Year 4: Blog items

Parent Healthy Cooking Workshop

Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 7:11pm

This week Year 4 were joined by their adults to prepare and make a healthy pasta salad. The children were able to demonstrate the safe cutting skills they had learnt during our DT lessons. Thank you to all the adults that came and we look forward to inviting you  to join us again next half term.

Insulators and Conductors

Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 7:03pm

This week in Science the children had to design an investigation, which tested a range of materials. They had to identify which materials were insulators and conductors. The children were able to identify how to make this a fair test and record clear, accurate results. They work collaboratively with peers.

They Might Be Odd But They Are Socks!

Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 3:18pm

As part of Anti-Bullying Day 2019, Year 4 took part in a number of classroom activities beginning with a whole class discussion about bullying; what it is, how we can report it and how to better understand that people's differences make them unique and special. Then, we moved on to creating our own pledge as to how we could stop bullying, support those people who might feel lonely or believe they have no friends and, most importantly, how to recognise what makes us unique! #ChangeStartsWithUs #BoundaryBelieves

Even Odd Socks are Socks!

Date: 15th Nov 2019 @ 9:03am

We celebrated Anti-Bullying Day by wearing odd socks. We had a fantastic day learning about respecting others and those from different cultures and backgrounds.

RSC Trip - The Merchant of Venice

Date: 10th Oct 2019 @ 3:18pm

The Royal Shakespeare Company Primary School scheme aims to increase the cultural capital of each student who is involved - exposing children to wider reading, increasing literacy skills through drama and acting and attending professional performances. It introduces children to the idea that words have a life off the page as well as within a book itself - this was certainly the case as Year 4 attended a performance of The Merchant of Venice at The Grand Theatre. Prior to this, both Year 4 classes took a small section of the play and, working in small groups, taking on a particular role, rehearsed their lines and with a new understanding of inflection, tone of voice and body language, performed their part of the play to the class.

Switched on Learning

Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 3:09pm

As part of our work in Science, we have been looking at electricity and in this part of our learning journey we explored circuits. We began by looking looking at the word 'Circuit' and what it meant. We then explored the features of a simple circuit: a bulb, wires and a cell. Using a photographs of a range of circuits we had to predict, in groups, wether each was a complete or an incomplete circuit. Then we created each of these circuits in turn to decide if our predictions were correct or incorrect.

Year 3&4 Indoor Athletics Competition

Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 4:15pm

Our Year 3&4 Athletics team took part in the North Shore Blackpool Schools Athletics competition. Our team successfully qualified for the Plate Finals. Well done team.  

Lest We Forget...

Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 1:22pm

Today, Year 4 took part in a whole school act of remembrance which was proceeded by a whole school art activity.

Each class was given a silhouette of a soldier which they were asked to decorate around the theme of remembrance. This activity focussed all our minds on who we were remembering and why it is important to remember them - helping us to think of those who gave their lives in order that we may live ours and those who continue to serve to keep us and our country safe.

At 11am, children from Nursery to Reception and our entire staffing body came together at the front of school close to our Garden of Remembrance as we were lead in our act of remembrance by Year 6. We all observed a two minutes silence and heard poems by John McCrae as well as other important information and historical facts about the significance of the poppies we were wearing. Our service concluded with prayers lead by Mat Rowley from St. Marks Church, Layton.

Sharing Our Learning with Our Parents and Carers

Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 3:15pm

We had such an exciting morning today as we were able to share our school learning journey's with our parents and carers. Our adults joined us in PE where we took part in a range of team-building activities. We had great fun showing our adults how to climb through a hoop without letting go of their hands and we even had to put together jigsaws that (when we worked as a team and put them together correctly) had our Boundary Always Characteristics on them!

Learning Without Pens

Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 12:53pm

Year 4 had a great time during our whole school 'No Pen Day'. Pens and pencils were removed from tables and we did not write in any of our books - for example, in Maths we used Numicon, Base Ten and other manipulatives to solve a range of problems.

Making The Cut!

Date: 6th Nov 2019 @ 3:23pm

As part of our Design Technology work, we have been working in Redcliffe's the school D&T Studio. Our ultimate aim was to create a warm pasta salad but before we could create our dish, we had to learn how to safely use knives and to cut safely. Mrs. Bradley led us in a kitchen safety masterclass and before we knew it, we were working in groups to create our salads!

Autumn 2 BLT 2019/20

Date: 28th Oct 2019 @ 2:17pm

No Pen Day

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 4:23pm

This half term on No Pen Day we explore Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice'. We enjoyed role playing different scenes and discussing how characters felt and acted.  In Maths we investigated place value when carrying out efficient subtraction and how exchanging takes place. In History we investigated Tudors inventories and how this linked to their social class.

PE - Teamwork and Problem Solving

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 4:16pm

This half term we have been working on our ability to work as a team to solve a range of different problems. We have worked in a range of different groups and linked our skills from a a variety of sports. Throughout PE we have reflected upon our learning and how this links to the characteristics.

School Council Elections

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 4:02pm

This half term in Year 4 we learnt about democracy and had a visit from MP Paul Maynard. He gave our applicants advice on how to write a successful manifesto. Once our applicants had written their manifestos they presented them to their class. Once all the children had read their manifestos the children in Year 4 voted for their new school councillors. We now have two successful new councillors who have already attended their first council meeting.

Tudor Takeover

Date: 12th Sep 2019 @ 9:31am

Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic Wow based on our new topic 'Tudor Takeover. We got to learn about how the Tudor Rose came about after the Battle of Bosworth. We learnt about key events within this battle and the impact that decisions had on the final outcome. The children created Tudor roses containing key facts of this historic event. We also looked at Elizabeth the first  and created our own Tudor portraits.

Autumn 1 BLT 2019/20

Date: 3rd Sep 2019 @ 11:11am

A busy but brilliant week with Choral Speaking and Sports Day!

Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 8:41am

Year Four loved learning their poems for the choral speaking competition! They performed two poems, 'The Rainforest' and 'Sick' by Shel Silverstein as a class of sixty children. On Monday, everybody participated enthusiastically in Sports Day.

Blackpool during the war and making a video story

Date: 25th Jun 2019 @ 4:02pm

This week, we have explored how tourism in Blackpool changed during World War One. The children looked at attractions which were opened in Blackpool before and after the war. Also this week, we planned and made our own stories using Scratch Jr on the iPads. The children had to learn how to do coding and debug any issues which came up.

HMRC visit and Sikh workshop

Date: 19th Jun 2019 @ 2:58pm

This week we had two very exciting visitors in. On Monday, we had HMRC come to speak to us about what tax is, where it comes from and how it is spent by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The children were very intrigued by their new knowledge and found out a very fun fact about Jaffa Cakes - ask your child what that was all about! Then on Wednesday, we had a visit from Kash (a lady from the Sikh Temple in Preston). Kash taught the children all about Sikhism and show them lots of artefacts. Then the children had a chance to do some Sikh dancing.

BLT Summer 2 2019

Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 10:14am

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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust