Reading: Blog items

Acorns - World Book Day 2024

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 7:32pm

Acorns welcomed the 3 little pigs, the big bad wolf, the Gruffalo and Mary Poppins into class today, celebrating World Book Day. We had a great time sharing stories and enjoying different activities based around our stories. We especially liked building a brick house and blowing it down!! 

World Book Day 2024

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 4:47pm

What a day we had for World Book Day in Rowan! We took part in a live quiz, we spoke about the outfits we had chosen and some children even swapped books with eachother. A great effort by all on some fantastic outfits.

Year 3- World Book Day!

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 12:56pm

Take a look at our amazong World Book Day costumes! We all dressed as our favourite characters today and shred our reasons for picking our characters. We joined a football quiz, joined in a great book Kahoot, read our reading books and finally we created our own story boards.

We were also lucky enough to have our very own book swap! We brought in a book that we had read and swapped it for one we were yet to explore! 

What a brilliant day of books!

Year 4 - World Book Day

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 11:58am

WOW!! What a great day so far for World Book Day. A great effort by all!! We did a live lesson, wrote down what we came as, went to The Attic and enjoyed talking about the characters we had come to school as.

Year 6 - World Book Day

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 11:45am

What a World Book Day this has been! Year 6 have really gone above and beyond this year with their character costumes. From Harry Potter to Dr. Frankenstein, the variety has been really impressive. We have also taken part in a book and football quiz with schools around the country as well as a Book Banter session, where we discussed fun facts we have learned from non-fiction books.


Take a look at some of our costumes!

Year 1 World Book Day

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 11:23am

We have all been looking forward to celebrating World Book Day! Alongside our assembly with Mrs Hamilton, we also completed word searches, designed reading bookmarks and shared our favourite stories/characters. We all enjoyed coming to school as our favourite book character and celebrating our love of reading.

Acorns - Walking Through the Jungle

Date: 4th Mar 2024 @ 4:21pm

This week Acorns have had lots of fun exploring and learning about the jungle and wild animals. Our sensory story is Walking through the Jungle, and we have enjoyed listening to the animal noises, using animal puppets and playing with the different animals in out jungle themed tuff tray. We have also incorporated the jungle into our maths and art sessions. We really enjoyed animal printing with sponges and paints and creating our very own lions and snakes. 

Meet our new Librarians

Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 2:32pm

Our new librararians have been appointed!📚

They recently visited The Attic for the first time and they were blown away!😮 Not only did they get to explore the magical world of books, but they also had the chance to chat about their new role and how they can make our school library even better!🙌🏼 What's even more exciting is that the National Literacy Trust in Blackpool, in partnership with World of Stories, has generously donated some new books to our library!📖

#NewLibrarians #WorldOfStories #BookLovers #SchoolLibraryGoals

Acorns - Goldilocks and number fun

Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 4:18pm

Acorns have had lots of fun this week learning about the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. We have immersed ourselves in sensory stories, oaty tuff trays, puppets and even Goldilocks yoga. Alongside this, we have been exploring fun number and maths activities as our school celebrates its 100th day of school. We have been busy developing our focus and concentration skills while taking part in adult led activities. We worked very hard and had lots of fun. 

Reception National Storytellying Week

Date: 22nd Feb 2024 @ 10:22am

During National Storytelling Week Reception had a visitor from the National Literacy Trust who brought lots of loves stories to share with the children.  We enjoyed going up to our school library 'The Attic' to listen to the stories and then use the puppets to retell tell them in our own words.  What a lovely time everyone had.

Year 6 - Book Banter

Date: 20th Feb 2024 @ 7:38am

Today Oak class had their first 'Book Banter' session. The purpose of these weekly sessions is to allow children to discuss books with the class and promote their love of reading. We will also talk about authors, characters and themes across books. We are looking forward to sharing our love of reading with each other.

Year 4 - Maple's first Boundary Book Banter

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 3:40pm

Today Maple took part in their first Boundary Book Banter. To help engage and excite pupils in reading, we have been chatting about the books that we have checked-out of the new school library (The Attic). Each week, pupils will be given time to share their book with their peers and the whole class, explaining what they liked or disliked about the book. Together we will explore common themes and make links between different genres and different authors.

Nursery Story Time

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 11:25am

Nursery had a special visit from Blackpool Library when a librarian came to read us a story. We all went up to The Attic and waiting with anticiaption to hear some super stories! The children loved all the stories but I think our particuar favourtie was "Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell" By Sue Hendra. 

School Council- Fundraising and reading book ideas.

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:43pm

At our latest meeting, the School Council were joined by Miss Moyes, Miss Jones- Boast and Debbie our Cook.

We met to discuss how to calculate the cost and possible profit that could be made when we sell Elmer themed cup cakes to raise money for Brian House.

The cupcakes will be all different bright colours, just like Elmer. They will be sold at hometime on the school gates and also during the day for staff to purchase too.

Miss Moyes also needed to know what type of school reading books the children would enjoy, as she was going to be ordering some more.  The school council then went back to their classes to find out.

Another meeting will be held in the last week of this half term to discuss the results.

Reception- Story club

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:19pm

This half term, Reception have enjoyed staying for their first extra- curricular club- The Story Club!

Each week, they have chilled out on cushions, got cosy under throws and snuggled up to cuddly toys as they listened to a different Wintery story each week.

This was followed by colouring pictures from the story to take home and talk about with their families.



Acorns - We're going on a polar bear hunt

Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 7:35pm

Acorns have had lots of fun this week going on a polar bear hunt as part of thier winter theme.

We have enjoyed our sensory story 'going on a polar bear hunt', climbing over snow drifts, through snow storms, across rivers (water sprays), over the ice and into dark caves.

We have been talking about arctic animals and creating polar bears using sponge painting and cotton wool during our arts and crafts activities.

We are continuing to develop our focus and concentration during Bucket and have had fun watching snow splatts, fountains and bubbles.

What a busy week we have had. 

Year 5 - Boundary Book Banter

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 2:33pm

To help engage and excite pupils in reading, we have been chatting about the books that we have checked-out of the new school library (The Attic). Each week, pupils will be given time to share their book with their peers and the whole class, explaining what they liked or disliked about the book. Together we will explore common themes and make links between different genres and different authors.

Nursery Meet Alan and his Big Scary Teeth

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 1:01pm

Nursery read a brilliant story called "Alan's Big Scary Teeth" about an Alligator who scares all the jungle animals with his very large teeth! Alan takes really good care of his teeth, so we have been learning about how to take care of our own teeth and have practised brushing some giant teeth! We have also talked about "A" for alligator and thought of other items that begin with "A". To practise out counting, we have have been giving Alan the right number of teeth. To support the children with their social interactions, we played the Crocodile Tooth game. The children had to take it in turns to press down a tooth and hope that they don't get bitten by the crocodile! 

Nursery Try to Catch The Gingerbread Man!

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 11:21am

Nursery had their work cut out when they read the story "The Gingerbread Man". We ran as fast as we could but we just couldn't catch him! So, instead we explored the ingredients we needed to make gingerbread and then made our own Gingerbread Men. We practised ordering numbers 1 - 5, followed instructions to draw a gingerbread man and used tweezers to add buttons on gingerbread men. We never did catch the Gingerbread man!

Nursery Explore What Winter Feels Like

Date: 15th Jan 2024 @ 10:19pm

This week we read the story "A Little Bit of Winter" about a hedghog who asks his friend rabbit to save him a little bit of winter so he knows what it feels like. The children have held ice to and talked about what it feels like and compared it to holding something warm. We have also explored cold colours through painting and collage and made some winter cocktails, There were some lovely conversations about snow at our winter sensory tray and discussions about fun things we can do in the winter as the children played with the mini ice skating rink. 

Year 4- Finding Features of News Articles

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 1:06pm

In Reading into Writing, Year 4 have been identifying structural and language features of newspaper reports and online news articles. Firstly, we looked at some examples of newspaper articles and highlighted the features that we noticed. After this, we used our digital literacy skills to look at some news articles online and were given post it notes to label the features that we found. We will continue to read and annotate a range of news articles and will plan and write our own news article in the next couple of weeks.

Year 4- Writing Playscripts

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 4:28pm

Year 4 have been focusing on writing playscripts. This week, we have watched a couple of the scenes from Arthur Christmas and have written a film script of these scenes as a class. We have thoroughly enjoyed looking at the main features of play/film scripts and using these in our own shared writing. We look forward to planning and drafting our own film scripts later on this half term.

Year 3- Visit to the Library

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 1:02pm

Year 3 had a visit to our very own library, The Attic! We all picked a book that we wanted to read and found a comfy spot to enjoy some relaxing reading time. We then had a chat about what books we had picked, why we picked them and what they were about. We can't wait to go back and keep improving our reading skills. 

Acorns - Welcoming Bailey!

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 9:00am

Today we welcomed Bailey and her owner Vincent to our classroom for the first time. Bailey's Book Club in Year 2 is such a huge success and we are lucky enough to have a little time with her every Wednesday. The children enjoy watching her owner, Vincent throwing the ball to Bailey outside our classroom. A few of the children gave Bailey a treat and even brushed her fur, which they got so excited about. 

Year 4- Laurel's Reading Champions

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 7:57pm

Well done to our new Reading Champions in Laurel. You have read three times this week and been on Reading Plus for half an hour. Hopefully there will be more pupils in Laurel that can earn their Reading Champion badges! Keep up the good work! 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust