Art: Blog items
Hooray For Heritage Blackpool!
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 3:53pm
As part of the whole school Heritage Day, Cedar class learnt about the history of Stanley Park. We began the day by taking part in a virtual heritage tour of the park by completing a timeline of events and other activities. We then created our own Heritage Information Plaques about varea areas of the park. In the afternoon we studied advertising posters of Stanley Park from the 1920s and 1930s before making our own poster.
Creating coastal erosion clay figures
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 9:09am
Yesterday in Art, year 4 created the stages of coastal erosion using clay. The children used the skills they have learnt over the past few weeks to create different texture in their clay using their hands and cocktail sticks.
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 7:11pm
During the last two weeks year 1 have enjoyed our final two sessions of Forest School. We were very excited to be able to take part in our last sessions before the summer holidays!
Over the past two weeks we have explored teamwork, resiliance and cooperation through a number of different activities. We also linked our learning to our current topic in DT, structures.
We recapped on the key fundamentals of Forest School, looking after nature, keeping ourselves and others safe and having fun!
During our sessions we matched different colours in nature, made plates of food for fairies, tried fruit growing from the trees, collected 'nectar' for the Queen Bee, toasted marshmallows and ate them!
Creating texture with play dough!
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 5:07pm
Today in Art, year four explored two of the seven elements of art which were texture and form. They used the play dough to make different forms and create various textures. We also linked this to geography by creating headlands and bays using the play dough which are created through erosion.
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 12:31pm
Holly class have been extremely busy this week searching for treasure using our own treasure maps, reading pirate stories and telling our own pirate narratives using small world figures. We enjoyed dressing up and making our own huge treasure chest and treasure using junk!
'I've drawn a treasure chest so you know where the treasure is!" Lacey.
"X marks the spot on my map." Kian
"You have to go around the tree to find it!" Leyton.
"It's near the sea!" Oscar
Take a look at what we've been up to!
Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 2:51pm
We have been reading a super story this week called "Sharing A Shell" By Julia Donaldson. The children really loved the story and were able to talk about the charcters in the story and the different things they did. We also looked really closely at the different patterns on shells and in particular the spiral. We then created our own spirals by drawing, printing and even baking - our chocolate swirls were deleicious!
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 4:14pm
Today the children took part in their first of 2 Forest School sessions. As part of the lesson, the children took part in a range of activites, inlcuding:
- Mandala making
- Fire building
- Code breaking
- Smore making
The children had a great time and worked well together as a team. They created some beautiful mandala art work where they used the resources found in the outside area. We are looking forward to our session next week!
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 4:08pm
Today the children took part in their first of 2 Forest School sessions. As part of the lesson, the children took part in a range of activities, including:
- Mandala making
- Fire building
- Code breaking
- Smore making
- Nature necklaces
The children had a great time and worked well together as a team. They created some beautiful mandalas using resources found in nature as well as necklaces. We are looking forward to our session next week.
Date: 9th Jun 2021 @ 5:33pm
Reception have been reading the story 'The Three Little Pigs'. We have been very busy acting out the story using puppets, writing about our favourite part of the story, making houses out of cardboard boxes and collaging paper plates to create our favourite characters. We learnt that "bricks are strong" and that is why our houses are built from them!
Date: 20th May 2021 @ 6:31pm
We began the morning by exploring existing products and introducing our new vocabulary. We read each key word and discussed what they mean. We identified which of our key words – lever, slider, pivot, push, pull, direction, up, down, left and right – fit with each example of the mechanism. We then found examples of levers, sliders and wheels in books. We discussed the way the moving part moves, how does it work and what effect is has.
Our first mechanism to make was a slider! We read the Gingerbread man story and talked about which part we might like to turn into a moving picture! Lots of us said a good part of the story to make would be when the characters chase the Gingerbread man and this is the picture we made! To make a part move in our picture we needed to make a sliding mechanism.
Our second mechanism was a lever! For this mechanism we linked our learning to the story Jack and the Beanstalk. We read and discussed the story and we were then ready to turn part of the story into a moving picture using a lever mechanism.
Our third and final new mechanism technique was a wheel. We read the story Little Red Riding Hood, and discussed that we are going to again turn part of the story into a moving picture using a wheel mechanism!
Date: 18th May 2021 @ 9:28pm
Over the past few weeks the children in Willow class have had their classroom transformed into superhero central. We have enjoyed reading lots of different superhero stories, using our imagination to create our own superhero narrative, making and painting superheros, working our superhero maths equations and drawing and writing about our own superheroes. Come and have a look at our amazing work.
Date: 17th May 2021 @ 3:28pm
Last week we learned about Piet Mondrian and Andy Warhol who are famous artists from History. We understood that they created different types of prints, so we took inspiration from this to create our own. We designed our printing blocks, and used primary and secondary colours to create simple and then repeating patterns. It was very tricky to carve our design using straight lines into the lino block, but we persevered (with help)! We loved our final designs and thought that the lines stood out really clearly!
Date: 12th May 2021 @ 5:08pm
Dinosaurs have taken over in the nursery this week! - they are eveywhere! Inside, outside, in the playdough, in the paint and even on the maths table! The children have become paleontologists and have found some dinosaur bones and skeletons and they even made their own dinosaur fossils!
Here's a dinosaur joke for you. "What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes?" "A do-you-think-he -saurs!"
Date: 6th May 2021 @ 4:47pm
The Nursery children love enjoying the outdoors. It is a great place for them to learn and they can use so many skills when they access the outdoor area. This week they have been painting on cling film which has been great for their physical development, looking for worms to go in our homemade wormery and exploring number and cause and effect in the water.
Date: 15th Apr 2021 @ 7:23pm
This week we had our first Forest School session and it was brilliant! The sun was shining and we had all remembered our outdoor clothes. We saw some tadpoles in the ponds, which we also filled up with water. We ate pineapple and we did some natural painting with berries. Some of us dug some holes and some of us started to make sparks to light small fires.
Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 7:33pm
Today as part of our first day back activities we began to learn about animal habits. We firstly recapped on classifying animals and began to discuss where we thought they might live. We recalled and listened to the song
Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 5:17pm
On Monday, year 4 had a great afternoon learning about teeth. The children were able to discuss the three different types of teeth and the role they play in breaking down foods. The children explored this through creating their own teeth using playdough.
Date: 29th Mar 2021 @ 7:02pm
We watched this video called the Dot.
Then we used our painting skills from Autumn term to create different colours and textures for our dotty abstract art. We used warm and cool colours to design different sized dots using different tools and technicues. Then we constructed our group artwork!
Date: 29th Mar 2021 @ 4:13pm
Things got a bit dotty onThursday afternoon when the whole school took part in an Art afternoon. Everyone watched the story “The Dot” By Peter H Reynolds and then each class looked at how they could use dots in art.
EYFS used different printing techniques to create their dotty pictures including a collaborative piece.
Year 1 produced collage dots by scrunching pieces of tissue paper to make dots and a not-a- dot.
Year 2 practised a new sculpture technique called quilling. They had to roll up individual pieces of paper and then arranged them on a dot. The results were great!
Year 3 spent the afternoon creating small dots using a variety of techniques and then put all the dots together to create a one piece of art work.
Year 4 and 6 both put their drawing and sketching skills to the test by creating a whole picture based around a dot. They had to think of images they could create using a dot as the focus.
Year 5 explored positive and negative images to make a “not-a-dot”. They showed a lot of patience and skill by carefully printing around the outside of a large dot.
The children showed some great artistic skills and produced some really super art work as you can see from the photos.
Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 7:53pm
On Thursday, year 4 spent the afternoon creating their own art based on a short film called 'The Dot' by Peter H Reynolds. The children created some fantastic art that encorporated a black dot. The children are very proud of their creations.
There Was A Green Hill Far Away.
Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 4:51pm
This week Reception have been learning about why Christians celebrate Easter. We created a picture of the cross on the hill that Jesus was crucified on. We then placed it in our Celebrations box.
"Jesus died on the cross" Toby.
"Jesus was crucified" Leyton.
Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 7:46pm
Today, every class listened to the story 'The Dot' by Peter H. Reynolds. Each year group had a specific focus for their art and in Year 6 we had to incorporate a black dot into our art work. There were lot of different desgins and ideas shared and discussed as a class and some prtty amazing pieces of art work were produced. Below are just a few of our examples.
Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 7:00pm
Today we enjoyed Art Day! Firstly, we listened to the story ‘The Dot.’ This was a new story to us all, and one we very much enjoyed! We talked about the message in the story and linked it to our growth mindset, something that has been very important for us since we returned to school. We then talked about the importance of showing pride in our work and how Vashti’s feelings change and why. To create our dot we used a combination of materials. We cut, tore, twisted, scrunched and folded these materials before sorting, arranging and finally gluing! We created our dot by 'not making a dot!' We used the negative space on the paper to create the dot. It was a lot of fun!