Year 3- RE

Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 9:47am

In RE we have been learning all about Christianity (God) and we focused on the question of how (and why) have some people served God? We began thinking of what makes a good leader and discussed different famous people that have been leaders and role models to people in the past. We shared our opinions with one another and created a booklet for the qualities that makes a good leader. We recapped what is the bible? What is the old testament? We then read and understood all about the two stories, ‘story of the Moses’ and ‘Noah’s Ark.’ In pairs we shared our ideas as to what do we learn from the stories? Why do you think Christians follow God? We then compared the two stories thinking about how people felt when they heard God? As a class we discussed what life of service means and then looked at three Christians who have served a life of service. We thought about their role, the impact they had on other people and how they had a positive effect on others by being helpful. We discussed what the word vocation means and linked it to the role of a church leader. We researched how a church leader serves in church, but also in the community. We then carried our research as a class to find out about The Salvation Army and how it links to how Christians serve others? We shared ideas as to what Christians do for the community and the positive impact the Salvation Army has on the world. We applied everything we have learnt to then our personal life to think, are we good examples to others? Also, who inspires us?

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