PSHE & RSE: Blog items

Year 6 PGL Day 3

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 8:31pm

For our final day we took part in activities such as: low ropes, challenge course, survivor and trapeze. We have all had a great time on our residential and have made memories that will stay with us for a long time!

Year 6 PGL Day 2

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 8:21pm

Day 2 saw a range of activities, including: canoeing, archery, den building, low ropes and the children's favourite 'Giant Swing'.

Year 6 PGL Day 1

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 7:54pm

We have a had a great few days at PGL. Here you can find photos of what we did on our first day, which included Jacob's Ladder, challenge course and trapeze.

Reception Making Faces

Date: 12th Sep 2022 @ 9:40pm

As part of our topic 'Marvellous Me' Reception have been finding out all about each other identifying our similarities and differences.  We read the book 'Marvellous Me' and talked about our likes, disklikes and the different things we are good at.  We then used some mirrors to identify the different features on our faces .

"I have blue eyes" Phoebe

"My hair is black and long" Ishaanvir

"My glasses help me see" Alfred

The children the selected the correct coloured paints and painted their own self portrait with the support of an adult.  They were give lots of opportunities in the classroom areas to create their own faces and portrails.  Have a look at some of wonderful work.

Reception exploring the outdoor area

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 8:34pm

This week the children in Reception have had a great time in our outdoor area.  The children have been practising putting on their waterproofs and wellie boots  ready to explore our wonderful outdoor provision.  They have been role playing in the mud kitchen, riding on the balance bikes, building in our construction shed, exploring the water and mark making using paint brushes.  The children have worked together brillianlty ensuring take turns, share the resources and put them away properly.  Have a look at what we have been up to!

Reception Mini Me's

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 8:23pm

Today the children in Reception have been busy making their very own mini mes.  In order to help develop the children independence each day the children will be expected to locate their 'Mini Me' in the classroom provision and complete the learning task independently.  This helps the children to develop their confidence by completing open ended activities at their own level.  Keep you eyes peels for pictures of the children completing their 'Mini Mes' in the coming weeks.  

Year 1 Family & Belonging

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 7:18pm

This week we began learning about Christianity by exploring families and belonging. We explored the fact that all families are unique and discussed who is in our family. We thought about different relationships and about how they might be similar and different to others. We learnt that Christians believe that God is like a father who guides them and helps them. We then created our own family portrait, sharing our ideas with others to two key questions. What makes a good family? How do families look after each other and look after children?

Reception 's First Week at School- Indoor Fun!

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 4:52pm

What an exciting week it has been! The children in Reception have had a great time exploring their new classrooms and learning both inside and outside. They have made new friends, got to know all their teachers and are beginning to understand the new rules and routines of Reception.

Take a look at some of the things we've been up to inside our classrooms this week!



Year 5 A Fresh look at Forest School

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 12:31pm

What a great time of Year to be outdoors! We managed to avoid the showers and had a lovely morning exploring the Forest School environment. We went on a mini beast hunt with the magnifying glasses and observed the habitats. We found lots of insects, arachnids and bugs lurking under the rocks and logs. A Frog leapt in! We all looked at it's camoflage, while learning the differences between frogs and toads. There was lots of seasonal fruit including mini apples, pears and plums, but they weren't yet ripe enough to pick. We also explored and enjoyed spending time with our friends outdoors and catching up casually after the holidays. 

Karson planted some trees using the fallen fruit's seed.

Harley enjoyed working with his team to build dens and shelters. 

Molliemae worked with her friends to make a chill out zone in their den, with books and colouring. 

Darin made a cake masterpiece recipe including flowers, mud and fruits. He used his imagination to create a bakery business too!


Year 2 - Promises, promises, promises.

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 8:19pm

The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to recap on our all important Boundary Promises.  We discussed why we have rules and why they are important in a range different of environments, not just in school.  We then recapped on our five key Always Promises at Boundary; be in the right place at the right time with the right things, act with honesty and respect, always try your best, work well together and use safe and friendly words and behaviours.  We then worked well together to sort different scenarios, discuss how they linked to each Promise and whether they were a good choice or a bad choice.

Nursery Get off To A Flying start!

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 4:45pm

We have been having a wonderful time in nursery getting to know all of our new starters. It looks like we are going to be in for a fabulous year with a super bunch of children! They have been working so hard to learn all of the routines and have really impressed us with how quickly the are learning everything. The children have demonstrated some great PSED skills by making friends and playing well together. They have also been showing their super drawing skills by making some wonderful self-portraits. What a great start! 

Year 2's Final Forest School Fun

Date: 22nd Jul 2022 @ 3:37pm

Yesterday saw our final forest school session of Year 2 before we begin completing our passport in Year 3. This week, we thought about our senses and took a moment to lie on the floor and think about the things we could see, hear, taste, smell and feel- some of us were lucky enough to be joined by a miniature spider. We then looked at different cloud formations and tried to see if we could see any different ones in the sky as well as playing a game of forest school bingo. To end the session, we toasted crumpets on the fire. 

Reception - Choral Speaking

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 10:46am

This week Reception took part in the Boundary Choral Speaking competition, reciting the nursery rhyme 'Old Mother Hubbard'.

The children tried to communicate the mood through drama, costumes, choreography of body movements and emphasis of certain words in the rhyme. 

They were amazing and we are so proud of them all!

Whole School Pupil Pipeline for Water Aid!

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 10:30am

The children at Boundary have been raising money for Water Aid by taking part in the Pupil Pipeline Challenge. This was a joint venture with the School Council and Eco Warriors.
Water Aid was a charity chosen by the School Council and its goal is to make sure everyone, everywhere has clean water. It is also a great opportunity to be mindful of not wasting water and remembering the healthy benefits of drinking it too.
All the children made a huge pipeline around the school and passed around a bucket full of water- trying not to spill it! 
This helped us to try and understand the difficulties children face in some parts of the world when fetching water for their families. It can often be dirty, disease ridden and situated some distance away from their village.   
 Our School Council and Eco Warriors also asked everyone to bring in any spare coins to try and fill a bucket! We raised £112.84- brilliant! 

Year 6 - Water Aid

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 4:01pm

On Friday we gave money to our chosen charity 'Water Aid'. In an assembly the school council talked about the charity and how money raised can change the lives of those who don't have clean water to drink. We passed a bucket of water all the way round the school, from Nursery to Year 6. This was to make us think of the long journeys some people make to get their water, which can often be dirty and full of disease. As a school, we raised £112.84 - we hope the money will help those less fortunate than us.

Year 5 Yoga and Meditiation

Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 3:47pm

We have been learning different yoga poses in our PE lessons this half term. We have been listening to calming music and learning how to control our breathing in order to get the best out of the different breathing exercises. Yoga is beneficial for our bodies but also our minds, it helps us to find a place of calm, grounds us and helps us to maintain a good mental health. We sequenced some of our different poses in order to creat our own mini meditations. 

Year 6 Unstoppable

Date: 5th Jul 2022 @ 4:08pm

Year 6 have continued their journey through the book Unstoppable by Dan Freedman. Unstoppable is also the name of Blackpool FC Community Trust's Year 6 PSHE programme. It addresses several issues that the children may face as they continue to grow including emotional wellbeing, family dynamics, relationships and the transition to high school. This week's focus has been secrets and confidentiality and the children discussed when it is important to speak out and share. 

Heritage Day 2022

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 2:15pm

What another amazing Boundary Heritage Day! This year our theme was ‘Significant people and events in Blackpool’. From a trip to Bloomfield Road to a visit from a Funny Girl's Drag Queen, the children have had a great day. Each year group was given a different key question to investigate and enquire about.


Nursery/Reception: How has the seaside changed? What was it like in the past compared to now?

Year 1: How did William Cocker and Sir John Bickerstaffe influence Blackpool tourism by building Blackpool Tower?

Year 2: How did Thomas Sergenson and Frank Matcham influence theatre in Blackpool by building The Grand Theatre?

Year 3: Who are the Thompson family and more specifically who is Amanda Thompson?

Year 4: What is Fisherman’s Friend and how did Doreen Lofthouse help and continue to help the community after her passing?

Year 5: Who is Ian Holloway and what did he and Blackpool FC achieve in 2010?

Year 6: How has Basil Newby influenced the LGBT community in Blackpool?


Head to your child’s class page on the school website for more photos and information about their day. Well done everyone!

Year 6 Heritage Day - Blackpool's LGBTQ+ history

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 12:53pm

Today is our Blackpool Heritage Day and our topic is the history of LGBTQ+ in the resort. We were extremely privileged to have a visit from Basil Newby - a prominent name with Blackpool's gay bars and nightclubs. He talked about his life, how he had influenced the LGBTQ+ community here in Blackpool and introduced us to 2 of his team from Funny Girls, Alex and Nikki. Nikki came dressed in drag and it was a great opportunity for us all to ask questions to the whole team, which they all answered and gave us lots of information about life at Funny Girls. We would like to say a big thank you to all three of them for taking time out of their busy schedules to come and talk to us today.

Reception Families, Friendships and Relationships

Date: 3rd Jul 2022 @ 9:44pm

This week in Reeption we have been talking about the importance of friendships, families and different relationships.  We meet Ezaa the Bear and helped her overcome some different problems including feeling worried on her first day of school, worrying about her family being different to others and falling out with her best friend Heckle.  We talked about different emotions and the children were able to identify when and why they felt scard, sad, worried and excited.  We discussed the importance of friendships and why it is important to beable to say sorry and forgive people.  Finally we talked about our families and discussed how they are similiar and different but still all equally as special.

"If my fiend is sad I will make them laugh" Indi-Anna

"I live with Nana and Grandad.  They look after me" Jaden

"If someone upset up you should forgive them" Harrrison

"You should say sorry if you hurt someone" Evelyn

Year 2 Exploring Similarities and Differences

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 7:48am

This week Year Two have looked at a range of similarities and differences through our RSE lessons. In our first lesson, we explored gender stereotypes by sorting items of clothing and objects into whether we believed they were for boys, girls or everyone. By the end, everyone agreed that everyone can wear, do or play with what they would like to as long as it makes them happy. We then looked at a range of babies and thought about how we can tell what gender they were. 

In our second lesson, we explored similarities and differences between male and female animals. We learnt that a mother animal can feed their young through their teats and explored that there needs to be a male and a female animal to have a baby.

In our final lesson, we looked at the human body and learnt to correctly name parts of our body including 'our private parts.' We discussed the importance of knowing the correct terminology the same way we need to be able to label our arms, legs and skull. 

The children were very responsible and grown up about the conversations. Well done Year 2, Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth were very impressed with your maturity. 

Year 1 Growing and Changing

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 7:14pm

For our second RSE lesson we explored how we grow and change. We recapped on our ground rules before our lesson and practised our feeling faces. We all remembered how to listen respecfully to one another and use our talking object on our turn. Today we read another story and discussed key questions about the events. Our story enabled us to discuss how and why babies need more help and care than older children. We tallked about lots of things we can now do that we couldn't do when we were babies. Finally, we created a lifecycle for a human being. We ordered the cards from youngest to eldest and labelled each picture.

Year 1 We Are All Different

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 6:51pm

This week we have enjoyed our three RSE lessons. Our first lesson included reading the story 'It's Okay to Be Different' by Todd Parrs. We all took part in a circle time session to discuss the story and its key themes. This story helped us understand an important message of acceptance and understanding through a fun story with some silly scenes! We celebrated our individuality through acceptance of others and self-confidence. Through our circle time we then explored how we are all different! We drew and wrote about an imaginary friend who is different to us. Some of us drew friends with different skin colours, different hair colours, friends who were a different size to us or friends who moved differently to us. 

Year 5 - Puberty Lesson

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 5:29pm

This week we were visited by the school nurse, who conducted lessons for the boys and girls about puberty. The sessions focussed on the changes that occur in both male and female bodies as we grow up, and the importance of looking after ourselves in relation to good hygiene. All of the pupils were very mature and sensible, discussing a sensitive and potentially embarrassing subject.

Whole School Sports Week

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 8:42am

This week children have enjoyed taking part in rugby workshops with the Wigan Warriors and netball workshops with a Lancashire coach. We were lucky to be visited by the CommonWealth Games Baton, which is on a journey to Birmingham ready for the Commonwealth Games. Pupils got a chance to find out about the significance of the baton and got to hold it. We are looking forward to all our Sports Days.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust