PSHE & RSE: Blog items

Year 6 - Forest School

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 3:41pm

Today was our second Forest School session. The sun was shining again and we had a great time together. Some of the activities included whittling wood, making shelters, finger knitting, den building and make smores. We have thoroughly enjoyed our last Forest School session at Boundary!

Year 4 - Takeover Day

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 11:57am

What a great morning! Today was Year 5's Takeover Day. In Year 4, our teachers, Miss Shepherd, Miss Lewis and Miss Morrison, taught us lines of symmetry in Maths, how to back up our answers with evidence using the text in Guided Reading and figurative language in Reading into Writing. The teachers were helped out throughout the morning by Miss Roberts and Mr Butterfield. Well done Year 5! You did a great job and showed so many characteristics such as confidence and enthusiasm. 

Year 5 Takeover Day Success!

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 11:48am

Year 5 Takeover Day Success!
Throughout the day Year 5 have been doing a wonderful job learning what it takes to have a real job. The reporters have been interviewing pupils and mini teaching staff; Mrs. Rose says that she wouldn't change anything about this Take Over Day. Children told us that they have had a great time, the Deputy Head Teacher's were invloved with lesson observations, the Admin Team were taking phonecalls and ensuring classes had the correct letters to take home (and that the lunches for next week were ordered!). Mr. Perkins our Sports Coach enjoyed having his Year 5 helpers, telling us "the Year 5 mini teachers were very organised and I would let them do it more often". Mrs. Farley, who had John from Year 5 as her mini teacher, has even given him a regular job that he will now perform on a daily basis, helping to set up the outdoor area in Reception!
Overall the day has been a great success - with feedback from the adults who have the real jobs saying that this has probably been the best Take Over Day yet!

Year 5 - Careers Fair

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 10:50am

The children in Year 5 had the opportunity to talk about a variety of careers such as Tysons, Eric Wright, different roles throughout the NHS at Blackpool Teaching Hospital, a captain of a ship, Blackpool Business Project Manager and discussing sustainability with Inspired. Kirsty and Ida, from Inspired, kindly donated 100 flower bombs for Boundary to plant too. The children thoroughly enjoyed their morning learning about these different occupations and it has given them an insight into a future that they would like to have for themselves. Another huge thank you to everyone who was involved!

Year 6 - Forest School

Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 3:10pm

Today we had our first Forest School session of the year. It was a veyr hot day so we made the most of the tarpualins and made plenty of shelters to keep out of the sun. Whilst we were down there, some of us made jewellery using elder branches, some of us finger knitted and some of us explored the pond and surrounding area, where we saw lots of tadpoles and even a couple of frogs. We are looking forward to our next session.

Whole School - Fishers Farm visit

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 2:39pm

Boundary has been lucky enough to secure a visit from Fishers Mobile Farm today! This special event not only gives the opportunity for children to see animals they may not have seen before up-close but it also supports their learning journey across Science, Geography, PSHE, Maths and even Reading into Writing! Our children have been telling us about the animals that they have at home including those whose family live in other countries, like Emmanuel whose family have a goat called Coonudoo!
Visit our school website for more pictures and to learn more about the learning taking place today. #BoundaryBelieves

Year 6 - The Human Circulatory System

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 1:07pm

Our Science unit this half term is focusing on the human body and how to stay healthy. We started by looking at the function of the heart before learning about the circulatory system. This week we have learned about diffision and osmosis  - the way that nutrients are moved between cells in our body. Although it is a complicated concept. the children conducted an experiment using potatoes to demonstrate how osmosis works, which really helped to deepen their understanding. 

Year 6 - Fishers Farm

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:47pm

Today are children were treated to a visit from Fishers Farm. The children met a variety of farm animals and learned lots about each one. We all had great fun spending time with the animals and stroking them. A lucky few managed to groom some of them too!!

Reception visit Fishers Farm

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:00pm

Today the children in Reception have been lucky enough to visit the mobile farm on the Key Stage 2 playground.  The children had a fabulous time visiting the different animals including rabbits, chickens, goats, sheep, a cow, a donkey, a pony and Helga the pig.  The children enjoyed learing about how a farm works, why it is important to look after the animals and the job of a farmer. 

Ella-Rose wins the National Literacy Trust poetry prize!

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 12:02pm

During Thursday's assembly, Ella-Rose was presented with a bundle of books by Get Blackpool Reading as she won the National Literacy Trust poetry competition. Here is Ella-Rose’s poem:

"Litter, litter goes in the bin,
To throw it on the ground is a really big sin.
The earth is home to lots of creatures and bugs, they don't come in our home and throw litter on rugs.
Dont sin it, bin it! working together we can win it."

Ella's class were also given their own copy of "The Creature Choir" by David Walliams. Well done to everyone who took part!

Year 6 - Manchester Museum Visit

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 4:15pm

Today Year 6 went on a trip to Manchester Museum to support their learning so far. This involved areas such as:



Ancient Egypt




The children had a wonderful time bringing their learning to life and being given the opportunity to observe artifacts from a range of periods of time.

Year 4 - Mental Health Week

Date: 16th May 2023 @ 3:43pm

In assembly on Monday, we spoke about Mental Health Week and the focus being anxiety. We discuss things that might be going through our minds and what we could do to help ourselves.

