PSHE & RSE: Blog items
Year 6 - Manchester Museum Visit
Date: 18th May 2023 @ 4:15pm
Today Year 6 went on a trip to Manchester Museum to support their learning so far. This involved areas such as:
Ancient Egypt
The children had a wonderful time bringing their learning to life and being given the opportunity to observe artifacts from a range of periods of time.
Date: 16th May 2023 @ 3:43pm
In assembly on Monday, we spoke about Mental Health Week and the focus being anxiety. We discuss things that might be going through our minds and what we could do to help ourselves.
Year 2 Making good behavioral choices
Date: 12th May 2023 @ 1:41pm
This week, Year Two explored different types of behaviours and discussed the importance of making good choices in regards to our actions and behaviours. We talked about what good behaviour make look and sound like before sorting a range of actions into good choices and poor choices. Also, we discussed how we are in control and it is important to have self-control at all times to allow us to make good choices.
Year 4 Deforestation on Newsround
Date: 10th May 2023 @ 10:35am
Our Geography unit this half term is about the Amazon Rainforest and River. Today, during milk and snack, when we watched Newsround they reported on deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest and how it is now within the UK supply chain. It was great for the children to see something they are currrently learning on the news and it promoted some brilliant discussions.
Boundary Coronation Celebrations
Date: 5th May 2023 @ 12:34pm
Boundary Coronation Celebrations
Our day began with a whole school assembly looking at what happens during a Coronation and where it will take place. During the day, all children will take part in a variety of 'Royal Games' including 4 Kingly Corners, Tin Can Alley and Croquet! Lessons will have a distinctly royal theme! Each child will be making and decorating their own crown to wear to their 'Royal Banquet' where they will toast the King before tucking into a meal fit for a monarch!
Take a look at our blogs for more pictures and to see more of the learning that has been taking place this week!
Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 2:13pm
Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 1:28pm
This week, we discussed what a community is. We discovered that a community can be a small group and a large group or area. Then, we made our perfect community and had to reason why we included what we did.
Reception receive a letter from the Giant!
Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 5:07pm
This afternoon, Reception received a very exciting letter from the Giant in the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Also enclosed, were a bag of beans to plant. The letter was asking the children if they would plant some beans to grow a beanstalk.
Of course, the children were delighted to do this and couldn't wait to get planting outside with Mrs McAllister.
"I'm going to grow mine so I can climb up it!" Kian.
"First we need soil in a pot" Dolly- Anne.
"We need to make a hole with our finger and put the bean in it then cover it over with the soil so the birds don't take it!" Dillan.
"Don't forget to water it and put it in the sun to grow" Albie.
Reception- Jack and the Beanstalk
Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 4:58pm
Reception have been reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk. After listening to the story, they were able to retell it using puppets, small world figures and Lego at the storytelling table. Here, they listened to each other, took turns to speak and used words and phrases spoken in the story. They also painted a beanstalk as a challenge and made their own using various craft resources from the creative area.
"Fiee! Fi! Fo! Fum!" Kit.
"Jack's mum was angry because he sold the cow for magic beans" Lennox.
"The beanstalk grew very reached the clouds...Jack climbed all the way up to the Giant's castle" Ibrahim.
"The Giant chased Jack and he hid in the cupboard" Esmee.
"The Giant chased Jack and Jack ran down the beanstalk very quickly and mum chopped it down!" William.
Year 4 - King Charles III's Coronation Song
Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 3:43pm
Today we started to learn the song for King Charles III's Coronation Day in May. We listened and appraised it using our brilliant musical vocabulary and then we started to have a go at singing it.
Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 2:34pm
Nursery finished off a fab half term with some Easter fun! The Easter Bunny paid us a special visit and hid a golden egg in the school. The children had to follow the Easter clues to find the Golden Egg. The children were delighted to find that the Golden Egg was full of delicious chocolate! The chocolate fun didn't stop there. To finish off the week we made some tasty Easter nests!
Date: 2nd Apr 2023 @ 3:28pm
It's wonderful when a certain activity really engages children and you can see their skills developing. One of our nursery superstars has really enjoyed exploring the constructuion area recently and has been working really hard to develop his skills. He has gone from building simple towers, to adding features to his towers and is now able to build with a purpose in mind - this week he has made a train! Amazing work!
Date: 2nd Apr 2023 @ 3:19pm
Nursery began their Easter celebrations with lots of fun activites. The chlldren loved exploring the Easter sensory tray and have been building their fine motor muscles by putting small chicks in eggs, using tweezers to pick uo Easter pom poms and putting pegs on numbered Easter Bunnies. There have been lots of fun Easter crafts and an Easter themed maths table - we've had en eggcellent time!
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 8:26am
Well done to our KS2 Boys Football Team who played in a football fixture against Marton Primary School.

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 11:49am
Our pupil's make us proud everyday and as a school, we are proud of our community.
Two of our pupil's have been taking part in BBC Radio Lancashire's Community Connections. Groups from The Boathouse Youth and Blackpool Coastal Housing are making friends and memories together.
You can hear more about the work being done by listening here or visiting the Boat House Youth Facebook page
Boundary Budding Stars round-up!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 1:07pm
After running so many amazing clubs this year, we hosted our first Boundary Budding Star's Showcase evening where pupils from across school performed.
Talented pupils from Reception to Year 6 showed us their skills in drama, dance and song with Ballet Club, Bollywood, Schools Alive, Samba and Choir all performing brilliantly. Year 5 showed us their Tempest performance from the Grand Theatre and Key stage 1 music Club sang too.
Thank you to all our wonderful children for taking part and for the support and encouragement of their parents and carers!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 1:05pm
This half term, Year 6 have been focussing on acitvism and art. We have explored the idea of activism and why people protest. We also discussed words and vocabulary linked to activism. Then, throughout our journey we have experiemented with collaging, printing, letter formation in order to create our final piece of work. We put together everything we have learned to create a placard linked to activism. I think you'll agree that our end products are amazing!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:22am
On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.
Year 4 - Threats to living things
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 1:53pm
After flashing back to recap the five vertebrates we have been learning about, we started to look at how these living things habitats are under threat. Each table was given an area to research, then they presented their findings to the rest of the class.
We researched:
- Urbanisation
- Pollution
- Deforestation
- Natural disasters
Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 2:52pm
Year 4 - Finding the ancient tombs
Date: 7th Mar 2023 @ 6:55pm
This week in History we used our History, Geography and Oracy skills. We started by locating Egypt and England on a world map, then we zoomed in to Europe and North Africa so see how far away Egypt is. Next, we were given a map of just Egypt and in groups we had to discuss and decide where we think would have been best to built the Pharaoh tombs. We came up with some sentence starters to support each other in our discussions. We decided that nearest the River Nile was the best option because of the supply of water for not only building but living whilst building the tombs/pyramids. Many groups recognised mountainous areas on the map of Egypt and we discussed that this would be impractical for building. We then zoomed in on an area called Esna and Thebes - an area in The Valley of the Kings. This is where the tombs were built. To finish the lesson we did a zone of inference task with a drawing found in the richly decorated tomb of Nebamun - discovered in 1820.
Date: 7th Mar 2023 @ 6:43pm
This week in PSHE we continued to practise our oracy skills. Miss Crystal and Mr Bamber read out statements, such as 'School uniforms should be banned' and we had to decide whether or not we agreed, disagreed or weren't sure. Before we started we came up with a class list of sentence starters to help us when we answer why we have the opinion we did. We are beginning to understand the importance of listening when developing our oracy skills too.
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 8:49pm
Nursery have been undertaking their superhero training this week. They had to complete a superhero obstacle course being careful not to fall in the river of crocodiles and making their way carefully down the slide of snakes! They designed and made their own superhero cuff that gave them superpowers and made their own masks. There were lots of superhero activities including measuring superheroes, rescuing the superheroes who had been captured by the baddies and making up stories using the small world figures. We also read a fab story called "There's A Superhero In Your Book" by Tom Fletcher. It has been a super week!
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:37am
Date: 28th Feb 2023 @ 3:58pm
Today was the first day of our new art journey. This unit focuses on activisim and looks at how to use words and images to create strong messages. Today we discussed what activism is and words associated with it. We then created a double-page spread linked to what we had been discussing.