Year 2: Blog items

Year 2 PE

Date: 22nd Jul 2022 @ 3:31pm

For our final PE lesson of Year 2, we completed a circuit of activities to practise all the skills we have learnt throughout the year with the teachers and Mr Perkins. We had stations including: balancing a tennis ball on the racket whilst completing a sensory circuit, keeping control of a basketball manouvering around the playground, practising our racket skills passing a tennis ball to each other, skipping, throwing a javellin and hula hooping. We ended the session with a variety of relay races. Year Two have loved PE this year and it was lovely to see how much they have learnt.

Year 2's Forest School Fun Part 2

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 4:40pm

Another Thursday of forest school fun! Today our focus was finding mini beasts in the area and identifying them using a classification sheet. Once we had found lots of mini beasts we made them using modelling clay and drew pictures of them using felt tips. Whilst some classified bugs other children had plenty of fun in the mud whilst trying to bring worms to the surface. They made mud angels and were enjoying getting dirty jumping in and out of the mud pit. Finally, others had a nice time climbing trees under the supervision of forest school leader Claire. 

Year 2's Fun at the Zoo

Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 5:14pm

Today, Year 2 visited the Zoo to consolidate our learning about Animals and their habitats as well as food chains. We have absolutely loved looking at all the different animals including: Giraffes, Tapir's, Otters, Zebras, Elephants and many more. We discussed the different animals diets and whether they were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. As well as learning lots, we valued the experience of going to the zoo. Well done everyone, you were a credit! 

Year 2's Forest School Fun

Date: 7th Jul 2022 @ 3:53pm

Today, it was our first Forest School session with Jenna and Claire. We began the session by listening to our environment to see if we could see or hear any birds around us. We saw lots and a few different species too which we loved because in our last sessions we built bird boxes to attract them into our nature area. Then, we discussed what materials birds used to make their nests and attempted to make our own bird nests using the resources we could find including sticks, twigs, leaves, mud and grass. Finally, some of us made our own birds to take home. We are looking forward to our second session next week. 

Year 2 Heritage Day- Blackpool is Grand

Date: 5th Jul 2022 @ 8:01am

Yesterday, the whole school took part in Heritage Day celebrating significant people and events from the past in Blackpool. Year 2 explored the key question ‘How did Thomas Sergenson and Frank Matcham influence theatre in Blackpool?’ Throughout the day, we completed a range of activities comparing Blackpool Grand Theatre when it was first built to what it looks like today as well as comparing the inside to a modern theatre. We also created a timeline of historical events in Blackpool and even added our previous learning of Mary Seacole and World War One to our timeline. We loved learning about the history of the Grand Theatre.

Year 2 Rugby Sporting Superstars

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 4:49pm

Year 2 have been extremely active and busy today as we did not only complete our Sports Day but we also had a special visitor called Tom who kindly came in to teach us some Rugby skills. We began the session by looking at how to hold the ball to ensure we had a tight grip so it couldn't be easily stolen by an opponent and we practised this skill whilst playing a fun game of stuck in the mud. Then the fun continued, we learnt in Rugby you can only pass sideways or backwards and completed some races to see which team could accurately throw the ball down their team and back the quickest. Finally, we learnt how to kick a rugby ball along the floor using our laces. We played a fun game to practise our skills where we had to accurately kick to earn points for our team. Thank you Tom for an excellent session, we all enjoyed it!

Year 2 Sports Day

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 4:42pm

Today, Year Two had their Sports Day. All the children competed in a variety of sporting activities including: individual sprint races, team relay races, egg and spoon races, obstacle races and a beanbag throw. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson are proud of all the children's enthusiasm, determination, teamwork and supportiveness throughout the morning as they all cheered each other on and applauded those who won. Everyone tried their hardest and whilst we do not know the results quite yet- you're all winners in our eyes! Well done Year 2!

Year 2 Exploring Similarities and Differences

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 7:48am

This week Year Two have looked at a range of similarities and differences through our RSE lessons. In our first lesson, we explored gender stereotypes by sorting items of clothing and objects into whether we believed they were for boys, girls or everyone. By the end, everyone agreed that everyone can wear, do or play with what they would like to as long as it makes them happy. We then looked at a range of babies and thought about how we can tell what gender they were. 

In our second lesson, we explored similarities and differences between male and female animals. We learnt that a mother animal can feed their young through their teats and explored that there needs to be a male and a female animal to have a baby.

In our final lesson, we looked at the human body and learnt to correctly name parts of our body including 'our private parts.' We discussed the importance of knowing the correct terminology the same way we need to be able to label our arms, legs and skull. 

The children were very responsible and grown up about the conversations. Well done Year 2, Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth were very impressed with your maturity. 

Year 2 Continents and Oceans

Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 4:36pm

This half term in Geography, Year 2 are learning about Continents and Oceans. Last week, we began the journey by labelling the 7 continents of the world and discussed how we can recognise each continent based on shapes, sized and our own continent- Europe. This week we continued our learning by labelling the 5 Oceans. To make it easier to recognise which Ocean was we looked at the continents they surround and which animals we would find in each Ocean. We linked our previous Geography unit where we learnt about the equator to our new learning to discuss the reasons behind the Indian Ocean being the hottest Ocean and the Arctic Ocean being the coldest. 

Year 2 Dribbling Skills

Date: 25th Jun 2022 @ 8:25pm

This week, we continued our fundamental skills unit in PE by learning to dribble using our hands. We used basketballs to practice dribbling around the space, trying to keep the ball under control at all times to ensure we didn't have to chase it around the playground. Once we were more confident at dribbling the ball, we played a game where we had to use our hand-eye coordination to look ahead and weaved through spaces so other people couldn't tag us and take our ball. Finally, we had a quick relay race dribbling the ball to a certain point using one hand and then used our opposite hand to dribble it back to our team. 

Year 2 Hand Hygiene

Date: 25th Jun 2022 @ 8:11pm

This half term in Science, we are consolidating all our learning from Year 2. This week, we discussed how hygiene is important through our Animals including Humans unit. We conducted an experiment to test how effective different cleaning products that we can use on our hands are. We used pepper in a bowl and tested how far the pepper dispersed from our finger when we had washed our hands using: no soap, liquid soap, washing up liquid and hand sanitiser. We learnt the most effective product to use when washing hands is liquid soap and the least effective was no soap. We are enjoying revisiting our learning and deepening our understanding of each unit. 

Year 2 Music makes us happy

Date: 19th Jun 2022 @ 4:58pm

Last half term, our Music unit explored how Music can make us happy and want to make us dance. Throughout the unit, we listened to and appraised lots of music including: I wanna play in a band, the themetune from E.T, Music is all around, Moon and River as well as Saying sorry. Whilst appraising the music we thought about how different styles of music can make different people happy and some songs have a good, bouncy rhythm that makes us want to dance. We also learnt the lyrics to a range of these songs and enjoyed performing them vocally as well as using the glokenspiels to perform the music. The children particularly enjoyed the lyrics to Saying sorry which was our favourite to perform but we also enjoyed revisiting I wanna play in a band as we covered this in the Autumn term. 

Year 2 Measuring Meters

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 12:11pm

Today, Year 2 took their Maths learning outdoors and enjoyed practising measuring meters using meter stick rules in the sun. We measured a variety of things that are out on our playground including: the length of the patch of astroturf, the length of the pirate ship, length of the snakes and ladders as well as the lengths of each other. We found that some lengths are not just full meters and therefore we have to say the number of meters and centimeters. We really enjoyed learning this skill and will continue to apply it every day in the classroom as we continue our measuring unit. 

Year 2 Dazzling Digital Art

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 6:57pm

This week, Year Two began their new Computing multimedia unit which involves us using a variety of art styles to create digital art. We begun the unit by exploring pointilism, learning that this is creating a painting using lots of little dots that build up to create the overall picture. The children created their picture using Paintz and explored how to change brush size as well as learning to change the colour shades to create a piece they were proud of. The children loved the lesson and they all demonstrated patience and perseverance and created some lovely flower pictures using pointilism. 

Year 2- Here's to the Queen

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 4:25pm

Today, alongside the whole School, Year Two celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We begun the day with an assembly explaining why we celebrate and how life has changed during the Queen's time on the throne. We all enjoyed a delicious special Jubilee lunch party eating yummy sandwiches, crisps and some salad with music to celebrate in true style. During the afternoon, we looked at some jubilee themed riddles linking to our Reading into Writing journey. We all had a lovely day and the children looked lovely in their red, white and blue clothing. Here's to the Queen!

Year 2 Now Press Play

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 4:43pm

Today, Year Two used the Now Press Play equipment to consolidate their knowledge about plants. During the story, we were set a mission to find the best place to plant seeds to ensure they would grow into healthy vegetables. We planted our seeds in a dark cave, a sandy desert and a grassy forest. We found in the cave the plants grew along the floor in search of sunlight just like our cress we grew in the cupboard. The plants in the desert grew but were brown because they didn't have enough water. Finally, our plant in the forest grew into healthy vegetables which we then gave out to the villagers. 

Year 2- How to plant a Sunflower seed

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 8:04am

This half term in Year Two we have been focusing on our instructional writing. We learnt that instructions need to be clear and precise to ensure that someone can accurately follow the steps to end up with the same result. We decided we would write a set of instructions on how to plant a sunflower seed after learning about it in Science and having planted them ourselves. After we had planned each step from our memory of planting a seed, we then drafted and eventually after a little editing wrote up our instructions in neat. We now know we need to use time conjunctions to make sure people follow the steps in the correct order. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were very impressed with our final pieces and the children cannot wait to bring their sunflowers home.

Year 2 What time is it?

Date: 22nd May 2022 @ 12:32pm

Over the last couple of weeks Year 2 have been learning the time. We begun by learning to tell the time at 'o' clock and half past before furthering our learning to tell the time at quarter past and quarter to. On Friday, we began to recognise the time to the nearest five minutes. We completed a fun activity placing all the time words around a clock before putting our knowledge to the test in a fun game of bingo. It was great fun to begin practicing our new knowledge and we look forward to carrying on our learning on Monday. 

Year 2 Visitor from St. Marks

Date: 17th May 2022 @ 5:51pm

Today, we had two visitors from our local church. Jenny and Matt are both leaders in the church. We identified Christian symbols, talked about shared beliefs and values as well as discussing worship. We carried out a fun activity to explain that the Church is one community and all works together! We enjoyed meeting Jenny and Matt and loved the learning we did together. 

Year 2 Mesmerized by Mary

Date: 10th May 2022 @ 5:01pm

This half term, Year Two are learning all about Mary Seacole. We started the journey by being History detectives and used photos of evidence to try and figure out who Mary Seacole was and the reasons why she was famous. We all had very different ideas about why she was famous and eventually figured out that she helped British soldiers in the Crimean war. We followed this on by exploring the key events in Mary's life and sequenced them and this week we have focused on what Mary's role was in the Crimean war. We were amazed at the acts of kindness Mary displayed towards British and Russian soldiers and how important she was in helping soldiers in the Crimean war.

Year 2 Invasion Games

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 4:06pm

This half term Year Two are practicing skills needed to play invasion games. This week we explored chest passes, under arm throwing and over arm throwing to accurately throw a ball and have our partner catch it. We worked on throwing different distances as we got more confident and adjusting which pass we used to ensure it had enough power to reach our partner. To the end the session, we played a game of Ghostbusters where people in bibs were trying to intercept the ball of the children who were 'ghosts' and throwing the balls to their partners. We really had to think hard about the passes used and the distance we were throwing to make sure the alien didn't intercept our ball. 

Year 2 Continuous line drawings

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 7:56pm

After exploring our two artists- Henri Matisse and Kittie Jones this week Year Two practiced their own drawing skills. We explored what continuous drawing meant and were shocked that we would have to focus on drawing a small object for 5 minutes continuously ensuring we added lots of detail to our drawing instead of focusing on just the outline. We practiced drawing lots of natural objects such as leaves, flowers as well as our germinating beans. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were proud of the concentration and care the children took of their drawings and the children were incredibly proud of their drawings. We look forward to designing and creating our final pieces inspired by either of our artists!

Year 2 Investigating how plants grow

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 7:50pm

This half term, Year Two are exploring plants focusing on the key questions how do they grow? What do they need to grow? To investigate over time we planted some runner beans in a plastic bag with water to watch how it germinates as well as planting our own sunflower seeds. We are pleased to report after a week, our beans have begun to germinate when they have water and the right temperature. Also, most of our sunflowers have turned into seedlings and we are going to continue monitoring how much they grow each week. We are loving checking on them each morning and it's especially exciting now we can see how they grow.

Year 2 Fun Fractions

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 7:45pm

During the last couple of weeks, Year 2 have been learning all about fractions. We have learnt fractions are equal parts of a whole discussing the importance of the groups being equal. To put it into a real life context we thought lots about sharing pizza and sweets equally making sure we all received the same amount. Then we put our theory into practice and used concrete resources to show halves, quarters, thirds and three quarters. During our learning we noticed two quarters is equivalent to a half. We have enjoyed our fractions unit and realised we use them lots in our everyday life!

Year 2 What is Drawing?

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 9:34pm

This week we began our Art journey by asking the question 'What is Drawing?' First of all, the children all drew a picture of whatever they wanted and we noticed that everyone drew something different and for different reasons- some children drew something from their imagination whilst others drew real life objects. We then gathered our thoughts about what Drawing actually is and we decided it is making marks on other objects. Finally, we looked at a selection of drawings and discussed where you might use drawing in real life such as fashion designers, illustrators and architects as well as the different types of drawing from line drawing to doodles. We particularly enjoyed looking at the drawings that created the characters of Encanto!

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