Science: Blog items
Recording the Results of our Plant Investigation
Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 4:11pm
This week we looked closely at our plants and discovered what they actually need to grow. We put one in the cupboard so it had no light, one in the fridge so it had a low temperature and one plant didn't give any water to. It was clear to see that the plant that suffered most had had no water. We discovered that it was most important to give plants water because the plants can survive for a while without heat or light.
We also observed how seeds germinated with just water and warm in the cups - the mustard seeds and broad beans started to sprout and grow!
Date: 22nd Apr 2021 @ 3:07pm
We have carried on looking at the life cycle of a butterfly this week and have enjoyed watching our caterpillars getting bigger! We have also been looking closely at the wings of butterflies and noticed that both wings are exactly the same! They are symmetrical!
Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 4:37pm
As the Year 2 introduction to Electricity, we completed an exciting circuit of activities! We found that we could use static electricity to make our hair stand to attention and that by just rubbing a balloon against our jumpers we could make it stick to the wall! It was quite tricky but lots of us persevered until we were successful!
We also used static electricity to make salt and pepper jump from a bowl onto a comb! We loved watching this happen.
Finally, we used the snap circuits. We followed instructions to make weird and wonderful things. Some of us used the circuits to make alien sounds, some people made a fan fly across the room and some of us even made our circuits sing Happy Birthday!
We had a wonderful afternoon of learning and we can't wait to find out more about electricity.
Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 2:59pm
We were all very excited when some caterpillars arrived in nursery! We have been watching them closely and have noticed that they are eating lots of food and have started to grow bigger. We have been having lots of discussions about the life cycle of a butterfly and we have been learning new words like cocoon, chrysalis and metamorphosis! We will keep you updated about our caterpillars metamorphosis in to butterflies!
Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 7:33pm
Today as part of our first day back activities we began to learn about animal habits. We firstly recapped on classifying animals and began to discuss where we thought they might live. We recalled and listened to the song
Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 5:17pm
On Monday, year 4 had a great afternoon learning about teeth. The children were able to discuss the three different types of teeth and the role they play in breaking down foods. The children explored this through creating their own teeth using playdough.
Fee, Fie, Foe, Fum! There's a lot of planting to be done!
Date: 13th Apr 2021 @ 5:12pm
Today in Recepetion a mystery letter delivered to the classroom. The children were so excited to see who it was from. The giant in the sky had sent us some magical beans and set us an important task of growing a beanstalk, just like the one in Jack's garden. As a group we talked about the different things a plant needs to grow big and healthy including; water, sunlight and nutrients from the soil.
The Wonders of the Human Body!
Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 3:49pm
During our guided reading session, we were reading the book 'A Body Dictionary'. We loved learning all the amazing facts about the human body. Our favourite was ' We have about 5 litres of blood in our bodies- that is enough to fill about 15 drink cans.'
We were very intrigued to find out how much 5 litres was so after the session we decided to investigate what we could fill with 5 litres. We used a litre water bottle and filled a tub with water to represent blood. We couldn't believe that we had that much blood in our bodies! We tried to lift the tub of water and it was so heavy!
Solids, liquids and gases experiment
Date: 29th Mar 2021 @ 3:26pm
In science today the Year 4 predicted what would happen if we mixed together vinegar and baking powder into a bottle, with a balloon attached to the bottle. After the children made their predictions we headed outside to see what would happen. A chemical reaction took place between the vinegar and baking soda which created a gas which blew up the balloon! The children really enjoyed this experiment.
Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 3:38pm
In Science, we planted our own sunflowers. We learnt what plants need to survive: sunlight, water, the correct temperature and time. Every day we have been watering our plants and watching them grown. They have gone from being a seed to a germinated seed, seedling and now it is getting towards a young plant.
We can't wait to see our flowers turn into an adult plant!
Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 7:12pm
Today in Science we looked in depth at the different parts of plants and what purpose these different parts have. We already knew the names of lots of different parts of plants, but we needed to recap on what all the parts are for! We learnt that the flower attracts insects and birds, the seeds grow into new plants when they fall into the soil, the stem holds the plant up, the roots take in water and nutrients and the leaves catch sunlight to make energy. We then made our plant picture! We followed the instructions to create our amazing plant pictures, talking about the different parts and the purpose of each part as we worked.
Date: 22nd Mar 2021 @ 8:07pm
As a class we have been talking about the different changes we have noticed over the past few weeks. These have included; new plants growing, buds on trees, daffodils in our garden, blossom on trees and new life. This afternoon the children paired up and went outside with their clip boards to complete their spring checklist in the forest school area. The children enjoyed looking around the forest school area to find different signs of spring.
"Look Mrs Clark, a bird has made a nest in the tree. The birds are going to lay their eggs" Elliott
"The blossom is growing on the trees" Ellie-Mae
"The trees have buds on them. The leaves are going to grow" Harley-May
"The temperature is warmer today" Ella-Rose
States of matter using Cheerios
Date: 22nd Mar 2021 @ 7:01pm
Year 4 have had a great afternoon today using Cheerios to represent the three states of matter which are solids, liquids and gases. The children were able to identify some of the key characteristics of the three states of matter.
Making animal habitats at Forest School
Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 10:10am
This week at Forest School the children enjoyed learning about animals and their habitats. We talked about different habitas and what animals need to survive. The children then worked together to collect sticks, leaves, grass and stones in their buckets and used them to create their own animal homes.
"I'm putting leaves in mine to keep the animals warm" Ellie-Mae
"We are sticking the sticking in the ground to make a wall" Arthur.
Then we explored the Forest School area and looked for different animal footprints in the mud.
Afterwards we were made a fire to boil the water ready for our warm vimto drink. We talked about how to keep ourselves safe whilst making a fire. The we discussed the three different elements we need to make a fire; heat, wood and air.
"Lisa wears a special fire glove so she doesn't burn her hand' Lyra-Rose
"Never go in the middle of the circle beacuse you might get burnt" Oscar.
At the end of the session we enjoyed a lovely drink of warm vimto and sang some songs around the fire.
Date: 17th Mar 2021 @ 5:25pm
This week we have been continuing our animal topic by looking at animal patterns, making animal and repeating patterns, sorting animals (by the number of legs, climate, patterns) and reading the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? by Eric Carle.
We still continued to look for signs of Spring and drew pictures, wrote words, captions and sentences to capture these experiences.
Date: 17th Mar 2021 @ 10:08am
We continued our learning journey in Science this week and created two graphs. We learned about the gestation period of different mammals and then plotted a scatter graph to help us to spot patterns. We concluded that, in general, animals with a longer gestation period had a longer lifespan. We then looked at the growth of babies and plotted a line graph to show the different growth rates of boys and girls.
Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:06pm
Today we began looking at our Science unit of 'Classification'. We discussed what classification was and why scientists needed a system when classifying living things. As a challenge, we were given a range of vertebrates and invertebrates and asked to think how we would group them. Some of us chose to group them as mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. Some of us grouped them as living things that live in water, on land and in the sky. We will spend the next lesson looking at more scientific ways to group living things.
Date: 9th Mar 2021 @ 8:20pm
This week Year Two were finally all back together in the classroom and we were so happy to see each other. To support our Science topic on plants, we had fun planting sunflower seeds. We are going to take care of these in school until the weather gets a little warmer. Then we will be sending them home and seeing who can grow the tallest sunflower. Good luck everyone!
Date: 8th Mar 2021 @ 6:43pm
Welcome back Year 1!
Today we welcomed back our Year 1 children and it was lovely to see lots of smiling faces on the playground bright and early this morning! We have had a lovely day and spent lots of time talking about our emotions and feelings about coming back to school.
This afternoon we then built on our online learning for our Science topic this half term - plants! We firstly recapped on the learning we completed at home, comparing wild flowers and garden flowers and talking about why people plant flowers in their gardens.
We looked at some Chrysanthemum flowers and talked about the different parts of the plant and their purpose. We then completed lots of different activities, including drawing and labelling plants in our own garden, putting mixed up flowers back together and labelling the parts of a plant, talking about the purpose of each part.
Finally we planted our sunflower seeds. We talked about what our sunflower seeds need and how we can help them to grow big and strong. We are looking forward to measuring our sunflowers when they begin to grow!
Date: 8th Mar 2021 @ 4:15pm
Our first day as a full class since December and a super science lesson about the human timeline. We started by looking at ourselves in the mirror and thinking about how our appearance would be different in 10 years. We then thought about how it would be different in 70 years! We looked at pictures of teachers from when they were young - it was very difficult to work out who they were! Finally, we learned the 6 stages of human development and created a human timeline.
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 2:14pm
Over half term our Year 1 children received a little surprise in the post!
It was a lovely surprise to recieve a bean seed, a bean diary and a bean song! We had some great ideas about what we might be doing with our seeds, but we all waited patiently until our first science lesson to find out what we we're going to do with our beans!
We talked about how we were going to help our beans grow big and strong, and what scientific questions we could ask before following the instructions to plant our bean. We then sequenced the instructions we had followed in the correct order and started our bean diary with our initial observations!
Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 9:53am
This half term we have started to learn about Light in Science. We will continue this when we are all back at school next week. Thankfully some sunny days meant we could go outside and talk about the sun and how it creates our shadows of different sizes at different times of day! We talked about how it is important not to look at the sun because it can damage your eyes. We sorted different light sources and realised that the moon and mirrors only reflect light, they don't produce it. Some children even did an experiment to find out which materials were the most reflective for a new book bag design. Light enables us to see and the absence of light creates darkness!
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 4:06pm
Well done to all those children who have been completing work during this first week of lockdown. We have been so impressed with the work and effort you are putting in. We know it isn't easy working from home, but the effort is really appreciated and don't forget by giving it a go and sending us your work, we can respond and help and support you! Just remember, every day you need to complete your tasks on SeeSaw, go on Reading Plus, go on Spelling Shed and go on My Maths.
Keep up the hard work Year 4!