PSHE & RSE: Blog items
Reception Chinese New Year Celebrations!
Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 4:31pm
This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year!
We decorated our home corner and made Chinese lanterns and dragons. The children learned the skill of folding paper into a concertina and attaching a handle and sticks to their work. Ribbon dancing, fan dancing and dragon dancing was enjoyed by everyone and we read The Chinese New Year Story (how the new year animals were chosen) and wrote about our facvourite animal from the story. This year it is The Year of the Tiger!
Year 4 We take 'Pride' in our work!
Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 7:35am
In our latest Reading into Writing journey we have been learning all about newspaper reports and the features that come with them. We have also put a focus on learning about the LGBTQ+ community and have based our newspaper report on Blackpool Pride. We have had some amazing discussions and open-mindedness and some fantastic work! Mr McCormack and Mr Bamber are looking forward to reading the final pieces!
Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 8:39pm
Nursery provides a mixture of experiences and some of these come straight from the children! This week they have been coming up with lots of super ideas. When they were playing outside, the children asked for some blankets so they could turn the crates in to beds! Then they used the bricks in some really inventive ways. One little girl said "It's my phone. I'm on my phone!" The chidlren also asked if they could have some dressing up clothes which led to super interaction and speech and language opportunities.
Reception Meet Danny Determination
Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 5:19pm
This week the children were introduced to the characteristic monster Danny Determination. Danny Determination taught us that you have to keep on trying and not give up no matter how hard it might be. Children showed determination with their phonics, writing and maths- even using the new sports equipment outside.
Take a look at how determined we are in Reception!
Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 8:48pm
The children have been busy exploring ice in the outside area. The ice was simply placed on a tray and left for the children to make their own observations, use new vocabulary they had learned that week and show collaboration.
"It feels wet...cold...slippy" Alicja.
"It's melting...look there is water...the sun is melting it" Mercedes.
"When it is cold water freezes" Charlie
Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 11:15am
At the start of Spring 1, Year 5's Science Club was officially launched!
So far, we have had a go at the following experiments to investigate different areas of science:
Making giant fingerprints (DNA and what makes us different)
Making raisins dance (Buoyancy)
Making different sized paper rockets (Air resistance)
Writing messages with lemon juice (Oxidisation)
Magic milk (Surface tension)
Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 5:31pm
Everyday, the children have access to our wonderful outdoor area. Here they can explore a variety of different activites and express themselves through lots of open ended resources. Some of the experiences on offer include role play, sand and water investigation, gross motor activites, activities to develop their thinking through cause and effect and of course there's always space for a little quiet time. The children love to play outdoors and it's a great place for them to build realtionships and learn to work toegther.
Date: 19th Jan 2022 @ 6:53pm
We have enjoyed another No Pen Day in Year 6. Together we started the day by looking at Thunks - thought-provoking statements that we use to generate lots of discussions. During the day we took part in a GPS session outside - we had to find questions hidden around the playground and go to the adults with the answers. We also worked in pairs to look through an arithmetic test with mistakes and discussed together what errors had been made. In the afternoon, we spent time on our DT topic. This involved threading a needle and practising a range of different stitches.
Boundary's in the news: Royal Ballet partnership
Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 9:36am
Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 8:15pm
This week in school we launch the WOW Walk to School Campaugn where the children learnt about how walking to school can benefit their health and wellbeing. We also discussed how less cars on the road can have a positive effect on the environment. Back in the classroom we discussed the importance of keep ourselves safe whilst crossing the road. We were visited by our School Crossing Officier Zoe who gave us some top safety tips.
Always stop, look and listen
Find a safe place to cross e.g. a pedestrian crossing or a Zebra crossing
Always hold an adults hand
Don't run incase you fall over.
Never cross between parked cars
After our visit we made a road outside in the garden and put her advise into action.
Nursery What Does Winter Feel like?
Date: 11th Jan 2022 @ 9:33pm
It's been a little bit chilly this week in Nursery as we have been exploring winter. We have been talking about the things we know about winter and lots of the children said that it snows in the winter and we need to wear hats and scraves to keep us warm. We tried to recreate some snow by mixing baking soda and conditioner together - the result was quiet realistic! The chilren have also been exploring ice and have been painting some ice cubes! This initiated a great converstaion about ice melting as a pool of water began to appear in the tray!
Date: 9th Jan 2022 @ 10:50am
This week we were introduced to our new text, ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. As a class we read the story, focusing on our understanding of key vocabulary and the order of key events. Through the story we learnt about the unlikely friendship and relationship between the boy and the penguin as well as the characteristics of kindness and compassion. We also used our skills of prediction to work out what might happen next from what we had read so far. We then worked with a partner to order key events independently and retell the story ourselves.
Year 1 Now Press Play - Seasons
Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 7:11pm
Welcome back Year 1! This morning, after our welcome back assembly we dove straight in to our third Now Press Play experience!
We are now able to access and operate the headphones independently and in no time at all we were ready to take part in our brand new experience. Todays experience was all about the four seasons. We were transported to summer, where there was a strange clock on the wall that didn't tell the time, but instead told us what season it was. However, we were all too hot in summer, so we thought we would help by moving the hand to winter! That should sort things shouldn't it? Uh oh, Jack Frost appeared! He stole the clock and it was our job to get it back!
Throughout our experience we learnt: the names of the four seasons, how the weather changes across the seasons and how seasonal changes affect animals and nature. It was lots of fun!
Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 4:01pm
This week we started our Forest School sessions! We had lots of fun exploring the outside area and espically jumping in puddles! These experiences teach us important skill such as team work and hands on skills of cutting!
Reception Now Press Play...The Christmas Story
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 12:02pm
The children of Reception have been learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas and this week we listened to the Christmas Story using the headphones. They followed the instructions and went on an exciting journey to Bethlehem where baby Jesus was born.
Take a look at pur photos!
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 11:55am
We had a very special visitor to our Reception Christmas Party this week- Father Christmas! The children were so excited! After dancing and singing and playing games, such as pass the parcel, they heard sleigh bells ringing and just like that- he appeared at our door!
He listened to what each child wanted for Christmas and then gave them all a present!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 8:01pm
Today Year 1 enjoyed our Christmas Party! We danced and played lots of games including musical statues, musical bumps and pass the parcel. We wore our best part clothes and had a brilliant time! A special visitor even came to surprise us and gave us all an early Christmas present. We then enjoyed a well earned rest with some party food and a Christmas pantomime.
Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 7:41pm
Today we explored the Christmas Story through Art. In RE this half term we have learnt the Nativity story and we have also explored this throughout our school assemblies about Advent. Today we brought that learning together to retell the Christmas Story and create a picture to depict an important part of the story. We carefully cut out the individual parts and collaged the Three Kings clothing before arranging it on the paper.
Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 4:50pm
We have had a super time celebrating Christmas! We've done lots of Christmas crafts, worked hard in Santa's workshop and made everyone proud at our fabulous sing along! To top off our magical Christmas celebrations we had a Christmas party and there was even a special visitor!
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time!
Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 4:29pm
Today we were so excited to have our class christmas parties! We played corners and musical statues and danced away! We even had a special visit from Santa Claus who gave us a christmas present !
Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 11:29am
What a wonderful event bringing us all together. The Grange Park parade was a huge success showing wonderful community spirit after another difficult year. Thank you to all of those involved.
Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 8:19pm
In line with our RE topic of Hinduism, Year 5 were lucky enough to receive a visit from two practicing Hindu's.
They told us about their life, how they found Hinduism and why they started to practice. They had brought in lots of important objects for us to have a look at, and even let us try on the traditional clothes of angarkha and sari's.
It was fascinating to learn about Hinduism in such a creative and practical way to assist our theoretical learning.
Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 7:57pm
We have been getting into the Christmas spirit over the past few days!
Last week we enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner with all of the trimmings whilst we were sat laughing and singing with our friends whilst we pulled crackers.
It made it even more festive as we were dressed in our Christmas jumpers!
It definitely got us into the spirit!
Date: 12th Dec 2021 @ 8:22am
We had a lovely afternoon creating our nativity art. The children each created their own section of a stained glass window. The individual pieces, each depicting part of a nativity scene, were then joined to make a larger piece,
Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 4:07pm
As part of our whole school learning around the Christmas story and advent, Year Two designed and painted some pebbles so they could retell the story of the first Christmas. Firstly, we drew our designs on paper and painted our pebbles white. Then we carefully sketched our designs in pencil before painting them onto the pebbles.