Twit Twoo!

Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 9:57pm

This week in Reception have been lucky enough to be visited by SMJ Falconry who brought 4 different owls to visit us; JD, Midge, Bobby and Titch.  We found out lots of interesting facts about the owls including what they like to eat, what they look like, where they live and different features  on their bodies including their sharp talons (claws).  We disccused how some owls are nocturnal, which means they sleep in the day and wake up at night.   The children throught of some excellent quesions to ask including;

What do owls eat? Isaac

Do they just make noises at night? Marleigh

How do owls hear? Do they have ears? Indi-Anna

When we returned to class we read the story Owl Babies.  We then enjoyed using the props at the storytelling table to help us retell the story, 

In maths we, played the owl game and practised recognising numbers 1-6 and subtising using a dice.  We also used the owl number cards to put numbers in the correct order from 1-10.  

The children also drew pictures from the story and labelled them with the initial sound.

In the creative area we enjoyed collaging owls using a range of different materials and painting the owl babies ising sponges.

Have a look at some of our amazing learning!

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