Nursery: Blog items

Nursery Explore Shape

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 8:31pm

This week nursery have been exploring shape. We have learnt the names of simple 2D shapes and are beginning to describe their properties. The children have also used shapes to make pictures. 

Nursery Take a Risk!

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 8:23pm

The children have been really engaged building obstacle courses outside using bricks, planks and crates. They have worked together to move the resources and position them to make fantastic obstacle courses. The children then navigated the obstacle course finding the best pathway and doing their own risk assessments to make sure the bricks were safe and not to wobbly!

Nursery Celebrate World Book Day

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 9:00pm

Wnat a fabulous World Book Day! Nursery was full of fantastic book characters including the little boy from "How to Catch a Star", Goldilocks, Paddington Bear, Where's Wally and even Zog the dragon! The children celebrated the day by making book marks, drawing a picture of their book character and sharing different books with their friends and teachers. What an amazing day. 

Nursery Explore the Zoo

Date: 6th Mar 2024 @ 9:47pm

We have read two super stories based around zoo animals "Poo in the Zoo" and "Dear Zoo". The children have been practsing their counting by feeding the animals the correct number of scoops of food, and making different length giraffe necks out of cubes. We have also explored patterns on zoo animals and painted black and orange stripes for a tiger. 

Nursery Save the Day!

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 10:30pm

The children have been very busy listening to superhero stories and even getting in to a few rescue missions themselves! They have made their own masks and designed a cape. The masks came in very handy as they role played superhero missions outside. We also looked at the "s" sound in phonics and found other objects that began with a "s". The children then created their own super "S". 

Nursery The Fun of Outdoors

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 10:12pm

Nursery never run out of ways to have fun outdside. Amongst all the fun, there is a lot of learning going on! This week, the slide has created lots of learning opportunites - all led by the children. They worked together to move a crate to use as an extra step and then moved the giant spinning top to the bottom of the slide. The chidlren then discovered it was great fun to slide down the slide and land in the spinning top! They children have also been exploring colours and colour mixing all through painting a large cardboard box! 

Nursery PE

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 12:12pm

Nursery are throughly enjoying PE sessions with Mr Humble. They have been developing their ball skills by bouncing and catching balls, exploring differemt ways to move their bodies and have even taken part in some team games. PE is also a great way to develop the children's listening and attention skills as well as their PSED skills.

Nursery Story Time

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 11:25am

Nursery had a special visit from Blackpool Library when a librarian came to read us a story. We all went up to The Attic and waiting with anticiaption to hear some super stories! The children loved all the stories but I think our particuar favourtie was "Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell" By Sue Hendra. 

Nursery Meet Alan and his Big Scary Teeth

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 1:01pm

Nursery read a brilliant story called "Alan's Big Scary Teeth" about an Alligator who scares all the jungle animals with his very large teeth! Alan takes really good care of his teeth, so we have been learning about how to take care of our own teeth and have practised brushing some giant teeth! We have also talked about "A" for alligator and thought of other items that begin with "A". To practise out counting, we have have been giving Alan the right number of teeth. To support the children with their social interactions, we played the Crocodile Tooth game. The children had to take it in turns to press down a tooth and hope that they don't get bitten by the crocodile! 

Nursery Try to Catch The Gingerbread Man!

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 11:21am

Nursery had their work cut out when they read the story "The Gingerbread Man". We ran as fast as we could but we just couldn't catch him! So, instead we explored the ingredients we needed to make gingerbread and then made our own Gingerbread Men. We practised ordering numbers 1 - 5, followed instructions to draw a gingerbread man and used tweezers to add buttons on gingerbread men. We never did catch the Gingerbread man!

Nursery Enjoy a Music Session

Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 12:21pm

Nursery really enjoy our music session. The children get to explore different instruments, learn to keep a steady beat and learn to take turns they pass the instruments round. The children also love to get up and dance to the music. 

Nursey - Exploring Puffy Paint

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 7:03am

With all the snow this week and discovering how it starts to melt when the temperture warms up, the children have been making some melted snowman pictures! We used shaving foam and PVA glue to create our snowman pictures. We talked about what had made the snowmen melt. Here are some of the things the children said "It melted becasue of the rain"."He got too hot". "The sun did it". 

Nursery explore the snow and ice

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 6:50am

Brrrrrrr! It's been a cold one this week - but that didn't stop us exploring! The children have had a great time playing in the snow and ice and made some amazing dicoveries! The water in our sink in the mud kitchen was frozen with very thick ice - so thick that matter what the children tired, they couldn't crack it! We also found a pair of gloves that had been left outside and were frozen to the table! There was no moving them no matter what we did! Best of all, we managed to have a quick snowball fight before or all the snow melted. 

Nursery Find a Seagull in the Garden

Date: 15th Jan 2024 @ 10:27pm

Sometimes leanring opportunites just fly in to the garden! The children were so excited to see a baby seagull on the nursery roof. We talked about why is might be sat there and some ideas were becasue it was waiting for its mummy and daddy and because it was looking for food. Some of the children made links to their own experiences by talking about seeing seagulls in their garden and it aslo prompted the children to notice lots of seagulls flying in the sky, Eventually the seagull flew off and the chidlren thought that he must of been picked up by his mummy and daddy. 

Nursery Explore What Winter Feels Like

Date: 15th Jan 2024 @ 10:19pm

This week we read the story "A Little Bit of Winter" about a hedghog who asks his friend rabbit to save him a little bit of winter so he knows what it feels like. The children have held ice to and talked about what it feels like and compared it to holding something warm. We have also explored cold colours through painting and collage and made some winter cocktails, There were some lovely conversations about snow at our winter sensory tray and discussions about fun things we can do in the winter as the children played with the mini ice skating rink. 

Nursery Sing Christmas Sing Along

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 1:23pm

Nursery put on a very festive sing along in our garden this week. We invited our families and we had a lovely time singing the Christmas songs we have been busy learning. The children sang brillinatly and gave everyone some Christmas cheer! 

Nursery Christmas Stay and Play

Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 2:02pm

We had a super time at our Christmas Stay and Play this week. It was lovely to see so many of our parents and they really enjoyed making Christmas crafts and snowman biscuits with their child. 

Our Stay and Play sessions are a great opportunity for our parents o see what thier children have been doing at nursery and gain an insight in to the nursery day. 

Nursery Christmas Jumpers

Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 1:55pm

Nursery looked fabulous in their Christmas jumpers. We had everything from reindeers to santa and even a unicorn reindeer! The chidren loved designing their own jumpers and we had some super speaking and listening as they talked about their christmas jumpers.  

Nursery's Open Ended Play

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 1:16pm

We always ensure that the resources we have in nursery are enganging and stimulate the children's imagination. Using open ended resources allows chidren the time to think about what they would like to do and how they would like to use the reosurces. It is also encourages the chidlren to work together and build positive realtionships. They always come up with super ideas and it's a pleasure to watch their play unfold. 

Nursery Prepare for the Reindeers

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 1:08pm

We have been reading the story "The Christmasaurus" by Tom Fletcher. It's all about a dinosaur who lives at the North Pole with Santa. The Christmasaurus really wants to fly so he can pull Santa's sleigh. Santa say's he will try to help him learn to fly and suggets the Christmasaurus eats some magical reindeer food. We made our own reindeer food for Santa's reindeer and the Christmasarus. The chidren had to count 3 spoonfuls of porridge oats and 2 pinches of magical glitter and then give it a gentle shake! They had to concentrate really hard to make sure each spoonful of porridge and each pinch of glitter went in to the bag!

Nursery Bucket Time

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 12:17pm

In Nursery we have started to have Bucket Time to support the development of the childrens communication and language skills. The chidlren watch and listen as an adult explores what is in the bucket and models language and explores ideas. The children really enjoy Bucket Time and are fully engaged to find out what's in the bucket! 

Nursery Go to Space

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 11:26am

Nursery visited outerspace this week! We read the story "The Way Back Home" by Oliver Jeffers about a boy who finds an areoplane and flies all the way to the moon! He runs out of petrol and meets an alien whose spaceship has broken down! We learnt all about the different planets and used balloons to print some planets. Outside we built a rocket using the bricks and went on lots of adventures to space! One day we discovered some aliens in our garden and we talked about how they might of got there. We also used magnetic shapes and building blocks to build our own rockets. We had to think carefully about the shapes we needed to make a rocket. Its been a very busy week! 

Nursery Become Pirates

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 12:05pm

Nursery have taken to the seas this week and become Pirates! We've made treasure maps, counted golden coins, worked together to a build pirate ship and made special pirate brews! The children have loved playing together to make up their own pirate stories and have even been fishing for their tea!

Nursery Together Time

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 11:29am

Nursery had a lovely time at Together Time this week. Lots of our Mummy's and Daddy's came to play and we really enjoyed sharing what we do at Nursery. 

Nursery Odd Socks

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 12:23pm

Nursery celebrated everyone being different for Anti-Bullying Day. We all wore odd socks and talked about how its good to be different and we should always be kind to everyone. We designed our own odd socks and developed our fine motor skills by filling odd socks with rice. 

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