Art: Blog items
Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 4:39pm
Year Five have been created art inspired by a short film called 'The Dot' and have had a fantastic afternoon creating their masterpieces!
The children either created their dotty pattern inside a circle or around a circle using a variety of bright colours. They ended up with some eye-catching creations!
Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 3:45pm
This afternoon we focussed our art on the story 'The Dot'. We started with 2 dots on the page and went on to create a class masterpiece! We used the skill of quilling to roll pieces of paper to make a 3D piece of art. This took great resilience and perseverence as we rolled all of these tiny pieces. We ended up with very sticky hands from all of that glue!
We found it to be very peaceful and theraputic and we are extremely pleased with the end result.
Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 3:23pm
Nursery took part in a whole school art afternoon. We watched a story called "The Dot" by Peter H Reynolds and then created our own dot pictures! We printed dots with paint, used bingo dabbers to make pictures and also created our own pictures starting with a dot. We had a dotty good time!
Recreating Quentin Blake Illustrations
Date: 16th Mar 2021 @ 4:17pm
In today's lesson we looked at the artist, illustrator and cartoonist Quentin Blake. We studied the way he sketched his pictures and which of the 7 elements of art we could ideinitfy in his pieces of work. Using this, we then picked our favourite ilustration and tried to recreate the picture using the techniques learnt in this and the previous lesson. We think the results speak for themselves.
Date: 9th Mar 2021 @ 8:43pm
As part of our Art learning this half term, Year Two have begun to explore the work of two famous artists, Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. This week we explored the later work of Henri Mattise. We discovered that as he became older, Matisse suffered from ill health which prevented him from painting. He began to cut into coloured paper with scissors and in doing this he invented a new medium, 'carving into colour'.
Taking inspiration from Matisse's artwork we created our own pieces using only scissors and coloured paper. We had to carefully consider lines, colour and shape when creating our masterpieces.
Date: 8th Mar 2021 @ 8:10pm
Today we were extremely happy to welcome back our wondeful Year 6 pupils. It was so lovely to see them all again, back in class where they belong. We spent the morning going through what lockdown life has been like and what they had enjoyed about home-schooling. In the afternoon, we began our Art topic - sketching. We began by practising using different sketching styles, such as cross-hatching, stippling and blending. We were then introduced to the artist Stephen Wiltshire and studied several of his pieces of art before attempting them ourselves. Some of the results were stunning!!
Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 8:01pm
We've had a great day here in Blue Bubble without our devices. We have spent the day playing games, constructing shapes/towers with art straws and baking. We have made pizzas and peppermint creams and had lots of fun in the process. We are looking forward to having another day like this!!
Holly Online Learning- Winter!
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 12:41pm
We have been learning about Winter.
We have been listening to wintery stories, such as Jack frost and then drawing and writing about them.
Sometimes we used the Seesaw tools to do our work, sometimes we used paper and pencils but we always made sure we practiced our handwriting too.
Christmas RE Art - Elder Class
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 2:44pm
Here are our finished pieces of artwork – we worked in groups to draw and paint a nativity scene on canvas. We are very happy with our results!
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 12:53pm
Here are our finished pieces of artwork - we worked in groups to draw and paint a nativity scene on canvas. We are very happy with our results!
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 4:05pm
Today, we retold the Christmas Story and created some amazing Nativity Art. This was us during the process of our artwork, where we used sketching skills and practised on paper before doing it on a canvas. Look at our next post to see our finished versions!
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 8:12pm
This week we have been exploring the effects of Autumn! We discussed what we already know about Autumn, for example 'it is a season,' 'it happens before winter,' and 'trees loose their leaves.' We also talked certain celebrations that happen in Autumn and what animals, bird and mini beasts do to prepare themselves for the Autumn season.
We then focussed on the colour of Autumn leaves, and how this colour changes. We explored mixing colours, changing the tone and identifying colours important to the Autumn season. Firstly learning about the primary and secondary colour wheels, we then practised using varying sizes of brush to develop our ability to paint using clear strokes and brush control.
We mixed our own paint to create different shades of Autumn colours. Starting with a base colour of brown/yellow/orange paint, we added small amounts of white paint, to create lighter shades of the same colour. We then focussed on making darker shades of the same colour. Again, starting with our base colour, we added small amounts of black paint, to create darker shades of our chosen colour. We observed what happened each time we added the amounts of white/black paint and made comments/observations about this.
Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 4:30pm
As part of the work we do for Remembrance Day, we have produced poppy art using water colours. We looked at lots of different examples of poppies and chose our own way of drawing them. We then drew and painted the poppies over a war poem, which we read and discussed.
Dance and Art - We're Bright Sparks!
Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 8:53pm
Welcome back to Autumn 2 in Year 3. This week we have started learning about Artists Georges Seurat and Henri Rousseau, we looked at their paintings and added comments about colour, form, texture and shapes. We expressed our likes and dislikes. We also started our first Dance unit, Dance around the world. It was great to talk about all the different styles of dance we knew and then we began to create a 32 beat motif based on 3 different dance styles, African, Indian and Street Dance. We had to keep in time to the beat and it was tricky, but a good first week.
We also listened to the Fire Service Bright Sparks assembly and talked about how to stay safe around Bonfire Night. Our top tip is to hold a sparkler in a carrot or cucumber!
Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 10:04am
Platform pupils had a fantastic time in our Boundary Forest School.
We really enjoyed splashing in the muddy puddles!
We showed our great teamwork skills building a den and created a picture of a person out of sticks.
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 2:37pm
This week in Maple and Laurel, we have continued our drawing journeys. We have been able to practise with different grades of pencils. We practised hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, coutouring and random hatching.
In Reading in to Writing we started our next journey all about non-chronological reports. See if you can find some examples at home and tell us about them next week.
In PE, we continued with our teamwork skills. The children had to get their rafts from one side of the hall to the other without falling in the 'water'. This meant that the children had to talk to each other calmly and make sure everyone was included. If they fell in the 'water' they had to start all over again. By the end of the lesson, the children were very competitive because they had to get their 'pot of gold' back as quick as possible. It was lots of fun.
Fantastic first full week back
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 2:07pm
We have had a fantastic first full week back. Year 4 have settled brilliantly back into school and are following the new rules well. This week we started our Art journey. We are learning all about drawing. We have had a look the drawings and styles of EH Shepard and Howard Brodie. This week we have had the chance to look at all the different grades of pencils and 8 elements of lines.
In PE, we will be doing Orienteering this half term. This week, we did some teamwork skills and starting to look at the Ordnance Survey Map symbols.
Drawing daffodils in the garden.
Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 10:04pm
It was a beautiful Spring day in the Reception garden. The daffodils had begun to bloom and it was a great opportunity to capture the moment as a picture- using pencil crayons. The children studied the colours of the petal and stem and then sat quietly, concentrating to create a real life picture of Spring in the garden.
"Daffodil petals are yellow" Miya.
"The stem is green" Conner.
"Daffodils grow in Spring" Chloe.
Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 9:53pm
Year 2 spent the day discussing the impact of global warming and how it effects our environment. The children then looked at the dangers of plastic swimming around our oceans and the problem it poses to all livings things. We then explored ways we can help reduce the amount of waste we use and how important it would be for animals, natural environments and habitats. Later on the children created starfish out of recycled materials, as you can see from their designs they did a fantastic job. Well done Year 2.
Young Seasiders Art Competition
Date: 4th Mar 2020 @ 12:02pm
School children from right across the Fylde coast have let their imaginations run wild and made this year’s Young Seasiders Arts and Crafts Exhibition another success story and our children were a part of it. Children from across the school took part in a variety of art lessons, creating pieces which were influenced by our local area and created using techniques used by artists across a range of styles.
Two winners were eventually chosen, Joe from Year 6 and Elliah from Year 2. Their artwork, along with all the other final pieces chosen, are on display at The Grundy gallery in Blackpool along with art created by other children from schools across Blackpool and The Fylde. Jo and Elliah were taken to the art gallery to see their artwork on display and to receive their certificates - Well Done and another Well Done to all our children who have created wonderful pieces of art that we are all very proud of!
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 9:19am
Children worked collaboratively to reproduce 'George Seurat's famous painting called "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte". Children used pointillism to recreate Seurat's style of painting. They were able to create depth and texture using contrasting colours. Children also looked at pointillism artwork by other artists and discussed the 7 elements of art.
Date: 17th Dec 2019 @ 2:21pm
This half term we have been looking at mountains and volcanoes in Geography. To link this to art, we decided to draw a volcano and paint/colour it in the style of Andy Warhol. We looked at a range of his pieces of art and discussed what was similar about them all. This included his strong lines and use of vibrant block colour. We were given the freedom to draw our volcano in any style we wanted, just so long as we used his strong lines and bold colours. We think our end products were great!
Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 7:17pm
The children have been busy making fireworks using play dough, creating transient art pictures, collaging rockets and even doing firework maths! They were so excited and could not wait to tell us about their fun filled night watching fireworks, using sparklers and eating hotdogs with their friends and families!
"I saw a rocket shoot up in the air and then it went whoosh!" Mia.
"I held my sparkler safely" Elsie.
"I watched them with my mummy, daddy, Isaac and Finley" Lucas.
Date: 6th Nov 2019 @ 7:16pm
This week in Nursery we have been learning about Remembrance Day and taking part in lots of Poppy themed activities! We created some particularly special Poppy art ready for our Remembrance Day ceremony next week. We use different techniques to create our painting. First we used our fingerprints and red paint for the Poppy leaves. We then had to add the black spot to the middle of our flower, being very careful not to smudge the flowers leaves! Finally we used a paint brush to add the flowers stem and the grass at the bottom of the Poppy field.
The One With The Open Morning!
Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 3:55pm
Today parents were invited in to join us for an hour and assist with our learning. To link in with Remembrance Day on Monday, we all produced poppy art. We were given an A3 sheet with a war poem on and a set of water colours. We were given 4 designs to use as a stimulus and were asked to recreate one of the pictures on the poem - or a design of our own. We produced some excellent paintings and some of them will be used to put up in the hall on Monday.