Year 6: Blog items
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 4:08pm
Today the children took part in their first of 2 Forest School sessions. As part of the lesson, the children took part in a range of activities, including:
- Mandala making
- Fire building
- Code breaking
- Smore making
- Nature necklaces
The children had a great time and worked well together as a team. They created some beautiful mandalas using resources found in nature as well as necklaces. We are looking forward to our session next week.
Date: 11th May 2021 @ 11:45am
Today in gymnastics we used all of the equipment and experiment with ways of travelling between pieces and mounting/dismounting. We also used the equipment to practise balancing - firstly on our own and then with a partner.
Date: 10th May 2021 @ 11:25am
Today, we took part in the #Take10 challenge. The event began with a 10 minute live event with the author Anthony Horowitz, who discussed what kind of books he enjoys reading and how he got into writing books. We all then read together for 10 minutes, including the adults. We are going to try and make sure we read for 10 minutes every day as this can help improve our vocabulary, our imagination and helps with our mental health.
Date: 10th May 2021 @ 7:36am
Today was the second day of our DT unit on making pizzas. We began the day by making the dough - we did this by following a simple recipe for the BBC
Date: 10th May 2021 @ 7:27am
Today we began our DT journey of making pizzas. We looked at what we already knew about pizzas, including how we make them. We began by tasting pizzas and evaluating what we liked/disliked. After that, we went into Redcliffes to make our pizza sauce. We read through the pizza sauce recipe and weighed out and measured the ingredients we needed. Then, we all had a go at chopping and peeling onions and garlic. After that, we mixed together all of the other ingredients: tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano, basil, brown sugar and a bay leaf. We then heated the sauce through for 20 mins and set it cool. At the end of the day, we blitzed the sauce to make it smooth.
Date: 8th May 2021 @ 8:03pm
Today was the second day of our DT unit on making pizzas. We began the day by making the dough - we did this by following a simple recipe for the BBC
Date: 7th May 2021 @ 8:13am
Today we began our DT journey of making pizzas. We looked at what we already knew about pizzas, including how we make them. We began by tasting pizzas and evaluating what we liked/disliked. After that, we went into Redcliffes to make our pizza sauce. We read through the pizza sauce recipe and weighed out and measured the ingredients we needed. Then, we all had a go at chopping and peeling onions and garlic. After that, we mixed together all of the other ingredients: tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano, basil, brown sugar and a bay leaf. We then heated the sauce through for 20 mins and set it cool. At the end of the day, we blitzed the sauce to make it smooth.
National Reading Champions Quiz
Date: 4th May 2021 @ 5:18pm
Today, 4 of our Year 6 children took part in the North West regional heat of the very first National Reading Champions Quiz. The quiz aims to raise the profile of reading with pupils across the country and to test their knowledge of a wide range of books. The quiz consisted of 10 different rounds and included rounds such as villains in books, identifying a novel from the first or last line and anagrams of characters/books. Our pupils were a credit to Boundary and they showed determination and resilience throughout the morning. The quiz lasted for over 2 and a half hours and the children were fully engaged and really worked as a team to try and answer the questions. Although we didn't finish in the top 3, we did manage to answer a lot of the questions correctly and we were only 10 marks away from the school who finished in first place. We look forward to taking part in more experiences like this and with a wider range of pupils.
Date: 2nd May 2021 @ 11:11pm
In Reading into Writing we have been reading and writing quest stories. We based our story on the picture book
Gymnastics - using the equipment
Date: 28th Apr 2021 @ 4:02pm
Today in Gymnastics we have looked at using the equipment - this involved how to carefully move the pieces and how to arrange them so they were safe to use. We then investigated different ways of approaching and mounting the equipment and then progressed to working in pairs to create balances using the equipment.
Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 7:15am
Today we took part in another No Pen Day. We spent time working with others and discussing odd one out pictures. This involved looking at sets of numbers/pictures and working out which one we thought was the odd one out. We had to give clear reasons for answers. In English, we continued with our Quest stories and looked through the book
Year Group Newsletter Summer 1 2021
Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 4:06pm
Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 3:49pm
This morning, we began our topic on Evolution with a lesson on understanding evolution in finches. We learned about Darwin and his travels on the HMS Beagle, which took him to the Galapagos Islands. We then took part in an activity that helped us understand how differences in the beaks of finches determined which insects/seeds/fruit they eat.
It was a lot of fun but also quite frustrating trying to pick items up with pegs and tweezers!!
The Vicious Vikings...Or were they?
Date: 30th Mar 2021 @ 5:01pm
In today's History lesson, we looked at the opinions we have on the Vikings and whether it's a true representation of them. We learnt that many of the perceptions we have of them is a result of primary/secondary sources written from the viewpoint of their enemies; they have a biased opinion. The Vikings didn't document much so we can't be certain of what they were really like. We then looked at a 'Living Graph' where we studied the times that the Vikings were the most powerful and when they ruled most of Britain. It was interesting to see how the Anglo-Saxons fought tirelessly to keep hold of the throne/power in particular parts of Britain - mainly Wessex. This came to an end when the Normans took power in 1066 from the Battle of Hastings.
Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 7:46pm
Today, every class listened to the story 'The Dot' by Peter H. Reynolds. Each year group had a specific focus for their art and in Year 6 we had to incorporate a black dot into our art work. There were lot of different desgins and ideas shared and discussed as a class and some prtty amazing pieces of art work were produced. Below are just a few of our examples.
Same areas, different perimeters!!
Date: 22nd Mar 2021 @ 1:02pm
In today's Maths session we started our new unit on area and perimeter. We began with looking at the definiton of the following terms: area, perimeter, rectilinear, compound and volume. We then looked at different ways shapes could have the same area but different perimeters. We practised drawing rectangles on 1cm paper then created compound rectilinear shapes with the same area.
Date: 18th Mar 2021 @ 1:35pm
In today's PE lessons we looked at different skills we would need as part of 'Invasion Games'. Today's skill was 'dodging'. We had to remember to look where we were going (keeping our heads up) in order to effectively dodge opponents who were coming towards us. For one of our activities we worked in groups of 4/5 where we held hands in a circle by holding plastic bands. One member of the group had a bib tucked into their waist band and they are the ones to be defended. The catcher then had 30 seconds to try and catch that person's bib whilst the group worked together to defend them by blocking the attacker. As you can see from the pictures, we had a great lesson!
Recreating Quentin Blake Illustrations
Date: 16th Mar 2021 @ 4:17pm
In today's lesson we looked at the artist, illustrator and cartoonist Quentin Blake. We studied the way he sketched his pictures and which of the 7 elements of art we could ideinitfy in his pieces of work. Using this, we then picked our favourite ilustration and tried to recreate the picture using the techniques learnt in this and the previous lesson. We think the results speak for themselves.
Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:06pm
Today we began looking at our Science unit of 'Classification'. We discussed what classification was and why scientists needed a system when classifying living things. As a challenge, we were given a range of vertebrates and invertebrates and asked to think how we would group them. Some of us chose to group them as mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. Some of us grouped them as living things that live in water, on land and in the sky. We will spend the next lesson looking at more scientific ways to group living things.
Date: 8th Mar 2021 @ 8:10pm
Today we were extremely happy to welcome back our wondeful Year 6 pupils. It was so lovely to see them all again, back in class where they belong. We spent the morning going through what lockdown life has been like and what they had enjoyed about home-schooling. In the afternoon, we began our Art topic - sketching. We began by practising using different sketching styles, such as cross-hatching, stippling and blending. We were then introduced to the artist Stephen Wiltshire and studied several of his pieces of art before attempting them ourselves. Some of the results were stunning!!