Year 2: Blog items

Year 2 Just Dance

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 2:10pm

This half term in Year Two we have been dancing. We have created our own dance to Matilda's Revolting Children as our class author is Roald Dahl. During the weeks we have really been focusing on dancing to the music using our emotion thinking about the lyrics and how the children would be behaving. Whilst improvising we had to think about the different levels of the dance and ensuring we were in time. 

Whole School Art Day 2023

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:21am

On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.

Year 2 Music Makers

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 8:16am

This half term in Music we have been doing lots of listening and describing using our Music Mats. We have been using appropriate musical vocabulary such as tempo, pitch, beat, rhythm and dynamics. This week we have been using the glockenspiels to compose and transcribe our own music in response to the song Helping Each Other. We have been writing down the notes and the names so that we can play it back again next week. 


Year 2 Mastering Marking Out

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 4:43pm

Today, we continued our wheels and axles unit by practicing our marking our skills ensuring we measured our lines accurately to ensure it would fit on our vehicle. Also, we practiced accurately and neatly cutting out our markings ready to be stuck on our vehicle. We are looking forward to beginning building our moving vehicles next week!

Year 2 I am the Music man

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 3:01pm

Today in Music, Year Two continued to explore the key question 'How does Music make the world a better place?' by exploring different instruments and songs. We practised singing the songs I am the music man and hands, feet, heart as well as comparing different music from around the world. Lastly, we listened carefully to different instruments playing and had to identify the instrument it came from.

Year 2 Measuring Metres

Date: 15th Mar 2023 @ 12:01pm

Today, we continued our measuring journey by practicing measuring in metres. We discussed appropriate things to measure using a metre ruler before going outside and using our ruler to mark 1m, move the ruler along and measure another metre for longer objects.

Year 2 Science Day

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:20pm

Today, alongside the whole school we celebrated Science Day with our theme of Space and year two were tasked with learning about the sun. We begun the day by watching videos about the sun and learnt lots of facts including: it would take 20 years to fly to the sun from Earth, the sun is the centre of the solar system, Earth orbits the sun and completes 1 full orbit every year and the sun is actually a star made up of gases. We recorded our information on strips of card and stuck them down as sun rays beaming out of our big sun in the middle. Next, we used our new knowledge of obitting to model how the Earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the Earth and learnt it takes 28 days for the moon to orbit the Earth- our models also helped us imagine the size difference between the sun, moon and Earth. The excitement continued as we visited the space wonder dome exploring stars, the sun, the moon and all the other planets which we named. We also were fully immersed and amazed by exploring what it would look like and feel like in space. During the afternoon, we got more creative listening to two pieces of space themed music- the final countdown as well as Holst Venus and appraised them. We also thought about the similarities and differences between the two pieces of music. Lastly, we ended our exciting day by creating our own sun art using different techniques including pointilism to complete our paintings. 

Year 2 Exploring free and fixed axles

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 1:28pm

We investigated different types of axles - fixed axles and free axles to see if they were different.  We found that the free axles moved faster and they were able to turn .  The fixed axles were slower and they could only travel in straight lines.

Year 2 The Ten Commandments

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 3:47pm

Today, we continued our Judaism learning journey by exploring the story of Moses. We looked at his background and then learnt that God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on two scriptures. We looked at what each of the Ten Commandments meant and how to say them in everyday language. Then, we discussed with our groups which of the Ten Commandments we felt was the most important and ordered them most to least important. Finally, as a class we discussed the order that we put them in and gave reasons for our ideas appreciating the fact we all have different beliefs and value different things more highly than others.  

Year 2 World Book Day

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 1:19pm

Today, alongside the whole School, Year Two have celebrated World Book Day. The children have all dressed up as characters from some of their favourite books and all looked incredible- thank you for all the effort you have gone to! To start the celebrations we took inspiration from Willy Wonka and created our own exciting new chocolate/sweet and used our knowledge of adjectives to describe it before we were treated to a visit by author Shane Hegarty who told us where he gets his inspiration from and got us thinking creatively too. We have enjoyed the day celebrated and shared some of the stories we love with each other.

Shane Hegarty Author visits Boundary

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:48am

The children and staff at Boundary were treated to a visit and story telling assembly from the children's author Shane Hegarty - Author who has also kindly signed and donated copies of his new book 'The Shop of Impossible Ice Creams'! Such a brilliant way to begin our World Book Day celebrations!

Year 2 RSE Week

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 5:02pm

Before half term, Year Two alongside the rest of School completed RSE week. In Year Two, we explored gender stereotypes by looking at toys and clothes and discussed whether these were for boys, girls or for everyone. Originally, we separated them all but after our discussion we decided that everyone can play with anything or dress in what they like. We then moved on to looking at how to tell the difference between a boy baby and a girl baby and learnt a midwife tells this by their private parts. We ended the week by learning the proper names for the private parts and recapped the PANTS rule. 

Year 2 100th Day in School

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 4:56pm

Today, we celebrated our 100th day in School. We begun the day with an assembly by Miss Hooson who asked us 'What is the number 100?' and we had to come up with lots of different ways to make the number. She then read us the story '365 penguins' and we did lots of maths throughout adding up how many penguins we had as each day another one turned up. We continued our celebrations in Maths by making arrays using penguins linking to our multiplication unit by practising our skills of making arrays, writing repeated addition as well as writing multiplication sentences.

Year 2 Moving Vehicles

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 5:31pm

Today, we explored some existing toy cars and looked at how the cars moved. We discussed that the cars moved because they all had wheels and thought about why different sized vehicles have different sized/different amount of wheels. We then explored how the wheels are connected and learnt they are joined by an axle that ensures the wheels move together.

Year 2 Hindu Dharma

Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 5:07pm

This half term we are learning about Hindu Dharma focusing on the key question 'How might people express their devotion?' So far, we have explored who or what is special to us and how they show us that they are special. We all came up with different people that are special to us and the reasons why we think they are special and appreciated how we all have different special people in our lives. Today, we continued our journey by learning about how Hindu's believe in one God that can be worshipped in different forms. We looked at the different forms: Shiva, Ganesh, Brahma, Lakshmi, Vishnu and Saraswati and what the Hindu's believe about each one. 

Year 2 No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 4:59pm

Today, Year Two participated in the whole School's 'No Pen Morning' ensuring we focus on our language skills and complete tasks in a creative way. In Reading into Writing, we are in the process of planning our own animal adventure story based on the book 'And Tango makes three' so today, we explored different famous landmarks in New York which is where our story will be set. In Maths, we continued our money journey by comparing different amounts of money having to practice our coin counting skills as well as our knowledge of the comparisons symbols. The children loved completing tasks in a different way and loved that they didn't have to touch a pen all morning!

Year 2 Fruit Tasting

Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 3:56pm

Today, we began our Design Technology food journey by fruit tasting so we are aware of the fruits we like and dislike before designing and making our own healthy fruit snack. We tried lots of different fruits including: blackberries, strawberries, mango, pineapple, pears, bananas, kiwi and apples. We realised we all enjoyed different fruits for different reasons and used adjectives to describe each fruits texture and taste.

Year 2 Road Safety Awareness

Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 3:46pm

This week, the whole School is taking part in Road Safety Awareness week. We begun the week with an assembly by Miss Moyes thinking about all the people that use the roads and pavements and all the things that are in place to keep us safe whilst using them. We then thought about how we need to take responsibility for our own safety and explored some of the ways we could do this. In Year Two, we today explored safe and unsafe places to cross a road; we learnt that it is not safe to cross in between cars or diagonally and where possible we need to use pedestrian crossings with traffic lights or a zebra crossing. 

Year 2 Where in the world am I?

Date: 6th Jan 2023 @ 7:34am

This half term in Year Two, we will be exploring the world by looking at the worlds continents and oceans. We began our learning journey by exploring where in the world we are focusing on key vocabulary: house, street, village, town, city, county, country, continent and hemisphere. We learnt what each of these words meant and used Google Earth to explore the places further. We began looking at the world and kept zooming in until we reached our School. We know know we are in the Northern hemisphere and we live in the county Lancashire. We are looking forwards to continuing our learning journey further in the coming weeks. 

Year 2 Primary Futures

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 7:36pm

Today, Year Two took part in a Primary Futures event called 'Who's line is it anyway?'. We met three different people who all had Christmas jobs and we had to guess what their job was from the clues they gave. We met a range of interesting people including: Pia the Christmas decorator, Sarah the theatre director and Shaun the chef at Buckingham Palace. Finally, there was a surprise mystery guest who surprised the children. 

Year 2 Christmas Art

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 7:30pm

Today, Christmas arrived and we made some Christmas Snowflakes. Once we had glued our sticks together and painting them white, we used our weaving skills learnt through our previous Art journey to wrap white or blue wool around our sticks to create our snowflake. We finished our snowflakes with glitter and sequins.

Year 2 Making Shapes

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 2:35pm

Today, in Maths, we practiced making 2D shapes using paper art straws for their sides and playdough for the shapes vertices. Whilst making each shape we had to think about the correct number of sides and vertices each shape had and correctly label them once we had made them. Tomorrow we will use our knowledge to draw them using geoboards.

Reading into Writing so far this half-term...

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 12:14pm

Reading into Writing so far this half-term...
In Year 1 we read the story 'The Jolly Christmas Postman.' We began by sequencing the key events, discussing the characters and the meaning of key words. We then moved onto reading letters from different characters, matching the correct letter to the correct address and piecing together a mixed up letter. On 1st December our class elves arrived and brought a letter with them for us to read, but some bits were missing! We then used what we had learnt about letters to fill in the missing features. We will be writing our own letters this week.
In Year 2, we are in the process of writing our own Christmas story inspired by the 2019 John Lewis advert featuring Edgar the dragon. Throughout the journey, we have read a range of Christmas stories and watched a selection of different Christmas adverts to explore how they tell a story through videos. We have now planned out our story and are looking forward to writing them up.
In Year Three we have been exploring shape poems surrounding the theme of Christmas. We have focused on using alliteration, similes and metaphors to create an imaginative description.
In Year 4, we have been working on our play script journey. To begin with, we read a variety of play scripts to identify their features. We then went on to do some drama and act out some of the scenes that we read. We are going to be basing our final pieces on the Boudicca Revolt which is what we learnt about last half term.
In Year 5 we have been learning about stories from other cultures. We read and analysed stories from the Aboriginal Dreamtime, and then created a list of features particular to that type of story. 'The Dreamtime' is the Aboriginal people's creation stories, they usually explain how the world came to be, and how animals were created. We planned, drafted and edited our own Dreamtime story, before publishing our final piece of writing. After writing our final version, we peer-assessed our texts by discussing what we had written with a partner.
In Year 6 we have spent time exploring, planning and writing crime stories. We looked at several full stories at the start of the journey and began pulling out features of crime stories. Then we worked together to generate as much vocabulary as possible relating to the genre so that we would have a bank of high quality words to choose from when we wrote our own stories. We had fun writing our stories and typing them up at the end as a finished piece.

Year 2 Celebrating Christmas

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 4:19pm

Today, Year Two began celebrating Christmas by wearing Christmas jumpers and tucking into a delicious Christmas dinner. We ate whilst listening to Christmas music and enjoyed pulling our crackers to reveal a joke and a toy. It really has begun to put everyone in the Christmas spirit and we are looking forward to the KS1 disco later this week! Well done everyone for your effort raising money for Brian's House!

Year 2 Float or Sink?

Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 4:38pm

Today in Science, we continued our materials unit with another experiment. This week we had to find the best material for a boat so we decided we should conduct a float or sink experiment. We tested a range of materials by placing them and dropping them into the water before recording our results. We found that some materials float and others sank.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust