Maths: Blog items

Year 2- No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 8:06am

Yesterday, we took part in no pen morning. In Reading into Writing, we were starting to look at present and past tense verbs; we did a loop card game to start before we sorted verbs and sentences into past and present tense. In Maths, we started our new unit of money, we counted pence to find different amounts and matched it to the correct price label. 

Year 5 - Digital Literacy No Pen Morning

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 8:24pm

To develop our digital literacy skills, pupils at Boundary spent the morning completing maths and writing lessons using only digital devices. For reading into writing, pupils used their chromebooks to publish their creation stories from Aboriginal culture. For maths, pupils used the BBC Micro:bits to create a rock, paper, scissors game. This was the first time pupils have used these tiny computers, and they even improved the code to reset after each turn, display a welcome message when the device was turned on, and make sound effects! 

Year 4 - No Pen morning

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 1:28pm

In Year 4, we were introduced to a multiplication competition on a website called Emile first thing this morning and we did lots of times tables to gain points for our school. Then we went on a typing skills website ( where we put on headphones and practised some typing skills. After we learnt typing skills, we learned how to use some of the skills on Google Docs (e.g bold, italic). We then used these skills to highlight some of the features of a Newspaper report like we have been doing in Reading into Writing. In Maths, some children matched 3D and 2D shapes into the correct columns on a worksheet. Everyone else continued their work on multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.

Year 1 Understanding 10

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 6:00pm

Today we focussed on understanding 10. We recapped counting to 20 from different starting points, both forwards and backwards before looking in-depth at the number 10. We used a range of resources such as, base 10, counters, cubes, tens frames and Numicon to investigate 10. We made 10 using either 2 or 3 parts and wrote the corresponding addition sum. Some of us then moved on to investigating 10 further with our number mats. We wrote the number in words, identified the tens and ones, displayed 10 on a part part whole, found one more and one less and identified if the number 10 is odd or even.

Year 6 - Textiles (felt mobile phone cases)

Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 3:38pm

This week we have carried out a full journey of textiles. We began with discussing what we already knew about sewing and textiles and discussed key vocabulary. We then began looking at felt products that already exist and evaluating them. We then practised a range of stitches using Binca - we practised running stitch, back stitch, over stich and blanket stitch. After that, we planned and designed our own mobile phone cases using an agreed success criteria. To ensure our plan was effective, we created a prototype and then evaulated the product so that changes could be made if needed. Finally, we made our final product.

Year 4 - Shape times shape

Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 11:48am

We really tested our tired Christmas brains this morning! Miss Crystal and Miss Bates were really proud of how well we worked together to solve this NRich problem.

Year 2 - Taking shape.

Date: 19th Dec 2023 @ 9:22pm

Today we used Geoboards to create different 2-D shapes.  We had to count the vertices and the sides to check that we had made the correct 2-D shape.  We could see that, apart from squares, the same 2-D shapes can look very different but they must have shared properties - For example, all hexagons must have 6 vertices and 6 straight sides but these sides do not have to be an equal length.

Year 3- Mastering multiplication !

Date: 11th Dec 2023 @ 10:28am

In Year 3, we have been looking at multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1- digit number (no exchange). The children used place value charts, base ten and counters to visually see the multiplication.

Reception- Christmas Is On It's Way!

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 7:49pm

The decorations are up, the tree is dressed and presents are wrapped! it's all happening in Reception this week.

Children have been working together, sharing ideas and using their critical thinking skills to get into the spiirit of Christmas. They have been using their fine motor skills to place baubles, tinsel and beads on the Christmas tree in the home corner and they have been measuring and cutting wrapping paper to wrap Christmas presents for each other.  

Year 3- Enterprise

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 3:34pm

Today in Year 3 we looked at enterprise. We looked at what it meant to have a budget, what a profit was and what it meant to have a loss. We then started to think about our own enterprise for the school fair. We calculated what we had spent to buy the stock we needed and then decided on a price so that we could make a profit. Our maths skills came in very handy! Finally, we make our reindeer hot chocolates ready to sell and raise money for school. 

Nursery Prepare for the Reindeers

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 1:08pm

We have been reading the story "The Christmasaurus" by Tom Fletcher. It's all about a dinosaur who lives at the North Pole with Santa. The Christmasaurus really wants to fly so he can pull Santa's sleigh. Santa say's he will try to help him learn to fly and suggets the Christmasaurus eats some magical reindeer food. We made our own reindeer food for Santa's reindeer and the Christmasarus. The chidren had to count 3 spoonfuls of porridge oats and 2 pinches of magical glitter and then give it a gentle shake! They had to concentrate really hard to make sure each spoonful of porridge and each pinch of glitter went in to the bag!

Year 4 - Enterprise

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 9:02am

This week, we learned about what enterprise means. We were then told that we had an enterprise project for the school Christmas Fair. Next, we went into Redcliffes and made reindeer food ready to sell at the Christmas Fair in a few weeks time.

Year 2 - Subtracting two digit numbers

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 7:30am

This week we have continued our addition and subtraction unit by looking at subtraction two digit numbers. We begun the week by exploring subtraction when it doesn't cross a ten, remembering the importance of starting with the ones. Throughout the week we have further deepened our understanding to subtracting two digit numbers when it does cross a ten exchanging one ten for 10 ones so we can subtract the ones before subtracting the tens. We explored how our whole is the same, it has just been represented in a different way.  For example, 72 can be shown as 7 tens and 2 ones or 6 tens and 12 ones.  We have enjoyed using a range of concrete resources which has helped us with more abstract calculations. 

Year 2 - Which ship can hold the most weight?

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 7:27am

Last week, we conducted an experiment as part of our Everyday Materials unit to test which ship can hold the most weight? We made different sized boats using tin foil and placed counters on the top, counting how many counters it took until the ship sunk. This week, we used our results to use an online program to record our data in a block chart. We thought about the axis and giving the chart a title as well as inputting our own data before we interpreted our results using the chart. We found that the biggest ship could hold the most weight whilst the smallest ship held the least. This is because we can spread the weight.

Year 1 Subtraction

Date: 6th Dec 2023 @ 7:06pm

This week we have learnt to use our knowledge of number bonds to find parts, and represent them using the subtraction symbol. We focussed on the meaning of the subtraction symbol and used part whole models to support us to write the related subtraction facts and start to build our understanding. We then moved onto answering missing number problems, subtracting by taking away and subtracting using a number line.

Year 2 - Adding two 2-digit numbers

Date: 28th Nov 2023 @ 9:15pm

Today we started adding two 2-digit numbers that do not cross the tens.  We used place value counters and mats to help us see what happens when we add two 2-digit numbers.  We started by making each 2-digit number with PV counters.  We then added the ones before going on to add the tens and then combining them.

Nursery Become Pirates

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 12:05pm

Nursery have taken to the seas this week and become Pirates! We've made treasure maps, counted golden coins, worked together to a build pirate ship and made special pirate brews! The children have loved playing together to make up their own pirate stories and have even been fishing for their tea!

Year 1 Together Time

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 5:51pm

Today we began to formalise the idea of addition as bringing two or more parts together to create a whole. We completed three different tasks that encouraged us to explore and focus on bringing two parts together. We used the correct mathematical language to explain, e.g. ‘3 cubes plus 5 cubes is equal to 8 cubes.’ Some of our grow ups joined us for ‘together time’ and we showed them how we use tens frames, counters, part whole models and cubes to support our learning.

Year 2- Together Time

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 3:57pm

Today, for together time we used our knowledge of number bonds to create a puzzle. We had to match the number bonds to their correct partner as well as try to get it to fit together as a triangle. We first completed number bonds to 10 before challenging ourselves to complete one using number bonds to 20. A few of us got incredibly creative and made our own puzzle using bonds to 100. We loved showing off our learning to our adults and thank them all for joining us. 

Year 1 Number Bonds

Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 7:21am

Today we combined our knowledge of the part-whole model and addition facts to explore number bonds within 10. We started with the whole number and broke numbers into parts; exploring how many different ways a number can be partitioned. We explored this using double sided counters, tens frames and dot patterns. We worked through different examples together, noticing that we see numbers made from dot patterns differently, exploring these patterns and discussing these different ways of thinking. We continued to look at number sentences written with the symbols in different places and talked about the commutative nature of the calculations.

Year 2 - Absorbency Investigation

Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 4:30pm

Today, in Science, we had a problem to solve.  Mrs Jones-Boast wanted to know the best material to help mop up spills in the dinner hall.  We discussed the problem and decided that the material needed to be absorbent. We then planned our investigation, thinking about what we needed to change, what we will measure and what we needed to keep the same to ensure a fair test.  We also consolidated our maths skills by using a ruler to measure our results.  We found that the most absorbent material was felt.  The tinfoil and the cellophane were non-absorbent because they didin't absorb any liquid.

Year 2 - Adding across 10

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 4:32pm

Today we used base 10 to help us work out calculations when adding across 10. We followed the process of creating our number then adding the correct amount of ones before exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten. It helped us understand the concept of exchanging in preparation for our next lesson using number lines to support us. 

Year 1 Fact Families

Date: 8th Nov 2023 @ 6:39pm

This week we have explored how to write number sentences to represent combining two or more parts, using the equals symbol to show the equivalence between the whole and the sum of the parts. Once our understanding was established, we then explored writing number sentences in a different order.

Later in the week, we then build on this learning by exploring addition fact families. We recognised that the order of an addition sentence can be varied and began to discover that addition is commutative.

Reception-Halloween Fun!

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 9:53pm

This week Reception have been having a spooky time in class!

We listened to the story Room on the Broom, had fun retelling it at the story table, made repeating patterns on a witches hat, and also using spooky objects, painted pumpkins and spiders and wrote CVC words from the story too. 

Ouside the children carved pumpkins and made spooky potions.

Year 1 Part Part Whole

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 5:33pm

This week, we have explored parts and wholes using part-whole models. We have experimented with physical objects, drawing pictures and placing counters on the part-whole model. We have been using STEM sentences to decribe what we have been doing and to describe the parts and wholes in a variety of ways.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust