Maths: Blog items

Year 6 - Maths

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 2:38pm

In Year 6, we have been focussing on the 4 operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This has included how to accurately use long multiplication and long division to work out more difficult calculations. We have also recapped on work covered in Year 5 around the topics of factors, multiples, prime numbers, squared and cubed numbers.

Nursery Gets a Bit Spooky!

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 11:28am

Nursery have a had a very spooky time this week. We have had lots of halloween activities to support our social and emotional development, our communication and language and physical development. The children have been mixing their own potions, exploring how to get halloween objects out of ice and counting legs on spiders. There have also been some very messy activities that have encouraged the chidlren to talk about what they can see, smell and feel. 

Reception Halloween Maths

Date: 1st Nov 2023 @ 8:57pm

Reception have been practicing recognising numbers 1-10,matching objects to its cardinal value and putting them in the correct order.  We have also been making AB repeated patterns using spooky objects. 

Year 5 - Fabulous Factors

Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 9:15pm

As part of our journey into multiplication and division, we have been learning about multiples and factors of numbers. In this lesson, after working together as a class to find factors of 16 and 20, pupils worked in a small group to find all of the factors of 12. We used the cubes to make arrays, which helped us. The factors of 12 are: 1, 3, 4, 6 and 12.

Nursery Outdoor Experiences

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 11:22am

Nursery have had a throughly good time outside this week with lots of exciting and stimulting experiences. All our outdoor experiences are great for supporting social and emotional developemnt as the children learn to share, take turns and interact with their friends. Whilst they are doing this they also develop their communication and langauge skills. This week the children have been making ramps to roill conkers down. They investigated lots of differnent heights for the ramp and where thrilled when they discoverd if the conkers land on the trampoline they will bounce! The children also counted the conkers and explored capacity by putting them in different containers. The conker fun didn't stop there - we had to clean them all up! This was great for developing physical development as the children sweprt them in to a pile. Have a look at the photos to see what else we have been doing. 

Year 5 - No Pen Morning

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 4:43pm

On Wednesday morning it was No Pen Day at Boundary. We had a great time in class, learning without using pens and pencils to record our work. For maths, pupils completed a tarsia puzzle, which required them to recall our previous learning and match numbers to Roman numerals. For our Reading into Writing lesson, pupils worked in small groups to build a non-chronological report from different features.

Year 1 No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 7:06pm

Today we consolidated the skills learnt from our place value work this half term to demonstrate how to find numbers on number lines when asked key questions, e.g. what is one more/one less than __? Which numbers are greater/less than __? Which is the greatest/smallest number? As it was no pen day, we worked on pre drawn number lines, both in the classroom and outside.

Year 2- No Pen morning

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 4:51pm

Today, alongside the whole School we participated in our termly no pen morning. We began the morning by consolidating our knowledge of telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes where we played a board game with a partner having to tell the time on the square we landed; this was also brilliant for our communication and turn taking skills as well as being able to support one another. Then, we continued our fantastic morning by beginning to sew our puppets together ready to be decorated; we carefully threaded the needle and tried to do a running stitch- we had to demonstrate good perseverence and resillience but we are excited to make our final product. Check back over the coming days to see our final puppets! 

Year 6 - 'No Pen' morning

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 2:54pm

We've had a great morning in Year 6 with our first 'No Pen' morning of the year. We began with some grammar and punctuation work, where in pairs we picked different cards with tasks on and discussed them together. We then fed back to the class our answers and checked that we were right. Then we moved on to lots of oracy work - this began with asking 'would you rather...' questions to our partners. We had to give reasons for our own choices and listen carefully to our partner's resposnes. If we were picked, we had to give the response our partner gave. We finished the first session with some agree, build on, challenge statements. Again, this gave us lots of opportunities to talk to other children and give justifications for our answers. In Maths, we carried out different activities in the 2 groups, including loops card games, tarsias and orally explaining mistakes in calculations.

Year 6 - Formulas in Speadsheets

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 3:25pm

We continued our computing journey through spreadsheets byt learning about formulas. We learned how to use formulas to multiply, add and subtract the values in different cells.

Year 2 - Telling the time

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 8:17pm

Year 2 have been working hard on telling the time over the last 2 weeks.  On Tuesday we consolidated our learning on telling the time 'past' the hour by working in pairs to solve a matching puzzle.  We matched analogue clock images with 'past'  and 'to' times.  We also used stem sentences to help us read the clocks - For example, "The minute hand is pointing at the 2 so it is a ten past time" and "The minute hand is pointing at the 8 so it is a 20 to time." We then looked at the position of the hour hand to complete reading the time.

Reception- Holly Class Bake Bread

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 10:16pm

After reading the story, Little Red Hen, Reception decided to bake bread. They all worked together, helping each other to weigh the ingredients, mix the ingredients and knead the dough before placing it in a bowl to allow it to rise. Then it was baked in the oven and eaten. 

Unlike the story, where Little Red Hen had to do everything herself, all the children worked togther showing kidness and respect.

"It feels sticky" Loui- Tony

"We all helped to make the bread" Lucy.

"Mmm it tastes delicious!" Meriya.

"Little Red Hen's friends didn't help her" Kierah. 

Year 3- Fantastic friction!

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 9:07am

In this lesson Year 3 looked at completing a fair test experiment that we had planned the week before.  We investigated how friction changed on different surfaces then we measured and recorded our results. We had to use the measuring skills that we had learnt in Maths to support in carrying out the test accurately. 

Year 1 Counting Backwards

Date: 26th Sep 2023 @ 6:15pm

Today we worked practically to count backwards within 10 from any given number. We found given numbers on our number lines and learnt how to use them to find the number before, stating the oral sentence, ‘the number that comes before __ is __.’ We looked at different representations, including number lines and tens frames, to find missing numbers using what we had learnt about the number before. 

Nursery Won't Let The Rain Stop Them!

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 10:48am

There is only one thing to do on a very rainy day and that's get outside and enjoy it! Nursery had a great time jumnping a splashing in the rain this week and when the slide got extra slippery from the rain drops the children loved sliding down it at super speed! They then got even wetter and explored the water tray. We added some small pipettes and the children pinched the top to sqeeeze water in and then squeezed them again to let the water out. The children counted how many drops it took to fill containers and how many sqeezes to fill the pipette. 

Reception- No-Bot the Robot

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 9:44pm

This week the children listened to the story 'No-Bot The Robot' - a robot who lost his bottom! It is a hilarious adventure about resilience and friendship.

Take a look at the different ways we explored the story through art and design.

"I made a robot with a square body" Mathew.

"My robot has a square head" Esme.

"His friends helped him find his bottom" Summer.

"Hel left it on the swing" George. 

Year 5 - Number Knowledge

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 9:21am

This week, pupils in year 5 have been recalling, and building on their knowledge of place value and the number system. We have been working with numbers up to 1,000,000 - writing them in figures and words. Pupils have used Base 10, place value charts and whole - part models to represent numbers.

Year 2 - Flexible Partitioning

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 8:47pm

Year Two have been using the Base 10 and part-part-whole models to partition 2-digit numbers in different ways.  We tried to do this in a systematic way so we could spot the patterns occuring with the tens digits.  We started to record our calculations with addition senetences and this also helped us to see the patterns in the digits.

Year 6 - Computing: Spreadsheets

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 3:53pm

Today we began our new unit of spreadsheets in Computing. Today's session involved inputting data into a given table. We did this by rolling a dice 5 times and repeating the task. We then added each roll to the table. 

Year 4 - Knowing all the places

Date: 11th Sep 2023 @ 8:12pm

Since returning to school we have had a huge focus on Place Value in Maths. Today, we focused on representing numbers to 10000.

Year 2 - Tens and Ones

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 1:58pm

Today Year Two worked on representing the tens and ones in 2-digit numbers using Base 10.  We compared numbers with the same digits, such as 59 and 95 to show how the order of the digits makes a difference in the value of the number.

Year 1 Grouping and Sorting

Date: 6th Sep 2023 @ 6:21pm

During our first week in year one we have been grouping and sorting! We have used a number of different objects and talked about what is the same and what is different. We have learnt we can sort by colour, by shape, by type and by size. We have learnt how to log into our own Seesaw account and post pictures of our learning! We have also been exploring our new classroom environment and completing lots of maths challenges in the provision.

Year 2 Representing Data

Date: 19th Jul 2023 @ 3:38pm

This half term, Year Two have been exploring different ways to represent data using an online system linking our Computing and Maths learning. Throughout the unit we have explored creating tally charts, pictograms and today we finished the unit by using data to create a block diagram. We have really enjoyed the unit and putting our Maths statistics knowledge into Computing. 

Reception- Peas! Peas! Peas!

Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 10:22pm

This week on a rather rainy day, Reception harvested the peas they had grown in their outdoor area. They enjoyed eating them, counting the peas and calculating how many were left in the pod.

"The peas needed water to grow and the sun too" Lana- Rose.

"They taste yummy!" Halleigh.

"Peas are healthy for you- they are a vegetable".Harper.

"I had five peas. i ate one and had four left" Amelia.

Year 3- Making shapes!

Date: 6th Jul 2023 @ 8:21am

In Maths we have been looking at Shapes. In this lesson we looked at making and drawing regular polygons. We thought about the sides and vertices when making these shapes.  

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01253 287250:

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