Year 2 Making good behavioral choices

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 1:41pm

This week, Year Two explored different types of behaviours and discussed the importance of making good choices in regards to our actions and behaviours. We talked about what good behaviour make look and sound like before sorting a range of actions into good choices and poor choices. Also, we discussed how we are in control and it is important to have self-control at all times to allow us to make good choices.

Year 4 Deforestation on Newsround

Date: 10th May 2023 @ 10:35am

Our Geography unit this half term is about the Amazon Rainforest and River. Today, during milk and snack, when we watched Newsround they reported on deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest and how it is now within the UK supply chain. It was great for the children to see something they are currrently learning on the news and it promoted some brilliant discussions.

Boundary Coronation Celebrations

Date: 5th May 2023 @ 12:34pm

Boundary Coronation Celebrations

Our day began with a whole school assembly looking at what happens during a Coronation and where it will take place. During the day, all children will take part in a variety of 'Royal Games' including 4 Kingly Corners, Tin Can Alley and Croquet! Lessons will have a distinctly royal theme! Each child will be making and decorating their own crown to wear to their 'Royal Banquet' where they will toast the King before tucking into a meal fit for a monarch! 

Take a look at our blogs for more pictures and to see more of the learning that has been taking place this week!

Key Stage 2 Multi-Skills team

Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 2:13pm

A huge well done to our KS2 Multi-Skills team who travelled to Bolton Arena on Thursday to compete in Panathlon's Multi-Skills Regional Final. To qualify for the final, Boundary had to compete against other primary schools across Blackpool, so getting to this stage was a huge achievement in itself. 
Out of 7 schools Boundary placed 4th after collecting points in games such as table cricket, bowling, kurling and other target games.
They also had the chance to meet Nathan Maguire, who has represented Great Britain in various events, most recently achieving a silver medal in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. He inspired the children with his story of a major setback in his life and how he overcame it through his love for sport.

Year 4 - Perfect community

Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 1:28pm

This week, we discussed what a community is. We discovered that a community can be a small group and a large group or area. Then, we made our perfect community and had to reason why we included what we did.

Reception receive a letter from the Giant!

Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 5:07pm

This afternoon, Reception received a very exciting letter from the Giant in the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Also enclosed, were a bag of beans to plant. The letter was asking the children if they would plant some beans to grow a beanstalk.

Of course, the children were delighted to do this and couldn't wait to get planting outside with Mrs McAllister.

"I'm going to grow mine so I can climb up it!" Kian.

"First we need soil in a pot" Dolly- Anne.

"We need to make a hole with our finger and put the bean in it then cover it over with the soil so the birds don't take it!" Dillan.

"Don't forget to water it and put it in the sun to grow" Albie. 


Reception- Jack and the Beanstalk

Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 4:58pm

Reception have been reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk. After listening to the story, they were able to retell it using puppets, small world figures and Lego at the storytelling table. Here, they listened to each other, took turns to speak and used words and phrases spoken in the story. They also painted a beanstalk as a challenge and made their own using various craft resources from the creative area.

"Fiee! Fi! Fo! Fum!" Kit.

"Jack's mum was angry because he sold the cow for magic beans" Lennox.

"The beanstalk grew very reached the clouds...Jack climbed all the way up to the Giant's castle" Ibrahim.

"The Giant chased Jack and he hid in the cupboard" Esmee.

"The Giant chased Jack and Jack ran down the beanstalk very quickly and mum chopped it down!" William.


Year 4 - King Charles III's Coronation Song

Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 3:43pm

Today we started to learn the song for King Charles III's Coronation Day in May. We listened and appraised it using our brilliant musical vocabulary and then we started to have a go at singing it.

Nursery Easter Treats

Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 2:34pm

Nursery finished off a fab half term with some Easter fun! The Easter Bunny paid us a special visit and hid a golden egg in the school. The children had to follow the Easter clues to find the Golden Egg. The children were delighted to find that the Golden Egg was full of delicious chocolate! The chocolate fun didn't stop there. To finish off the week we made some tasty Easter nests! 

Nursery Explore Building

Date: 2nd Apr 2023 @ 3:28pm

It's wonderful when a certain activity really engages children and you can see their skills developing. One of our nursery superstars has really enjoyed exploring the constructuion area recently and has been working really hard to develop his skills. He has gone from building simple towers, to adding features to his towers and is now able to build with a purpose in mind - this week he has made a train! Amazing work! 

Nursery Hop To It!

Date: 2nd Apr 2023 @ 3:19pm

Nursery began their Easter celebrations with lots of fun activites. The chlldren loved exploring the Easter sensory tray and have been building their fine motor muscles by putting small chicks in eggs, using tweezers to pick uo Easter pom poms and putting pegs on numbered Easter Bunnies. There have been lots of fun Easter crafts and an Easter themed maths table - we've had en eggcellent time! 

Key Stage 2 Boys Football

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 8:26am

Well done to our KS2 Boys Football Team who played in a football fixture against Marton Primary School.??

The boys battled well, scoring a couple of fantastic goals and showing great spirit in a hard fought 2-1 win to progress in the competition.??
A big thanks to Marton for hosting, and treating the boys to drinks and snacks after the match for the journey home! All the best in the next round.??

Community Connections

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 11:49am

Our pupil's make us proud everyday and as a school, we are proud of our community.
Two of our pupil's have been taking part in BBC Radio Lancashire's Community Connections. Groups from The Boathouse Youth and Blackpool Coastal Housing are making friends and memories together.
You can hear more about the work being done by listening here or visiting the Boat House Youth Facebook page

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust