Reading: Blog items

#Take10 challenge

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 11:25am

Today, we took part in the #Take10 challenge. The event began with a 10 minute live event with the author Anthony Horowitz, who discussed what kind of books he enjoys reading and how he got into writing books. We all then read together for 10 minutes, including the adults. We are going to try and make sure we read for 10 minutes every day as this can help improve our vocabulary, our imagination and helps with our mental health.

Elder: DT Day 2

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 7:36am

Today was the second day of our DT unit on making pizzas. We began the day by making the dough - we did this by following a simple recipe for the BBC

Oak: DT Day 2

Date: 8th May 2021 @ 8:03pm

Today was the second day of our DT unit on making pizzas. We began the day by making the dough - we did this by following a simple recipe for the BBC

Oak: DT Day 1

Date: 7th May 2021 @ 8:13am

Today we began our DT journey of making pizzas. We looked at what we already knew about pizzas, including how we make them. We began by tasting pizzas and evaluating what we liked/disliked. After that, we went into Redcliffes to make our pizza sauce. We read through the pizza sauce recipe and weighed out and measured the ingredients we needed. Then, we all had a go at chopping and peeling onions and garlic. After that, we mixed together all of the other ingredients: tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano, basil, brown sugar and a bay leaf. We then heated the sauce through for 20 mins and set it cool. At the end of the day, we blitzed the sauce to make it smooth.

National Reading Champions Quiz

Date: 4th May 2021 @ 5:18pm

Today, 4 of our Year 6 children took part in the North West regional heat of the very first National Reading Champions Quiz. The quiz aims to raise the profile of reading with pupils across the country and to test their knowledge of a wide range of books. The quiz consisted of 10 different rounds and included rounds such as villains in books, identifying a novel from the first or last line and anagrams of characters/books. Our pupils were a credit to Boundary and they showed determination and resilience throughout the morning. The quiz lasted for over 2 and a half hours and the children were fully engaged and really worked as a team to try and answer the questions. Although we didn't finish in the top 3, we did manage to answer a lot of the questions correctly and we were only 10 marks away from the school who finished in first place. We look forward to taking part in more experiences like this and with a wider range of pupils.

Shakespearian Actors and Actresses!

Date: 4th May 2021 @ 4:33pm

22 children from Year Five took part in a workshop with a Royal Shakespeare Company director and a number of other local schools.They rehearsed and acted out speeches from

Quest Stories

Date: 2nd May 2021 @ 11:11pm

In Reading into Writing we have been reading and writing quest stories. We based our story on the picture book

No Pen Day!

Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 7:15am

Today we took part in another No Pen Day. We spent time working with others and discussing odd one out pictures. This involved looking at sets of numbers/pictures and working out which one we thought was the odd one out. We had to give clear reasons for answers. In English, we continued with our Quest stories and looked through the book

The Wonders of the Human Body!

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 3:49pm

During our guided reading session, we were reading the book 'A Body Dictionary'. We loved learning all the amazing facts about the human body. Our favourite was ' We have about 5 litres of blood in our bodies- that is enough to fill about 15 drink cans.'

We were very intrigued to find out how much 5 litres was so after the session we decided to investigate what we could fill with 5 litres. We used a litre water bottle and filled a tub with water to represent blood. We couldn't believe that we had that much blood in our bodies! We tried to lift the tub of water and it was so heavy! 

I'll Huff and I'll Puff!

Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 3:10pm

This week the children have been listening to the story "The Three Little Pigs". They have got really involved in all the activiites and have been retelling the story with puppets, building houses for the pigs and testing how strong the houses are! Which house would you choose? 






Riddles hunt!

Date: 16th Mar 2021 @ 4:16pm

Today in Reading into Writing, Year 2 went on a riddle hunt. We worked in pairs to try to solve riddles and get the most points. We will be going on to writing our own riddles very soon for you to solve!

Having a Roaring Time on World Book Day

Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 3:59pm

In the morning, Cedar joined in with World Book Day by completing various book tasks. The younger pupils enjoyed reading The Dinosaur Who Pooped a Planet before making our own dinosaur models.

The older pupils completed tasks from our class reading book- A Boy in A Dress. They then used their Maths skills to survey the staff from the school about their favourite children's book. They used the data to create their own graphs and charts and would you believe it 'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory' was the most popular!

Holly Online Learning- Winter!

Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 12:41pm

We have been learning about Winter.

We have been listening to wintery stories, such as Jack frost and then drawing and writing about them.

Sometimes we used the Seesaw tools to do our work, sometimes we used paper and pencils but we always made sure we practiced our handwriting too.

Our year so far....

Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 3:00pm

Nursery have had a jam packed half term so far!

We have been spooked with lots of Halloween activities. We made some pumpkin prints and used different shapes to create a shape witch.

We remembered all the brave soldiers and planted a poppy for them on Remembrance Day. We talked about the different jobs soldiers do and how they look after us.

Then it was time for Odd Socks Day when we celebrated our differences. We read the story “It Okay To Be Different” By Todd Parr and talked about how we are all different.

Next, we had an unexpected visit to space! The children decided to build a space rocket and fly to the moon. We made a space den and even made some intergalactic space slime! 

We have also been doing lots of outdoor learning and we’ve had some great tunes tapped out on our new music wall! The bikes have also been a great hit and it’s been brilliant to watch the children build their confidence and ride down the hill!

And now it’s time for all the Christmas fun to start! Sorry in advance for all the glitter!

The Week We Wore Odd Socks and Went To Space!

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 4:45pm

It has been a jam packed week in Nursery! We started off the week wearing odd socks to celebrate Anti - Bullying week. We read the story "It's Ok To Be Different" By Todd Carr and talked about how being different makes us special. Then we read the story "The Tiger Who Came To Tea" By Judith Kerr and practised our counting by counting out stripes to put on tigers. On Wednesday the children chose to build a rocket out of the chairs and fly to space! They had a bit of engine trouble and got the tools out to fix it and then off they flew! The children had their snack on the moon and then built some rockets out of junk modelling! To finish off the space theme, we made some intergalactic space slime! Phew! We all need a rest now!

Black History Month

Date: 26th Oct 2020 @ 12:05pm

This week we have been learning about Black History Month. We started the week by reading the story 'Handa's Surprise,' talking about the characters, setting, and key points in the book, before sequencing and retelling the story.

We looked in depth at the illustrations of the setting and how this enabled us to know where the story took place. We also recapped on the use of adjectives, and how we could describe each fruit. We had ideas such as 'spiky large pineapple,' 'green, creamy avocado,' and 'yellow, bendy banana.' Later in the week we then wrote sentences to describe what was happening in a picture from the story, focussing on using capital letters, full stops, and segmenting and blending the words we wanted to use.

We also spent an afternoon creating and designing African masks. We explored a range of masks from countries we have looked at during the week, discussing the features, colours, and emotions the masks portrayed. Children cut out shapes from different coloured and textured paper to create the features of their masks. We discussed the use of symmetry and tried to make our masks as symmetrical as possible!

Throughout the week we have explored lots of similarities and differences, learning that everyone is different, but everyone is special.


What A Whopper!

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 3:44pm

This week we have been reading the story "The Gigantic Turnip". We have had so much fun learning lots of new words to describe something that is big - ginormous, massive, huge, colossal, giant! The children have been practising using one handed tools by carefully cutting up different vegetables, they have also been printing with different vegetables and giving the. Alongside all of this, they have been using the doctors equipment in the role play area. We might juts have some budding surgeons amongst us! 


Little Red Hen

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 3:23pm

This week in Reception we have been reading the traditional tale 'Little Red Hen'.  We read the story together and talked about how the Little Red Hen worked hard to grow the grains and to harvest them to make bread.  She never gave up even though her farm friends didn't want to help her.  We talked about how it is important to help others and the qualities of being a good friend.

We also made our own story maps and orally retold the story, used a range of different materials to create a little red hen at the creative table and moulded the play dough to make our own models.

As a class we then made our own loafs of bread by working together to follow a recipe.  We collected the correct ingredients including flour, salt, water, oil and yeast.  We measured out the flour and water and added the yeast to help the bread rise.  We then kneaded the dough and placed it in the oven to bake.  When the bread was ready we all had a chance to taste it.  It tasted delicious.

"It's so soft and yummy" Riley said.

'It's fluffy" said Ella-Rose

When life gives you lemons.... Make Lemonade!

Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 2:25pm

In our guided reading, we looked at a set of instructions on how to make lemonade. We thought it would be a great idea to follow the recipe and make ur very own lemonade. Unfortunately, we were unable to taste the lemonade but Mrs Fielding had a go at home and she can confirm it is delicious!

The recipe is very simple to follow and it would be great for you to try it out at home and let us know how it tastes. We have uploaded the recipe onto seesaw for you to follow! You could even share pictures of you making it with us. 

A Week Full Of Colour

Date: 17th Sep 2020 @ 9:58pm

It has been an explosion of colour in nursery this week! We have been reading "The Colour Monster" a story about a monster who changes colour depending on how he is feeling. When he is happy he turns yellow, if you we could change colour, I think we would all have been yellow this week because we've had so much fun! The children have been making their own monsters and exploring the different colours. They have also been building relationships with each other by sharing and working together when playing outside.  

Supertato To The Rescue!

Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 3:23pm

Meet Supertato! This week in Nursery we have read the story ‘Supertato,’ and learnt about the caped potato superhero fighting to save the world from the arch villain – the Evil Pea!  We have been practising our Supertato story telling skills with our Superhero story basket, with added special characters made by Mrs Welch! We have also been creating our own evil peas, and exploring our Funky Fingers area using trays of peas and mashers, evil pea threading and potatoes, sticks and capes! We have been mark making with carrots, printing with celery and broccoli and even taking part in a Superhero obstacle course!

Teepee Tales!

Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 9:10am

Today we joined Reception for Mrs. G Teepee Tales. We firstly looked at the front cover of the book, discussing what we thought the book might be about. We figured out it was about a dinosaur, but not just any dinosaur, a dinosaur that had lost his roar! We all listened very carefully to the story, some of us were even chosen to become characters from the story, and we all joined in with our favourite part, 'ROAAAAAAR.' Some of our children were then lucky enough to be able to buy a book to take home with them. 

World Book Day 2020

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 9:10am

Year 2 amazed us on World Book Day with their amazing costumes! We shared our favourite characters and books with each other, as well as visiting the library for a special story! We had a lovely day and we would like to thank everyone for the huge amount of effort that went into making sure the children looked fabulous! 

World Book Day!

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 2:50pm

What a good day! Children have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day. From the beginning and discussing our characters, making book marks and drawing character selfies, visiting the library and being given our own book, guessing the stories and listening to stories! We have had a brilliant day!  

World Book Day!

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 4:35pm

Today it is World Book Day, and we have had a very exciting day! We started the day by coming in Nursery, but not in our school uniform! We were all dressed as characters from our favourite story. We had characters from 'Peter Rabbit,' 'Funny Bones' and even 'Harry Potter!' During carpet time we all talked about who we were, and why we liked the story our character was from. We then took part in different World Book Day activities, including making a bookmark to keep our place in our favourite story! We finished off each Nursery session with a story before home time. Everyone in Nursery made a fantastic effort for the day, thank you for your support!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust