Nursery: Blog items

Nursery Create some Rockets

Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 2:58pm

The children loved using some open ended resources to create their own rocks, They had to select the pieces they wanted and decide how they would attach them together. They also had to chat to their friends about the resources and share and take turns. 

Nursery Go Up with a Whizz, Bang, Pop

Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 2:43pm

Nursery have been learning all about fireworks and have got very sparkly in the process! We have been practising our mark making skills to create some wonderful firework pictures, made some star soup outside and created some firework sparklers. 

Anti-bullying Week

Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 9:37pm

This week across school we have been celebrating Anti-Bullying week. We started the week off with the a whole school assembly based around this year's theme ‘Choose Respect’. Throughout the week the children have been learning about being respectful and why this is such an important skill for life. Alongside this they have also been exploring the theme of bullying including what it means, different types of bullying, what to do if you are being bullied, the difference of a bystander and upstander, how to solve conflicts and what discrimination means. We finished of the week by inviting everyone to wear odd socks to celebrate everyone’s differences and promote kindness. What a fantastic week we have had!

Nursery Get Spooky

Date: 31st Oct 2024 @ 9:44pm

Nursery got in to the Halloween spirit this week and explored all things spooky! The children have been busy making potions, doing some spooky mark making and creating witches out of shapes. There was also some very spooky, slimey jelly and the children used their fine motor skills to rescue the spiders stuck inside! 

Nursery Count Spiders Legs

Date: 31st Oct 2024 @ 9:36pm

This week we have been celebrating Halloween. As part of our celebrations we have been counting spiders legs! We talked about what 8 looked like and how a spider has 4 legs on each side of its body.The children then counted 4 legs on to each side of their spider and tried really hard to stop when they reached 4! 

Nursery and the Colour Monster

Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 9:30pm

We have been reading the story "The Colour Monster" and learning about the different emotions we feel. The children have been thinking about what can make us feel happy and sad. What it feels like to be angry and how we can keep ourselves nice and calm. 

Nursery, Some Sponges and a Giant Caterpillar

Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 9:18pm

Sometimes all you need is a giant caterpillar, some water and a couple of sponges and then watch the learning unfold! We had provided water and sponges in the outdoor provision so the children could wash the windows but quiet often they have their own ideas! The children decided that the caterpillar was very dirty and needed a good scrub! They worked together with some children pouring water on the caterpillar and others scrubbing him with the sponges. They talked to each other as they worked about how the caterpillar had got dirty, commenting when he was clean and negotiating using  resouces. The end result was a very shiny caterpillar!  

Nursery and the Bear Hunt

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 2:29pm

Nursery have thoroughly enjoyed reading "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" by Michael Rosen. They can all join in beautifully with the story and loved using musical instuements to make the sound of swishy swashy grass and squelchy squerchy mud. They created some fabulous bear puppets, counted and sorted bears by colour and even baked some delicious bear paw print biscuits. 

Niursery and the Owls

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 2:20pm

After reading the story "Owl Babies" the children were really interested in owls. So you can imagine their excitment when four real life owls came to visit! The children throughly enjoyed leaning about the different tyrpes of owls, where they live and what they like to eat. They even got to hold Midge who is a very wise owl at 13 yeasr old! 

Nursery Multi Task!

Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 2:53pm

It's amazing how much learning the children can take from one activity! This week we have been using small coloured animals to practise our counting. But, at the same time, the children also developed their fine motor skills by using tweezers, sorted objects by colour and learnt to share and take turns with their friends! 

Nursery and the Jelly Bears

Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 2:44pm

Everyday at Nursery, the children have lots of opportunities to develop their fine motor skills, Strengthing their finger muscles is essential in supporting a good pencil grip. The children all love messy play and this week they discoverd some bears stuck in jelly! They had to rescue the bears, but weren't allowed to use their hands! We supplied tweezers and spoons and the children had a wonderful time rescuing the bears and made their finger muscles stonger all at the same time! 

Nursery and The Owl Babies

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 3:04pm

The children have really enjoyed listening to the story "Owl Babies". It's a great story for resssuring those who might be a little unsettled that mummy or daddy will always come back and get them, The children have been practising counting by making three owls to go on tree. They have been building their fine motor muscles by collecting worms for the owls to eat and have created some super owl art work. 

Nursery enjoy PE

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 2:52pm

Every Thursday,Nursery enjoy a PE session with Mr Ratcliffe. Not only is this great for thier physical development but it also supports their communication and langauge development as they listen carefully to instructions and then follow them. The children are also learning to take turns with their friends and to develeop their self-control by waiting for their turn. 

Nursery Have a Garden Guest

Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 2:36pm

You never know who you're going to find in the nursery garden! This week we found a very large slug! The children were fascinated watching him move around and noticed that his antennaes went into his head when they touched something he didn't like. We talked about what the slug might like to eat and decided it was probably leaves and not pizza! We were all cheering the slug on as he tried to climb the steps. We're not sure if he made it, but the next day he wasn't there so we think he must of reached the top! 

Nursery Let Me See Those Funky Fingers

Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 2:22pm

It is really important for the nursery children to have stong finger muscles to support a good pencil grip. There are always lots of opportunites for children to develop these muscles in continous proviosn both indoors and outdoors. 

This week the children have been using tweezers to catch worms for the owl babies - it's very tricky as the worms were very slippery! Outside the children were investigating sunflowers. They pulled the petals off, mushed up the leaves and carefully pulled apart the middle of the flower. The children are goinfg to have the biggest finger muscles in town by the end of the year! 

Nursery Are Forever Blowing Bubbles

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 4:36pm

Bubbles are never far away in nursery! They have so many benefits for the children and they absolutely love them! The chidlren have to learn to wait their turn and also learn self-control so they don't pop the bubbles when it's  not their turn! The act of blowing bubbles is a super way for the chilldren to explore the different shapes they can make with their mouths ready for making different letter sounds. Popping the bubbles encourages them to move their bodies in different ways. 

Nursery Get To Know Each Other

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 4:20pm

Nursey have been spending time getting to know each other and making new freinds. Playing in our provision has allowed the children to bond and support each other when someone has been a little unsure of their new envirnoment. The children have been leanring to share and treat each other with kindenss and respect.

Nursery Settle in for a Fantastic Year

Date: 5th Sep 2024 @ 8:42pm

We have had a wonderful week welcoming our new starters to Nursery. We have all spent time getting to know each other and the chidren have made a super start learning all the nursery routines. We've got a feeling it's going to be a brilliant year! 

Nursery Visit the Farm

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 12:18pm

We were so lucky to have a mobile farm visit us at school this week. The animals were so lovely and the children were able to brush the goats and pony. The goats were a bit cheeky and tried to lick our fingers and the sheep were nore interested in eating their hay! The children were very gentle with the animals and throughly enjoyed the experience. 

Nursery Make a Milkshake

Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 1:13pm

Nursery have been learning all about farms this week in preperation for the farm visit on Thursday. We read the story "Oliver's Milkshake" and learnt that we usually get our milk from cows, although you can drink goats milk too! We decided it would be nice to make our own milkshakes and voted to see who would like a strawberry milkshake and who would like rasberry. The winner was strawberry! So today we got to make a yummy, scrummy strawberry milkshake! 

Nursery Sports Stay and Play

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 12:27pm

Nursery had a super sports stay and play. We invited the children's families in to take part in some sports activities with their children. We had a penalty shoot out, balancing bean bags, egg and spoon race, an obstacle course and target practise. We all had a wonderful time. 

Nursery Make a Rainbow

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 12:17pm

Nursery did a wonderful science experiment this week to make a rainbow! We needed kitchen towel, felt  tip pens and two small bowls of water. We coloured a small rainbow at the bottom of the kitchen towel and when we placed it in water, the rainbow grew! This is becasue the fibres in the kitchen roll have lots of little holes. Water is absorbed throught the kitchen roll becasue when the first  water molecule sticks to it and begind to move up, it pulls the next water molecules up with it, like a chain! 

Nursery Fruit Squeezing

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 4:48pm

Nursery enjoyed exploring oranges and lemons this week. They squeezed and squeezed until all the juice came out and then made some delicious fruit cocktails. They had to learn to take turns with the squeezers and did really well waiting their turn. 

Nursery Fruit Tasting

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 4:36pm

As part of the whole school Health Week, Nursery read the story "Handa's Surprise" and talked about all the deliccious healthy fruit Handa has in her basket. We then tasted pineapple, mango, avocado and pomegranate (Mrs Welch couldn't find a passion fruit in Aldi!). The children loved describing the fruit and said "It's so sweet". "It's juicy" "It's slimey" and "Yuk! I don't like that" when they tasted avocado!

Nursery Work Collaboratively

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 4:37pm

There are lots of opportunites for the children to work collaboratively in nursery as its a  great way to develop communication and language skills and PSED skills. This week we have been reading story "The Singing Mermaid" By Juila Donaldson and the chidlren worlked togerher the create a beautiful tail for the mermaid. 

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust