Year 5 R.E - Why Is It Sometimes Difficult To Do The Right Thing?

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 12:47pm

This half-term we have been investigating the key question Why Is It Sometimes Difficult To Do The Right Thing?

We have been discussing sources of guidance, beginning with the definition of the word guidance

First in a group, then as a class, we discussed the sources of guidance we have in our lives. We split them up into categories including; at home, at school and at a club.

In one lesson we looked at a source of guidance for Christians: The 10 Commandments

We talked about their meaning and how they were given to Moses from God. Our task, as a group, was to put them into what we thought was the order of importance…but there were only 9 squares! Each group then had to justify why they had left one out.

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