic quiz, thanks to Mrs Hamilton to nicely round off the day.

Year 6 Primary Futures live event

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 12:21pm

Today we took part in a Primary Futures live event where 3 different speakers talked to us about how important literacy skills are in their jobs. The jobs were a journalist, a banker and a marketing executive and they told us how reading and writing plays suh a vital role. It was really interesting to listen to them and find out about jobs that we could choose to have when we are older.

Reception World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 12:55pm

The children have enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book characte.  We had some fantastic costumes including Harry Potter, Willy Wonka, Little Red Riding Hood, The Cat in Hat and Goldilocks.  The children enjoyed listening and retelling their favourite stories. drawing, painting and writing about their favourite characters and making their own special bookmarks.  The children are looking forward to spending their book tokens and getting a brand new book.

Reception Pancake Day in Willow Class

Date: 1st Mar 2022 @ 3:01pm

Willow Class have been busy celebrating Shrove Tuesday and making pancakes today.  We followed the recipe to make the pancake mix.  We need eggs, flour and milk.  We worked together to whisk the mix and make sure was no lumps.  We had lots of different toppings including strawberries, chocolate spread, lemon, sugar, syrup, bananas and blueberries.  The children helped to chop and prepare the fruit using the knives carefully.  When the mix was ready Mrs McAllister made the pancakes by pouring the mix into the pan.  We waited for it to cook and then flipped it in the air.  The children thoroughly enjoyed tasting the different toppings.


"My favourite was the strawberries and chocolate" Indi-Anna

"The syrup is so sweet" Harrison

"I like the bananas best" Leo

Year 2 It's Electrifying

Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 8:02pm

On Monday, Year Two began the half term exploring our new Science topic of Electricity! After our first Dance lesson where we will be creating a dance linked to the vocabulary in Science, we completed a carousel of exciting electricity based activities. Whilst some of the children tried to create simple circuits using the resources provided; the other children used static energy to complete a range of tasks. We tried to separate Salt and Pepper using a plastic spoon, stick balloons to the wall using the static energy generated from their hair as well as using balloons to make wings flap on our animal pictures. We all had lots of fun and are looking forward to learning more during our topic. 

Year 4 Our 100th Day!

Date: 24th Feb 2022 @ 6:49pm

'Twosday' was also our 100th day in school this year so far! We focussed our maths lesson around the number 100. We had 6 activities, which were laid out as a carousel and in our groups we wokred our way aorund, learning loads and having a great time! We also looked at how life was like 100 years ago, how life is now in comparison and how we think life will be in 100 years time. If even half of what we discussed happens in 100 years time, it's going to be pretty exciting!

Year 3 Wow- Super Shadow Shows!

Date: 22nd Feb 2022 @ 1:57pm

In Year 3 our Wow introduced our science topic of 'Light'. We made shadow puppets and used torches to act out Fairy Tales. We used different films to change the colour of the light and looked at how the distance of the light changed the size of the shadow. 

Year 1 Growing Together

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 8:00pm

As part of children's mental health week we read the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and discussed the changes the characters went through. We then thought about changes we ourselves have been through and what we would like to be able to do when we are older. We thought about whether we might need help at first to do these things, and who might help us. We then decorated butterfly outlines with pictures or words depicting things we have learnt to do, e.g. write our names, count to 20 and read our common exception words. 

Year 4 Children's Mental Health Week

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 5:07pm

We have been having some fantastic discussions in Year 4 this week with it being Children's Mental Health Week. We have been talking about what we think mental health means and what it means to us. There have been some really positive and mature discussion points this week and the children have really enjoyed talking about all the ways in which we can ensure that we not only look after our bodies but our minds too!

Year 6 Making Mobile Phone Cases

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 5:06pm

Today, we have had a full day of DT. Our project was to make a mobile phone case and today we have managed to create these. To do this we have followed a journey in order to make sure we have fully researched the product and had a chance to plan it. Today we have researched existing felt mobile phone cases, looked at developing a success criteria, planned and designed our product, made a prototype and then created our final product. To finish, we now need to evaluate our case against our success criteria.

Year 4 We take 'Pride' in our work!

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 7:35am

In our latest Reading into Writing journey we have been learning all about newspaper reports and the features that come with them. We have also put a focus on learning about the LGBTQ+ community and have based our newspaper report on Blackpool Pride. We have had some amazing discussions and open-mindedness and some fantastic work! Mr McCormack and Mr Bamber are looking forward to reading the final pieces!

Year 5 Science Club

Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 11:15am

At the start of Spring 1, Year 5's Science Club was officially launched! 

So far, we have had a go at the following experiments to investigate different areas of science:


Making giant fingerprints (DNA and what makes us different) 

Making raisins dance (Buoyancy) 

Making different sized paper rockets (Air resistance) 

Writing messages with lemon juice (Oxidisation) 

Magic milk (Surface tension) 



Nursery The Great Outdoors!

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 5:31pm

Everyday, the children have access to our wonderful outdoor area. Here they can explore a variety of different activites and express themselves through lots of open ended resources. Some of the experiences on offer include role play, sand and water investigation, gross motor activites, activities to develop their thinking through cause and effect and of course there's always space for a little quiet time. The children love to play outdoors and it's a great place for them to build realtionships and learn to work toegther. 

Year 3 Our Final Forest School Fun!

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 3:56pm

Today we enjoyed our final forest school session and what fun it was. We worked really hard to make a fire, which was difficukt because it was quite damp outiside. We also used a potoato peeler to peel and sharpen a stick. We used this stick to hold a marshmallow that we toasted and turned into a smore. 

It was delicious! We had a great three weeks and we can't wait until next time. 

Year 3 Put your pens down!

Date: 19th Jan 2022 @ 11:58am

For No Pen Day, we put our pens down and picked up our language! In Reading into Writing we focused on the book Julian is a Mermaid and linked it to LGBTQ+. We hot seated Nana and Julian to ask questions around their thoughts, feelings and actions in the story. We then each took a section of the story to role play and add dialogue to. 

In Maths we focused on our timetables and completed a loop card game around the room. We really had to ensure we were using our listening skills and calculating mentally. We then completed a tarsia in groups linking to the timetables. 

We had a great day and we enjoyed using our communication skills and letting our pens have a rest!

Year 5 Money, Money, Money!

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 8:15pm

So far during Spring 1, Year 5 have been looking at different aspects of finance.

First, we looked at what 'affording' things mean. To do this, we dicussed the difference between wanting and needing things, as well as being able to prioritise those in order of necessity. We had a really good conversation about this and then put our skills to the test... going to an imaginary toy shop and only having a certain amount of money. We then got into a discussion about lending and borrowing money off our friends and the bank. 

This week, we looked at what a payslip is and what the information on it means. We then discussed important terms such as gross pay, national insurance and the different types of taxes. Once we knew the difference between council tax and income tax, we went through different services in our community and discussed where the money comes from to fund these.

Year 4 Pas de journ

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 4:25pm

Today was 'No Pen Day' at Boundary which fitted perfectly into our French lesson this week! We are learning all about our families in French and it gave us a great opportunity for a discussion about all the different people in our families. We were able to ask each other about our different family members and answer back in French! Bon travail Year 4!

Boundary's in the news: Royal Ballet partnership

Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 9:36am

We are VERY proud to be a part of The Royal Ballet School’s Primary Steps Programme and to have received a special mention in this article.

Year 6 Super Scouts

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 8:03am

Today we had a visit from West Lancs Scouts. They came to talk to us about some of the activities that Beavers, Cubs and Scouts take part in and we were shown some of the equipment that a Scout would need to take with them on expeditions. This included a tent, sleeping back, cooking utensils. 
If your child is interested in becoming a Beaver, Cub or Scout then there is a taster night being held on Monday 31st January between 6:30pm and 7:30pm. Fliers will be coming home with the children tomorrow,

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust