Art: Blog items

Acorns - Lets Grow

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 2:30pm

This term Acorns topic is Let's Grow. We will be looking at the growth of plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables as well as the life cycles of butterflies and frogs. We will be exploring spring as we see the new growth all around us. This week we have incorportated the story Jack and the Beanstalk and Jasper's Beanstalk in our learning and learnt about planting and growing. We planted our very own beans and are excited to watch them grow. 

Year 2- Making Patterns with Nature

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 7:09am

Yesterday, Year Two created pieces of art by thinking about patterns they could create using different types of lines, shapes, overlapping, layering and filling taking inspiration from our artist Alice Fox who collects things in her allotment and uses them to create her art. The children had time to explore the materials we were using and then experimented with creating different pieces of art. Once we had our final piece we evaluated it for it's effectiveness thinking about what we liked about it and reflected on the techniques we had used.

Nursery Help the Butterflies

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 10:14pm

Nursery continue to learn about growth and change and this week we have been reading the story "Ben Plants a Butterfly Garden". In the story, Ben plants some wild flower seeds in his garden to encourage butterflies to come and visit - he even finds some caterpillars! We planted our own wild flower seeds and are looking forward to watching them grow. The children have also spent time exploring flowers and looking at their individual parts, sequenced how to grow and seed and created some collage flowers and some transient art flowers. 

Year 4 - Clay Sculptures

Date: 26th Mar 2024 @ 5:16pm

The last couple of weeks we have been making our clay sculptures. We have made tinned food or jars of food. The children showed lots of perseverance sculpting their tins/jars and then again when painting them.

Year 4 - Primary Futures: ART

Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 10:24am

What a great session this morning. We virtually met with five vounteers who all told us about their jobs in the art industry. We had a variety of virtual visitors from a tattoo artist, to a photographer to a painting conservator.

Nursery Save the Day!

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 10:30pm

The children have been very busy listening to superhero stories and even getting in to a few rescue missions themselves! They have made their own masks and designed a cape. The masks came in very handy as they role played superhero missions outside. We also looked at the "s" sound in phonics and found other objects that began with a "s". The children then created their own super "S". 

Nursery The Fun of Outdoors

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 10:12pm

Nursery never run out of ways to have fun outdside. Amongst all the fun, there is a lot of learning going on! This week, the slide has created lots of learning opportunites - all led by the children. They worked together to move a crate to use as an extra step and then moved the giant spinning top to the bottom of the slide. The chidlren then discovered it was great fun to slide down the slide and land in the spinning top! They children have also been exploring colours and colour mixing all through painting a large cardboard box! 

Reception- Chinese New Year.

Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 5:56pm

Reception have been learning about the celebration- Chinese New Year- the year of the dragon. 

They made Chinese lanterns and dragons, painted Chinese dragons, talked about Chinese food and how similar it is to other celebrations, such as Christmas and birthdays.

"You clean the house ready to celebrate and eat special food" Mathew.

"You get presents and treats" Lucy.

"It is the year of the dragon" Loui-Tony.

"i like Chinese food- I eat rice and noodles and chicken" Mireya.

"You eat Chinese food with chopsticks" Myah.


Nursey - Exploring Puffy Paint

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 7:03am

With all the snow this week and discovering how it starts to melt when the temperture warms up, the children have been making some melted snowman pictures! We used shaving foam and PVA glue to create our snowman pictures. We talked about what had made the snowmen melt. Here are some of the things the children said "It melted becasue of the rain"."He got too hot". "The sun did it". 

Nursery Explore What Winter Feels Like

Date: 15th Jan 2024 @ 10:19pm

This week we read the story "A Little Bit of Winter" about a hedghog who asks his friend rabbit to save him a little bit of winter so he knows what it feels like. The children have held ice to and talked about what it feels like and compared it to holding something warm. We have also explored cold colours through painting and collage and made some winter cocktails, There were some lovely conversations about snow at our winter sensory tray and discussions about fun things we can do in the winter as the children played with the mini ice skating rink. 

Year 3- R.E art!

Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 1:58pm

After learning about the Christmas story Year 3 created pictures representing the birth of Jesus.

Year 5 - Nativity Art

Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 11:22am

As we get closer to Christmas, pupils in year 5 were asked to use the art skills we learned earlier in the year to produce a Nativity image. Using pencils, pupils sketched images of the Nativity over an ancient map of the Holy Land.

Year 2- Stick men

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 4:23pm

This week, we have been busy using our sculpture skills to transform sticks into stick men. We thought about the pose we wanted our stick to be in and joined different sticks together to create our vision. Once our sticks were secure, we wrapped them in wool to create some clothes for it. 

Elmer Excitement!

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 11:51am

There has been a lot of excitement in school this week, as as we took delivery of our Elmer sculpture.

The school council excitedly unwrapped it and it was taken to a safe place in school until it is ready to be decorated by the children.

Year 4 - RE Christmas Story

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 11:46am

Today we used our Art pathway skills (Storytelling through drawing) to draw and paint a scene from the Christmas Story. We used the medium of watercolours for the background and we used a stencil to cut out a silhouette for Mary, Joseph and the donkey.

Year 6 - Graphic Design

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 10:57am

Year 6 have produced some amazing packaging as part of their graphic design art journey. After studying graphic design and looking at existing packaging, we learned about typography and the different fonts used on products. We then created out own packaging using the original as inspiration. We used differnet techniques including collaging. 

Nursery Christmas Stay and Play

Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 2:02pm

We had a super time at our Christmas Stay and Play this week. It was lovely to see so many of our parents and they really enjoyed making Christmas crafts and snowman biscuits with their child. 

Our Stay and Play sessions are a great opportunity for our parents o see what thier children have been doing at nursery and gain an insight in to the nursery day. 

Year 3- Charcoal Art

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 2:44pm

This half term we have been working with the medium of charcoal. After practising a variety of skills and looking at artists such as Laura McKendry, we created our final pieces.  

Year 6 - Art

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 12:56pm

Today we began our Art journey of graphic design. By the end of the unit we will turn 2D drawings into 3D models based on food packaging. Today we looked at what graphic design is and how companies employ graphic designers to create appealing packages to appeal to consumers. We also looked at how typography is used to make words stand out and changing the style of letters will add an extra layer to the overall design.

Year 4 - Storytelling through drawing

Date: 12th Dec 2023 @ 4:34pm

Today we evaluated our art from last week (based on the poem 'A Day in Autumn'). We used evaluation post it notes and stem sentences to write about our illustrations. Then we used our reflections to start our final pieces.

Year 6 - Forest School (Indoors!)

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 2:01pm

The awful weather conditions did not stop Year 6 enjoying their Forest School sessions this week. Instead of using our Forest School area, we brought the activities inside. The children started the session by foraging for resources to make Christmas crafts and decorations. They learned skills including splitting wood and bending willow to make their own creations.

Year 3- Chiaroscuro!

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 3:00pm

The children explored the skill of chiaroscuro in art which means 'light- dark'. We looked at how to use charcoal to create shadows and then used rubbers and chalk to create highlights. We will sue these skills in our fianl piece. 

Nursery Go to Space

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 11:26am

Nursery visited outerspace this week! We read the story "The Way Back Home" by Oliver Jeffers about a boy who finds an areoplane and flies all the way to the moon! He runs out of petrol and meets an alien whose spaceship has broken down! We learnt all about the different planets and used balloons to print some planets. Outside we built a rocket using the bricks and went on lots of adventures to space! One day we discovered some aliens in our garden and we talked about how they might of got there. We also used magnetic shapes and building blocks to build our own rockets. We had to think carefully about the shapes we needed to make a rocket. Its been a very busy week! 

Nursery Become Pirates

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 12:05pm

Nursery have taken to the seas this week and become Pirates! We've made treasure maps, counted golden coins, worked together to a build pirate ship and made special pirate brews! The children have loved playing together to make up their own pirate stories and have even been fishing for their tea!

Year 2- Roots and Shoots

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 7:13am

Yesterday, we explored using materials in different ways to make something they aren't by twisting, bending, folding, cutting, tearing and stretching. We did this to create roots and shoots from a source. We likened it to a flower with the roots going down out of a source/seed and the shoots stretching upwards towards the light. We tried to be creative and join the materials in different ways.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust