Year 5: Blog items

Year 5 - Sketching Practise

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:17pm

This afternoon we practised our observational drawing skills. We made careful observations of real life objects and used pencils to sketch items that were found on the beach. 

Year 5 - Farm Visit

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:10pm

Today are children were treated to a visit from Fishers Farm. The children met a variety of farm animals and learned lots about each one. We all had great fun spending time with the animals and stroking them. A lucky few managed to groom some of them too!!

Year 5 - Stormy Cinquains

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 3:43pm

This week year 5 have begun their poetry journey by looking at didactic cinquain poems. After reading several examples, pupils identified the features, layout and language of cinquain poems and discussed what they liked and disliked about them. In this lesson, pupils worked together to create a cinquain poem about a thunderstorm before working with a partner to create a beach-themed poem. 

Year 5 - Crazy Compositions

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 2:59pm

Building on our learning so far this term, pupils composed a tune to play over the top of a 'K pop' backing track, called 'Look into the Night'. The track has a 4:4 time signature and pupils were asked to use a 5 note scale in C. We had a great time creating and listening to our own 'K pop' songs!

Year 5 - Zoo Visit

Date: 15th May 2023 @ 4:53pm

What an amazing day at Blackpool Zoo! The pupils all had a fantastic time, their behaviour was a credit to the school and their families, and they walked there and back again without a moan. We saw many of the wonderful animals, including: ring-tailed lemurs, monkeys, giraffes and a close-up with the red panda, and we also had talks from the zoo's education team about sea lions, elephants and penguins. Khari the lion has been returned to Blackpool zoo into his new enclosure, and has been out exploring for the first time this week. It was great to see him back again!

Year 5 - French Fashion

Date: 10th May 2023 @ 4:26pm

This half term in French, we have been learning about 'les vetements' or 'the clothes'. In this lesson, pupils developed their recall of the vocabulary we have learned in previous lessons to match images of clothing items to the French nouns. They had to work together and discuss the names of the items and then use their memory (or books) to match the image to the correct vocabulary.

Year 5 - Natural Disasters

Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 4:22pm

In Year 5 last week, we began our journey learning about volcanoes and earthquakes. We have learned about the structure of the Earth, and how the movement of the tectonic plates can cause various natural disasters. Pupils used their skills from Reading into Writing lessons to match the new subject vocabulary to its correct meaning, so that they can confidently use the correct vocabulary in future lessons. This week, we have labelled a diagram of a volcano and used our map reading and investigation skills to locate 6 of the world's most famous volcanoes and find facts about them. 

Year 5 - Flower Power

Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 8:49pm

This half term we are learning about the life cycles of plants and animals. This lesson was about flowering plants and how they reproduce. Pupils learned the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction in plants, and the positves and negatives accociated with each method. Next, we found out about pollination and the importance of insects in this process. Pupils found the names of the different parts of a flower and labelled a diagram, then dissected a daffoldil flower to find the different parts and see what they look like in real life.

Year 5 - Shakespeare Scripts

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 2:51pm

This week, pupils in Year 5 have been getting to know William Shakespeare's Macbeth, and preparing to write their own script for part of the story. In this lesson, pupils improved part of a script, adding stage directions and their own dialogue. In pairs, they children acted out their scripts before making more improvements. This experience will help the children when they plan, draft and publish their own scripts next week.

Community Connections

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 11:49am

Our pupil's make us proud everyday and as a school, we are proud of our community.
Two of our pupil's have been taking part in BBC Radio Lancashire's Community Connections. Groups from The Boathouse Youth and Blackpool Coastal Housing are making friends and memories together.
You can hear more about the work being done by listening here or visiting the Boat House Youth Facebook page

Year 5 - Cogs and Gears

Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 8:45pm

As part of our journey into forces, we have been learning about levers, pulleys and gears. In this lesson, pupils used lego pieces to create a 'drive train' of cogs and investigated what happened when they turned the handle. We learned that smaller cogs turned faster, but larger cogs created more power. Also, if a cog is turned clockwise, the next cog will always turn anticlockwise.  

Whole School Art Day 2023

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:21am

On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.

Key Stage 2 Boccia Team - Regional Finals!

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 9:02am

Congratulations to our Key Stage 2 Boccia Team who yesterday travelled to Greenbank Sports Academy in Liverpool to compete in the KS2 Boccia Regional Finals!?

We competed magnificently against some fantastic schools across the North West, finishing 5th out of the 9 schools participating. In order to feature in the regional final, our Boccia team had to win 2 previous finals, so a huge achievement to get there and compete the way they did.??

Year 5 - Art Day

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 4:37pm

For Art Day, pupils in year 5 were asked to create a collage and drawing of a famous Blackpool landmark. After discussing the landmarks, such as Blackpool Tower and Central Pier, pupils created a page of ideas in their sketchbooks. After that, pupils chose a landmark and found an image of it to reproduce for their final piece of work. The children used a range of materials to make a collage background, before drawing a pencil sketch of their landmark.

Key Stage Choir perform at Choir of the Year!

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 7:55am

Wow! What an experience!
We are very proud of our choir who performed at the Blackpool Tower Ballroom. A big thank you to Mrs. Casey and Mrs. Pope for all of their time and effort given to the children, and to all of the other staff who attended tonight.

Key Stage 2 Panathlon WIN!

Date: 20th Mar 2023 @ 5:24pm

A huge congratulations to our Key Stage 2 Panathlon Multi-Skills team who WON this morning's tournament at Blackpool Sports Centre! They completed a variety of challenges, including target throws, football, curling, bowling and tennis slalom, accumulating points in each event that was added together at the end of proceedings. Our children scored highly in each event, showed great respect for coaches and organisers and loved competing for their school.
Well done to all involved, you've done Boundary proud!

Year 5 - Delightful Databases

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 3:37pm

In this lesson, pupils in year 5 begun their journey learning about databases. We made our own paper-databases about animals and searched through them to answer questions. We found out that each entry in a database is called a record, and the different information that is recorded is called a field. Pupils then explored an online database and answered questions about the information they found. We learned how to navigate the database using the 'form' view to sort the records by different fields.

Year 5 - Investigating Area

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 3:32pm

Over the last few weeks, children in year 5 have been learning how to find the perimeter and area of rectangles and compound shapes. In this lesson, pupils had to use what they have learned to estimate the area of irregular shapes, and find the difference between their areas.

Year 5 - Science Day

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:05pm

Year 5 have had a fantastic day learning about the 1969 Moon landing, as part of National Science Day 2023.  Pupils watch actual footage of the Moon landing, watched documentary footage and read newspaper articles about the event. We had an amazing oportunity to visit the Wonder Dome, where we were taken on a guided tour of the Milky Way, and beyond, which the children loved. The children then created a space picture, using a variety of techniques including pencil sketches and a watercolour wash.

Year 5 - RSC: Sandgrown Shakespeare

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 9:42am

We are very proud of the Year 5 children who performed in the Sandgrown Shakespeare show at The Grand Theatre on Tuesday night- Eviee's artwork even took pride of place on the front cover of the program!


Well done to all who took part - please see the Year 5 blog for more pictures!

Year 5 - Scientific Spinners

Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 5:17pm

This half-term, Year 5 have been studying forces. We have learned about gravity and friction and how they affect the world around us. This week the children were asked to investigate air resistance. They worked together to plan an investigation into the affect of air resistance on falling objects. Pupils decided to create 'helicopters' and see how they fell to the ground. Following a class discussion, we suggested a number of variables which would affect the rate of descent, and decided to investigate the size of the spinner - all of the other variables were kept the same. Following the investigation pupils identified that the larger the spinner, the slower the rate of descent. We concluded that this was because a larger surface area created more air resistance.

Year 5 - PGL information

Date: 6th Mar 2023 @ 8:00pm

The following information was shared with Year 5 parents/carers today about the upcoming PGL trip in July. If you need to contact Mrs. Hamilton at any time please do so at

Shane Hegarty Author visits Boundary

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:48am

The children and staff at Boundary were treated to a visit and story telling assembly from the children's author Shane Hegarty - Author who has also kindly signed and donated copies of his new book 'The Shop of Impossible Ice Creams'! Such a brilliant way to begin our World Book Day celebrations!

School's Alive Award

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 9:03am

Thanks to a generous donation by a parent, each child who took part in our School's Alive performance received a medal in recognition of their hard work, determination and overall brilliant performance!
Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to our parent donor for allowing us to give each child their own medal!
#schoolsalive #BoundaryBelieves 

Year 5 - Creepy Crawlies Welcome

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 8:42am

Pupils in Year 5 have completed their 'frame structure' projects. After evaluating current products, pupils designed and created their own 'bug hotel'. A frame structure was created before pupils added sides and tubes for insects to live in. The children then decorated their products and evaluated them.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust