Nursery: Blog items
Date: 23rd Nov 2021 @ 10:21pm
During their time in Nursery, the children have the opportunity to complete Funky Fingers activities. These activites help to develop their fine motor skills and strengthen the muscles in their fingers. This plays a vital role in developing a good pencil grip and control over mark making tools to form letters correctly. Have a look at some of our Funky Fingers activities from this week.
Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down
Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 8:34pm
We have been talking about the seasons this week and how we can tell it is autumn. The children have learnt about the signs of autumn and know that the leaves change colour and fall off the trees. They have produced some super autumn based art work including an autumn collage and printing some autumn leaves. They have also been counting conkers and making shapes using autumn sticks.
Date: 16th Nov 2021 @ 4:44pm
Nursery took part in the whole school kindness day. We talked about what it means to be kind and the different ways we can show kindness to others. We then made a special kindness hand and said what we would do to be kind. Two special kindenss superheroes also visited us and watched over us all day to look out for acts of kindenss. They spotted sharing, helping others with the buttons on their cardigan and helping people to pick up objects they had dropped - what a kind bunch we are!
Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 2:40pm
On Thursday 11th of November, we celebrated Remembrance Day. We talked about soldiers and how they are very important and keep us safe. Nursery took part in the whole school Remebrance Day and planted poppies in the Remembrance Garden and joined the rest of the school for the Remembrance Service. Then we made some beautiful poppies to help us remember the soldiers.
Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 8:50pm
In nursery, we have been talking about how we can keep our bodies healthy. We started the week by talking about how important it is to keep our teeth healthy. We talked about going to the dentist and brushed some giant teeth! Then we learnt about how important it is to eat our fruit and vegetables as they help us to grow big and strong and also help our bodies to fight off any germs by giving us vitamins! Then we made our own delicious fruit salad.
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 5:17pm
Nursery had a wonderful time celebrating Diwali. Mrs. Kaur, who works in Reception, came in to to talk to the chidlren about the festival and all the special things she does to celebrate Diwali. The children then made some Diva Lamps, Rangoli Patterns and designed some gorgeous Mehndi patterns.
Date: 3rd Nov 2021 @ 8:28pm
There have been some spooky goings on in Nursery over the last few days as we explored Halloween! We read the story "What's In The Witches Kitchen" By Nick Sharratt which the children loved! They really enjoyed looking at the book together and were great at retelling the story. The witch even left us a bowl of jelly, but it had spiders and bats in it! The chidlren worked really hard to get them out using tweezers! We pratcised our counting by adding 8 legs to scary spiders and worked our fine motor skills by tapping witches fingers in to pumpkins! It really has been quiet a frightful week!
Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 4:55pm
This week we are reading the story "We're Going on A Bear Hunt" By Micheal Rosen. The book is fantastic for teaching children about rhythm and pattern in langauge and its repetitive langauge makes it a perfect text for children to retell. We have been busy using our backpacks to go on a Bear Hunt and making binoculars to help us find the bear. We have rescued bears that got trapped in a cave and jelly and have been on a mini bear hunt through gloop - these are all great for developing our fine motor skills.
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 8:36pm
We have been learning some new skills this week - measuring and making patterns! First we explored length by comparing different scarves. We had to find the longest and the shortest. Then the children really enjoyed using a tape measure to find out how long each scarf was. Next we explored making a simple repeated pattern. We did this by using two different colours - see if you can spot the picture of the amazing repeated pattern made using pom poms!
There's A Dragon In Your Book!
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 12:17pm
This Week we have been reading the brilliant story "There's A Dragon In Your Book" By Tom Fletcher. This is a great book to share with chilldren as it's really interactive and we had so much fun reading it. The children have had so many experiences linked to the book from putting out the dragons fire to making him some delicious ice cream. They also used their fine motor skills to make dragons with moving parts!
Date: 29th Sep 2021 @ 6:51am
Singing Nursery Rhymes and songs is a very important part of our nursery day. It helps the children to become familar with patterns in langauage, rhyming words and it helps the children develop an ear for our language. Both rhythm anf rhyme help the children to hear the sounds and syllabuls in words, which helps them learn to read! The children love using our special "Sing It" bag as it's full of nursery rhyme props. We pull a prop from the bag and then sing the matching rhyme!
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 2:05pm
We have really enjoyed reading "The Colour Monster" by Anna Llenas. It's a story about a monster whose feelings are all mixed up but his friend helps him to sort them all out. We explored each of the feelings happy, sad, angry, scared, calm and love and listened to different music that made us feel each of those emotions. Can you spot our happy, angry and sad faces in the photos?
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 12:20pm
The children took the lead with some loose parts play this week! They used the resources in the construction area to create brillaint Robot costumes! Their robot voices were very impressive too!
Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 4:45pm
To help the children settle in to Nursery, we read the story "Owl Babies". It is a story all about three owls called Sarah, Percy and Bill. One day they wake up and their owl mother has gone! Of course she comes back and has only been hunting! We used the story to resassure chidlren that their grown ups will always come back for them. The chidlren showed that they were good listeners as they were able to recall parts of the story and remembered the characters by the end of the week! We also practiced counting to 3 by putting 3 owls on a branch. There was also great excitment when we found three eggs in our Curiosity Cube! The exciment grew when the eggs started to crack and we found three baby owls in the cube!
Date: 14th Sep 2021 @ 9:54pm
The Nursery children have been busy creating self-portraits. We talked about drawing a circle for the head and then adding their features inside the circle. I don't know about you, but I think they did a super job!
Date: 9th Sep 2021 @ 9:50pm
The children had such a brilliant time during their Forest School session this week.They found blackberries growing on a bush and apples and plums growing on trees! Of course we had to have a little taste and blackberries were the definite favourite! The children loved exploring outdoors and hunted for bugs, made pies in the mud kitchen and made patterns in the playdough using pinecones and sticks. We can't wait to visit the Forest School again!
Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 9:08pm
We were so excited to welcome back some of our Nursery children and meet our new starters this week and what a smashing bunch they are! All the children have settled in so well and it seems like we are in for a great year! Over the summer we have had some improvements made to our Nursery outdoor area and the children have been busy exploring it and working together to use the wonderful water wall! What a great start to the new term!
Date: 11th Jul 2021 @ 12:03pm
On Friday the nursery children took part in the whole school Heritage Day. We focused on Blackpool Tower and Blackpool Trams. The children really enjoyed finding out about Blackpool Tower and even built their own towers using bricks and straws and playdough!
Date: 8th Jul 2021 @ 2:01pm
This week we have been reading the story "Poo in the zoo" by Steve Smallman. Poor old Bob the zoo keeper has a lot of poo to clean up at the zoo and one day, to his surprise he finds some glowing poo! The children have loved the story and as well as raising many giggles, we have also found out about herbivores and carnivores and the different foods the eat, discovered a very special insect called a Firefly, made our own sun catcher fireflies and also found some fireflies in our curiosity cube!
Date: 1st Jul 2021 @ 3:09pm
For Sports Day this year Nursery took part in some fun balloon games. We practised skills included passing, throwing and catching and also developed our team work skills! We had so much fun and there were balloons flying everywhere!
Date: 30th Jun 2021 @ 12:18pm
This week we have changed our role play area in to a take away burger bar. We discovered that we didn't have enough burgers & the children decided that we could make some. They got some cardboard and we cut out some circles. The children then coloured them in to make burgers and buns. The Burger Bar has been create for developing speech and language and building relationships. It hasn't been so good for the teachers waist lines though! They've never eaten so many burgers and chips!
There's a Whole Lot of Hatching Going On!
Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 3:25pm
What an exciting week it's been in nursery! We have been closely watching the dinosaur eggs that arrived on Monday and when we came to school on Thursday the baby dinosaurs had hatched out of the eggs! The children have been really engaged with the dinosaurs and have been doing some drawings of the eggs, making up stores together with our toy dinosaurs and even made some dinosaurs out of bricks!
Dinosaurs weren't the only thing to visit us this week! We also had a visit from the ducklings that hatched in the Reception class! The children were fasinated by the ducklings and treated them with great care. What a busy week!
Date: 22nd Jun 2021 @ 9:01pm
Something exciting is happening in nursery this week! Inside our curiosity cube we found four dinosaur eggs! We have been looking closely for signs that the dinosaurs might be ready to hatch and we're sure we heard some tapping! We will keep you posted!
Now Press Play - Under The Sea
Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 3:04pm
The Nursery chilldren took part in a "Now Press Play" activity. Each child had a set of headphones (which they tried so hard to turn on by themselves) and listened to a story set under the sea! They had to listen carefully and follow some instructions and we all went for a swim in the sea, rowed a boat and became a pirate, a jelly fish and a crab!