Science: Blog items
Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 4:37pm
Reception have been helping bringing the bees back into our outdoor area. We used compost, clay powder, wild flower seed to make our very on bee bombs. The children enjoyed mixing them altogether and rolling them into seed balls. Once the sall had dried out in sunn the children threw them into our very own bee bomb meadow to create a wild flower habitat for our bees.
Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 4:13pm
For Science Day we started by thinking about what a scientists is and looked at key scientists to challenge the steryeotype surrounding what a scientist is. We then were investigating how the length of a shark tells us the age of the animal. We then used this information to see if our height linked to our age and after an investiagtion we found out that this does not work for humans.
Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 12:04pm
Year 6 had a very busy and productive Science Day. We began by looking at scientific stereotypes and how these could be challenged. We took part in a Primary Futures event, where we were introduced to people who worked in scientific roles within our community. We had a chance to guess which job they did and ask questions about their roles. Although all of their careers were different, they all needed scientific knowledge to do their jobs.
We then moved on to learning about the heart and were given the opportunity to dissect a lamb’s heart. We identified the main parts of the heart, including the aortic valve, atriums and ventricles. We finished the day by focussing on plant-based food. We calculated how many food miles different types of burgers created and then designed our own environmentally friendly version.
Date: 10th Apr 2022 @ 7:18pm
Today we took part in our Science Seasons lesson. We learnt all about the signs of Spring, collaboratively disucssing and sharing our ideas as a class. We compared Spring to the others seasons and shared our ideas on how Spring is different to Autumn, Summer and Winter. We then completed a Seasons sort and looked at the effects of Spring on trees. During the afternoon we also completed some observational drawings and paintings of daffodils.
Date: 31st Mar 2022 @ 10:48am
We have taken a trip to outer space this week! We've read the story "Whatever Next" about a little bear who turns a cardboard box in to a rocket and has a picnic on the moon! We've made shape rockets, junk modelling rockets and counted astronauts on to rockets! We've been developing our fine motor skills by building space towers and we've made planet patterns by dropping coloured water on to oil!
Year 3 Does everything cast a shadow?
Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 3:53pm
In Year Three we have been investiagting shadows. We started the lesson by considering how we cast a shadow, this led us to investigate if everything casts a shaow. We tested a wide variety of materials including bubble wrap, cardboard, paper and the window to see if it casted a shadow. This then guided our thinking into grouping each material into translucent, transparent or opaque!
Reception Forest School- Holly Class!
Date: 27th Mar 2022 @ 7:27pm
This week Holly Class have been busy looking for signs of Spring and just look what we discovered!
We found buds and blossom growing on the trees. In the grass we spotted daffodils, daisies and buttercups. However, the most exciting of all was discovering the frog spawn in the pond and some tadpoles swimming there too! Jenna even managed to find a frog!
"Blossom grows on the trees in Spring" Oscar
"Blossom is white and pink" Alicja
"Buds are where new leaves will grow" Charlie
"Daffodils are Spring flowers" Charlea- Rai.
It was such an exciting time learning in the glorious sunshine. We ended the morning by playing hide and seek. Take a look at what fun we had!
Year 2 Help... There's been a power cut!
Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 4:23pm
Yesterday, we used the Now Press Play equipment to further explore our topic of Electricity. In the story there was a power cut in our town whilst our sister was in urgent need of her dialysis- usually they have this at home but due to the lack of power had to attend the hospital. The hospital was incredibly busy and was using the limited supply of generators. The children decided they had to do something to help and went on a trip to the power station to try and get the power back on to save the people in the hospital. The children used their knowledge of how to make a simple circuit using batteries, wires and bulbs to make their own torch and explored the differences between coal and wind energy. At the end we saved the day and got the towns Electricity back on and disucssed which source of energy is renewable and better for the environment. The children loved the story and it really supported the knowledge of Electricity they have learnt this half term.
Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 4:41pm
This week in Reception we have been learning about the importance of keeping ourself and our bodies healthy. As a class we discussed different ways we an keep healthy including having a balanced diet, regular exercise, plenty of sleep, keeping clean and regularly brushing our teeth and keeping ourselves hydrated. We produced some fantastic pieces of writing and even enjoyed making our own healthy snack 'a fruit kebab'. Outside in the garden we enjoyed bathing the babies. brushing the false teeth, buying healthy snack from our shop and exercising on our balance bikes.
Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 5:32pm
We read a very funny story this week called "Poo In The Zoo". At Iguana eats some fire flies and then is poo begins to glow! We then talked about what a herbivore is and how they eat plants, leaves and vegetables and then created some herbivore poo at the play dough table! Don't worry - any poo involved in this weeks learning was definitely fake!
Year 6 What can fossils tell us?
Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 8:51pm
In Science this week we have been recapping on what we know about fossils. We discussed what a fossil is and how they are formed by watching a video about their formation over thousands of years. We also learned about Mary Anning, a fossil hunter of the early 1800s and how her finds changed the way scientists viewed fossils. We finished with looking at several examples and discussed what we think was their closest living relative.
Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 7:55am
In science we have been investigating how we see and investigating light. We started with a cardboard box and considered what it would be like inside the box. We pierced hole in the box to see if we could see anything and concluded that darkness is the absence of light. We shone torches in the holes in the box to see if we could see any of the objects in the box. We found out that light travels in a straight line so therefore we could only see the objects directly under the torch.
Year 4 We want the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth!
Date: 27th Feb 2022 @ 4:28pm
This half term we are learning all about 'Animals including Humans' in our Science lessons. Our WOW lesson this half term was all about our teeth! What the different types of teeth are and what purpose they serve. We also talked about how different kinds of animnals have different sets of teeth dependent on whether they are a herbivore, omnivore or carnivore.
Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 8:02pm
On Monday, Year Two began the half term exploring our new Science topic of Electricity! After our first Dance lesson where we will be creating a dance linked to the vocabulary in Science, we completed a carousel of exciting electricity based activities. Whilst some of the children tried to create simple circuits using the resources provided; the other children used static energy to complete a range of tasks. We tried to separate Salt and Pepper using a plastic spoon, stick balloons to the wall using the static energy generated from their hair as well as using balloons to make wings flap on our animal pictures. We all had lots of fun and are looking forward to learning more during our topic.
Year 5 Animals including Humans
Date: 24th Feb 2022 @ 7:58pm
Our first lesson of Science this term was a recap of 'Animals including Humans' from Year 4. To do this, we investigated food chains and the human body. The children had remembered lots of important things about our digestive system and how to look after it (for example, drinking water and eating food that is high in fibre).
We also started to investigate the focus for this year's learning of 'Animals including Humans', which is to be able to describe the changes as humans develop to old age. The children had to put a series of pictures in an order and explain why they had chosen that order - all of them decided on youngest to oldest. We played a 'Spot the difference' game to see how how appearance changes over time and also stretched ourselves to think about the physical changes.
Year 5 are extremely excited to learn about this topic!
Year 3 Wow- Super Shadow Shows!
Date: 22nd Feb 2022 @ 1:57pm
In Year 3 our Wow introduced our science topic of 'Light'. We made shadow puppets and used torches to act out Fairy Tales. We used different films to change the colour of the light and looked at how the distance of the light changed the size of the shadow.
Year 1 Investigating Animal Poo!
Date: 21st Feb 2022 @ 6:41pm
As part of our WOW lesson today we examined and dissected animal poo! Using our prior knowledge about carnivores, omnivores and herbivores we identified which animal had left which poo behind. We also had a poo fact sheet to help us. We labeled which poo which animal had come from and whether each animal was a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. Don't worry, it wasn't real poo!
Date: 21st Feb 2022 @ 2:30pm
In Year 6 today we have taken part in an activity to help us understand evolution. We discussed who Charles Darwin was and how he developed the theory of evolution by comparing finches on each of the Galapagos Islands. He found that there were differences in the birds' beaks depending on the food available. We have taken the role of these birds today by trying to pick up different 'seeds' using a range of different 'beaks'. We found that some beaks were better at picking up seeds than others and this helped us to understand why some finches developed different sized beaks.
Date: 20th Feb 2022 @ 4:35pm
Last half term Year 4 had weekly visits from Blackpool FC and had an amazing time on the Fit 2 Go initiative! Some fantastic games that were not only fun, but really raised our pulses and incorporated a lot of teamwork and problem solving. We also learned so much from our theory sessions which were all about how we can keep both our body and our minds healthy. A huge thank you to Blackpool FC, we had an amazing time and learned so much in the process!
Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 9:27pm
Earlier in the week, Year Two had a very exciting set of visitors to our classes. Gemma from Little Zoo to You introduced us to some very interetsing animals; Michelle the African Land Snail, Clare the Madagscan Hissing Cockroach, Prince Charming the Australian White Tree Frog, Charlotte teh Mexican Red-Kneed Tarantula and Zeus the American Corn Snake. Gemma told us lots of interesting facts about each creature and how they survive in their natural habitats. We also got to handle some of the guests, which for some of us, took a lot of courage!
Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 5:14pm
We love a good Tuff Tray activity in nursery! Tuff trays are great for setting up a range of activities and the great thing is that they cover so many areas of learning. This week we have made potions in one of our outdoor trays. This provided some great opportunites for the children including exploring colour mixing, capacity, counting, developing communication and langauge skills and fine motor skills. It was also great for social skills as the children had to negotiate and take turns with the equipment. As the activity was open eneded, the children explored things further by pouring their potions down some pipes. They loved to see what happened when the coloured water hit the tray at the bottom!
Year 5 Investigating water resistance
Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 11:33am
As part of our topic on forces, pupils were challenged to investigate the effect of water resistance on an object. We molded playdough into different shapes and dropped them into water to see how fast they would sink. We discovered that, thin shapes and ball shapes sank faster than large flat shapes. This is because the larger shapes created more water resistance! Water resistance is the force of the water pushing back against the force of gravity - which is trying to make the object sink.
Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 8:18pm
This week in Geography we have been learning all ab out how waves affect out coastlines. We have learned all about contructive and deconstructive waves and the impact they have on our coastlines. We had a conducted a great experiment using water and sand to recreate the two types of waves in our classroom!
Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 5:14pm
Oh no! There's a problem! Some of the toys have been frozen in ice! How can we get them out?
The children were given blocks of ice with toys frozen inside and a choice of ways to set them free! They were given warm water, sponges and hammers! They worked hard to try and free the toys from the ice. They talked about how the ice was melting and knew that if they hit the ice it would slowly get smaller and the toys would be free! You'll be pleased to know that they did manage to free all of the toys - phew!
Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 8:48pm
The children have been busy exploring ice in the outside area. The ice was simply placed on a tray and left for the children to make their own observations, use new vocabulary they had learned that week and show collaboration.
"It feels wet...cold...slippy" Alicja.
"It's melting...look there is water...the sun is melting it" Mercedes.
"When it is cold water freezes" Charlie