Year 2: Blog items

Year 2 Fire Service Visitors

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 4:54pm

Today, Year 2 had a very special visit from 3 firefighters from the Blackpool Fire Station near Stanley Park. The 3 firefighters talked to the children all about fire safety and what to do in the event of being in a fire themselves. Firstly, they showed us all their different equipment that helps keep them safe when they are working before teaching us what to do. We learnt so much including: how to test if the fire is close to a closed door, how to stop smoke leaking into the room we are in and taught us to remember 3 very important words: Get out, Stay out and call 999. They even tasked us to go home, find where our smoke alarms are located and ensure they work. The children loved meeting the firefighters and listened intently. 

Year 2 Fundamental Skills

Date: 7th Nov 2022 @ 4:16pm

This half term, Year 2 are lucky to have Mr Williams supporting us in PE. Over the last two weeks, we have been practising our hopping and jumping skills in a circuit of activities including hopscotch, hopping over the stepping stones and skipping. Although, we have found some of these skills difficult- in particular the skipping- the children have worked incredibly hard and have began to see some great progress. Some children who couldn't skip at the start are now beginning to skip steps at a time and getting faster. We are looking forward to the next 5 weeks, kepe up the good work Year 2!

Year 2 Poppy Art

Date: 6th Nov 2022 @ 11:08am

In the lead up to Remembrance Day on 11th November, Year Two have been creating poppies in Art. We glued two sticks together to create the cross and used our weaving skills to weave red wool through a template. This created a cross on the front and a square on the back, when we removed the cardboard template it created the shape of the poppy. It took a lot of perseverance to ensure we followed the number sequence correctly but everyone did very well! 

Year 2 Addition and Subtraction

Date: 6th Nov 2022 @ 11:02am

This week, we have began exploring addition and subtraction when you have to cross into another ten. To master the skill, we used concrete resources- Base 10- to practise exchanging ten ones for one ten when adding and exchanging one ten for ten ones when subtracting. To help us to grasp the concept of exchanging through our role play of shop keepers and ensuring you exchange for the same amount. These practical activities really helped us apply our knowledge to more abstract questions. 

Year 2 Puppets

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 3:37pm

Today, we turned our designs into actual puppets that we could play with. We used our previously practiced skills to thread and knot the needle before beginning a running stitch. To finish them off, we cut different materials including felt, pipe cleaners and buttons to design our animal and add their features. Whilst making the products we had to display a variety of characteristics including: resilience, perseverance and patience.

Year 2 Now Press Play

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 7:21am

Yesterday, Year Two enjoyed using the Now Press Play equipment to explore different habitats and the animals that live there especially thinking carefully about how these animals are adapted to survive in their natural habitat. We pretended we were aliens in a spaceship that crash landed on planet Earth and had to find a suitable habitat for the aliens to come and live. Whilst we were unsuccessful finding somewhere for the aliens to live we did manage to explore a variety of habitats which we have been learning about in Science. Firstly, we took a swim in the ocean and had to morph into sharks to survive with gills and fins. Next, we went to an incredibly cold place called Antarctica where we had to grow feathers and huddle together like penguins to keep oursevles warm. Then, we left Antarctica and found a jungle surrounded by tall trees and monkey's who we swung around with for a while before taking a journey to the hot desert where we met a camel. It was here we had to adapt and get a hump to store water and change our feet so they were wide to walk on the hot sand. It was great fun and helped consolidate the learning we have been doing in Science this half term. 

Year 2 Zoo Orienteering

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 9:17am

Today, nine children from Year two represent Boundary for an orienteering activity at Blackpool Zoo in conjunction with Active Blackpool and the School Games.

The children had an amazing time, finding out information about animals to answer the clues on the activity sheet. They used their reading skills and previously taught knowledge to identify the key information around the Zoo to answer the questions in regards to each animal and used the map and signage around the zoo to locate the animals. We all learnt so many new facts; who knew a giraffe’s neck is 2.4 metres long!

All participants demonstrated persistence, teamwork, and resourcefulness.


Year 2- Rosa Parks

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 2:57pm

This month, as part of our School celebration of Black History Month we have been completing our writing journey about Rosa Parks. As part of our GPS lessons we looked at information about Rosa Parks and the influence she had on Black rights by refusing to give up her seat and wrote statements about her life and questions we would have liked to have asked her if she was still alive. We will use our knowledge to write a letter to Rosa thanking her for her hard work and determination. 

Year 2's Final Forest School Fun

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 2:50pm

This week Forest School enjoyed their final forest school session with Jenna and Michelle. This week, we thought about ways to survive if we got stranded in the cold on a mountain and used the parachute as our shelter thinking about the warmth it provided. We also thought about the 3 things we need for a fire- air, fuel and heat and some of us used the tools to practise lighting a fire so we could toast marshmellows. We have had a wonderful three weeks in forest school and look forward to our final three sessions in the summer.

Year 2: The Tiger who came to tea

Date: 12th Oct 2022 @ 12:29pm


Year Two used the Tiger who came to Tea for their reading into writing journey.  We read the story, and then they used the basis of the text to write their own story about a different animal who came to their house.
We watched the play at The Grand Theatre and the children really enjoyed themselves.

Year 2 Forest School Fun Part 2

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 4:02pm

Today, year two continued their forest school fun with their second session of the term. Today we began the lesson, by learning how to tie a simple knot and practised the skill a few times on some rope. We then used our new skills and knowledge to create a friendship bracelet, we all chose a colour to represent ourselves, one to represent our class and a final colour to represent nature. After that, we were tasked with a mission of making a party for all the ugly bugs to attend and got very creative- some even had slides and beds! We are looking forward to our final session next week.

Year 2's First Forest School Fun!

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:39pm

Today, Year Two enjoyed their first Forest School session with Jenna and Michelle who had planned some fun activities for us. We began the session by completing some tasks for the Gruffalo finding things that lived in trees, near flowers and under logs linking our learning from yesterday to the fun. Then Michelle kindly read us the story of the Gruffalo and we were experts and could join in with parts of the story! Lastly, we were tasked with the mission of creating a nest for a bird of our choosing, thinking carefully about where we were going to place the nest and the materials we used. We had lots of fun linking our Science learning of living things and their habitats to our forest school fun and cannot wait for our next two sessions.

Year 2 School Council Elections

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:34pm

This week was Democracy week at Boundary and in Year Two lots of children stood infront of their peers and delivered a manifesto about why they would be a good school councillor thinking about our Always promises and charactertistics. The children all showed great respect, pride and bravery to deliver their manifesto and Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth are incredibly proud of them all. Throughout the week, we discussed the importance of Democracy and appreciate that we vote to ensure a fair result.

Year Two are proud to announce their School Councillors for 2022/23 are:

Birch- Reggie

Elm- Emily

Well done everyone!

Year 2 Exploring Microhabitats

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 7:58am

Today we explored different types of microhabitat. Once we had learnt what a microhabitat was, we went into the forest school area to search for microhabitats and hunted for minibeasts. We explored a range of microhabitats including under logs, in the soil, leaf piles, rocks and grass. When we found minibeasts we got very excited! Once we returned inside, we discussed how different minibeasts prefer different habitats and came up with adjectives to describe the habitats.

Year 2 Sewing Bees

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 7:56am

Today we began to practice the skill of sewing because we had decided this was the best method to join our material together to make a puppet. We began by threading the cotton thread through the eye hole of the needle before carefully tying a knot at the end of the thread. Next, we began to practice our sewing focusing on a running stitch. We had to demonstrate lots of patience, determination and perseverance as it was quite difficult but we displayed a growth mindset and never gave up!

Year 2- Music is in my soul

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 4:12pm

Throughout Autumn term, we will be exploring the key question 'How does Music help us to make friends?' So far, we have listened to two contrasting pieces of music- Music is in my Soul and Bolero. We have practised keeping the beat of these songs and thought about what we liked and disliked about them. During our music sessions, we have been learning to sing the song 'Music is in my Soul' and have practised the chorus and first verse trying to keep in time with each other as well as sing in tune. Lastly, we have been improvising to the song using the glokenspiels which has been lots of fun!

Year 2- Practicing Skills

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 4:39pm

This week in Design Technology, we practised our marking out and cutting skills. We drew around an outline to give us the puppet template before carefully practising our cutting skills to make sure it looked like a puppet and had smooth edges. These skills will be important when making our final product.

Year 2- Exploring the Commonwealth

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 3:02pm

As part of our remembrance of the Queen, Year 2 explored the commonwealth. We looked at the 56 countries that are part of the commonwealth and identified some of these places on a world map as well as exploring each of the nations different flags. Also, we discussed the role the Queen had in the commonwealth and looked at a variety of pictures of her visiting the different members. We found it interesting looking at pictures of the Queen from the time across her reign and created a collage using pictures, flags and facts to display our learning. 

Year 2- Phenomenal Pointillism

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 2:53pm

This half term, Year 2's Computing unit is to create multimedia art using the online tool Paintz. This week, we focused on Pointillism and after we had learnt that pointillism is a picture made up of lots of dots, we created our own masterpieces. Some of us decided to create rainbows and fireworks whilst others challenged themselves to create animals. We really enjoyed the session and demonstrated some excellent patience. Next week we shall be influenced by Mondrian.

Year 2 - Everything in its place....

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 4:27pm

During our work on place value, we have been using Base 10 and Place Value charts to make 2-digit numbers.  We discussed how many tens and how many ones were in each number.  We also wrote addition calculations to show how these numbers are made up of tens and ones.  This will lead nicely into our next step of maths learning - partitioning numbers into tens and ones using a part-whole model.

Year 2 - You can count on me

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 4:37pm

In Maths, Year Two have been focusing on place value in 2-digit numbers.  We used a range of concrete resources such as Base 10, bead strings, place value counters and Numicon to represent numbers.  We had to count in tens and ones to make our numbers, considering the value of each digit.

Year 2- Exploring Puppets

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 7:26am

This half term, Year Two will be following a journey to create our own animal puppets. For our first lesson, we explored different types of puppets including: Marionettes, Glove puppets, Shadow puppets and Finger puppets looking at the materials they had used to create the puppets, who would use the puppet as well as exploring how the different parts had been joined together. We particularly enjoyed exploring the glove and finger puppet as they are easy to use and felt soft on our hands. We are looking forward to learning how to sew to eventually create our own to take home. 

Year 2 - Promises, promises, promises.

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 8:19pm

The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to recap on our all important Boundary Promises.  We discussed why we have rules and why they are important in a range different of environments, not just in school.  We then recapped on our five key Always Promises at Boundary; be in the right place at the right time with the right things, act with honesty and respect, always try your best, work well together and use safe and friendly words and behaviours.  We then worked well together to sort different scenarios, discuss how they linked to each Promise and whether they were a good choice or a bad choice.

Year 2 - Ugly Bug Ball

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 8:05pm

Our first PE unit in Year Two is a dance unit themed around Minibeasts.  We had a great first session today, we discussed different types of minibeasts and how they might move.  We then shared our ideas to music.  We tried to incorporate movement on different levels and we then worked together to create a motif to the count of 16.  We displayed fantastic team work, moving together and sharing ideas.

Year 2's Final Forest School Fun

Date: 22nd Jul 2022 @ 3:37pm

Yesterday saw our final forest school session of Year 2 before we begin completing our passport in Year 3. This week, we thought about our senses and took a moment to lie on the floor and think about the things we could see, hear, taste, smell and feel- some of us were lucky enough to be joined by a miniature spider. We then looked at different cloud formations and tried to see if we could see any different ones in the sky as well as playing a game of forest school bingo. To end the session, we toasted crumpets on the fire. 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust