Year 5: Blog items

Rocking Rivers!

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 7:47pm

As part of our topic 'Rocking Rivers' we looked at the course of the River Wyre using Digimaps, an online mapping tool. The children identified the features of rivers we have already learned about, including meanders, tributaries and the river mouth. We then used the online maps to look at other rivers around the country and find out which towns and cities they flow through. 

Mini-Cadets Online Safety

Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 2:55pm

The Mini-Cadets enjoyed a visit from Sgt Claire Van Deurs Goss today who conducted a talk about the use of the internet within the police and then how to keep safe online.  The Mini-Cadets are going to present their learning to the rest of the children in assembly tomorrow. 

Mini-Cadets first Outing!

Date: 13th Nov 2019 @ 8:07am

The Year 5 Mini-Cadets enjoyed their first trip to the West Division Police Headquarters.  They had a tour of the building watching all the busy officers at work and learning about the rank structures.  The cadets also spent some time in the different police vans; it was very exciting going for a drive and turning the sirens on!

Embracing African Culture In Year Five!

Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 4:46pm

Year Five are currently writing stories from another culture. We are focusing on African stories and the language, settings and features associated with them. Today, we looked at African vocabulary, traditional stories, the clothing and customs. The children loved learning about such a varied and interesting country!

Ambassadors, Ambassadors, Where for art thou Ambassadors?

Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 9:16am

Our Royal Shakespeare Ambassadors had a fantastic day working collaboratively with children from schools from Wyre, Fylde and Blackpool. They worked together to help plan the forthcoming Shakespeare Festival and were involved in joint projects and discussion groups. The children learnt about the role of being a Shakespeare Champion and played speaking and listening games with the other schools. A fantastic day was had by all!


Autumn 2 BLT 2019/20

Date: 28th Oct 2019 @ 2:22pm

A day without writing

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 5:54pm

Year 5 had a great time during our whole school 'No Pen Day'. Pens and pencils were removed from tables and we did not write in any of our books. During our maths lesson we used counters and coins to solve addition and subtraction problems. Our history lesson was a top secret mystery about Ancient Egyptian mummification. We had to work collaboratively to work out how the Ancient Egyptians used to deal with their dead!

Terrific Towers

Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 7:00pm

Despite the mud and soggy grass, we had a great time in our Forest School area. We split into teams and were set the challenge of building a tower from anything natural that we could find. The team with the tallest would be crowned the winner! 

Conductor or Insulator?

Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 6:28pm

As part of our  science 'Materials' topic,  we have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators. We designed a fair test to investigate which material would be the best to keep a teacher's cup of coffee hot. We discussed the variables that could be changed and what we would measure. After making our predictions, we filled four containers (plastic, cardboard, glass and metal) with hot water and measured the temperature every two minutes. Analysis of the results showed that plastic would be the best material, as it kept the water hotter for longer. 

Forest School Fun

Date: 23rd Sep 2019 @ 8:06pm

Year 5 have been making full use of Boundary's new Forest School area during our outdoor lessons. As well as problem solving skills, we have learned how to safely light fires, hunted for bugs, toasted marshmallows and sang songs around the camp fire. We can't wait for our next Forest School lesson, this Thursday!

Walk like an Egyptian

Date: 5th Sep 2019 @ 1:32pm

To introduce our new topic – Walk like an Egyptian – we had a fun day, full of all things Egyptian. We started the day with a treasure hunt, which involved finding out facts about the geography, history and culture of Ancient Egypt. We wrote our names in hieroglyphics and even got to meet Cleopatra and ask her questions about life in Ancient Egypt.

Autumn 1 BLT 2019/20

Date: 4th Sep 2019 @ 8:12am

Quel temps fait-il?

Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 5:43pm

What's the weather like? In French this week, we have been learning phrases that describe the weather. We learned how to answer the question Quel  temp fait-il? and wrote our own weather forecasts, which we presented to the rest of the class. 

All About Judaism

Date: 3rd Jul 2019 @ 8:24am

Year 5 have been learning about Judaism during this half-term. At the beginning of the topic they explored the reasons why we have rules and ranked the Boundary Promises in order of importance. Through drama, the children imagined what school would be like without any rules.  Moving back to Judaism, they researched the religion and produced a fact file showing some of the features.  The main focus of the unit was the Torah.  In pairs, the children have produced PowerPoint slides and presented their information all about the Torah. The children have been able to their new learning to other religions and their own lives. 

The Science of Salt

Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 1:04pm

On Tuesday afternoon, a brisk walk in the summer sunshine took us to Aspire Academy. We were excited about the prospect of being able to work in a secondary school science lab. We were given instructions by one of Aspire's science teachers about how to conduct an experiment. We we tested how quickly amounts of salt would dissolve in water. Predictions were made and hypotheses tested. We all enjoyed our afternoon and hope to return soon. 

Culture and Diversity

Date: 19th Jun 2019 @ 3:45pm

We have been lucky to have  DJ Cash visit our school this week, who is a Sikh lady. She brought lots of artefacts for us to look at and discuss and we took part in a dance workshop celebrating the culture and beginning to understand about Sikhism. We all enjoyed the dancing after our mock wedding ceremony. We listened and learnt about the 10 Sikh Gurus, learnt about the holy book and we talked about how Sikhs are peaceful, tolerant and forgiving people, with three core values: Pray to God, you have to work and share with those less fortunate. 

Money, Money, Money - and Taxes!

Date: 19th Jun 2019 @ 3:47pm

On Tuesday we had an interesting visit from HMRC and learnt about who pays taxes, what the taxes pay for in the country and some weird facts about taxes! We learnt that people who earn over £12,500 pay 20% of their wages as tax, which the Chancellor of the Exchequer decides how to spend. We learnt that most of the money is spent on health, education, the armed forces with some being spent on cultural developments and protecting the environment. 

Weird Facts - In the olden days there used to be taxes on windows so people bricked them up and in Russia they had a beard tax! McVities also took HMRC to the High Court to prove that Jaffa Cakes were a cake because they went stale instead of soft like a biscuit. 

We then thought about our own values and spending and how we are influenced to spend or save money. After discussing our choices, we thought about the impact of our spending on other people in the world and the environment, e.g. single use plastics and cheap clothes!

Summer 2 - Rocking Rivers

Date: 12th Jun 2019 @ 8:04am

We had a Geography day and learnt all about Rivers. We talked about different rivers in the UK and the world and used atlases to find them. We discussed the impact of flooding and drought on people, the environment and businesses and created our own fact files on the Chromebooks. Having been outside to make our own Boundary River, we identified key vocabulary about rivers and how they are formed. We now know what a meander is and an oxbow Lake. 

BLT Summer 2 2019

Date: 10th Jun 2019 @ 3:23pm

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