Year 5 - R.E this half-term
Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 8:22am
In RE this half term, we have asked ourselves ‘Why is it sometimes difficult to do the right thing?’ and considered this question through the teachings of Christianity. We have thought about the meaning of temptation, sin and forgiveness. To aid our understanding, we listened to the parables, The Fall and The Lost Son from the Bible and challenged ourselves to compare how forgiveness was shown in both stories. In class, pupils role –played the parts of Adam and Eve and were subjected to questioning by their peers about their actions. We also thought about the metaphorical and literal meanings of the story of The Fall and the children gave some very thoughtful answers. To try to answer our question, we discussed the temptations in the modern day world and how this may lead Christians to commit a sin. We looked at how Christians seek forgiveness through various practices in the Protestant and Catholic churches and compared these. Finally, we thought about what right and wrong looks like for us as individuals and created a moral compass poster to demonstrate our beliefs.