No Pens Allowed!
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm
That's right! Today at Boundary was no pen day, and what a day we've had in Year 4. Lots of great discussion and debates going on in Reading into Writing about the differences between facts and opinions. In maths we were learning about adding 1, 10, 100 and 1000 to a 4-digit number with a fantastic activity to finish off the lesson! The this afternoon is Science we learned all about conductors and insulators of electricity and a good sessions trying and testing those using the circuits. Finally, to finish off the day we showed off our super search engine skills to find out information about a famous person! Unfortunately... Mr McCormack completely forgot at one point today and picked up his pen! He was subsequently told off my the childfren in Maple Class and even by Mr Bamber.