Year 6: Blog items
The One Where Year 6 Go To Church!
Date: 14th Oct 2019 @ 8:34pm
Year 6 ended their R.E. unit of work with a visit to St.Mark's Church. The Vicar and Matt (Church Army) answered the children's questions all about life as a Christian and Baptism.
The One Where No Pens Were Allowed!
Date: 10th Oct 2019 @ 1:52pm
On Tuesday 8th October, the whole school took part in No Pen Day. The aim of the day is to communicate with others and to work collaboratively on set tasks. The day was full of interesting conversations, which allowed the children to think more deeply about their learning.
The One With The Harvest Assembly!
Date: 10th Oct 2019 @ 1:46pm
Today Year 6 led the school in the annual Harvest assembly. The children explained the history of harvest and how we should be thankful for the food we have to eat. We also discussed World Food Day and how we should work together to help put a stop to world hunger. We were joined by Matt Rowley from the Church Army, who also spoke of the importance of helping others and being thankful for what we have. After the assembly, we delivered all the items that had been donated to Vincent House - a charity which helps and supports the homeless in our local area.
The One Where Year 6 Teach Year 1!
Date: 4th Oct 2019 @ 12:18pm
This morning, Year 6 planned and taught an R.E. lesson to Year 1 all about Baptism. By the end of the lesson, the children could describe what happens during a baptism service in church, name the special objects needed for a baptism and explain why it is an important ceremony for Christians.
Date: 1st Oct 2019 @ 6:48pm
Today the Book Bus came to visit. Each class had a 20 minute slot to visit the bus and peruse the shelves!! Children were invited to bring £10 so they could buy a book or two. As a school we will receive a percentage of what we made on the day - we will then be able to buy more new books for the school.
Date: 1st Oct 2019 @ 6:39pm
Today the school held its annual class council representative elections. Any child who wanted to put themselves forward for the position was asked to write a manifesto that included why they wanted to be considered for the role and what they thought they could offer. They then had to read these out to their class. Each class then took turns going into the hall to make their vote. The votes were counted by lunch time and in assembly this afternoon the winners were announced.
Congratulation to Charlie and Millie who will be representing their classes this year.
The One Where They Play Hockey!
Date: 1st Oct 2019 @ 6:32pm
Our PE unit this half term is hockey. Over the past few weeks we have been practising keeping control of the ball, dribbling the ball into positions and push passing to a partner. This week we have progressed to playing competitive matches against each other. We are learning to mark a player and intercept the ball when it comes near us. We still need to work on getting into a space and not all crowding around the person with the ball!
Date: 19th Sep 2019 @ 8:33am
What a brilliant few days we have all had together at PGL. From the moment we arrived to the moment we left, we were busy taking part in exciting activities. Throughout the stay we took part in :
- Canoeing
- Climbing wall
- Buggy building
- Survivor
- Raft building
- Archery
- Jacob's ladder
There was plenty of food to keep our strength up and lots of games with our leader Lewis in between activities. We all had a brilliant time and made memories for life.
Date: 19th Sep 2019 @ 8:11am
Today Year 6 had their first visit to the library @thegrange. We will be visiting every month so that the children can regularly change their books and be exposed to a variety of authors and genres. The books will stay in class as part of quiet reading time during Guided Reading sessions.
Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 5:00pm
This week we began our topic of 'Electricity'. We were given a range of electrical components and several tasks to try and complete within a given time. The tasks were to:
- Create a simple circuit to make a bulb light,
- Create more complex circuits to make a bulb dimmer/brighter,
- Add a range of other components into the circuit, such as motors and buzzers,
- Make a switch to turn the bulb on/off,
- Test a range of everyday items to work out which ones are conductors/insulators.
Some brilliant learning and discussions took place during the sessions.
The One With Mrs. Rose's Stolen Ring!!
Date: 3rd Sep 2019 @ 7:49pm
To link in with our unit on crime, today we had to solve the case of Mrs. Rose’s stolen ring. We were given three clues to look through: shoe scrapings, finger prints and chromatography. Once we had investigated each piece of evidence we were able to whittle 5 suspects down to 2. It turns out Mr. Jones had taken the ring to teach Mrs. Rose a lesson about leaving her valuables lying around!!
Date: 3rd Sep 2019 @ 10:53am
Date: 3rd Sep 2019 @ 10:50am
Autumn 1 Topic Overview 2019/20
Date: 3rd Sep 2019 @ 10:47am
Date: 1st Jul 2019 @ 8:14pm
Our second Forest School session saw much better weather as the sun shone down on us all. This week, children enjoyed more digging (along with lots of water and lots of wet, muddy mud!!). Children also had the chance to use tools to build a mud kitchen as well as lighting fires and toasting marshmallows. We are all thoroughly enjoying our time in the Forest School garden.
Date: 20th Jun 2019 @ 9:36am
This week, DJ Kash came to visit us to tell us all about her religion of Sikhism. She led an assembly on Monday morning and we then we took part in a class workshop. This involved DJ Kash telling us more about Sikhism and her way of life. We finished it off with some 'Bollywood' dancing.
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 8:26pm
Today we took part in our first Forest School session. The weather may not have been on our side, however, we didn't let that dampen our spirits. Over 2 hours, we took part in a range of activities such as: fire-making, pond dipping, digging holes, mud painting and toasting marshmallows. We all ended up extremely muddy but we had lots of fun and are looking forward to doing it all again next week!
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 10:20am
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 10:19am
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 10:16am
Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 3:56pm
We've had a great day here in Blue Bubble without our devices. We have spent the day playing games, constructing shapes/towers with art straws and baking. We have made pizzas and peppermint creams and had lots of fun in the process. We are looking forward to having another day like this!!
Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 7:37pm
It’s not easy being without our teachers but we are doing a great job with our home learning by listening to and following video tutorials that Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Rose make for us. In Computing, we have completed 2 lessons on spreadsheets – both with a video tutorial to follow. This included learning how to add data to cells, change colour and font of text as well as the size of text and cells. We then progressed to learning how to use formulae in cells to complete calculations. In today’s lesson, we learned how to turn data into graphs and how to add a filter to sets of data so that we could order it smallest to largest and vice versa. We think we are doing well with our work!!
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:23pm
Today, Year 6 took part in a 90 minute online safety talk with Bernadette from WIRED. The session talked about how we can stay safe online and the dangers of being on social media sites. She went through ways in which APPs like Tik Tok can be dangerous/inappropriate for children and what children should be looking at if they do go on these sites.
We are also having another talk next week to go further into online safety.
Team Work Makes The Dream Work
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:21pm
What a challenging lesson today’s OAA was! The pictures say it all!!!
Our first activity was to split into two groups and run through the hoola hoop obstacle course at the same time as the other team. Once we were face to face with our opponent, we had to play ‘rock, papers, scissors’ and the winner could carry on their journey as the other person had to go to the back of their line. As soon as one person made it to the other side, they won a point for their team.
Our next task consisted of us getting into groups of 4/5 where we had to balance the hoola hoop on the back of our hands (on our fingers). We then had to follow particular commands whilst the hoola hoop balanced such as: kneel down, raise your arms up, put one arm behind your back, lift one leg up etc… This tested our patience with our team and relied on good communication skills.
Our final task was to get into groups of 8 where we were given a number 1-8. There were 9 cones and we had to get in numerical order but only by moving one space (and person) at a time, and using the blank space. to achieve this This is a similar concept to the game slider puzzle.
We can’t wait to see what next week’s lesson has in store for us!
Annie Musical Theatre Workshops.
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:11pm
Children from Year Five and Year Six really enjoyed their first musical theatre workshops with Georgia from Italia Conti. They are looking forward to their second set of workshops this Friday and cannot wait to be filmed performing numbers from the show early next year!