British Values: Blog items
Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 7:33pm
Today we took part in our first Spelling Bee of the year. Each house was represented by the best spellers from Year 2 - Year 6 and the children were tested on spellings they have been learning in Autumn 1. After a spelling test in class last week, Jake, Felix, Rose and Reinier represented their houses from Year 5 today.
The over all winners were Bathurst, who managed to spell 14/15 spellings across all 5 years groups. Well done to all who took part!
Date: 7th Oct 2024 @ 8:35am
This week Boundary Primary School celebrated Harvest Festival. Year 6 led the celebration assembly together with our special guest, Reverend Peter. We talked about being thankful for the food we eat, our good health and the life we live. The children and their families helped by donating food to Vincent House.Thank you to everyone for their support.
Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 4:54pm
This week Boundary Primary School celebrated Harvest Festival.
Year 6 led the celebration assembly together with our special guest, Reverend Peter. We talked about being thankful for the food we eat, our good health and the life we live.
The children and their families helped by donating food to Vincent House.
Thank you to everyone for their support.
Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 2:21pm
Acorns have enjoyed exploring and learning about Harvest this week. We have learnt about the different crops we can harvest and the role of the farmer.
We enjoyed using our tractor in the sensory tray and digging for different vegetables. We loved using the vegetables to print and mark make with.
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 6:27pm
Today in Year 1 we voted for our class school councillors! This week we have been learning about democracy and what it means. We learnt that in Year 1 we get to make important decisions, such as who we want to be our class representatives for the school council. Children who wanted to be considered delivered their manifestos. We are all looking forward to finding out the results!
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 4:45pm
Today was all about democracy in Year Three. After preparing and writing our manifestos, the hopeful candidates presented in front of the class. We then went into the hall to cast our votes for our new school council member.
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 1:43pm
Today was voting day! Good luck to all the candidates - you were brilliant presenting your manifestos in class.
Year 5 Exercising their Democratic Rights
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 10:49am
Today, Year 5 joined children across school in voting for their new School Councillor. Democracy Week started with a visit from local Member of Parliament, Chris Webb who shared his experiences of being Blackpool's Labour MP.
In PSHE, children then ahd the opportunity to look more closely at the word Democracy and what this means for adults and then for themselves in school. Finally, those children who wanted to put their name forward for nomination, wrote their manifestos and read them out in front of the class. The results of the election will be announced soon. Well done and Good Luck to all those who took part!
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 9:19am
We started our election week by having a visit from Chris Webb. We were able to ask him questions and find out what it is like to be a MP. We then created our own manifestos and presented them to the class. ,Today we went a voted for who we want to present us as school councillor. Good luck to everyone, we will update you with the results!
Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 5:38pm
Today we were visited by local magistrates who told us all about their jobs and how they play integral roles in the court system. We then took part in a mock trial, which centred around a case of online bullying. Children were given roles to play and words to read out, these included prosecution, defence, judge, victim, court usher and witnesses. The children really got a feel for what goes on in a courtroom and some of us are even considering future careers!
Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 11:06am
Over the last few weeks, Reception have been talking about their themselves an their families. This week, we have been paying particular attention to what we look like- especially our faces.
We realised we all have different coloured hair and eyes, different length and styles of hair and even our skin is a different colour to others.
We painted self portraits and also made a paper plate of our faces too.
"I have brown eyes" Dina
"My hair is short" Kayden.
"I have a ponytail and long hair" Rosie
"I have freckles on my face" Michael.
Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 1:28pm
Acorns have been busy learning all about me, over the last couple of weeks.
We have been reading This is me and From Head to Toe.
We have had lots of fun developing our understanding through music and exploring our faces and how our bodies move with mirrors.
We have been exploring mark making and making faces during arts and crafts.
Using visuals and Makaton to support our understanding.
Date: 17th Sep 2024 @ 3:48pm
This week, Chris Webb MP launched our School Council election campaign with a visit to to the school.
It began on Monday with a whole school assembly where Chris talked to the children about what it is like to be an MP and answered questions about his role. They also learnt about the British Value, democracy , why we vote and how to become a school councillor. The children also looked at what characteristics make a good school councillor and how they can encourage their class to vote for them.
After assembly, Miss Moyes showed Chris around the school where he had a chance to meet the children in their classrooms and speak to them about the school and their experiences. Overall, it was a very successful visit and Chris said he was "very impressed" and that we should be "proud of our school".
Voting day is Thursday 26th September.
Have you got what it takes to be part of the school council? If so, your school needs YOU!
Nursery Get To Know Each Other
Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 4:20pm
Nursey have been spending time getting to know each other and making new freinds. Playing in our provision has allowed the children to bond and support each other when someone has been a little unsure of their new envirnoment. The children have been leanring to share and treat each other with kindenss and respect.
Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 1:04pm
Today we began our unit on Invasion Games. We discussed different types of sports that invloved working as a team for a common goal. We then looked at dribbling in basketball and footbal and practised both of these skills.
Date: 9th Sep 2024 @ 5:06pm
The children could not wait to go outside and explore the outdoor area.
First, they needed to learn how to put on their outdoor clothes. They took off their shoes, put on their over trousers, coat and finally their wellies. Once ready, they could go outside and begin their learning.
They played in the mud kitchen, explored in the water trays, and built sand castles in the sand pit. They chatted, laughed, took turns and helped each other as they continued to get to know each other during their first week in school.
Date: 6th Sep 2024 @ 3:39pm
As we return to school from a long holiday, pupils in year 5 have been reflecting on the Boundary promises and what they mean. In small groups, pupils discussed how they can show the correct behaviours and be an 'Always' pupil .
The Boundary promises are:
- Act with Honesty and Respect
- Always try your best
- Work well together
- Always use Safe and Friendly Words and Behaviours
- Be in the Right Place, at the Right Time with the Right Things
Nursery Settle in for a Fantastic Year
Date: 5th Sep 2024 @ 8:42pm
We have had a wonderful week welcoming our new starters to Nursery. We have all spent time getting to know each other and the chidren have made a super start learning all the nursery routines. We've got a feeling it's going to be a brilliant year!
Reception- Our first few days at school
Date: 4th Sep 2024 @ 8:52pm
It has been lovely welcoming the new children into Reception. The children looked super smart in their new uniforms and we have been very impressed how well the children have come into school . Over the past few days they children have been busy getting to know the staff in school, meeting new friends, exploring the classroom environments and learning the new classroom rules and routines. Have a look at some of the things the children have been doing.
Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 2:31pm
All of the year 5 pupils had a brilliant time at the zoo. We saw lots of fantastic animals including lions, tigers and penguins. We also had a lesson from the zoo staff about 'Animal Classification', which linked to our science topic.
Reception- Heritage Week Blackpool
Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 12:22pm
Thiw week Reception have had fun learning about where we live in Blackpool.
We learnt about what Blackpool was like in the past and what it is like now. We looked at some artefacts, such as a stick of Blackpool rock, a souvenir mug, a bucket and spade, a sun hat and different types of swimming costumes from now and from the past. We also discussed our favourite places we like to visit in Blackpool.
"Old swimming costumes are very long!" Isla.
"You wear a little hat to go swimming in the past." Esme.
"Old photos from the past are black and white- new ones are colour." Ellie- May
" I like to visit the ballroom in Blackpool Tower can go dancing there." Lucy
" We have a beach and I take a bucket and a spade, sun hat, swimming costume and a picninc with me when I go ." Esmai.
"I go on the trams" Luca.
"My favourite is Blackpool Tower it is like the Eiffel Tower." Mathew.
"There is a roller coaster at the Pleasure Beach- I go on the blue one with my Mummy." George.
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 12:27pm
Nursery had a super sports stay and play. We invited the children's families in to take part in some sports activities with their children. We had a penalty shoot out, balancing bean bags, egg and spoon race, an obstacle course and target practise. We all had a wonderful time.
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 10:22am
For this year's Heritage Day, year 5 were asked the question, 'Why did Blackpool become a popular tourist resort?'
The pupils looked at a range of old photos to see how the town has changed over the past 150 years. Together we found out how the Blackpool Tower, Pleasure Beach, Winter Gardens and piers came about. Pupils used this information to support their writing of a newspaper to comemorate the visit of Princess Louise in 1912 - which was the beginning of the famous Blackpool Illuminations.
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 10:15am
Our key question was 'What has changed in our local area?'
We looked at maps and information online to find out about the £20,000,000 redevelopment of Grange Park. Using our geography skills, we collected information about the types of houses (131 new homes have been built) that have been built around the school, collated the data and presented our findings in a bar graph. We also did a Kahoot! quiz, with help from some parents, about the Grange Park redevelopment.
Acorns - Supertato and Health week
Date: 30th Jun 2024 @ 5:40pm
Acorns have been celebrating Health & Well-Being week this week through a variety of activities. Firstly, our very successful interactive sports session which we all loved. Our sensory story was Supertato. We loved listening to the story and exploring the Superveggies!! We had a selection of vegetables to touch, smell and taste before matching them to the correct cards. We also made fruit kebabs and loved tasting a variety of fruit and strengthening our fine motor skills, threading the fruit onto skewers. We counted potatoes and vegetables during maths and even made our own Supertato art work. We finished the week off wearing bright and sporty outfits and developing some turn taking skills during our activities.