PSHE & RSE: Blog items

Year 4 - Anti Bullying and Oracy

Date: 14th Nov 2022 @ 7:04pm

This morning we had an assembly with Mrs Clark and the ABAs (Anti Bullying Ambassadors) about Anti Bullying week. The theme this year is all about reaching out. As a year group our focus was on the roles that different people play in bullying and we very much focused on not being a bystanding but being an upstander! This year in school we are really promoting talk and oracy. We have provided the children with lots of sentence stems and sentence starters to help with their oracy skills. During today's work about Anti Bullying it was great to see some of the children using their oracy skills so fluently.

Year 3- BFC tackle bullying!

Date: 14th Nov 2022 @ 2:56pm

Today we celebrated Anti-bullying Day. As a school, we came in wearing odd socks to show that we are all individual yet all special in our own way. As part of our anti-bullying learning, Year 3 were lucky enough to have a session with Simon and Mark from Blackpool Football Club. We learnt how important it is to be an upstander and not a bystander. Together we can tackle bullying! We also learnt the importance of kindness and created our own kindness jars. We finished the session off by watching a powerful video of acts of kindness being passed on and we made a pledge to carry out our own act of kindness this week. 

Year 2 Fire Service Visitors

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 4:54pm

Today, Year 2 had a very special visit from 3 firefighters from the Blackpool Fire Station near Stanley Park. The 3 firefighters talked to the children all about fire safety and what to do in the event of being in a fire themselves. Firstly, they showed us all their different equipment that helps keep them safe when they are working before teaching us what to do. We learnt so much including: how to test if the fire is close to a closed door, how to stop smoke leaking into the room we are in and taught us to remember 3 very important words: Get out, Stay out and call 999. They even tasked us to go home, find where our smoke alarms are located and ensure they work. The children loved meeting the firefighters and listened intently. 

Year 4 - PSHE

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 2:59pm

Today in PSHE, Year 4 looked at what qualities it takes for people to be a good friend. We had a discussion around what characteristics we look for in people and how these help them to be a good friend to somebody. We then picked the most important six qualities that we thought would make the 'ultimate' friend. Lots of great discussion again in Year 4.

Year 6 Remembrance Day preparation

Date: 8th Nov 2022 @ 9:03pm

In Preparation for Remembrance Day on Friday, we have spent time this week making our poppies for our Remembrance Garden. We have also completed our piece of art work that links with the art we do in Yer 6. We have created large scale poppies and used a range of pictures to build up light and dark areas on the poppy.

Year 5/6 Girls' Football: Boundary vs Devonshire

Date: 7th Nov 2022 @ 7:29pm

Today, girls from Year 5 and 6 participated in their first ever football match. They did so well and kept going - they never gave up and showed so much determination and resilience. We're looking forward to more matches over the coming months and watching the girls become more confident. Go team Boundary!!

Year 4 Teeth Observation RESULTS!

Date: 7th Nov 2022 @ 2:36pm

The results are in!!  

The coke and orange juice caused the worst staining. If this was our teeth they would have gone through our enamel and caused decay. Even though, diet coke is low sugar it still caused a stain. This could be because of the dark colour it is. Today, we also spoke about the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day. We know what eating a balanced diet means, but it is important to brush away the foods and drinks we eat at the end of the day and before the day starts. We need to clean bacteria etc away so it doesn't stain our teeth or cause cavities or decaying. When we have finished brushing our teeth, we shouldn't rinse with water because the toothpaste won't then stay on our teeth to continue protecting them.

Year 4 Science Observation Set Up

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 11:48am

Today we set up a Science observation ready for our lesson on Monday. We used eggs to act like our teeth (the shell acting like the enamel of our teeth). We poured milk, orange juice, coffee, diet coke, water and full fat coke into cups with the eggs instead. We are going to leave them over the weekend and see what changes there are on Monday in our Science lesson. Check back on Monday for the results!

Year 4 Handwriting

Date: 1st Nov 2022 @ 1:57pm

This year we are really focusing on our handwriting. This afternoon we did some activities to help support our handwriting practise. Please encourage your children to practise at home too. After we went over some tricky letter formations, we wrote a poem for Remembrance Day for our Year 4 display.

Year 1 Levers and Sliders

Date: 31st Oct 2022 @ 6:22pm

Today, we began the start of our new half term by enjoying a DT day! 

Firstly, we looked at existing products to explore the different mechanisms and moving parts in a range of picture books. We talked about how the moving part moves, how it works and what effect it has.

We then began to make two prototypes, a lever and a slider. We linked each mechanism to a story to create a moving picture for each. We all talked through the safety points and watched our teachers make an example, reading through the instructions together and spotting where they went wrong! We then each had a turn to follow the instructions, read them carefully and make our two prototypes.

We verbally evaluated our desgins, talking about what had gone well and what we could improve next time. 

Year 1 Hygiene

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 8:25pm

This week in PSHE we have focused on understanding different ways to keep our body healthy, including hygiene. We discussed basic hygiene and why it is important. We then took part in the soap experiment. We orally followed instructions to complete the experiment to find out why soap works and why it is better than using just water to wash your hands!

Year 2 Zoo Orienteering

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 9:17am

Today, nine children from Year two represent Boundary for an orienteering activity at Blackpool Zoo in conjunction with Active Blackpool and the School Games.

The children had an amazing time, finding out information about animals to answer the clues on the activity sheet. They used their reading skills and previously taught knowledge to identify the key information around the Zoo to answer the questions in regards to each animal and used the map and signage around the zoo to locate the animals. We all learnt so many new facts; who knew a giraffe’s neck is 2.4 metres long!

All participants demonstrated persistence, teamwork, and resourcefulness.


Reception- World Mental Health Day

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 11:26am

After a whole school assembly, Reception went back to their classrooms to discuss how they can recognise their different feelings.

They learnt how to use the 'Feelings Board' in their classrooms to show how they are feeling.

"I'm feeling happy because I'm at school" Dolly-Anne.

"I'm feeling tired because I couldn't sleep because I had a dream" Lennox.

Year 2: The Tiger who came to tea

Date: 12th Oct 2022 @ 12:29pm


Year Two used the Tiger who came to Tea for their reading into writing journey.  We read the story, and then they used the basis of the text to write their own story about a different animal who came to their house.
We watched the play at The Grand Theatre and the children really enjoyed themselves.

Year 6 Spelling Bee

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 6:40pm

This week we held the first Spelling Bee of the year. All children were tested on 30 spellings they have been learning this half term and the best speller in each house was chosen to represent their team. 

Year groups from Year 2 - Year 6 were called out one at a time and the children were asked to spell three words orally. The overall winners were Chepstow, whose members didn't drop a single point, spelling every single word correctly.
We are very proud of the children that took part in the event as they showed many of our characteristics, such as courage, determination and participation. We will be holding 2 more Spelling Bee events over the year. We encourage all children to keep learning their spellings and access Spelling Shed as much as possible in order to improve their ability to spell a wide range of words.

Year 6 Harvest Assembly

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 7:41pm

Today, Year 6 led the whole school in our Harvest assembly. We were joined by Matt and Jenny from the Church Army, who discussed the difference between giving and getting and how giving is more rewarding than always receiving and getting things from others. We thanked everyone for their kind food donations, which will be shared with the local charity 'Vincent House' next week.

Reception Outdoor Learning

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 4:13pm

Learning outside of the classroom is extremely important for the children in Reception. Collaboration, sharing, taking turns and resilience are many of the vaues learnt from their time together outdoors. Physical activities to help both gross and fine motor skills are also developed in a fun and friendly way.

Take a look at some of the things we've been up to outside this week!


Year 3's Trip to The Royal Ballet

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 10:26am

Year 3 had a very exciting trip to The Globe Theatre to watch ballet. We were lucky enough to learn new moves and watch the students of The Royal Ballet School dance. We were also shocked when one of our students were picked to be lifted by a ballet dancer!

Year 6 school council elections

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 8:54am

Today was our school council elections. We began the day by listening to the potential candidates reading out their manifestos - a speech that explains why people should vote for a particular candidate. Later on in the day, each child cast their vote for who they wanted to be the school council representative for Oak and Elder. This helped children to understand the British Value of Democracy.

Year 1 School Council Elections

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 7:29pm

This week in Year 1 we have taken part in our whole school councillor elections. We spent time thinking about what would make a good school councillor and the school characteristics a good councillor would show. Lots of children then delivered a manifesto in front of their peers and did a brilliant job! Throughout the week, we discussed the importance of Democracy and that we vote to ensure a fair result.

Year 1 are proud to announce their School Councillors for 2022/23 are:

Beech - Charlie

Hazel - Isaac

Well done everyone!

Year 4 School Council Elections

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:46pm

Today we voted for our school council representatives. We voted for one representative in Maple and one from Laurel. The children listened well to the candidates manifestos yesterday and were respectful when voting in the school hall today. Well done to the winners!

Year 5 Student Council Voting

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:02pm

This has been a great week for Democracy at Boundary! We have voted in the hall after reading out our Manifestos in class. Our new Student Councillors are Harris for Hawthorn and Jethro for Rowan. 


Year 5 Writing biographies

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 2:58pm

This half-term, children in year 5 have been learning how to write a biography. We have read biographies of several famous people including, Roald Dahl, Stormzy and Wayne Rooney, and identified the language and structural features that make them different to other text types. Follwing the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, pupils carried out research, planned, drafted and edited a biography of her life, before presenting a final, polished piece of writing.

Nursery Meet The Colour Monster

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 2:02pm

Nursery have been enjoying the story "The Colour Monster" this week. The story is a great way for children to explore all the different emotions they might feel including happy, sad, frightened and angry. We talked about when we might feel certain feelings and what we can do to make us feel better. Have a look at the photos below to see if you can spot the different emotions! 

Reception- No Bot -The Robot.

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 8:35pm

This week Reception have enjoyed listening to the story No Bot - The Robot, an uplifting story of friendship.

Bernard is a robot with a very unusual problem- he has lost his bottom! Luckily, Bernard's friends offer to help him look for his bottom- but it is not an easy job!

The children then enjoyed making their own robots at the creative table, using loose parts and play dough, as well as continuing robot shape patterns. 

Take a look at our photos!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust