PSHE & RSE: Blog items
Nursery Christmas Stay and Play
Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 2:02pm
We had a super time at our Christmas Stay and Play this week. It was lovely to see so many of our parents and they really enjoyed making Christmas crafts and snowman biscuits with their child.
Our Stay and Play sessions are a great opportunity for our parents o see what thier children have been doing at nursery and gain an insight in to the nursery day.
Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 3:34pm
Today in Year 3 we looked at enterprise. We looked at what it meant to have a budget, what a profit was and what it meant to have a loss. We then started to think about our own enterprise for the school fair. We calculated what we had spent to buy the stock we needed and then decided on a price so that we could make a profit. Our maths skills came in very handy! Finally, we make our reindeer hot chocolates ready to sell and raise money for school.
Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 1:16pm
We always ensure that the resources we have in nursery are enganging and stimulate the children's imagination. Using open ended resources allows chidren the time to think about what they would like to do and how they would like to use the reosurces. It is also encourages the chidlren to work together and build positive realtionships. They always come up with super ideas and it's a pleasure to watch their play unfold.
Key Stage 2 Choir Perform at Abingdon Street Market
Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 10:37am

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 9:02am
This week, we learned about what enterprise means. We were then told that we had an enterprise project for the school Christmas Fair. Next, we went into Redcliffes and made reindeer food ready to sell at the Christmas Fair in a few weeks time.
Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 7:49am
In dance this half term we have been looking at the ceremonial war dance 'The Haka'. We have discussed the significance of the dance and how it is used by the All Blacks New Zealand rugby team to challenge their opponents. We then took the steps of the dance and learned them over the past couple of weeks. We have performed the dance in unison and cannon - our final lesson will be to challenge the other Year 6 class.
Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 9:00am
Today we welcomed Bailey and her owner Vincent to our classroom for the first time. Bailey's Book Club in Year 2 is such a huge success and we are lucky enough to have a little time with her every Wednesday. The children enjoy watching her owner, Vincent throwing the ball to Bailey outside our classroom. A few of the children gave Bailey a treat and even brushed her fur, which they got so excited about.
Year 4- Laurel's Reading Champions
Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 7:57pm
Well done to our new Reading Champions in Laurel. You have read three times this week and been on Reading Plus for half an hour. Hopefully there will be more pupils in Laurel that can earn their Reading Champion badges! Keep up the good work!
Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 4:02pm
Today we had our first of three Forest School sessions. In this session we spent our time lighting fires, making hot chocolate and using thinsg found in nature to create headbands/wreaths. The weather was cold but the sun was shining and we had a great time.
Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 12:17pm
In Nursery we have started to have Bucket Time to support the development of the childrens communication and language skills. The chidlren watch and listen as an adult explores what is in the bucket and models language and explores ideas. The children really enjoy Bucket Time and are fully engaged to find out what's in the bucket!
Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 8:12am
We had a visit from the fire brigade who discussed all the ways they help us. They taught us what to do if there was a fire and how we can keep ourselves safe. They set us a mission to see where our smoke alarms are and to test that they work with the help of an adult to ensure we keep safe.
Date: 28th Nov 2023 @ 9:22am
This morning, Year 6 were the first to visit our new library and were able to pick a brand new book to read in class. There were lots of discussions about the books that we chose and why we chose them. We are looking forward to reading these books and hopefully it will encourage more of pupils to become reading champions.
Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 12:05pm
Nursery have taken to the seas this week and become Pirates! We've made treasure maps, counted golden coins, worked together to a build pirate ship and made special pirate brews! The children have loved playing together to make up their own pirate stories and have even been fishing for their tea!
Year 6 - Visit with PCSO Debbie
Date: 22nd Nov 2023 @ 3:03pm
This afternoon we welcomed PCSO Debbie Savage to Year 6 to give our children a safety talk around drugs,smoking, vaping as well as knife crime and peer pressure. We discussed different drugs, such as nicotine, alcohol and a range of others that Debbie told us more about. Debbie showed us a range of replica drugs and the side effects of these drugs. We learned valuable lessons this afternoon that we hope will stay with us as we transition to high school.
Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 4:03pm
Today, we used the Now Press Play equipment to explore bullying and teasing. The story was of a young boy who joined our school and became friends with two girls; however, one was jealous of the new attention divide and began teasing Hasaan (the new boy). We discussed as a class how some of the things Sofia did towards Hasaan were wrong and what we would have done in that situation to ensure it did not happen and we could get help.
Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 12:04pm
Today we wore our spits and stripes in order to raise money for Children in Need. We had great fun in assemble dancing to the YMCA!
Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 2:09pm
For anti-bullying day we wore odd socks to show that we celebrate differences. In Year 3 we focused on being an upstander not a bystander. We looked at what this meant and the ten steps we could take to achieve this. At the end of the lesson, we made a pledge on how we could be more of a upstander.
Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 12:23pm
Nursery celebrated everyone being different for Anti-Bullying Day. We all wore odd socks and talked about how its good to be different and we should always be kind to everyone. We designed our own odd socks and developed our fine motor skills by filling odd socks with rice.
Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 8:56pm
Our key quesiton this half term for Hunduism is 'Is there one journey in our life or many?' Our shared human experience lesson today focussed on the key milestones humans have throughout the lives. We discussed which ,ilestones we have already had and what we might go through as we get older. We also looked at the definitions of rights, responsibilites and relationships and how these change and adapt as grow older.
Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 9:13pm
Today in Reception the children have been celebrating everyones differences by wearing odd socks. We talked about how everyone looks different, lkes different things and wears different clothes. We discussed how being different makes us all unique. We learnt the phrase "Everyone is different but everyone is special". The children used the different resources at the creative table to make their own odd socks.
In the afternoon we explored the importance of having kind words and actions and the characteristics of a good friend. The children created their own faces in the style of Andy Warhol. The talked about how all people look different and have different coloured skin, har and eyes and how it is important we are kind to them regardless of this.
"You have to have kind words" Hunter
"Some people look different but we still have to be kind to them" Levi
Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 8:52pm
Our focus this Anti-Bullying Week was : To know how bullying takes place within a group and the different roles people play.
In the morning, we took part in the BBC's Live Lesson.
Then, in the afternoon, we used resources from the Anti-Bullying Alliance's website to look at and discuss the roles that are involved in bullying. We looked at different scenarios and discussed who was playing which role and how the scenarios could be handled.
To finish the day, in our odd socks, we listened to a Now, Press, Play experience based on Anti-Bullying Week where numerous scenarios played out and we got to hear and feel how the characters were thinking and feeling.
Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 4:42pm
This half-term, Year 4 our topic in science is Animals including Humans. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking at the functions of each one of our teeth. After this, we modelled our own teeth using playdough. We have also looked at why it is important that we brush our teeth twice a day. To test why we need to do this, we put 6 eggs into a range of different liquids and observed what happened to their shells. We found that the driinks with the most sugar caused the egg shells to decay and discolour. This showed us that too many sugary drinks can damage our teeth.
Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 1:14pm
This week, we have been creating our art work linked to Remembrance Day. Our challenge was to create water colour poppies to add to old photos of Blackpool during WWII. Before we did this, we had to be confident with using water colour paints and how to use them effectively. We practised using correct techinques in our sketchbooks and then used this to create our own poppies.
Year 6 - Meet the House Captains and Prefects
Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 5:03pm
Our House Captains and Prefects have been doing a great job since their selection. They have a number of roles to carry out throughout the week, including reading with younger children, organsing Friday assemblies and helping in other classes on a Friday afternoon. There will be many other roles and responsibilites for them to be involved with over the year. They are proving to be great role models for the rest of the school.
Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 2:49pm
This week, it was the beginning of Elm's turn to read with Mr Vincent and Bailey. Throughout, the half term different children will take it in turns to read to Bailey as well as enjoying stories shared by Mr Vincent to the whole class. This week, we enjoyed a story about a puppy who kept forgetting his name and we compared it to a story we have previously read 'Mog the forgetful cat'. The winners of reader of the week were Stevie and Joshua for excellent sounding out and expression for speech. Before Bailey went home we enjoyed blowing some bubbles for her to catch.