Science: Blog items

The Science of Sight

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 11:00am

This week in our Science lesson we continued to learn about light. We learned that light travels in straight lines and that lightwaves bounce or reflect off of an object and into our eyes. This is how we see things. We worked in groups to create a model of this using string as the light wave. 

Boogie Beasts

Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 9:52pm

This half term, Year Two have been enjoying a dance unit focused on animals.  We have been listening to different styles of music and moving like a range of animals including lions, elephants, giraffes and monkeys.  We have shared lots of ideas about how these animals might move and we have been couting in sets of 8 to try and ensure we move in sync with our partners.  We have been working togtether to create our own motifs and Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth have been very impressed with our creativity and enthusiasm.

Eco Warriors!

Date: 13th Sep 2021 @ 12:22pm

This half-term in Cedar, we are going to be eco warriors!

We started our topic by investigating Miss T's rubbish into what is recyclable or non-recylable. We discussed each item and how some parts of the items weren't and some were so we would have to separate them.

We learned about how must plasic there is in the oceans and seas and what we can do to help. We then used some of Miss T's rubbish to junk model our own sea creatures.

The Great Outdoors

Date: 9th Sep 2021 @ 9:50pm

The children had such a brilliant time during their Forest School session this week.They found blackberries growing on a bush and apples and plums growing on trees! Of course we had to have a little taste and blackberries were the definite favourite! The children loved exploring outdoors and hunted for bugs, made pies in the mud kitchen and made patterns in the playdough using pinecones and sticks. We can't wait to visit the Forest School again! 

Creative Creatures!

Date: 9th Sep 2021 @ 8:29pm

Year Two have had a great first week!  We had fun combining our Science topic on Living things and our Art topic on Sculpture, to create some interesting animal sculptures.  We cut, folded and shaped paper to create some fantastic, colourful creatures.  Then we got super sticky when we were challenged to create an animal sculpture from marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We all showed a great Growth Mindset, trying our best and helping each other.

Welcome to Year 1!

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 6:47pm

As part of our first day back Science WOW we began to explore our five senses. We talked about which part of our bodies we use to listen, touch, see, feel and smell. We then focused on our sense of touch to complete a feely bag activity in groups, using lots of new vocabulary to describe the texture of objects. 

“The cotton wool was soft and squishy”

“The pine cone was bumpy and rough”

“The tin foil was smooth and bendy”

We then used some large paper to draw round the outline of our body and worked in groups to label as many body parts as we could!

Let there be light! - WOW

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 4:36pm

In Year 4, We started our science journey in electricity. We worked in small groups to try and make a light bulb light up. We were given 2 wires, a bulb and a battery. We had to think carefully about where we joined our wires to make sure the circuit was complete. Some of us did this successfully without any help!

Magnetic Mystery!

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 3:59pm

For our WOW we solved clues and carried out mini experiments based on forces and magnets to work out a secret code. We tested how many paper clips a magnet could hold, we identified magnetic items, we checked if magnets were attracted to each other and we loved making iron move around our tables!

Take a Walk on the Wild Side!

Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 1:27pm

Year Two had a fantastic final session with Forest School this week.  We had fun mixing potions and making food in the mud kitchen area.  We refreshed our knotting skills from earlier in the year by using rope and tarpaulin to create a teepee.  We picked and ate our own wild fruits including raspberries, blackberries and goosebeeries.   Then we consolidated our Science knowledge of food chains, prey and predators with an exciting game of 'Hungry Squirrel'.

As a special end of year treat, we sang songs around the campfire as we all took turns to melt marshmellows to make delicious s'mores.

Poo In The Zoo!

Date: 8th Jul 2021 @ 2:01pm

This week we have been reading the story "Poo in the zoo" by Steve Smallman. Poor old Bob the zoo keeper has a lot of poo to clean up at the zoo and one day, to his surprise he finds some glowing poo! The children have loved the story and as well as raising many giggles, we have also found out about herbivores and carnivores and the different foods the eat, discovered a very special insect called a Firefly, made our own sun catcher fireflies and also found some fireflies in our curiosity cube! 

We had a visitor!

Date: 3rd Jul 2021 @ 9:30am

This week we had a little visitor! It was lovely for our children to look after this little chap one afternoon this week. The children got to interact and hold him as we learnt about chicks and what they grow up to be.

Classification fun!

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 4:56pm

This week the children learnt about how animals are separated into different groups based on their characteristics. The children then had a go at classifying liquorice alsorts into different groups based on what they look like using data branching. 

Super Scientists

Date: 29th Jun 2021 @ 8:14am

This half term we have been learning all about Animals including humans. This was revision from the January Lockdown. We have learned about food chains and which animals are consumers and producers, the types of skeletons animals have including endo and exo skeletons, vertebrates and invertebrates. We most recently talked about our own human skeletons and understood that we have a skeleton for movement, protection and support. 


RSE Week Differences

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 2:36pm

It has been RSE week in Boundary this week.  Year Two have been looking at the differences between males and females.  We started off by discussing if certain clothes or toys were specifically for males or females and this lead us into a discussion about gender stereotyping.

We then looked at the differences between male and female newborn babies and animals.  We also learnt the proper names for male and female body parts.  We discussed why it is important that we use the correct names for these body parts and how we should talk to a trusted adult if we feel uncomfortable about any physical contact.

Year Two showed great maturity throughout our learning in this topic area.

There's a Whole Lot of Hatching Going On!

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 3:25pm

What an exciting week it's been in nursery! We have been closely watching the dinosaur eggs that arrived on Monday and when we came to school on Thursday the baby dinosaurs had hatched out of the eggs! The children have been really engaged with the dinosaurs and have been doing some drawings of the eggs, making up stores together with our toy dinosaurs and even made some dinosaurs out of bricks! 

Dinosaurs weren't the only thing to visit us this week! We also had a visit from the ducklings that hatched in the Reception class! The children were fasinated by the ducklings and treated them with great care. What a busy week! 

Rhythm of the Rainforest

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 11:35am

We were lucy enough to experience a dance lesson with a wonderful lady from the Royal Ballet Company. We created our own dances and movements based on the rainforest and we loved it! We linked it to our Science topic and thought about the animals and plants that we would see to inspire us. 

Now Press Play!

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 11:32am

We were very lucky to experience Now Press Play! We wnt on a virtual journey around the world idenitfying habitats and transforming our bodies inot the animals that live there. We were shocked to find out how us humans are destroying habitats and risking the lives of animals. 

RSE Week

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 7:48am

This week we have all taken part in our statutory RSE (relationship and sex education) lessons. In Year 6 we have looked at the changes that happen to our body during puberty as well as human reproduction and the science behind how babies are conceived. We have also looked at relationships and what makes a healthy/unhealthy relationship. This has also included the concept of consent and what it means - we have learned that it is ok to tell people if we don't enjoy physical contact and how to respond to people.

Lifting with Levers!

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 4:12pm

We had a great afternoon learning about levers. The children were set the challenge of lifting Mr. Jones using only a brick and a plank of wood. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't - until we moved the brick!  They were then able to lift Mr. Jones off the ground using only one hand. We learned that if you move the fulcrum nearer to the load, less effort is required to lift it. 

Special delivery!

Date: 15th Jun 2021 @ 2:52pm

Today Reception have had a very exciting delivery of 5 duck eggs.  The duck eggs were put inside an incubator to keep them warm.  We listened really carefully and we could hear the ducklings cheeping away inside their eggs.   At lunch time some of the eggs started to crack and 3 ducklings chipped away at their egg untill they were out.  When the ducklings hatched out of the egg their feathers were very wet.  We left them in the incubator so their feathers could dry out.  In the afternoon the children enjoyed observing the ducklings from our viewing station and recording what they could see.  We can't wait until the next two eggs hatch and we watch our ducklings grow and change.

Alarming Design Technology

Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 6:33pm

Year 5 have been designing and constructing alarms to protect a valuable item. We looked at existing products, learned how to draw circuit diagrams, experimented with different types of switches and learned techniques to join wires. Our final designs used a push to break switch that activated the alarm when the item was removed. 

The Three Little Pigs!

Date: 9th Jun 2021 @ 5:33pm

Reception have been reading the story 'The Three Little Pigs'. We have been very busy acting out the story using puppets, writing about our favourite part of the story, making houses out of cardboard boxes and collaging paper plates to create our favourite characters. We learnt that "bricks are strong" and that is why our houses are built from them!  


Volcanic Eruptions!

Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 4:31pm

For Geography this half term we are learning about Mountains and Volcanoes around the world! To start off our topic we had a minature volcanic eruption on the playground and thought about how difficult it might be to live near an active volcano! We then started learning about mountain ranges around the world including the Alps, Rockies, Andes and Himalayas and located them on Google Earth. 

Learning about Life Cycles

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 6:15pm

We continued our science learning this week by investigating the life cycles of different animals. We compared the life cycle of a mammal, amphibian, bird and an insect. We learned that some animals lay eggs, while others give bith to live young. A mosquito's life cycle is only 7 days, while a dolphin can live up to sixty years. 

One potato, two potato, three potato, four...

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 4:56pm

This week we have been planting potatoes in our outdoor area. We worked together, sharing the tools and helping each other dig the holes. It was a rainy day and we were very dirty when we had finished! In a few months time, with some sunshine and (more) rain, they should be ready for digging up and eating- we can't wait!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust