Year 5: Blog items

Year 5 A Fresh look at Forest School

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 12:31pm

What a great time of Year to be outdoors! We managed to avoid the showers and had a lovely morning exploring the Forest School environment. We went on a mini beast hunt with the magnifying glasses and observed the habitats. We found lots of insects, arachnids and bugs lurking under the rocks and logs. A Frog leapt in! We all looked at it's camoflage, while learning the differences between frogs and toads. There was lots of seasonal fruit including mini apples, pears and plums, but they weren't yet ripe enough to pick. We also explored and enjoyed spending time with our friends outdoors and catching up casually after the holidays. 

Karson planted some trees using the fallen fruit's seed.

Harley enjoyed working with his team to build dens and shelters. 

Molliemae worked with her friends to make a chill out zone in their den, with books and colouring. 

Darin made a cake masterpiece recipe including flowers, mud and fruits. He used his imagination to create a bakery business too!


Year 5 Dancing through the Ages

Date: 6th Sep 2022 @ 7:27pm

Our first Topic in PE is Dance and in our preassessment, we discussed what we already knew about Dance styles through the ages! We weren't too sure about the history of dance, so we have started today with the Charleston from 1920's. We made a class motif using the counts of the music in the style of the Charleston including kicks and flicks! It was energetic and fun. 

Year 5 Mountains around the world

Date: 6th Sep 2022 @ 7:18pm

We have started off our learning in Geography this term by using the atlases to find the Seven Summits around the world. We used the maps to record the names of the 7 highest peaks on each continent. It was great to get back to learning!

Year 5 - A smashing History lesson

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 4:32pm

As part of our journey to Ancient Greece, we have been learning about the system of democratic government in Athens. Each year, the citizens could vote to remove a public servant if they felt they were becoming too powerful or if they were not doing a good job. A meeting was held in the agora (market), and people voted by scratching a name into a shard of broken pottery. If enough votes were cast, that individual was thrown out of Athens, or 'ostracised' for 10 years. The word 'ostracised' literally means 'judgement by shards'. We had a go at writing our own name into a shard of pottery using the Greek alphabet.

Year 5 Yoga and Meditiation

Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 3:47pm

We have been learning different yoga poses in our PE lessons this half term. We have been listening to calming music and learning how to control our breathing in order to get the best out of the different breathing exercises. Yoga is beneficial for our bodies but also our minds, it helps us to find a place of calm, grounds us and helps us to maintain a good mental health. We sequenced some of our different poses in order to creat our own mini meditations. 

Year 5 - Heritage Day at BFC

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 12:51pm

As part of our school-wide Heritage Day, pupils in year 5 visited Bloomfield Road Stadium (home of Blackpool FC). We were given a tour of the ground, got to sit in the home and away changing rooms, enjoy the view from the Directors Box, and stood pitchside next to the hallowed turf. Staff from the Blackpool FC Community Trust explained about how the success of the team can impact the town, and the many different ways that the club supports the community and people of Blackpool.

Year 5 - Puberty Lesson

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 5:29pm

This week we were visited by the school nurse, who conducted lessons for the boys and girls about puberty. The sessions focussed on the changes that occur in both male and female bodies as we grow up, and the importance of looking after ourselves in relation to good hygiene. All of the pupils were very mature and sensible, discussing a sensitive and potentially embarrassing subject.

Year 5 Music

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 7:43am

In this unit, we ask ‘How Does Music Connect Us with the Environment?’ as an entry point for the broad Social Theme of ‘Music Is a Nature Lover and Guardian of the Earth’. We will look at how this links to other subjects and learning in school such as nature, environment, animals, Geography, Science, Art, Forest School, climate change etc. We began our first lesson by listening to the song ‘You and Me’ and decided that this was Pop music. We discussed similar songs and artists from this genre and why we like or disliked this piece.  We then began looking at the structure of the song ‘You and Me’ and began learning the chorus – we know this to be the ‘catchy’ part or the hook and we started to practice the first verse and chorus.

We can't wait to use the Recorders in the next few weeks and create our own piece of music!

Year 5 - 'The Highwayman' Art

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 4:39pm

This week, we have started to investigate the famous poem by Alfred Noyes, 'The Highwayman'. 

We have looked at the structure, vocabulary and GPS features, including the rhyme structure and figurative language. 

To help our pupils immerse themself into the poem and visualise it, we spent a lesson yesterday drawing famous scenes/phrases from the poem.

Take a look at our creations! 


Year 5 - History Detectives

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 2:27pm

This week the children in year 5 have begun their new History journey about Ancient Greece. In this lesson, pupils read the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, and then examined a number of sources from the time, such as coins and statues. The children had to examine the sources and try to figure out what they were, and then decide how the evidence might support the theory that the story was true. 

Year 5 - Circuit Training

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 4:18pm

This week children in year 5 began their project to design and create a device that includes an electrical circuit and a switch. We have investigated and discussed products that are currently available, such as security lights and burglar alarms, and identified how they are turned on and off. Pupils used wires, batteries, bulbs and buzzers to revisit their prior learning about electrical circuits, and also to familiarise themselves with new equipment, like switches and ammeters.  I am happy to say that there were a few 'lightbulb moments' and the children are now ready to start designing their own product.

Year 5 - Summer with Forest School

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 7:26am

Forest school is back and this time its sunny! This week the pupils continued working towards their level 2 awards, completing several different tasks. After a warm-up activity of 'Hide and Seek meets Among Us', pupils were whittling wood to make a small butter knife, hand knitting scarves with brightly coloured wool, and using mushrooms to light the campfire (without cotton wool). Once we had got the camp fire going, we toasted marshmallows to eat as we discussed what we had learned.  

Year 5 - Blackpool Zoo Visit

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 1:05pm

Year 5 visit Blackpool Zoo! To further their learning, Year 5 went on an adventure to learn more about the animals and natural habitats of the Zoo. From hearing about the Orangutans (and meeting Cherie who was named after Tony Blair's wife!) to watching feeding time with the elephants, we were all treated to a variety of interesting talks where we were able to learn more about how a range of animals have adapted over time to survive in their environments. It was really exciting to see the Bactrian camels being fed - they don't share with each other very well! Just before lunch we were treated to a sea lion demonstration where their natural ability to balance, swim, jump and dive were all on show - Gloria even demonstrated the importance of recycling our plastic and not throwing it on the floor or in the oceans!

Year 5 are off the Richter Scale!

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 11:54am

In Geography, Year 5 have been learning about earthquakes and tsunamis. 

This week, each child was given a different earthquake to investigate and write a non-chronological report about.

We were devestated to learn about how earthquakes and tsunamis impact the world, but were pleased to learn that most countries who experience these often have a warning system. 


Year 5 Forest School - Summer 1

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 11:28am

Year 5 have had their first out of three sessions of Forest School for this half-term. 

Luckily, we had dry weather and were able to explore the forest area without getting super muddy! 

The children made dens and wooden pencils, as well as exploring the pond. 

We absolutely love being out in the fresh air! 

Year 5 Manipulatives in Maths

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 4:33pm

During our Maths lessons, we often use manipulatives to solidify and furthen understanding. Manipulatives are physical objects such as blocks, counters and tiles that we can touch and move around.

Here are a few pictures to show how we used Base 10 to understand decimals. 

Year 5 Amphibians and Insects

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 4:16pm

In preparation for our Year 5 visit to the zoo, we have been learning about different amphibians and insects. 

We first put a range of different animals into groups and discussed why we put them into those groups. Some children put the animals into blood types, land and sea animals or animals with a back bone (vertebrates). We will then go back at the end of the unit and re-classify them. 

For our lesson, we became young David Attenborough's! We used SafeSearch to research the animals and used our online knowledge of Google Slides to create an interesting slide show. 


Year 5 Bikeability

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 8:24am

Some of our Year 5 children  have worked very hard over the last two days to achieve their level 2 award. They have demonstrated many of our Boundary Characteristics while completing all of their assessments. They learnt about bike maintenance and road safety

Year 5 Gymnastics - Matching and Mirroring

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:55pm

One of Year 5's unit for PE this half-term is gymnastics where we are focusing on matching and mirroring. So far on our learning journey, we have investigated different ways to move our body and practise mirroring our partner whilst doing so. Further to this, we started to practise different types of roles across the floor. We have looked at pencil rolls, barrel roles and teddy bear rolls. 

As a class, we really need to work on our balance and control of our bodies. To help improve this, we will be doing lots of short-burst activities throughout the week to prepare for the PE lessons. 

Year 5 Science Day

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:48pm

Thursday 21st April saw Year 5 have a day full of learning about Science! 

The first activity of the day was 'Smashing Stereotypes' hosted by Primary Futures. This event had different types of scientists giving us clues about their jobs and we had to guess what they did. There was a pharmacist, perfume-maker and a plastic developer! 

For the rest of the day, we investigated the Gentoo Penguin and did lots of exciting activities about the animal and where it lives. 

We then talked about why we had a Science Day and what information we had learnt. 


Year 5 Daffodil Dissecting!

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:40pm

Year 5 have been learning about the unit of Science, 'Living Things and their Habitats'. In this unit, we have started to look at the reproduction process of different plants. Children were fascinated to find out there are flowering plants (sexual) and non-flowering plants (asexual) plants! 

To start our learning journey off, the children were given the task of dissecting a daffodil. This was in order for us to explore the plant and its different parts, and learn about the different functions of each part. 

We all really enjoyed doing this practical activity and learnt so much about flowers and plants! 

Year 5 Take Over

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 5:44pm

Today saw Year 5 take over various roles across School from Class Teachers to Site Supervisors. Year 2 were delighted to have been taught by Miss Norman, Miss McCrae Miss Gabby, Mr Ali and Miss Courtney for the morning. The children were taught about the four different sentence types (Statement, Command, Question and Exclamation) during Reading into Writing and participated in a sorting activity. In Maths, the children practised their 2's, 5's and 10's  times tables and completed various questions which revealed a plant at the end if answered correctly. We finished our fun morning with a game of Bingo ran by the new Teachers. The children all did a wonderful job and should be incredibly proud of themselves!

Takeover Day - 7th April 2022

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 5:30pm

Thursday 7th April 2022 - Takeover Day

Dear Diary, 

Today has been Year 5's Takeover Day! We have had so much fun doing the roles of the adults! We have had a go at being Class Teachers, Site Managers, Office Administrators and even the Head and Deputy Head Teachers. We have learned so much about the world of work and it has inspired us to want to become adults who work with young children. This has been a brilliant opportunity to gain an insight into what the adults around us do as their jobs, and we have had so much fun as well. 

Take a look at some of the pictures to see what we have been getting up to. These pictures were taken by our fabulous reporters and photographers who spent their day capturing memories we will remember forever. 


Children of Year 5 

The Year 5's Have Taken Over!

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 4:46pm

Today saw the Year 5's take over the school! (supervised of course...). The children who took over Year 4 did an absolutely amazing job! They explained their lessons/activities well and engaged both classes really well! Everyone in Year 4 (staff and children) said that they had had an amazing morning thanks to Year 5. Looks like Mr McCormack and Mr Bamber might be out of a job soon!

Year 5 A fraction at a time

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 3:23pm

Year 5 have been working very hard on their fraction journey. From adding and subtracting and this week MULTIPLYING fractions and multiplying them by whole numbers. We started our journey with a 'Now Press Play' Maths journey looking at the Titanic and even broight out the paints to investigate parts and wholes.

It hasn't always been easy but with dedication, courage, perveverance and patience all children have made excellent progress and are now excited at the mere mention of fractions!

Well done Year 5 we are so proud of you!

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