Reception- Life Cycle of a Duck

Date: 26th Jun 2022 @ 11:07pm

Reception have been learning about the life cycle of a duck.

We were very lucky to have our own six duck eggs delivered to us from the farm. These were in an incubator and over the next ten days all the eggs hatched and we had six ducklings which we watched grow and change.

"First they there were six eggs in an incubator" Maya

"An incubator keeps the eggs warm like a mummy duck would if it had a nest" Isobel

"Then the eggs hatched- they cracked open the egg shell with their beaks and they came out" Isaac

"They were wet and needed to dry and keep warm under the heater in the cage" Harrison

"The ducklings were cheeping and running everywhere...when they got bigger we put them in the water...they could swim in the water" Mercedes


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