Art: Blog items

Year 1 Sea Creatures

Date: 18th Jul 2024 @ 8:19pm

This half term we have been generating ideas through playful exploration and exploring sculpture. Today we completed our final project and created a sea creature. We used different materials, tools and ideas to work towards our outcome.

Year 5 - Final Fashion Designs

Date: 18th Jul 2024 @ 11:31am

Today, pupils in year 5 turned their outift designs into a minature prototype (or toile). They made their outfit on a mannequin before evaulating their final piece and the process of making it.

Acorns - At the seaside

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 4:23pm

This week Acorns have been exploring the seaside.

We have had lots of fun sensory experiences including splat the sandcastle, underwater tuff trays and our sensory story, 'What the ladybird heard at the seaside'.

We also read Billy's Bucket and enjoyed choosing what we would put in our own buckets. We even created our own seaside scene. 

Year 1 Together Time

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 11:37am

Together Time

Today we enjoyed exploring materials and tools to connect them together in a playful way. We began by recapping on different ways we can manipulate and change the shape of paper, before becoming explorers and inventors to create a range of sculptures using prompt cards. Our prompt cards asked us to make ‘something which has a seed and grows a root and a shoot,’ ‘a family of something’ and ‘something small enough to fit in your palm.’ We enjoyed sharing our learning with our adults, being creative, using our imagination and creating something unique and individual to us!

Acorns - Supertato and Health week

Date: 30th Jun 2024 @ 5:40pm

Acorns have been celebrating Health & Well-Being week this week through a variety of activities. Firstly, our very successful interactive sports session which we all loved. Our sensory story was Supertato. We loved listening to the story and exploring the Superveggies!! We had a selection of vegetables to touch, smell and taste before matching them to the correct cards. We also made fruit kebabs and loved tasting a variety of fruit and strengthening our fine motor skills, threading the fruit onto skewers. We counted potatoes and vegetables during maths and even made our own Supertato art work. We finished the week off wearing bright and sporty outfits and developing some turn taking skills during our activities. 

Year 2- Music and Art Day

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 3:39pm

Last week, we celebrated Music and Art day all about celebrating our identity. In Art, we explored portraits and representing ourselves in portrait form. We practiced different mark making techniques that would help us when drawing before identifying shapes on our faces. Then we used all our knowledge to draw and colour a portrait. In music, we created a lemotif in small groups that represents us. 

Acorns - Oh Dear

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 1:55pm

Acorns have enjoyed meeting the ducklings and learning about their growth and life cycle.

We have incorporated lots of eggciting activities into our learning this week.

We loved our sensory duck themed tuff trays, maths activities and writing activities.

We have been reading Oh Dear and looking for the eggs and enjoyed matching the animals during our sensory story and using the correct noises of the animals.

Acorns have also been busy making ducks during art.

Our highlight was watching the ducks take a paddle in the reception play area before we said good bye. 

Year 3- Music and Art day!

Date: 23rd Jun 2024 @ 7:44pm

On Friday the children enjoyed a Music and Art day! We loved thinking about our identify for Art and making links to our hobbies, likes and memories when painting our self portrait.


In Music, we listened to a range of songs and made notes on their styles. We learnt about Jazz scatting and loved singing in this style! We also tried our hand in syncopation.

Year 6 - Art Day

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 2:43pm

We had a great day learning about mark making and different shading techniques. We practised techniques in our sketch books before creating a self portrait. 

Year 4 - Art Day

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 2:17pm

A theme of identity! We've had a great day exploring mark making and then creating our own self-portraits.

Year 1 Art Day

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 1:33pm

Today we enjoyed Art and Music Day! We learnt about the theme for the day and what the word 'identity' means. We then talked about the different things that make us individual and that contribute towards our identity. We completed different activities to explore our own identities before creating our own self portrait. We looked carefully at our own individual features and the shapes we can use to create our features using pastels and pencils. 

Nursery Work Collaboratively

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 4:37pm

There are lots of opportunites for the children to work collaboratively in nursery as its a  great way to develop communication and language skills and PSED skills. This week we have been reading story "The Singing Mermaid" By Juila Donaldson and the chidlren worlked togerher the create a beautiful tail for the mermaid. 

Year 5 - Fabulous Fashion

Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 3:58pm

This week children in year 5 have begun their art journey into fashion design. In this lesson, pupils were inspired by three British designers and created an in fluences page in their sketchbooks.

Nursery Make Sharks

Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 12:15pm

Nursery have been busy making Sharks this week and were brilliant at following instructions. They carefully placed all the pieces in the correct place and the results were fabulous! 

Reception Clay Bog Baby Models and Habitats

Date: 11th Jun 2024 @ 11:21am

Reception have been reading the story 'Bog Baby'.  As part of our art work all the children made their own clay model of the Bog Baby.  the children looked carefully at the different features of the Bog Baby including his big googley eyes, long spikey tail and little mouse like ears.  The children explored the clay using their hands to manipulate the shape and size.  They used the teachniques of slip, score and blend to successfully attach the different parts to their model.  When the models had dried the child painted them carefully.  Every child made their own home for the Bog Baby which they used a range of different materials from the create area.

"The water helped the clay to stick together" Mathew.

"Yo have to blend it properly or the tail will fall off" Elisha.

Year Three- Amazing artists!

Date: 11th Jun 2024 @ 11:03am

In Art, Year Three have started a new pathway of telling stories through Art. We have started looking at inspirational artists Quentin Blake and Inbal Leitner and created double page spread that included key facts, images and our own sketches! On our journey we are going to use these artists to inspire our artwork, we are going to use modelling clay to create our own creatures! 

Boundary recieve Arts Mark Gold Award

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 4:02pm

Boundary recieve Arts Mark Gold Award

We are proud to share that once again we have been awarded the Arts Mark Gold award which recognises schools that deliver a high
quality arts and cultural education program!

Acorns - Sam plants a sunflower

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 4:42pm

This week Acorns have been reading Sam plants a Sunflower, as our class story.

We have enjoyed learning about how plants grow and what they need, including soil, water and sunlight.

We have been developing our focus and attention, taking part in small adult led group activities based around our story.

Acorns have enjoyed the immersive sensory story, especially being sprayed with the water spray when Sam plants his seeds and waters them.

Acorns have experienced planting their very own sunflowers and can't wait to see them grow. 

Acorns - Ben plants a Butterfly Garden

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 6:25pm

This week Acorns have been exploring the story Ben plants a Butterfly Garden.

We are continuing to develop our understanding of the butterfly life cycle.

We have enjoyed a variety of sensory tuff tray experiences as well as the sensory story.

We have also noticed the change in our caterpillars, which a now chrysalis.

We have engaged well in lots of different literacy and numeracy activities, developing our overwriting skills and number knowledge. We are continuing to develop our engagement in adult-led activities alongside our peers.

What a busy week. 

Acorns Spring Walk

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 5:48pm

Acorns have been listening to our adults talk about new life spring brings and this week we went on a spring walk.

Acorns had lots of fun exploring our forest school area and looking at all the different flora and fauna around us.

We enjoyed using visuals to find different plants and tick them of our checklist.

Acorns were excited to see tadpoles from our little pond and enjoyed watching them swim in the bucket.

We are curious to see what they grow up to become and are looking forward to learn about their life cycle next term.

We were excited to spot some butterflies and collected some natural materials to create our very own natural art butterflies after learning about the butterfly lifecycle this term. 

Reception- The very Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 12:16pm

We have been reading the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 

 It is about a very hungry caterpillar that consumes a variety of foods before making a cocoon and becoming a butterfly. 

We have had lots of fun retelling the story with our friends using stick puppets, painting a caterpillar, creating our own caterpillar using art resources and making a paper plate butterfly.

Finally, we wrote about our favourite part of the story.

Take a look at our photos!

Acorns - The Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:36pm

This week Acorns have been reading the Hungry Caterpillar. We have engaged in a variety of learning activities and experiences to support our understanding of the world around us and the life cycles of butterflies. We have enjoyed making hungry caterpillars in Art and even feeding our very own hungry caterpillar. We found caterpillars and butterflies everywhere, including in our tuff tray and our 'Bucket'. We even had our very own caterpillars come to live in Acorns! We can't wait to see what happens. 

Acorns - Jaspers Beanstalk

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:00pm

We have enjoyed our sensory story this week all about Jaspers Beanstalk. We have been engaging in small adult led activities to support our understanding, learning and developing our focus and concentration. We have loved copying the actions from the book, planting, digging, watering and watching to see what grows. We have enjoyed exploring a variety of vegetables through touch, smell and taste if we were brave enough. We also enjoyed counting vegetables and trying to order beanstalks from smallest to biggest. For some of us we counted to 10 and others showed great listening skills and engagement. What a busy week. 

Year 2- Continuous line drawing

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 4:12pm

This week, we moved on from creating patterns with nature to exploring different drawing techniques. We focused on continuous line drawings and after some careful modelling, the children had a go at creating some continuous line drawings of objects from nature including flowers, sticks, acorns and leaves. The children really tried to focus on the shapes they could see, lines and paid attention to the smaller details of dealing with natural resources. They were all incredibly proud of their drawings and couldn't believe how fantastic they were! 

Nursery and The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 11:25am

We have been reading the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. The story is brilliant for teaching the children the days of the week, counting and exploring the life cycle of the butterfly. The children have been busy outside looking for caterpillars - we haven't found any yet! We have leanrt the caterpillar starts with a "C" and thought of other things that start with a "c". The children have also enjoyed leanring a new song that teaches us about the liec cycle of a butterfly. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust