Art: Blog items

Holi Art

Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 9:54am

As part of our Hindu topic in RE, this week we have been focusing our learning on Holi. Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates spring, love and new life. 

Holi (also known as the 'festival of colours') is a colourful, fun festival where there is singing, dancing and throwing of powder paint and coloured water. In this festival Hindu's celebrate their god Krishna and the legend of Holika and Prahlad.

As you can see in the pictures, Year 5 have been creating their own Holi art. They really enjoyed putting their knowledge into practice. 


How Do You Make An Alien Spaceship?

Date: 1st Dec 2021 @ 2:35pm

After reading the story "Alien's Love Dinopants" the children designed and made their own alien spaceships out of junk modelling. They were provided with a selection of junk modelling resources including boxes and yoghurt pots. They then decided how to arrange and attach them to create a super duper spaceship! 

There's no such thing as a Gruffalo...

Date: 23rd Nov 2021 @ 9:55pm

...or is there? Reception have certainly had lots of fun listening to the story of The Gruffalo! We then painted and collaged him and wrote a list of the food we thought he might like to eat . Also, describing the features of the Gruffalo, through the Gruffalo Song, really helped us remember what he looked like- just in case we ever came across one ourselves!


"Purple prickles down his back" Isaac

"A black tongue, orange eyes and claws" Charlie

"He had horns" Mercedes. 

"Green wart at the end of his nose" Evelyn.

Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down

Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 8:34pm

We have been talking about the seasons this week and how we can tell it is autumn. The children have learnt  about the signs of autumn and know that the leaves change colour and fall off the trees. They have produced some super autumn based art work including an autumn collage and printing some autumn leaves. They have also been counting conkers and making shapes using autumn sticks. 

We Will Remember

Date: 16th Nov 2021 @ 10:11am

We have done lots of learning around Remembrance Day in Cedar. This has included making poppies on crosses and planting them in our school Remembrance Garden, learning about why poppies are a symbol of remembrance and making poppy crafts to help us show our respects for soldiers who were injured and lost their lives for us.

Remembrance Day

Date: 14th Nov 2021 @ 10:13pm

This week Reception have been making poppies for our Remembrance Garden, creating our own to wear and painting poppies as part of a whole school art week.

"We wear poppies on Remembrance Day" Evelyn.

"We wear poppies to remember the soldiers who died" Charlie.


Off to a flying 'art!

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 4:00pm

In Year 4 we have been focussing our art journey on the works of Howard Brodie and E.H Shephard. We have been looking at their most well known pieces of work and discussing the techniques they have used and how we interpret their art. We have tested a wide variety of sketching pencils to experiment with tone and shade.

Poppy Paintings

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 3:39pm

This week, as part of Remembrance, Year 2 created paintings of a poppy field. In History, we have been learning about why we wear a poppy to remember Soldiers who lost their lives and created paintings of the poppies in Flander's Field. This was a brilliant opportunity to learn about Primary Colours to allow us to make the colour green. We also discussed the importance of creating poppies different sizes depending on their position within the field. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were very impressed with the end results. 

Year 6 Remembers

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 8:02am

Today we celebrated Remembrance Day as a whole school. We gather outside the school to pay our respects to those people who have served and died in all wars, especially those who died in WW1. Our Year 6 children read beautifully in front of such a big audience and we were very proud of the maturity they demonstrated.


Thank You Soldiers

Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 2:40pm

On Thursday 11th of November, we celebrated Remembrance Day. We talked about soldiers and how they are very important and keep us safe. Nursery took part in the whole school Remebrance Day and planted poppies in the Remembrance Garden and joined the rest of the school for the Remembrance Service. Then we made some beautiful poppies to help us remember the soldiers. 

Poppy Art

Date: 6th Nov 2021 @ 7:40pm

Today we created our own brilliant poppy art. We experimented and explored marks using a variety of tools, including thick brushes, thin brushes and small sponges. We also were introduced to the primary colours and how they can be mixed to make secondary colours. In year 1, we enjoy every oppourtunity to use paints and be creative and today was no different! We all took great care to produce our final piece and we were all very proud of our efforts! 

Perfecting pointillism!

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 3:57pm

This week we have been learning about Remeberance Day and the significance of poppies.

During Art this half term we will be looking at pointillism. As a class we started to look at some of the skills involved for this style. We used our fingers, cotton buds, glue spreaders and paintbrushes to paint dots to create our poppies!

Let's Celebrate

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 5:17pm

Nursery had a wonderful time celebrating Diwali. Mrs. Kaur, who works in Reception, came in to to talk to the chidlren about the festival and all the special things she does to celebrate Diwali. The children then made some Diva Lamps, Rangoli Patterns and designed some gorgeous Mehndi patterns. 

Topic with a Bang!

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 3:38pm

This week we introduced our new topic 'Celebrations' with a study into the history of Bonfire Night. We learnt about how Guy Fawkes and his gang plotted to blow up the House of Lords and how he was caught. After our studies, we retold the story, placing them on a timline and looked into why his signiture of confession was so different to his original. We believed it was due to all the torture he went through before he finally confessed.

We then enjoyed making bonfire night art using coloured paper and glitter glue pens.

Lest We Forget - Poppy Art

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 7:38am

Leading up to Remembrance Day, we looked at famous World War poems and different styles of poppies. Using our art skills of sketching and the use of water colours, we created some poppy art over the top of the war poems. We discussed and remembered those who fell during the wars and thought about how their families and friends must have felt during this time. 

Trick or Treat

Date: 3rd Nov 2021 @ 9:28am

This week our classrooms were transformed for Halloween.  We enjoyed making potions, carving pumpkins, role playing in our haunted house, painting spooky pictures, labelling spooky characters and playing halloween games.  Have a look at our super learning.

Forest School

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 5:01pm

Over the past three weeks, Year 2 have been getting their hands dirty and enjoying learning outside. In the first session, the children explored the different outdoor areas and enjoyed making cake and other treats in the mud kitchen as well as doing some leaf painting. During the second week, we built dens and bird boxes for next year before learning to light a fire so we could cook apples and dip them in melted chocolate of caramel. This week, both classes learnt about the cardinal directions (North, East, South and West) and what each one represents. We created pieces inspired by Andy Goldsworthy to represent the Earth (North), Air (East), Fire (South) and Water (West). Lastly, we enjoyed toasting marshmallows. We have enjoyed our three weeks outside and look forward to our next sessions in the Summer.

Twit Twoo!

Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 9:57pm

This week in Reception have been lucky enough to be visited by SMJ Falconry who brought 4 different owls to visit us; JD, Midge, Bobby and Titch.  We found out lots of interesting facts about the owls including what they like to eat, what they look like, where they live and different features  on their bodies including their sharp talons (claws).  We disccused how some owls are nocturnal, which means they sleep in the day and wake up at night.   The children throught of some excellent quesions to ask including;

What do owls eat? Isaac

Do they just make noises at night? Marleigh

How do owls hear? Do they have ears? Indi-Anna

When we returned to class we read the story Owl Babies.  We then enjoyed using the props at the storytelling table to help us retell the story, 

In maths we, played the owl game and practised recognising numbers 1-6 and subtising using a dice.  We also used the owl number cards to put numbers in the correct order from 1-10.  

The children also drew pictures from the story and labelled them with the initial sound.

In the creative area we enjoyed collaging owls using a range of different materials and painting the owl babies ising sponges.

Have a look at some of our amazing learning!

Rosie's Walk

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 6:44pm

Rosie the hen is going for a walk- but she'd better watch out as there is a sneaky fox hot on her tail feathers! Rosie then leads the fox into a series of accidents, completely unaware that she is being followed!

Reception listened to the story and laughed out loud at the fox's mishaps! Through this engaging story, the children learned how to retell the story, sequencing the events using the correct prepositions (across, around, over, under). They drew story maps, collaged a paper plate fox, painted Rosie and even made an obstacle course outside!

Here are some of our photos!

There's A Dragon In Your Book!

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 12:17pm

This Week we have been reading the brilliant story "There's A Dragon In Your Book" By Tom Fletcher. This is a great book to share with chilldren as it's really interactive and we had so much fun reading it. The children have had so many experiences linked to the book from putting out the dragons fire to making him some delicious ice cream. They also used their fine motor skills to make dragons with moving parts! 

No-Bot The Robot!

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:09pm

No-Bot the Robot is a  story about Bernard the robot who lost his bottom on a swing at the park. Everytime he thinks he has found it- it disappears again! Fortunatley, Bernard has lots of friends who kindly help him search for his bottom until it is found. It is a story of resillience and friendship.

The children in Reception enjoyed listening to the story with their teacher, looking at the illustrations in the Book Nook, building and creating their own robots with blocks, playdough and art resources. They also talked about the characteristic 'Katy Kindness' and what being a good friend means.

Here's some of the activities we did this week...

Watch Out Robots About!

Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 12:20pm

The children took the lead with some loose parts play this week! They used the resources in the construction area to create brillaint Robot costumes! Their robot voices were very impressive too! 


Date: 21st Sep 2021 @ 12:07pm

This half term's topic is 'All About Me" and this week Reception have been looking at their faces and learning how to draw their face. We discussed how we all look different, different coloured eyes, skin and hair, and then we drew a 'selfie'. 

Here are some photos of how different we all look!

Digital Artists

Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 12:48pm

In computing this half-term we are becoming digital artists. So far, we have learned how to make digital images using shapes in the drawing function in Google Docs.

Amazing Art!

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 4:56pm

This week in Art, we have been recapping our understanding of the seven elements of art! We designed our own page of information to publish on our class walls, as seen in the pictures. We started to experiment with the different elements in our sketch books by changing the value of colours and experimenting with line and form. Through discussions in our class, we are now looking forward to the rest of our printing unit and gaining inspiration from Peter Blake, William Morris and Roy Lichtenstein to replicate techniques and create our own original pieces. 

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