Art: Blog items

Year 3 Splendid seagull sketches !

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 3:47pm

For Art Day Year Three tackled painting seagulls to fit in with our seaside theme. We focussed on the space, colour and textures of these birds and incorporated these in our masterpiece! The children enjoyed exploring what came to mind when they thought of  a saegull. We then looked at skills of using water colour to make a wash and mark making for the seagull's feathers. 

Year 5 She sells sea shells on the sea shore...

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 10:46am

This week, the whole school have took part on in an art day, celebrating the lovely location of Blackpool and one of its most famous attractions... the beautiful beaches! Year 5 were given the art activity of 'Printing', where we had to design a stencil of a shell and use paint to print it. We did this after sharing our thoughts and experiences of beaches around the world that we have visited as well as touching different types of shells that we had in class. When we had finished printing, we used our sketchbooks to practise drawing different shells on beaches. 

We had a great art day and learnt so much about the experiences of our classmates. One member of our class used to live in St. Vincent's and the Grenadines so we used Google to look at the beach she used to visit; we all thought it was fascinating! 

Year 1 Seaside Silhouettes

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 7:25pm

Today we enjoyed Art Day alongside the rest of the school. In Year 1 our theme was to use collage to create a seaside scene. We began the day by going on a virtual tour of Blackpool and creating a mind map of key words and attractions that we saw. We then used photos of Blackpool features to create a page in our Art books. Using the photo stimulus we drew, wrote and designed images/words that we wanted to show on our page. We then practised our tearing skills to tear silhouettes out of black paper. We created starfish, trams, Blackpool Tower, seagulls and even ice creams! in the afternoon we then put all our learning together to create our final piece - a Blackpool scene! 

Year 2 She sells Sea Shells

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 4:14pm

Today, Year 2 participated in the whole School Art Day with the theme of Blackpool. Our task was to explore different shells and the patterns they have. We all cut out images of shells that we liked and also drew a variety of shells over a two page spread to generate a bank of ideas to inspire our own shell creation. In the afternoon, we practiced making a shell shape and pattern out of plasticine before creating our final design and then making our final product out of clay. We quickly realised it was much harder to mould and shape the clay in comparison to the plasticine as it is harder and was drying quickly in the warm classroom. Despite it being difficult the children were very resilient and showed great perseverance to finish their shells. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were impressed with their creations!

Year 6 Inspired by Banksy

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 12:08pm

Year 6 had a great day learning about the street artist Banksy and created their own Banksy inspired Blackpool street art. First, we learned about Banksy and used our sketch books to explore his work and inspiration. We discussed the meaning behind some of his pieces and whether grafitti is art or vandalism. We then practised using sponges and spray bottles to create a 'spray paint' effect. Finally we used stencils to create our collaborative 'I love Blackpool' street art. 

Reception Waste Week

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 2:25pm

This week in Reception the children have been talking about the importance of reusing and recycling unwanted waste.  We collected a range of different bottles, cartons, boxes, tubs and tubs and used them to create our own junk model animals.  We use tape and glue to attach the items together and them used different matterials and paint to decorate them.  We made some fantastic wild animlas including parrots, elephants, giraffes, snakes and monkeys.

Reception The Tiger Who Came To Tea

Date: 1st Mar 2022 @ 2:52pm

Reception have been reading the story The Tiger Who Came to Tea.  We have been using the props at the storytelling table to help us sequence the story. We have also been painting tigers, using a rnge of materials at the creative table to make tigers and role playing the story in the home corner. The children have produced some lovely pieces of child initiated writing in continuous provision

Nursery There's A Pea On The Loose!

Date: 24th Feb 2022 @ 5:48pm

There has been an evil pea on the loose in Nursery this week! Thank goodness Supertato was on hand to save the day! The children have loved reading the story "Supertato" By Sue Hendra and have been busy making their own evil peas, making traps to catch him and creating Wanted posters. They have also been thinking about the sound "s" and creating a Super "S". 

Year 3 100 days smarter !

Date: 22nd Feb 2022 @ 4:37pm

Today marks 100 days since the start of Year 3! To celebrate we did a range of Mathematic activities including a race to 100, rolling a dice and using addition to get the closest to 100 and even tested our number bonds to 100. We also enjoyed thinkign about all the different ways we could reach 100. 

We also took part in a 100 day drawing activity, we throught about how we could include the numebr 100 into our drawings and used our skills of line, colour and shape to create imagninative pieces! 

Nursery Tuff Trays

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 5:14pm

We love a good Tuff Tray activity in nursery! Tuff trays are great for setting up a range of activities and the great thing is that they cover so many areas of learning. This week we have made potions in one of our outdoor trays. This provided some great opportunites for the children including exploring colour mixing, capacity, counting, developing communication and langauge skills and fine motor skills. It was also great for social skills as the children had to negotiate and take turns with the equipment. As the activity was open eneded, the children explored things further by pouring their potions down some pipes. They loved to see what happened when the coloured water hit the tray at the bottom! 

Reception Chinese New Year Celebrations!

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 4:31pm

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year!

We decorated our home corner and made Chinese lanterns and dragons. The children learned the skill of folding paper into a concertina and attaching a handle and sticks to their work. Ribbon dancing, fan dancing and dragon dancing was enjoyed by everyone and we read The Chinese New Year Story (how the new year animals were chosen) and wrote about our facvourite animal from the story. This year it is The Year of the Tiger!

Nursery The Naughty Bus

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 8:50pm

The children loved this weeks story "The Naughty Bus". They used the story telling basket to retell the story, created their own buses and used their painting skills to paint pictures of buses.  We also looked at the "s" sound and created "Stop" signs for the bus because we throught it was becoming out of control! 

Nursery Follow My Lead

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 8:39pm

Nursery provides a mixture of experiences and some of these come straight from the children! This week they have been coming up with lots of super ideas. When they were playing outside, the children asked for some blankets so they could turn the crates in to beds! Then they used the bricks in some really inventive ways. One little girl said "It's my phone. I'm on my phone!" The chidlren also asked if they could have some dressing up clothes which led to super interaction and speech and language opportunities. 

Year 1 Making Murtis!

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 8:06pm

 In RE this week we looked further into Hindu shrines and how Murtis help Hindus to think of God when they worship. We looked at lots of different examples of Murtis, including both Gods and Goddesses, and looked at why Hindus may worship them. For example, we learnt that Ganesh is the God of wealth and is believed to bring good luck. Hindus may worship him before anything new is started. We then chose a Murti to represent using salt dough, thinking about why Hindus may choose this Murti to worship. We used the skills of pulling, squeezing, and rolling to manipulate our salt dough into the form of our Murti. 

Year 1 Creating Collage

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 7:31pm

Through our Art journey this week we have explored collage. We began by looking at examples of collage and discussing what collage is. We looked at examples of work created by two artists Henri Matisse and Kurt Schwitters. We talked about the colour, shape and texture created in each piece. We then explored different techniques, ripping paper, cutting patterns and manipulating paper before creating our final collage. Our final collage was an animal of our choice where we displayed all the techniques we had learnt through our journey.

Nursery Architects In the Making!

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 5:24pm

Nursery took part in the whole school no pen day by creating a den for a bear. We have been reading the story "Bear's Winter House" and we decided that the bear might like a bit of help to build his next house. The children made brilliant Architects and used a variety of materials to create a den for the bear. The thought carefully about how to attach the materials to make the house stable and didn't give up when the houses fell down! They were great at working together and listened carefully to each others ideas. I would definitely live in a house built by them! 

Boundary's in the news: Royal Ballet partnership

Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 9:36am

We are VERY proud to be a part of The Royal Ballet School’s Primary Steps Programme and to have received a special mention in this article.

Nursery Why Did Your Snowman Melt?

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 9:20pm

We have explored winter a bit futher and have been looking at colours that remind us of the cold weather. We painted on tin foil using blues, purples, white and silver and discussed how these are cold colours. Paintng on tin foil was lots of fun and the children noticed how the paint brush slide across the foil! We also talked about how we can build a snowman when it snows and talked about whether the snowman would last forever! We decided that the snowman wouldn't last forever because it would melt. We then used a mixture of shaving foam and PVA glue to create a melted snowman picture. The children had to answer the question "Why did your snowman melt?" Here are some of the answers 

"Because I left him by the fire!"

"Because the summer came!"

"I gave him a hot chocolate!"

Budding Artists!

Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 4:14pm

In Art we have been perfecting our pointillism skills. We used inspiration from George Seurat and planned our own poiltillism piece. We sketched out the design and thought carefully about our choice of colours, ensuring they complemented each other and set the correct mood desired for our piece. We focussed on line, coloour and texture in our final piece. 

Nativity Art

Date: 12th Dec 2021 @ 8:22am

We had a lovely afternoon creating our nativity art. The children each created their own section of a stained glass window. The individual pieces, each depicting part of a nativity scene, were then joined to  make a larger piece, 

A creative Christmas

Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 4:07pm

As part of our whole school learning around the Christmas story and advent, Year Two designed and painted some pebbles so they could retell the story of the first Christmas.  Firstly, we drew our designs on paper and painted our pebbles white.  Then we carefully sketched our designs in pencil before painting them onto the pebbles.  

Do You Want To Make a Reindeer?

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 5:11pm

We love a bit of Christmas craft in nursery and this week we have certainly been getting very crafty! We have made Christmas cards, salt dough pots, designed christmas jumpers and made Santa and reindeer faces! Have a look at our pictures to see how you could make your own paper plate reindeer face. The chidlren had to apply just the right amount of paint so that it covered the whole plate but didn't make it too soggy. Then they had to use their understanding of positional langauge to make sure they put the eyes, nose and antlers in the right place and also use their knowledge of number to make sure they counted out the right amount of each of these. They also talked about reindeer, what they do, how they fly and even tried to remember all of the reindeer names. What a lot of learning from a simple paper plate! 

Run, Run as fast as you can!

Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 8:55pm

You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!

Yes- you've guessed it! Reception have been enjoying the story of The Gingerbread Man. We have been sequencing the story and discussing the different characters, designing our own gingerbread men and  even had an outdoor bakery! However, the most exciting part was that we were able to practice our handwriting outside on our new blackboards that Mrs McAllister installed.

Take a look at what we've been doing.


Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 11:43am

During their time in nursery, the children will become familiar with 2D and 3D shapes and begin to use mathematical language to describe them e.g. sides, corners, straight, flat and round. The best way for children to become familair with different shapes is by exploring them and using them in different contexts. Our children have been matching shapes, building with shapes, creating paintings using shapes as silhouettes, painting large cardboard shapes and sorting shapes. They have also followed the outline of different shapes with buttons and explored 2D shapes outside in shaving foam - there's been a whole lot of shaping going on! 

Holi Art

Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 9:54am

As part of our Hindu topic in RE, this week we have been focusing our learning on Holi. Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates spring, love and new life. 

Holi (also known as the 'festival of colours') is a colourful, fun festival where there is singing, dancing and throwing of powder paint and coloured water. In this festival Hindu's celebrate their god Krishna and the legend of Holika and Prahlad.

As you can see in the pictures, Year 5 have been creating their own Holi art. They really enjoyed putting their knowledge into practice. 


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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust