PSHE & RSE: Blog items
Year 6 - Chords and structures in Music
Date: 25th May 2022 @ 4:44pm
In Music this week we have looked the unit 'Chords and Structures. This involved listening and responding to the three songs 'Wake Up', 'Down by the Riverside' and 'We Shall Overcome'. As we listened to the lyrics we realised that they all had a similar theme that linked with equality and Black Lives Matter. We were also able to compare and contrast the songs and discuss key elements such as tempo, dynamics, structure, texture etc. To finish the unit, we played the glockenspiels to the song 'Down by the Riverside' and began to improvise and compose our own music.
Year 6 - Letters of persuasion
Date: 24th May 2022 @ 10:20am
Over the past few weeks, Year 6 have been exploring and writing letters of persuasion. We looked at information about the current effects of plastic pollution and used these facts to write a letter to Boris Johnson. The letter aims to persuade the prime minister to take action with other world leaders in an attempt to slow down, and eventually stop, plastic pollution. We will be sending several of these letters to Downing Street. Let's see if we get a response!!
Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 3:55pm
In Reception this week we have met our characteristic monster 'Petra Proud' We have been talking about all the different things we are proud of and the importance of taking pride in our work at school. We made a 'proud cloud' and stuck all our ideos on it.
"I am proud when I do my challenge" Harrison
"I am proud of my reading champion badge" Isobelle
"I am of proud of my writing. I can read it all now" Evelyn
"I am proud of my team. I'm in the red team" I proud when we win the race" Charlie
"I am proud when I'm on the pot of Gold" Joshua
"I am proud of my maths work" Lexi-May
Year 4 Fit to Go visit Bloomfield Road
Date: 20th May 2022 @ 7:50am
Year 5 - Summer with Forest School
Date: 20th May 2022 @ 7:26am
Forest school is back and this time its sunny! This week the pupils continued working towards their level 2 awards, completing several different tasks. After a warm-up activity of 'Hide and Seek meets Among Us', pupils were whittling wood to make a small butter knife, hand knitting scarves with brightly coloured wool, and using mushrooms to light the campfire (without cotton wool). Once we had got the camp fire going, we toasted marshmallows to eat as we discussed what we had learned.
Nursery, Reception and Year 1: The Farm came to Boundary
Date: 18th May 2022 @ 4:33pm
Date: 18th May 2022 @ 1:05pm
Year 5 visit Blackpool Zoo! To further their learning, Year 5 went on an adventure to learn more about the animals and natural habitats of the Zoo. From hearing about the Orangutans (and meeting Cherie who was named after Tony Blair's wife!) to watching feeding time with the elephants, we were all treated to a variety of interesting talks where we were able to learn more about how a range of animals have adapted over time to survive in their environments. It was really exciting to see the Bactrian camels being fed - they don't share with each other very well! Just before lunch we were treated to a sea lion demonstration where their natural ability to balance, swim, jump and dive were all on show - Gloria even demonstrated the importance of recycling our plastic and not throwing it on the floor or in the oceans!
Date: 12th May 2022 @ 12:09pm
This week, Reception decided to visit the pond again to observe how much the tadpoles had grown since we vsited last.
We were delighted to see that there were still some tadpoles sleeping on the stones or swimming through the water. There were no froglets or frogs to be seen - they must have been hiding or sleeping in the reeds.
Unfortunately, Reception were horrified to find loads of litter blowing around the pond and forest school area! They very quickly decided to collect it all up and put it in the bin- where it belongs! Our school grounds looks so much cleaner now.
"You shouldn't throw rubbish on the floor - it's dirty!" Olivia
"Our school looks dirty with all this rubbish " Charlie
"Put rubbish in the bin or recycle it!" Isaac
Date: 11th May 2022 @ 8:24am
Some of our Year 5 children have worked very hard over the last two days to achieve their level 2 award. They have demonstrated many of our Boundary Characteristics while completing all of their assessments. They learnt about bike maintenance and road safety
Reception The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Date: 6th May 2022 @ 4:49pm
This week, Reception have been reading the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. They have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and have been observing the changes in our own class caterpillars. Using resources from our creative area, the children created their own caterpillars and then went outside hunting for them in our garden.
Date: 30th Apr 2022 @ 10:53am
This week, the whole school have been remembering our School Promises and why they wear an Always Badge.
Reception have been demonstrating these throughout the week.
"Always be honest- dont' tell lies" Indy
"Be respectful- have good manners" Charlie
"Always use kind words- not swear words or horrible words that make you cry" Marleigh
"You have to be kind and not hurt people" Alicya
"I try my best in everything I do" Mercedes.
"Be ready for phonics- be in the right place with the right things." Ariella
"You wear an Always Badge becuase you follow the Boundary Promises" Harrison
Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 12:04pm
Year 6 had a very busy and productive Science Day. We began by looking at scientific stereotypes and how these could be challenged. We took part in a Primary Futures event, where we were introduced to people who worked in scientific roles within our community. We had a chance to guess which job they did and ask questions about their roles. Although all of their careers were different, they all needed scientific knowledge to do their jobs.
We then moved on to learning about the heart and were given the opportunity to dissect a lamb’s heart. We identified the main parts of the heart, including the aortic valve, atriums and ventricles. We finished the day by focussing on plant-based food. We calculated how many food miles different types of burgers created and then designed our own environmentally friendly version.
Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 4:17pm
Last week we had an amazing PSHE lesson which got us up and out of our seats to enjoy the amazing weather we had! Our lesson was all about how diverse we are as a community and all the amazing qualities and attributes that people can bring. Both classes mixed outside and had to find the answers to questions such as 'Find someone who can speak another language', 'Find someone who's parents were born in another country' and 'Find someone who has a different hobby to you'. We learned a lot about each other and our Year 4's worked really well together!
Year 5 Takeover Day 2022 - the interviews and the acceptance letters!
Date: 31st Mar 2022 @ 12:47pm
Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 4:41pm
This week in Reception we have been learning about the importance of keeping ourself and our bodies healthy. As a class we discussed different ways we an keep healthy including having a balanced diet, regular exercise, plenty of sleep, keeping clean and regularly brushing our teeth and keeping ourselves hydrated. We produced some fantastic pieces of writing and even enjoyed making our own healthy snack 'a fruit kebab'. Outside in the garden we enjoyed bathing the babies. brushing the false teeth, buying healthy snack from our shop and exercising on our balance bikes.
Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 2:48pm
We have had a visit from the Police this week to talk about legal and, mainly, illegal drugs. This involved looking at how drugs are trying to be disguised as sweets, looking at the risks and 'street' names of illegal drugs and discussing peer pressure. Year 6 children were really sensible, listened carefully, participated well and asked some great question.
Year 5 Much Ado About Nothing?
Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 7:38am
A huge congratulations to all the Year 5 children who took part in the RSC's performance of William Shakespeare's, 'Much Ado About Nothing'. We were joined by 9 other Blackpool schools as part of the RSC's Associate Schools Programme, which has been created to support pupils in building confidence, resiliance and speaking and listening skills. After several weeks of practising, learning lines and dress-rehersals, the performance was perfectly delivered infront of a packed Grand Theatre in Blackpool. We are all so proud of the children who took part - what a great experience!
Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 7:29am
A big 'thank you' to all of the families who have supported Comic Relief this year. Lots of the children in Hawthorn came dressed as their personal hero, or a famous superhero. Mrs Bradley led a special assembly, explaining all of the good work that the charity does with the money that is raised all over the country, and we all took part in a special Superman dance!
Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 10:20pm
In December, Mrs Webster asked the School Council if they had any ideas as to how they could help get children more active at playtimes by improving their KS1 playground.
Each school councillor went back to their class for ideas, these were then given to Mrs Webster, and the result was- well take a look for yourselves!
"I love playing snakes and ladders!"
"You take turns throwing the ball to each other- it keeps you fit!"
"Hopping and jumping and running can keep you healthy"
Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 5:07pm
In maths this week the children in year 5 set sail across the Atlantic Ocean on the world-famous cruise liner, Titanic. Using our interactive resource, Now Press Play, the pupils were transported back in time to April 10th 1912, where they were able to stow away on to the Titanic to find their estranged father in New York. After hitting the iceberg, the children had to use their knowlege of fractions and their calculation skills to solve problems and reach the lifeboats before the ship sank into the ice-cold water.
Date: 9th Mar 2022 @ 12:29pm
Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 7:20pm
This week in PSHE we explored our similarities, differences, likes and dislikes. We talked about what 'special' and 'unique' mean and understood that we are all one of a kind! We then looked at pictures of lots of different children and with our talk partners we explored what was the same about them and what was different about them. We saw that some children had different skin colours, some had different hair colours, some were girls, some were boys but they were all special! We then read the story 'Eat your Peas' and talked about our own likes and dislikes. We understood this was our opinion and there was no right or wrong answer!
Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 8:00pm
As part of children's mental health week we read the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and discussed the changes the characters went through. We then thought about changes we ourselves have been through and what we would like to be able to do when we are older. We thought about whether we might need help at first to do these things, and who might help us. We then decorated butterfly outlines with pictures or words depicting things we have learnt to do, e.g. write our names, count to 20 and read our common exception words.
Year 4 Children's Mental Health Week
Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 5:07pm
We have been having some fantastic discussions in Year 4 this week with it being Children's Mental Health Week. We have been talking about what we think mental health means and what it means to us. There have been some really positive and mature discussion points this week and the children have really enjoyed talking about all the ways in which we can ensure that we not only look after our bodies but our minds too!
Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 7:40pm
As part of 'Safer Internet Day' we read the story 'Digiduck and the Magic Castle.' We listened and participated throughout the story, answering key questions such as 'how can you make a password strong, and hard to guess?' and 'who are the adults that you could talk to if anything online worries or upsets you?' We then completed two tasks. One was to give examples of our trusted adults and how they can help and the other was an online or offline sort. Through this we identified what information should be kept private and offline and what information is safe to share online.