PSHE & RSE: Blog items

Year 3- Children in Need

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 12:04pm

Today we wore our spits and stripes in order to raise money for Children in Need. We  had great fun in assemble dancing to the YMCA!

Year 3 Anti-bullying Day!

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 2:09pm

For anti-bullying day we wore odd socks to show that we celebrate differences. In Year 3 we focused on being an upstander not a bystander. We looked at what this meant and the ten steps we could take to achieve this. At the end of the lesson, we made a pledge on how we could be more of a upstander. 

Nursery Odd Socks

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 12:23pm

Nursery celebrated everyone being different for Anti-Bullying Day. We all wore odd socks and talked about how its good to be different and we should always be kind to everyone. We designed our own odd socks and developed our fine motor skills by filling odd socks with rice. 

Year 6 - Hinduism

Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 8:56pm

Our key quesiton this half term for Hunduism is 'Is there one journey in our life or many?' Our shared human experience lesson today focussed on the key milestones humans have throughout the lives. We discussed which ,ilestones we have already had and what we might go through as we get older. We also looked at the definitions of rights, responsibilites and relationships and how these change and adapt as grow older.

Reception Odd Socks Day

Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 9:13pm

Today in Reception the children have been celebrating everyones differences by wearing odd socks.  We talked about how everyone looks different, lkes different things and wears different clothes.  We discussed how being different makes us all unique.  We learnt the phrase "Everyone is different but everyone is special". The children used the different resources at the creative table to make their own odd socks. 

In the afternoon we explored the importance of having kind words and actions and the characteristics of a good friend.  The children created their own faces in the style of Andy Warhol. The talked about how all people look different and have different coloured skin, har and eyes and how it is important we are kind to them regardless of this. 

"You have to have kind words" Hunter

"Some people look different but we still have to be kind to them" Levi

Year 4 - Anti Bullying Week

Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 8:52pm

Our focus this Anti-Bullying Week was : To know how bullying takes place within a group and the different roles people play.

In the morning, we took part in the BBC's Live Lesson.

Then, in the afternoon, we used resources from the Anti-Bullying Alliance's website to look at and discuss the roles that are involved in bullying. We looked at different scenarios and discussed who was playing which role and how the scenarios could be handled.

To finish the day, in our odd socks, we listened to a Now, Press, Play experience based on Anti-Bullying Week where numerous scenarios played out and we got to hear and feel how the characters were thinking and feeling.

Year 4- Keeping Teeth Healthy

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 4:42pm

This half-term, Year 4 our topic in science is Animals including Humans. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking at the functions of each one of our teeth. After this, we modelled our own teeth using playdough. We have also looked at why it is important that we brush our teeth twice a day. To test why we need to do this, we put 6 eggs into a range of different liquids and observed what happened to their shells. We found that the driinks with the most sugar caused the egg shells to decay and discolour. This showed us that too many sugary drinks can damage our teeth. 

Year 6 - Making poppies

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 1:14pm

This week, we have been creating our art work linked to Remembrance Day. Our challenge was to create water colour poppies to add to old photos of Blackpool during WWII. Before we did this, we had to be confident with using water colour paints and how to use them effectively. We practised using correct techinques in our sketchbooks and then used this to create our own poppies. 

Year 6 - Meet the House Captains and Prefects

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 5:03pm

 Our House Captains and Prefects have been doing a great job since their selection. They have a number of roles to carry out throughout the week, including reading with younger children, organsing Friday assemblies and helping in other classes on a Friday afternoon. There will be many other roles and responsibilites for them to be involved with over the year. They are proving to be great role models for the rest of the school.

Year 2 Bailey's Book Club

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 2:49pm

This week, it was the beginning of Elm's turn to read with Mr Vincent and Bailey. Throughout, the half term different children will take it in turns to read to Bailey as well as enjoying stories shared by Mr Vincent to the whole class. This week, we enjoyed a story about a puppy who kept forgetting his name and we compared it to a story we have previously read 'Mog the forgetful cat'. The winners of reader of the week were Stevie and Joshua for excellent sounding out and expression for speech. Before Bailey went home we enjoyed blowing some bubbles for her to catch. 

Nursery Parachute Games

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 12:44pm

We have been exploring the parachute in nursery. This is a great way to support physical development and build realtionships with each other. We are starting with simple games to learn how to use the parachute and we will slowly intorduce more games. 

Nursery Gets a Bit Spooky!

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 11:28am

Nursery have a had a very spooky time this week. We have had lots of halloween activities to support our social and emotional development, our communication and language and physical development. The children have been mixing their own potions, exploring how to get halloween objects out of ice and counting legs on spiders. There have also been some very messy activities that have encouraged the chidlren to talk about what they can see, smell and feel. 

Nursery Unicorns, Sharing and other Bits and Bobs

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 11:29am

We always have a wide variety of activities in nursery to meet the needs of all our children. This week to suppport physical developemnt we have been threading beads on to unicorns and exploring their creative side by painting and creating unicorns, We've also been developing relationships through lots iof turn taking opportunites and working collabratively. 

Nursery Outdoor Experiences

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 11:22am

Nursery have had a throughly good time outside this week with lots of exciting and stimulting experiences. All our outdoor experiences are great for supporting social and emotional developemnt as the children learn to share, take turns and interact with their friends. Whilst they are doing this they also develop their communication and langauge skills. This week the children have been making ramps to roill conkers down. They investigated lots of differnent heights for the ramp and where thrilled when they discoverd if the conkers land on the trampoline they will bounce! The children also counted the conkers and explored capacity by putting them in different containers. The conker fun didn't stop there - we had to clean them all up! This was great for developing physical development as the children sweprt them in to a pile. Have a look at the photos to see what else we have been doing. 

SEND Surgery Autumn 2023

Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 12:14pm

Several Families attended our Autumn SEND Drop in, we were supported by Blackpool North Hub, School Nurses, Parent Forum, Speech Bubble and SENDiass, who parents could speak to for advice and support. Look out for further events in the Spring Term.

Year 6 - 'No Pen' morning

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 2:54pm

We've had a great morning in Year 6 with our first 'No Pen' morning of the year. We began with some grammar and punctuation work, where in pairs we picked different cards with tasks on and discussed them together. We then fed back to the class our answers and checked that we were right. Then we moved on to lots of oracy work - this began with asking 'would you rather...' questions to our partners. We had to give reasons for our own choices and listen carefully to our partner's resposnes. If we were picked, we had to give the response our partner gave. We finished the first session with some agree, build on, challenge statements. Again, this gave us lots of opportunities to talk to other children and give justifications for our answers. In Maths, we carried out different activities in the 2 groups, including loops card games, tarsias and orally explaining mistakes in calculations.

Blackpool Zoo Orienteering

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 12:48pm

We were invited to take part in two fun festivals within Blackpool Zoo where each school will be given a map of the park to help them to solve the clues to find the right animals.

The children, chosen from Year 5, had a great morning with Mrs. Millar and Mr. Parsons supported by Leaders from Blackpool Sixth Form. Efficient map reading and a keen sense of time meant that we returned to the finish before the other schools – leaving us enough time to visit some of the animals not on our list (and the dinosaurs too!).

Year 6 - RE

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 12:16pm

Our unit for RE this half term has been Christianity - The Church. Through our sessions we have looked at the concept of forgiveness and why we say sorry. We have also looked at the christian belief of purpose and what is meant be a 'good life'. We have discussec christian beliefs of life after death and that leading a good life will help them to get to heaven when they die.

Dazzle packs - New books!

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 7:59am

Dazzle packs of new books were given to classes today to support National Literacy Trust in Blackpool 'Take 10' reading for wellbeing and to refresh class libraries.

Year 4- Black History Month

Date: 16th Oct 2023 @ 9:35pm

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 4 have been celebrating Black History Month in our PSHE and Reading into Writing lessons. This year, the main theme of Black History Month is 'Celebrating our Sisters.' Furthermore, our year group focus was sporting achievements. Therefore, in PSHE, we researched a range of Black British Women athletes who have made a significant impact on the sporting industry. We then used this to create our own artwork. This allowed us to discuss key words, such as diversity and culture, and emphasise the importance of appreciating similarities and differences between everyone. 

In Reading into Writing, we have been working towards writing a non-chronological report about Lauren James. Firstly, we looked at some existing non-chonological reports about Lauren James before researching interesting facts about her early life and football career, including her biggest achievements. After this, we collated these facts into our own non-chronological reports. 

We have found it very interesting to learn about all of the incredible Black British athletes and their amazing achivements and impact they have had on our history.

Year 5 R.E - Why Is It Sometimes Difficult To Do The Right Thing?

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 12:47pm

This half-term we have been investigating the key question Why Is It Sometimes Difficult To Do The Right Thing?

We have been discussing sources of guidance, beginning with the definition of the word guidance

First in a group, then as a class, we discussed the sources of guidance we have in our lives. We split them up into categories including; at home, at school and at a club.

In one lesson we looked at a source of guidance for Christians: The 10 Commandments

We talked about their meaning and how they were given to Moses from God. Our task, as a group, was to put them into what we thought was the order of importance…but there were only 9 squares! Each group then had to justify why they had left one out.

Spelling Bee

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 11:49am

We have held our first Spelling Bee of the year and what a wonderful event it was! 4 children in each year group represented their house and were given three words to spell from over a list of 30 possible words. Every child showed courage and determination when it came to spelling their words. It was a very close contest, with Chepstow winning overall with 15 out of 15. We are very proud of all the children who represented their house and are looking forward to the next one.

Nursery make Friends

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 11:26am

Nursery have been working on their social and emotional development. It can be quiet over whelming when chidlren start nursery with lots of new faces and having to share and take turns with new friends. Sometimes chidlren can experiences some big emotions and it is important to help the chidren to understand that these feelings are ok and help them to manage these feelings. We have been doing lots of sharing and turn taking with adults there to mdoel and support the children.We've had actvities that encourage the childern to work together and we made a friendship chain. The children have done so well and have been trying extra hard to be a good friend. 

Year 3- Take 10 !

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 8:12am

On Tuesday Year 3 took part in ‘Take 10’. This was provided by the National Literacy Trust and Susie Dent talked about her latest book and her love for words! The children were then guided into taking 10 to read their books.

Nusery's Fun Fridays

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 12:18pm

Every Friday is Fun Friday in Nursery! We try to do an exciting activity each week to celebrate another super week in school. The activities often invlove working as a team and sharing a taking turns which is great for developing the children's social and emotional skills. This week is was baking! We made some delicious star biscuits. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust