Science: Blog items

One potato, two potato, three potato, four...

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 4:56pm

This week we have been planting potatoes in our outdoor area. We worked together, sharing the tools and helping each other dig the holes. It was a rainy day and we were very dirty when we had finished! In a few months time, with some sunshine and (more) rain, they should be ready for digging up and eating- we can't wait!

Digestion Fun!

Date: 14th May 2021 @ 7:46pm

On Monday, year 4 completed a practical activity looking into digestion. As digestion isn't something they can see with their own eyes the children demonstrated all the stages of digestion using crackers, bananas, water, orange juice and tights. The children loved this activity and have learnt a great deal about digestion. 

Cracking Circuits!

Date: 14th May 2021 @ 8:01am

In Science, we have been learning about electricity. We found out that in order for an electric current to flow around a circuit there must be no breaks in it. We were given a varity of scenario cards with different circuits on. We made predicitons as to whether these were working circuits and then tested them. After testing, we recorded our results and found out that our predictions were brilliant!

Dinosaur Poop!

Date: 13th May 2021 @ 7:46pm

We had a bit of a stink in nursery today when we made some dinosaur poop! The children helped to measure and mix all of the ingredients and then they selected what sort of food the dinosaurs might eat. We decided they would probably have eaten some grass, leaves, nuts and seeds - can you see those things in our dinosaur poop? 


Date: 12th May 2021 @ 5:08pm

Dinosaurs have taken over in the nursery this week! - they are eveywhere! Inside, outside, in the playdough, in the paint and even on the maths table! The children have become paleontologists and have found some dinosaur bones and skeletons and they even made their own dinosaur fossils!

Here's a dinosaur joke for you. "What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes?" "A do-you-think-he -saurs!" 

Elder: DT Day 2

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 7:36am

Today was the second day of our DT unit on making pizzas. We began the day by making the dough - we did this by following a simple recipe for the BBC

Releasing our butterflies in to the wild!

Date: 9th May 2021 @ 5:20pm

Over the past 3 week Reception have been closely observing our classroom caterpillars.  We have be watching how they have grown and changed and talking about the lifecycle of the butterfly.  When the caterpillars first arrived they were tiny, so small we had to use our magnifying glasses to look at them.  Each day they have grown bigger and bigger because they have been eating the caterpillar food.  Last week the caterpillars hung upside down and made a chrysalis around their body.  At this point we carefully transferred them into out butterfly net and waited patiently for the butterflies to emerge.  Finally on Thursday morning we watched as a butterflies emerged from their chrysalis.  It was amazing!  Their wings were very wet so we had to wait for them to dry.  The we put some orange segments in the net for the butterflies to feed on.  On Friday afternoon we talked about the importance of the butterflies being free so we let them go in the garden.  They were very friendly and they enjoyed perching on the children's hands before flying off.   Have a look at some of the amazing pictures of the children holding them.

Oak: DT Day 2

Date: 8th May 2021 @ 8:03pm

Today was the second day of our DT unit on making pizzas. We began the day by making the dough - we did this by following a simple recipe for the BBC

Bug Hotels!

Date: 7th May 2021 @ 7:29pm

Today in Science we created a microhabitat in the form of a bug hotel! We have linked our Reading into Writing sessions this week with our previous learning in Science and have been using our senses to complete sentence writing about hot and cold habitats. We have looked at the features of polar habitats, under the sea habitats and desert habitats. We then also looked at where various deserts are located on a World map. Before we went outside to forage for materials to make our bug hotel, we discussed what features bug hotels need to make an appropriate habitat for mini beasts. We said they need to be compact, contain different materials and have different layers. After foraging for materials we used our plastic bottles to create our very own micro bug hotels for our gardens.

Oak: DT Day 1

Date: 7th May 2021 @ 8:13am

Today we began our DT journey of making pizzas. We looked at what we already knew about pizzas, including how we make them. We began by tasting pizzas and evaluating what we liked/disliked. After that, we went into Redcliffes to make our pizza sauce. We read through the pizza sauce recipe and weighed out and measured the ingredients we needed. Then, we all had a go at chopping and peeling onions and garlic. After that, we mixed together all of the other ingredients: tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano, basil, brown sugar and a bay leaf. We then heated the sauce through for 20 mins and set it cool. At the end of the day, we blitzed the sauce to make it smooth.

Lovely Fresh Air

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 4:47pm

The Nursery children love enjoying the outdoors. It is a great place for them to learn and they can use so many skills when they access the outdoor area. This week they have been painting on cling film which has been great for their physical development, looking for worms to go in our homemade wormery and exploring number and cause and effect in the water. 

Grow Your Own

Date: 5th May 2021 @ 1:48pm

We have been having a great time with our growing topic this half term. We have planted cress, sunflower seeds and beans and we are now waiting for our caterpillars to make their cocoons! We have also been making the most of our outdoor area and planted some vegetable seeds. We are hoping that we get a crop of yummy carrots and delicious radishes! 

Planting in the outdoor area.

Date: 4th May 2021 @ 3:39pm

The children in Reception have been busy preparing our raised bed in our garden for planting.  We pulled out daffodil bulbs and dug over the soil to make sure it is ready for planting.  We then planted our peas that we have in growing inside as well some pumpkin seeds, sunflowers and potatoes.   

We talked about what we need to do take care of them.

Fabulous Food - Tortilla Pin Wheels

Date: 28th Apr 2021 @ 4:12pm

Today we learnt about healthy eating and having a balanced diet in moderation. We created our own Vegetarian Tortilla Pinwheels which could be used for the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony party. First we looked at lots of different images and designs to find out what the pinwheels needed to be like - their shape, colour and ingredients. Then we taste tested the ingredients to find out which we liked and disliked. We designed our pinwheels and thought about how we need a variety of foods to be healthy from a range of food groups. Then we carefully and hygienically prepared the ingredients in the kitchen before we constructed our pinwheels. Finally we evaluated them to see if they were tasty and if we had been successful! 

Green Fingers

Date: 27th Apr 2021 @ 4:21pm

We are continuing our growing theme this week - this time with plants! So far we have planted some cress seeds and sunflower seeds and talked about all the things they need to grow. Fingers crossed we all have green fingers and our seeds will start to grow! 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

Date: 27th Apr 2021 @ 2:59pm

In Reception we have been reading the story

Recording the Results of our Plant Investigation

Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 4:11pm

This week we looked closely at our plants and discovered what they actually need to grow. We put one in the cupboard so it had no light, one in the fridge so it had a low temperature and one plant didn't give any water to. It was clear to see that the plant that suffered most had had no water. We discovered that it was most important to give plants water because the plants can survive for a while without heat or light. 

We also observed how seeds germinated with just water and warm in the cups - the mustard seeds and broad beans started to sprout and grow! 

No Pen Day - Science

Date: 22nd Apr 2021 @ 8:06pm

Today as part of

No Pen Day - Art

Date: 22nd Apr 2021 @ 8:00pm

Today as part of

Beautiful Butterfly Wings

Date: 22nd Apr 2021 @ 3:07pm

We have carried on looking at the life cycle of a butterfly this week and have enjoyed watching our caterpillars getting bigger! We have also been looking closely at the wings of butterflies and noticed that both wings are exactly the same! They are symmetrical! 

Exciting Electricity!

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 4:37pm

As the Year 2 introduction to Electricity, we completed an exciting circuit of activities! We found that we could use static electricity to make our hair stand to attention and that by just rubbing a balloon against our jumpers we could make it stick to the wall! It was quite tricky but lots of us persevered until we were successful!
We also used static electricity to make salt and pepper jump from a bowl onto a comb! We loved watching this happen. 
Finally, we used the snap circuits. We followed instructions to make weird and wonderful things. Some of us used the circuits to make alien sounds, some people made a fan fly across the room and some of us even made our circuits sing Happy Birthday! 
We had a wonderful afternoon of learning and we can't wait to find out more about electricity. 

Tiny Caterpillars

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 2:59pm

We were all very excited when some caterpillars arrived in nursery! We have been watching them closely and have noticed that they are eating lots of food and have started to grow bigger. We have been having lots of discussions about the life cycle of a butterfly and we have been learning new words like cocoon, chrysalis and metamorphosis! We will keep you updated about our caterpillars metamorphosis in to butterflies! 

Animal Habitats

Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 7:33pm

Today as part of our first day back activities we began to learn about animal habits. We firstly recapped on classifying animals and began to discuss where we thought they might live. We recalled and listened to the song

Open wide!

Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 5:17pm

On Monday, year 4 had a great afternoon learning about teeth. The children were able to discuss the three different types of teeth and the role they play in breaking down foods. The children explored this through creating their own teeth using playdough. 

Fee, Fie, Foe, Fum! There's a lot of planting to be done!

Date: 13th Apr 2021 @ 5:12pm

Today in Recepetion a mystery letter delivered to the classroom.  The children were so excited to see who it was from.  The giant in the sky had sent us some magical beans and set us an important task of growing a beanstalk, just like the one in Jack's garden.  As a group we talked about the different things a plant needs to grow big and healthy including; water, sunlight and nutrients from the soil.

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