Year 6: Blog items

Year 6 Remembers

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 8:02am

Today we celebrated Remembrance Day as a whole school. We gather outside the school to pay our respects to those people who have served and died in all wars, especially those who died in WW1. Our Year 6 children read beautifully in front of such a big audience and we were very proud of the maturity they demonstrated.


An Introduction To Yoga

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 7:48am

Today was our first introduction to yoga. We began our journey with breathing exercises and discussed the importance of taking time out and connecting our mind, body and soul. We started to learn the main yoga poses which included: cobra, downward facing dog, butterfly, cow and cat, warrior and many more. We can't wait to see where the rest of our yoga journey will take us. 

Lest We Forget - Poppy Art

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 7:38am

Leading up to Remembrance Day, we looked at famous World War poems and different styles of poppies. Using our art skills of sketching and the use of water colours, we created some poppy art over the top of the war poems. We discussed and remembered those who fell during the wars and thought about how their families and friends must have felt during this time. 

WOW - The Power of Science

Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 1:01pm

We started our new science topic – Electricity – by experimenting with electrical components to make various circuits. We worked out how to make bulbs light up, motors move and buzzers sound. We used switches to investigate what would happen when the circuit was broken and tested various materials for electrical conductivity.

What's Under Your Feet?

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 11:13am

Today we took part in the activity 'What's Under Our Feet?' This involved digging up a 30cm square section of earth and looking inside the soil to see what lives there. The purpose of this was to see the variety of living creatures available for birds to eat. We found earthworms, spiders and grubs in the ground. We also measured the earthworms to see if there were different types/sizes.

Black History Month Writing

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 10:22am

In Reading into Writing this half term we have linked our writing to Black History Month. We were given the slave trade and Harriet Tubman to look at. We decided our piece of writing was going to be an autobiography written by Harriet Tubman. We researched all about her life and made lots of notes. We then drafted our autobiography and made edits based on teacher feedback. To finish the journey we completed a hot write - a final best version without all the mistakes.

The Science of Shadows

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 11:05am

Shadows were our area of investigation for this week's science lesson. We were presented with four key questions and various equipment that we could use to investigate them. We were asked to consider how shadows are created, waht creates the shape of a shadow and how you can make a shadow smaller or larger. 

A journey through the the Mayan World

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 10:51am

We finished our History topic for the half term with a journey through the Mayan World using our 'Now Press Play equipment'. We were transported into the ancient civilation, met a Mayan king, heard about drought and sacrifices to the gods. It was a great opportunity to consolidate our learning. 

The end of the Mayan Civilisation

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 7:33pm

Today in our history lesson, we have been considering how the Mayan civilisation began to decline. After hypothesising ourselves, we were presented with various pieces of evidence, which we had to consider. We grouped the evidence into different categories and learned that drought, poor soil conditions, rivals, revolt and disease all had a part to play in the fall of the great civilisation. 

Church Army

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 11:20am

Jenny and Matt from The Church Army visited one of our RE lessons this half-term. They explained the meaning of ‘Sin’ as anything they ‘think’, ‘say’ or ‘do against God’s law. We discussed what constituted a sin and the meaning of ‘salvation’. Salvation means being saved, rescued from sin and being forgiven. Christians believe salvation from sin was the purpose of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Thank you to Jenny and Matt for sharing your knowldege and experiences with us. 

The Science of Light

Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 5:02pm

In Science today we have been learning about refraction. We turned out the lights and used prisms and torches to investigate how light is split into spectrum. We then created our own colour wheels. Spinning the wheels had the opposite effect and the colours appeared white. 

Boundary's Football Team - Back in Action

Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 9:13am

As part of the EFL Kids Club / Blackpool FC Community Trust Partnership, our school team played in their first tournament with other local schools (for what seems like years...and it has been!) this week. They were able to reach the semi finals after topping the group with 5 wins and 1 draw. Unfortunately we were beaten in the semi finals but it was great to be back in action.

Well done to all who took part, we are very proud of you all!


More French Grammar

Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 8:37pm

This week, we have been exploring French grammar based around nouns. We learned how to use a French dictionary to determine a noun's gender, how to make singular nouns plural and how to select the correct definate article depending on whether the noun is masculine, feminine, plural or begins with a vowel.

A day with no pens.....but plenty of discussion!

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 3:38pm

Tuesday 5th October was No Pen Day. Pens and pencils were removed from tables and we had a whole day of discussion, problem solving and debate. The aim of the day was to improve our communication skills. We started by working in groups to solve mental maths problems, before moving on to talk about the slave trade as part of Black History month. We considered various dilemmas, talked about how to control infection in PSHE and debated the importance of various foods in our History lesson on the Mayan civilisation.

Election Day

Date: 4th Oct 2021 @ 2:33pm

On Thursday 30th September, it was our school council election day. Candidates from Year 6 presented their maifestos to the rest of the class, outlining the characteristics that made them a suitable candidate and how they would help to improve the school. We discussed democracy and how it is one of the British values, before voting in a secret ballot in the hall. Congractulations to Tilly and Emily, who were been elected as school councillors for Elder and Oak classes. 

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Date: 29th Sep 2021 @ 8:36pm

In Year 6 we have completed our first Reading into Writing journey: News Articles. Our journey involved reading through lots of examples of news articles so that we could identify the features. We also did lots of GPS work based on direct and reported speech so that we could learn how to use quotes accurately in our writing. We also took part in teacher model and shared write sessions to help us understand exactly how to organise our writing. Finally, we used our trip to PGL to write an article about the experience.

European Day of Languages 2021

Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 2:00pm

Today we celebrated the European Day of Languages. We began by taking broadly about the continent of Europe and some of the countries that make up Europe. From that we began discussing the different European languages we knew. After that, Oak and Elder classes were given a specific country to focus on: Poland and Latvia. We then used Google Translate to find out what some key words/phrases are in Polish and Latvian. We also found out some other key facts about the countries, such as populaiton, countires that they border with and traditional dishes. We enjoyed finding out about other countries.

The winners for TTRS this week are...

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 9:13pm

Oak!! It was another crushing defeat Elder!! You've really got to get logged in and do some serious work is you're going to beat Oak!!

The Science of Sight

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 11:00am

This week in our Science lesson we continued to learn about light. We learned that light travels in straight lines and that lightwaves bounce or reflect off of an object and into our eyes. This is how we see things. We worked in groups to create a model of this using string as the light wave. 

Fun at PGL!!

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 2:50pm

What a brilliant time the children (and staff) had on our annual residential to PGL. The children were absolutely amazing and a real credit to Boundary. They worked so well as a group and took part in a range of activities, showing resilience and determination. We hope the children had a great time - they have made memories that will last a lifetime!!

The winners for TTRS this week are...

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 2:38pm

Oak! Well done Oak you smashed it this week. Elder, you need to up the stakes next week and see if you can beat Oak!

Times Tables Rockstars battles!

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 9:51am

Each week, children in Year 5 and 6 will take part in a weekly times tables battle. There will be battles between:

  • Year 5 and 6 
  • Oak and Elder
  • Hawthorn and Rowan

Every Thursday we will publish on the class pages which class/year group are the winners. The more you go on TTRS at home the better your class/year group will do. This will also help you all to learn your tables and be able to recall facts quickly. Good luck everyone!

Is it masculine or feminine?

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 7:33pm

This half term we will be learning more about French grammar. We started by learning about indefinite articles. In French, indefinite articles are the equivalent of our English words a and an. We learned that the French have two indefinite articles - un and une - and that nouns are either masculine or feminine. You use un when the noun is masculine and une when the noun is feminine. As part of the lesson, we also used bilingual dictionaries to find nouns and their gender. 

Why do we study the Mayan civilisation?

Date: 7th Sep 2021 @ 6:22pm

This half term, we will be learning about the Mayan civilisation in our history lessons. Today, we started our History topic by thinking about why the Maya were so important. We looked for clues around the playground and used our critical thinking skills to decide what made the Maya so special.

An introduction to spreadsheets

Date: 7th Sep 2021 @ 4:01pm

Today we began our new unit in Computing - Spreadsheets. We discussed what a spreadsheet is and why people use them. We were also introduced at the following key vocabulary that we will be using through the unit:

  • Data
  • Cell
  • Input
  • Output
  • Format

Our task today was to first have a practise at inputting simple data into cells and then add borders, changing text colour and adding colour to cells. We were then taught how to add add formula to cells in order to add, subtract, multiply and divide inputted numerical data. 

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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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