PSHE & RSE: Blog items

Boundary Music Concert

Date: 12th Jul 2023 @ 5:45pm

We celebrate Music at Boundary with an End of Year Assembly for Year 3 Samba and our Peripatetic musicians on guitar and drums. Everybody performed brilliantly for the school and parents! Callum was awarded 3rd place in Blackpool Musician of the Year!

Year 5 - PGL mixed photos

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 5:35pm

Year 5 - PGL day 3

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 5:12pm

Year 5 - PGL 2

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 5:09pm

Year 5 - PGL Day 1

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 7:23am

Year 6 - It's Your Move Transition

Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 9:46am

This morning, Year 6 had a visit from The Church Army who led a session about transition to secondary school. The children discussed what they would miss about being at Boundary and what they are looking forward to. We talked about the journey to school, meeting new friends, meeting new teachers and the challenges of completing more difficult work. 

Year 6 - Heritage Day

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 10:48am

Today for Heritage Day, we were given the question: How has Basil Newby influenced the LGBTQ+ community in Blackpool?  To answer this, we looked at his life and how he became one of Blackpool's most successful entrepreneurs. This is due to him creating clubs and pubs that catered for the LGBTQ+ community. Basil owns and runs Funny Girls in town and we were visited by two of his employees, Alex and India. They gave us more background information about Basil and answered lots of questions that we had. We can't thank them enough for their time.

Year 6 - Persuasive letters

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 10:29am

Our Reading into Writing journey this half term has been persuasive letters. We have explored the genre and read many examples in order to gather useful words and phrases. As a year group, we decided we would write a letter to Rishi Sunak to highlight the issues the world is facing with plastic pollution. We made sure that our writing was formal and we experimented with ambitious vocabulary. When we are finished, we are going to post our letters to Downing Street!

Year 6 - Wheelchair rugby

Date: 3rd Jul 2023 @ 9:23pm

During 'Health Week', Year 6 got to experience a brand new sport - wheelchair rugby. We all got to use a specially made wheelchair - these chairs have wheels that are titlted for speed and the front of the chair has a crash bar for when the wheelchairs bang into each other. We picked up quickly how to manoeuvre the chairs and how to bang into one another. As the session progressed, we learned how to take part in small team games, which included passing a rugby ball between players. We had a great time and left with an appreciation of how demanding the sport is!

Wheelchair Rugby 2023

Date: 3rd Jul 2023 @ 4:42pm

Health Week

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed spending time with coaches from Wigan Warriors who showed our pupils how to play wheelchair rugby. Pupils learnt how to control the wheelchairs and took part in a number of activities and drills before playing small sided games. Pupils also got the opportunity to ask coaches questions about the sport and how the sport came about.

Year 5 - Wheelchair Rugby

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 4:58pm

Year 5 have had an exciting end to Health Week. This afternoon, pupils were given the opportunity to experience wheelchair rugby. Coaches from Wigan Warriors came to explain the rules and give us some tips. Moving the wheelchairs was hard at first but week soon got the hang of it. The sport is very fast, frantic and most of all fun!

YEAR 5 - School Nurse Visit

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 10:06am

Today, pupils in year 5 were visited by the school nurse. We learned about healthy eating and what different food groups provide for our bodies to use. Pupils then carried out an activity to investigate how much sugar was in some of their favourite snacks. 4g of sugar is equivalent to 1 tea spoon - the amount of sugar in some of the snacks was shocking. Pupils were surprised to find out how much sugar was in fruit juices and milkshakes... and even in flavoured water!

Year 2 Health Week

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 4:09pm

Today we finished our health week activities with a double dose of health. First, the school nurses visited us and taught us about the eatwell plate; after she read us a story about eating the different food groups, we sorted some items into the correct parts of a plate remembering we need to eat the most fruit and vegetables. She even challenged us to create rainbow plates with our meals. 

Next, we had a yoga session with Miss Sophie where we focused on our breathing ensuring we were calm and relaxed. Miss Sophie recapped lots of our poses and we enjoyed trying to recreate them. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed all our health week activities and we will remember all the ways we can keep ourselves healthy and the importance of it. 

Year 4 - Health Week !

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 2:42pm

What a fantastic Health Week in Year 4! Such a busy week. On Tuesday, we took part in a Dance workshop. On Wednesday, we welcomed parents and carers in for 'Together Time' and we showed what we have learned this year about healthy eating. Later on Wednesday, we realyl relaxed and took part in a Yoga session. It was so nice to be calm and chilled. Our Health Week was then topped off by a fantastic Sports Day at Aspire. The children tried so hard and participated brilliantly. 

Year 1 Health Week

Date: 28th Jun 2023 @ 7:03pm

This week Year 1 have taken part in lots of different activities for Health Week, including a yoga workshop, a dance workshop and a visit from our school nurse. We have enjoyed taking the oppourtunity to learn new skills and to take part in these different experiences.

Year 6 - Forest School

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 3:41pm

Today was our second Forest School session. The sun was shining again and we had a great time together. Some of the activities included whittling wood, making shelters, finger knitting, den building and make smores. We have thoroughly enjoyed our last Forest School session at Boundary!

Year 4 - Takeover Day

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 11:57am

What a great morning! Today was Year 5's Takeover Day. In Year 4, our teachers, Miss Shepherd, Miss Lewis and Miss Morrison, taught us lines of symmetry in Maths, how to back up our answers with evidence using the text in Guided Reading and figurative language in Reading into Writing. The teachers were helped out throughout the morning by Miss Roberts and Mr Butterfield. Well done Year 5! You did a great job and showed so many characteristics such as confidence and enthusiasm. 

Year 5 Takeover Day Success!

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 11:48am

Year 5 Takeover Day Success!
Throughout the day Year 5 have been doing a wonderful job learning what it takes to have a real job. The reporters have been interviewing pupils and mini teaching staff; Mrs. Rose says that she wouldn't change anything about this Take Over Day. Children told us that they have had a great time, the Deputy Head Teacher's were invloved with lesson observations, the Admin Team were taking phonecalls and ensuring classes had the correct letters to take home (and that the lunches for next week were ordered!). Mr. Perkins our Sports Coach enjoyed having his Year 5 helpers, telling us "the Year 5 mini teachers were very organised and I would let them do it more often". Mrs. Farley, who had John from Year 5 as her mini teacher, has even given him a regular job that he will now perform on a daily basis, helping to set up the outdoor area in Reception!
Overall the day has been a great success - with feedback from the adults who have the real jobs saying that this has probably been the best Take Over Day yet!

Year 5 - Careers Fair

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 10:50am

The children in Year 5 had the opportunity to talk about a variety of careers such as Tysons, Eric Wright, different roles throughout the NHS at Blackpool Teaching Hospital, a captain of a ship, Blackpool Business Project Manager and discussing sustainability with Inspired. Kirsty and Ida, from Inspired, kindly donated 100 flower bombs for Boundary to plant too. The children thoroughly enjoyed their morning learning about these different occupations and it has given them an insight into a future that they would like to have for themselves. Another huge thank you to everyone who was involved!

Year 6 - Forest School

Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 3:10pm

Today we had our first Forest School session of the year. It was a veyr hot day so we made the most of the tarpualins and made plenty of shelters to keep out of the sun. Whilst we were down there, some of us made jewellery using elder branches, some of us finger knitted and some of us explored the pond and surrounding area, where we saw lots of tadpoles and even a couple of frogs. We are looking forward to our next session.

Whole School - Fishers Farm visit

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 2:39pm

Boundary has been lucky enough to secure a visit from Fishers Mobile Farm today! This special event not only gives the opportunity for children to see animals they may not have seen before up-close but it also supports their learning journey across Science, Geography, PSHE, Maths and even Reading into Writing! Our children have been telling us about the animals that they have at home including those whose family live in other countries, like Emmanuel whose family have a goat called Coonudoo!
Visit our school website for more pictures and to learn more about the learning taking place today. #BoundaryBelieves

Year 6 - The Human Circulatory System

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 1:07pm

Our Science unit this half term is focusing on the human body and how to stay healthy. We started by looking at the function of the heart before learning about the circulatory system. This week we have learned about diffision and osmosis  - the way that nutrients are moved between cells in our body. Although it is a complicated concept. the children conducted an experiment using potatoes to demonstrate how osmosis works, which really helped to deepen their understanding. 

Year 6 - Fishers Farm

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:47pm

Today are children were treated to a visit from Fishers Farm. The children met a variety of farm animals and learned lots about each one. We all had great fun spending time with the animals and stroking them. A lucky few managed to groom some of them too!!

Reception visit Fishers Farm

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:00pm

Today the children in Reception have been lucky enough to visit the mobile farm on the Key Stage 2 playground.  The children had a fabulous time visiting the different animals including rabbits, chickens, goats, sheep, a cow, a donkey, a pony and Helga the pig.  The children enjoyed learing about how a farm works, why it is important to look after the animals and the job of a farmer. 

Ella-Rose wins the National Literacy Trust poetry prize!

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 12:02pm

During Thursday's assembly, Ella-Rose was presented with a bundle of books by Get Blackpool Reading as she won the National Literacy Trust poetry competition. Here is Ella-Rose’s poem:

"Litter, litter goes in the bin,
To throw it on the ground is a really big sin.
The earth is home to lots of creatures and bugs, they don't come in our home and throw litter on rugs.
Dont sin it, bin it! working together we can win it."

Ella's class were also given their own copy of "The Creature Choir" by David Walliams. Well done to everyone who took part!

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust