Nursery: Blog items
Nursery Meet The Colour Monster
Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 2:02pm
Nursery have been enjoying the story "The Colour Monster" this week. The story is a great way for children to explore all the different emotions they might feel including happy, sad, frightened and angry. We talked about when we might feel certain feelings and what we can do to make us feel better. Have a look at the photos below to see if you can spot the different emotions!
Nursery Become Archaeologists!
Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 2:37pm
After reading "Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs go to School" nursery immersed themselves in all things dinosaur! We looked for dinosaur bones and fossils and one day we even found some dinosaur eggs! We waited patiently for the babies to hatch and then had great fun making up stories about the dinosaurs together. The children also learnt about shapes by creating shape dinosaurs and worked together to paint some big dinosaurs!
Nursery Take Care of the Outdoors
Date: 13th Sep 2022 @ 8:35pm
We are lucky to have a wonderful outdoor area in nursery and everyone takes pride in keeping the area neat and tidy. The children love caring for the plants and creatures that are living in the garden and work together to keep it looking fabulous. This week the children have been busy picking up the litter that gets blown in. Using the litter pickers is a great way of developing fine motor skills! They have also been sharing the hose pipe and watering cans to keep the plants healthy and building realtionships with each other at the same time. Speaking of relationships, we found a new friend in our garden - a giant slug! We were all fasinated by the little fella and wanted to make sure he didn't go hungry. What else would you feed a slug but the carrots growing in the garden!
Nursery Get off To A Flying start!
Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 4:45pm
We have been having a wonderful time in nursery getting to know all of our new starters. It looks like we are going to be in for a fabulous year with a super bunch of children! They have been working so hard to learn all of the routines and have really impressed us with how quickly the are learning everything. The children have demonstrated some great PSED skills by making friends and playing well together. They have also been showing their super drawing skills by making some wonderful self-portraits. What a great start!
Date: 18th Jul 2022 @ 12:21pm
Nursery are taking good care of our beautiful new garden. We have loved watching all the sunflowers grow taller and taller and have made sure that we water our new flowers and plants so the can stay strong and healthy. We have also been exploring our new sensory path and have loved listening to the different sounds the stones make and talking about the differernt textures.
Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 7:48pm
What could be better than a nice cold ice cream to cool you down in this hot weather? Nursery have been doing some super imaginative play this week by serving some refreshing ice creams and ice lollies from our new Ice Cream van. This has been great for supporting the children's speech and languge development and developing their social skills as well using their wonderful imaginations to make up stories. I'll have a 99 with strawberry sauce please!
Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 10:15pm
Nursery had a great Sports Day and showed a real talent for throwing a welly! The chidlren did so well and took part in five different activities where they had to use their balancing, throwing and running skills. All the grown ups who came to watch where great and joined in with their chidlren. We might even have a few potential welly throwing Olympic Champions amongst us!
Nursery Heritage Day - That's The Way To Do It!
Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 10:07pm
Nursery joined in with Heritage Day by looking at how seaside holidays have changed over the years. We looked at some photographs of people on the beach and talked about how a long time ago the men wore suits and the ladies wore long dresses! Then we explored seaside entertainment and we watched a video of a Punch and Judy show. After this we performerd our own puppet shows and started to make a big puppet theatre to go outside!
Nursery What The Ladybird Heard At The Seaside
Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 2:41pm
We have been reading the story "What The Ladybird Heard At The Seaside" By Julia Donaldson and have created lots of learning opportunites based on the story. We have been practsing our scissor skills by cutting the mermaids hair - it was very tough and sticky just like in the story! We have been counting spots on to ladybirds and subisiting how many spots we can see and learring all about the letter L by making ladybirds out of the letter. We have created some beautfiul transient art pictures of mermaids and made some spinning ladybirds to hang from the ceiling.
Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 5:29pm
The chilren have been working really hard to keep our outside area clean and tidy. They went on a litter picking mission, collected a lot of rubbish and made the garden look beautiful! Using the litter pickers was a great for their fine motor skills too as they have to squeeze it hard to pinch the litter - a great work out for tiny fingers!
Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 5:23pm
Nursery have loved exploring music outside this week and the music wall has been well used! The children have been tapping beats, playing the bells and noticed the different sounds you get when you use wooden and metal beaters on the instruments. Did you know if you tap the bottom of a drain pipe with a flip flop you get a wonderful deep sound and an upside down bucket makes a brilliant drum!
Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 5:04pm
This week we have been reading the story "Billy's Bucket" By Kes Gray all about a little boy who wants a bucket for his birthday. It's no ordinary bucket though, Billy's bucket is special as he can see lots of sea creatures when he looks inside! The chidlren were brilliant at recalling parts of the story and by the end of the week they were telling the story without the book. The activities in continous provison were all based around the story and included matching numerals to the correct bucket, theading tentacles on to jelly fish, designing a bucket and creating some transient art to show what they would see in their bucket.
Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 1:06pm
We were very lucky to have some caterpillars in nursery to support our learning of growth and change. The children loved watching them grow from tiny caterpillars to big fat carterpillars! It was amazing to then see them make a cocoon and emerge as beautful butterflies! We then released them in to our garden - we had they are happy!
Nursery Celebrate 70 years of The Queen
Date: 27th May 2022 @ 3:06pm
Nursery enjoyed celebrating the Queen being on the throne for 70 years with some very royal activities. They made crowns, had a Royal tea party and made some finger print Union Jack flags. Everybody wore red, white and blue clothes and had a very royal time indeed!
Date: 25th May 2022 @ 11:24am
We have been reading the story "The Bumblebear" By Nadia Shireen about a little bear who loves honey so much he decides to go to Bee School! We have looked at the repeated stripy pattern of a bumble bee, made playdough bees, counted bees and found out how bees make honey. We even made our own delicious honey and yoghurt dip. We've been very busy bees!
Nursery enjoy learning about Farms
Date: 19th May 2022 @ 6:05pm
We've had a brilliant week finding out about animals that live on a farm. We've learnt that milk comes from cows and made our own milkshake - it was delicious! We also set up a farm shop and the chidlren made the labels themselves! We had alots of farm based activites in continuous provision and even worked together to paint and collage some farm animals.
Nursery, Reception and Year 1: The Farm came to Boundary
Date: 18th May 2022 @ 4:33pm
Date: 12th May 2022 @ 8:32pm
This week we have read the fabulous story "Superworm" By Julia Donaldson. This story is great for developing an understanding of rhyme and the children were super at joining in with the rhymes. All our learning was based on the story and included comparing the size of worms, make worms of different lengths out of playdough and counting bugs and matching them to the correct numerals. The children got creative by making their own magic wands just like Wizard Lizards and made superworms living in a garden. They also practised writing their names by writing them inside a worm and explored capacity and what happens when they mixed different liquids to make magic potions.
Date: 10th May 2022 @ 4:55pm
Our pre-school children are busy preparing for their transistion in to Reception in September. We have started to put pictures of the children at different activites in continuous provision and they must complete their Mini Me challenge by the end of the session! This will be something the children will do when they are in Reception, so it is good practise! They have done really well so far and have all had a really good try at completing their challenge!
Nursery Planting Sunflower Seeds
Date: 5th May 2022 @ 5:49pm
Today Nursery planted sunflower seeds. We recycled our used milk cartons and filled them with soil. Then we carefully pushed a sunflower seed in to the soil and gave it a little drink of water - not too much though! We didn't want to drown it! Then the children wrote their names on a lolly pop stick so they knew which sunflower was theirs. We talked about how we need to care for our seeds and make sure they have enough water and light to help them grow.
Date: 4th May 2022 @ 8:22pm
This week nursery have continued to find out about growth and change. We have been keeping a close eye on our tiny caterpillars and they're not so tiny anymore! Infact, they're getting rather big! As well as watching the caterpillars grow, the children have also been planting seeds. We started with cress seeds and will be moving on to sunflower seeds later in the week! We have been talking about looking after the seeds and that we have to make sure we keep them watered to help them grow. We have also been using different types of bricks to build the tallest bean stalk and practising matching numeral and quantity using seeds.
Date: 28th Apr 2022 @ 5:04pm
We have been reading the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly. One day all of the hungry caterpillar's food went missing! The children had to search for the food outside and count the pieces to make sure they had found them all. We also did a bit of problem solving and had to work out how many pieces were left to find. We had found 2 strawberries but needed 4 so we worked out we had 2 more to find!
Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 10:13pm
Some days are a real eclectic mix of learning in nursery! Using open ended resources means the learning can take any direction and results in lots of excitment and engagement! Just today we have explored different ways of painting, the children used tape measures to measure each other and buildings, they made potions and soup using petals and made a car wash for some muddy trucks! Another busy day!
Nursery The Day We Got Taken Over!
Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 1:44pm
We had some brand new teachers today when four of the Year 5 pupils were in charge of nursery! It was all part of the whole school Year 5 Take Over Day when the pupils in Year 5 took on jobs across the school. Our new teachers planned some fun Easter activities for us and we really enjoyed our morning with them.
Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 8:14pm
We have been doing lots of easter activities this week. We've made Easter cards and filled carrot cones with lots of Easter treats. We have been giving our funky fingers a work out by balancing eggs of golf tees, using tweezers to put eggs in to a nest and peeling stickers to make Easter pictures. We've also been on an egg hunt and learnt the Easter Bunny Hokey Cokey!