Year 6: Blog items

Year 6 Jolly hockey sticks!

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:46pm

For the first time in a long time, the sun was shining today on our PE session. We are half way through our hockey unit and we are getting much better at moving and passing the ball. We have learned how to perform the Indian dribble and a jab tackle. Today we tried our hand at accurate shooting and then got involved in a competitive 1v1 game called quicksticks. The progress is clear to see and some of us almost managed to beat Mrs. Hamilton. Almost!

Year 6 What can fossils tell us?

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 8:51pm

In Science this week we have been recapping on what we know about fossils. We discussed what a fossil is and how they are formed by watching a video about their formation over thousands of years. We also learned about Mary Anning, a fossil hunter of the early 1800s and how her finds changed the way scientists viewed fossils. We finished with looking at several examples and discussed what we think was their closest living relative. 

Year 6 Primary Futures live event

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 12:21pm

Today we took part in a Primary Futures live event where 3 different speakers talked to us about how important literacy skills are in their jobs. The jobs were a journalist, a banker and a marketing executive and they told us how reading and writing plays suh a vital role. It was really interesting to listen to them and find out about jobs that we could choose to have when we are older.

Year 6 World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 8:12pm

Today we celebrated World Book. The children looked absolutely brilliant in their costumes and really put a lot of effort into becoming their characters. We had characters such as:

The convicts from Holes

Elizabeth Banks from Mary Poppins

Little Red Riding Hood

Anne Frank

Katniss Everdeen

The staff also enjoyed dressing up as some of their favourite characters. We also took park in a live event, which involved authors discussing their books and finished the day with a fun 50 question book quiz! We hope everyone enjoyed the day.



Year 6 WOW - Evolution

Date: 21st Feb 2022 @ 2:30pm

In Year 6 today we have taken part in an activity to help us understand evolution. We discussed who Charles Darwin was and how he developed the theory of evolution by comparing finches on each of the Galapagos Islands. He found that there were differences in the birds' beaks depending on the food available. We have taken the role of these birds today by trying to pick up different 'seeds' using a range of different 'beaks'. We found that some beaks were better at picking up seeds than others and this helped us to understand why some finches developed different sized beaks.

Year 6 Making Mobile Phone Cases

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 5:06pm

Today, we have had a full day of DT. Our project was to make a mobile phone case and today we have managed to create these. To do this we have followed a journey in order to make sure we have fully researched the product and had a chance to plan it. Today we have researched existing felt mobile phone cases, looked at developing a success criteria, planned and designed our product, made a prototype and then created our final product. To finish, we now need to evaluate our case against our success criteria.

Year 6 Gymnastic Routines

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 7:07pm

This week in our gymnastic session, we have continued to focus on balances and counter balances. We learned how to do several rolls, including a log roll and the teddy bear roll. We then combined the rolls with balances to create a short routine. Finally, included apparatus in our routines. 

Year 6 Musical Improvisation

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 6:56pm

This week in Music, Year 6 have been using glockenspiels to improvise. After finding the pulse in the piece of music, we listened and responded to musical patterns - first by clapping and then by playing the notes on the glockenspiels. Finally, we improvided using the notes from the piece. 

Year 6 Describing Viking hair in French!

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 2:30pm

Year 6 had a fun afternoon continuing their 'Les Vikings' unit in French. This week the children learned how to describe hair using the irregular verb 'avoir'. After learning how to describe the length, colour and style of hair, they played games of Guess Who where they had to ask questions - in French - about a person's hair. 

Year 6 No Pens

Date: 19th Jan 2022 @ 6:53pm

We have enjoyed another No Pen Day in Year 6. Together we started the day by looking at Thunks - thought-provoking statements that we use to generate lots of discussions. During the day we took part in a GPS session outside - we had to find questions hidden around the playground and go to the adults with the answers. We also worked in pairs to look through an arithmetic test with mistakes and discussed together what errors had been made. In the afternoon, we spent time on our DT topic. This involved threading a needle and practising a range of different stitches.

Year 6 Stitching Superstars!

Date: 19th Jan 2022 @ 6:38pm

Today in DT we spent the afternoon practising our stitching skills. This involved being confident to thread a needle and then following tutorials that taught us how to complete 4 different stitches: running stitch, back stitch, overstitch and blanket stitch. In this topic we will be designing and making a mobile phone case and we will be choosing the sticthes that we want to use. 

Year 6 Super Scouts

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 8:03am

Today we had a visit from West Lancs Scouts. They came to talk to us about some of the activities that Beavers, Cubs and Scouts take part in and we were shown some of the equipment that a Scout would need to take with them on expeditions. This included a tent, sleeping back, cooking utensils. 
If your child is interested in becoming a Beaver, Cub or Scout then there is a taster night being held on Monday 31st January between 6:30pm and 7:30pm. Fliers will be coming home with the children tomorrow,

Year 6 Gymnastics

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 8:00am

In gymnastics this week we have been focussing on developing balances with our partner using a range of equipment. We have worked on using our partner for counter-tension and counter-balance and linked balances with a range of jumps and turns.

Year 6 Les Vikings

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 12:39pm

Our new French topic is 'Les Vikings' and runs alongside our History unit. In today's lesson, we used congnates and familiar language to decode a passage of French about the Vikings. We also enjoyed listening to and translating the song, "Nous Sommes Les Vikings'.

Year 6 An introduction to the Vikings

Date: 5th Jan 2022 @ 12:14pm

Although it was a chilly morning, Year 6 began their Vikings topic by learning outside. We worked in teams and enjoyed taking part in a teasure hunt for Viking facts.

Just Press Play: Electricity

Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 1:24pm

We finsihed our science unit on electricity by completing a Just Press Play activity. We were transported into a world where the power had gone off and had to solve various problems to ensure it was reconnected. We learned about renewable energy and just how much we all rely on electricity. 

Nativity Art

Date: 12th Dec 2021 @ 8:22am

We had a lovely afternoon creating our nativity art. The children each created their own section of a stained glass window. The individual pieces, each depicting part of a nativity scene, were then joined to  make a larger piece, 

Name that note

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 7:19pm

In Music today we have been looking at reading sheet music. Over the last couple of weeks we have been studying the different note lengths and names and today we had to use that knowledge to work out the names of the notes in a piece of music. We then used the glockenspiels to play several bars of the music - we managed to keep in time to the beat and together we kept the melody going.

Les verbes irreguli

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 4:05pm

This week in French, we have continued to learn about French verbs. After learning the rules for conjugating regular verbs earlier this half term, we have now begun to learn about irregular verbs. First, we found various French verbs in the dictionary and translated them into English. Then we learned how to conjugate the irregular verbs avoir (to have), aller (to go) and être (to be). 

Focus on Fractions

Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 8:52pm

In Maths we haven been focussing on fractions. We have been adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and challenging ourselves with some tricky questions. We have also begun to look at multiplying and dividing fractions by integers. Fractions has been a long journey but we are feeling much more confident with our new learning.


Budding authors in Year 6

Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 9:31pm

Today Year 6 were joined by local author Dan Worsley. Dan led writing workshops with both classes, which involved describing a villain in a scene. The children were given lots of tips and ideas for making their writing exciting for the reader and Dan was really impressed with the work that was produced. We may just have budding authors in our school!

Working Scientifically - Circuits

Date: 24th Nov 2021 @ 8:34pm

We had a great Science lesson this week. As part of our electricty unit, we focussed on working scientifically and fair testing. After recapping on what we had learned so far about electricity and circuits, we were given a tray of electrical components and asked to think about enquiry questions we could ask. We learned more about voltage and decided on the question - How does the number of cells in a circuit affect the brightness of a bulb? We then discussed fair testing and which variables we could change and which would stay the same, before making predictions about the outcome of the test. 

Working out for Children in Need

Date: 21st Nov 2021 @ 6:46pm

Today we celebrated Children in Need by dressing up in spots and stripes. To wake us up for the day and give us energy, we took part in a Joe Wicks workout where we had to answer questions. Each question had 2 options and each option had an exercise movement!! It was a fun way to start the day.


Face in the Space!

Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 5:55pm

Year 6 have been learning about musical notation this week. We learned how the notes on the treble clef are dislayed and talked about some simple ways to help us to remember them. The notes in the spaces on the staff are FACE - so we remember that using 'FACE in the space'. We spent some time practising reading music using an online program on our class Chromebooks. 

Gears and Pulleys

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 8:12am

In DT today we looked at gears and pulleys and how they work in order to create movement. We learned about gear trains and the direction in which gears go depending on how many gears there are in the train. We also learned about combinations of gears in order to speed up/down the gears.

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