British Values: Blog items
Acorns - Funnybones and Fireworks
Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 11:02am
Acorns have been reading Funnybones this week. We have enjoyed our sensory story and learning the skeleton dance, exploring how the bones make up our bodies.
Acorns also engaged in a variety of activities to explore bonfire night. We enjoyed our sensory tuff trays and painting fireworks.
Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 10:44am
Acorns have been exploring Remembrance Day in class through video and art experiences. We planted our poppies this morning to remember those who have passed.
Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 10:23am
As part of our Remembrance service, Year 3 made and planted poppies in our remembrance garden. Each of the children wrote names of soldiers and we thought about their sacrifice when we planted them. The children also took part in our whole school service.
Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 4:50pm
Acorns have been exploring the theme of friendship this week and loved rounding our week off celebrating Odd Socks Day through a variety of multi-sensory activities including sock matching, pegging socks onto a washing line and counting odd socks.
Acorns looked fantastic wearing their odd socks. We had a great day.
Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 10:30am
This week we have learnt about anti bullying week through the theme 'choose respect.' Today we wore odd socks and designed our own odd socks to raise awareness about bullying.
Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 2:20pm
Today we were visited by the fire service who recapped on fire safety and then talk to us about road safety. We recapped on making sure we wear bright colours at night, such as fluorescent jackets. We also talked about the importance of not being on our phones when we cross the roads or listening to music. As the nights are now getting darker we must keep ourselves safe.
Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 10:26am
This week we have been looking at Anti-bullying. We discussed what bullying was and how to deal with it. We looked at how as a class we were going to be upstanders instead of bystanders. We discussed the importance of speaking out against bullying and how we can be a supportive friend. We then made a pledge to be an upstander.
Date: 6th Nov 2024 @ 11:10am
This week, Year 2 celebrated anti-bullying week alongside the whole school. After a whole school assembly, in class we looked at what respecting others look likes, feels like and sounds like. We also explored the difference between friendly joking, teasing and bullying and identified these from a range of scenarios discussing what the differences are. Today, we all wore odd socks to celebrate that everyone is different and this is a great thing!
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 9:34pm
This week the children have been learning about the Sikh and Hindu elebration of Divali. The children have been learning about how people prepare for the festival and comparing this to how Christain prepare for Christmas. They have been creating their own rangoli patterns, making Diva lamps out of salt dough, writing Divali cards and exploring different artefacts at the Divali table.
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 3:43pm
This week is Anti-bullying week. Acorns have been exploring friendships and social skills with peers. We have been developing our sharing and turn taking skills through a variety of different activities. Take a look!
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 3:32pm
Following in from our Anti-Bullying assembly with Mrs Clark on Monday, we looked at what bullying means again and then focused on the theme of respect. We had lots of different scenarios and we had to categorise them into respectful or disrespectful. Then we used our learning to decide what we would do in some new scenarios from the Anti Bullying Alliance.
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 2:16pm
This week we have introduced Remembrance Day to our class, focusing on why we have a Remembrance Day and why poppies are used to symbolise this important day.
Children in Year 5 produced a range of beautiful poppy art to decorate a fallen soldier. We had to use special techniques to create the different drawing and sketching techniques.
This is the start of a two-week period we have in school to remember and honour members of the armed forces.
Date: 4th Nov 2024 @ 4:37pm
In Art, we have started learning about gestural drawing which will be the focus of our pathway this half term. The children looked at a range of poppies and drew observational sketches. This links to thinking about remembrance and the importance of considering those we have lost.
Year 5 - African Drumming 2024
Date: 29th Oct 2024 @ 4:16pm
Today, all of the children in Year 5 were given an amazing opportunity to take part in an African drumming workshop. Pupils learned about the different percussion instruments from west Africa and had a go at playing a djembe - an African drum. We learned different dances and rhythms and performed what we had learned in an assembly at the end of the day to parents and carers. It was an amazing experience!
Date: 28th Oct 2024 @ 11:05am
Today in Year 6, we had a visit from someone who works for Lancashire County Council - Tim. His workshop focussed on the 5 British Values: Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Individual Liberty, Tolerance and Democracy. We talked about how we can all demonstrate the British Values in school and the wider community. It was a really informative workshop and the children gave some excellent answers to questions posed. We are very proud of how mature Year 6 were during the session.
Date: 21st Oct 2024 @ 1:59pm
During the final week of the first half term, we had a discussion about who inspires us to show goodness in the world and compared our role models.
Next, we created some rangoli patterns using coloured rice. Rangoli, which means rows of colours, is drawn on the entrance and filled with colours during Diwali. They are used to welcome guests and Lakshmi into homes. We took our time creating the intricate patterns and created some brilliant art work!
Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 10:40am
On Thursday, Reception visited Forest School with Jenna and Emma.
We had a great time listening to a story, searching for bugs and making homes for them using leaves and twigs that we found. All the children worked together, helping each other and sharing what they had found.
"I can't believe we have found slug eggs!" Kevin.
"Worms come up through the soil" Dennis.
"Look! I've found a bug under the log" Harley.
"I made a house for my bug from leaves and some mud" Hazel.
"I've found a secret path in the trees" Harry.
Year 6 - Symbolism and words used in Christian ceremonies
Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 3:40pm
In our latest RE lesson, we explored how words and actions can convey meaning in Christian ceremonies. We looked at the words used in baptism, the symbolism used in holy communion and the symbolism of the rings in mariage ceremonies. We worked in small groups to answer questions about what we had learned.
Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 9:47am
In RE we have been learning all about Christianity (God) and we focused on the question of how (and why) have some people served God? We began thinking of what makes a good leader and discussed different famous people that have been leaders and role models to people in the past. We shared our opinions with one another and created a booklet for the qualities that makes a good leader. We recapped what is the bible? What is the old testament? We then read and understood all about the two stories, ‘story of the Moses’ and ‘Noah’s Ark.’ In pairs we shared our ideas as to what do we learn from the stories? Why do you think Christians follow God? We then compared the two stories thinking about how people felt when they heard God? As a class we discussed what life of service means and then looked at three Christians who have served a life of service. We thought about their role, the impact they had on other people and how they had a positive effect on others by being helpful. We discussed what the word vocation means and linked it to the role of a church leader. We researched how a church leader serves in church, but also in the community. We then carried our research as a class to find out about The Salvation Army and how it links to how Christians serve others? We shared ideas as to what Christians do for the community and the positive impact the Salvation Army has on the world. We applied everything we have learnt to then our personal life to think, are we good examples to others? Also, who inspires us?
Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 8:22am
In RE this half term, we have asked ourselves ‘Why is it sometimes difficult to do the right thing?’ and considered this question through the teachings of Christianity. We have thought about the meaning of temptation, sin and forgiveness. To aid our understanding, we listened to the parables, The Fall and The Lost Son from the Bible and challenged ourselves to compare how forgiveness was shown in both stories. In class, pupils role –played the parts of Adam and Eve and were subjected to questioning by their peers about their actions. We also thought about the metaphorical and literal meanings of the story of The Fall and the children gave some very thoughtful answers. To try to answer our question, we discussed the temptations in the modern day world and how this may lead Christians to commit a sin. We looked at how Christians seek forgiveness through various practices in the Protestant and Catholic churches and compared these. Finally, we thought about what right and wrong looks like for us as individuals and created a moral compass poster to demonstrate our beliefs.
Year 2- Does how we treat the world matter?
Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 8:00am
This half term in R.E, the children have been learning all about Christianity and how Christians believe that God created the world. We have looked at the Creation Story of how God created the world in 7 days. We then went on to learn all about Harvest and why this is an important celebration for Christians, as this is the time where they thank God for food that He has provided. At the end of the topic, we reflected on how we can make a difference to our world, as it is our responsibility to look after it.
Year 5 - Active Listening - PSHE
Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 1:54pm
This week's Skills for Life and PSHE focus was Active Listening. In Year 5, we looked the importance of active listening linked to the British Values of respect and tolerance and to friendship here at school and at home. We talked about the importance of active listening not just when adults are speaking but when our friends and adults at home are too! Finally, we put our skills to the test. In pairs, one person had 2 minutes to tell their partner facts about themselves or about their day so far; while this was happening the listener had to show their active listening skills (and ask any clarifying or probing questions). At the end of the 2 minutes, the speaker had to ask the listener 3 questions to test their skills - we decided that Year 5 are very good at Active Listening!
Date: 15th Oct 2024 @ 8:03pm
Acorns have been enjoying the book 'You Choose' to explore and develop their understanding about choice and making a choice.
We have encouraged Acorns to make different choices throughout the week in all aspects of their learning and play.
Acorns have enjoyed a multi-sensory approach to making choices. We loved choosing different hats to wear, different outfits, especially super hero's, to dress up in and different tools to explore with in art and mark making.
We also used visuals to support our choice making during snack and lunch times.
Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 2:32pm
To start our Black History Month learning, we used our previous knowledge and online resources to create a PowerPoint slide about what Black History Month is, when it is celebrated in the UK and why we celebrate it. When looking at sporting achievements, we focused on the Men’s England National Team. We first looked at all the players heritages and we were surprised to find 8 out of 11 players heritage is black. We imagined what the England time would be like without them – we would only have three players!
Year 4 focused on sporting achievements for Black History Month and we are linking this to our Reading into Writing non-chronological report writing. We will be writing about Jude Bellingham, but to start our journey of non-chronological reports we have been looking at lots of WAGOLLs.
School Council- Our First Meeting
Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 5:18pm
We had our very first meeting this week and were excited to be joined by Miss Moyes who set us our first tasks as school councillors.
She explained how she needed to buy new reading books for the school and would like the children to choose what they would like to read. She also asked us to find out what charities we would like to support this year. Lydia in Y5, suggested Alder Hey as she had been in hospital there and they had helped her get better.
Miss Moyes also had exciting news about Blackpool's School Symposium which aims to bring all Pupil Councils together to work collaboratively and allow young people to feed directly into the BEIB. She explained how Boundary will be hosting the first meeting with all the schools in our area.