Year 4: Blog items

Tudor Takeover

Date: 12th Sep 2019 @ 9:31am

Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic Wow based on our new topic 'Tudor Takeover. We got to learn about how the Tudor Rose came about after the Battle of Bosworth. We learnt about key events within this battle and the impact that decisions had on the final outcome. The children created Tudor roses containing key facts of this historic event. We also looked at Elizabeth the first  and created our own Tudor portraits.

Autumn 1 BLT 2019/20

Date: 3rd Sep 2019 @ 11:11am

A busy but brilliant week with Choral Speaking and Sports Day!

Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 8:41am

Year Four loved learning their poems for the choral speaking competition! They performed two poems, 'The Rainforest' and 'Sick' by Shel Silverstein as a class of sixty children. On Monday, everybody participated enthusiastically in Sports Day.

Blackpool during the war and making a video story

Date: 25th Jun 2019 @ 4:02pm

This week, we have explored how tourism in Blackpool changed during World War One. The children looked at attractions which were opened in Blackpool before and after the war. Also this week, we planned and made our own stories using Scratch Jr on the iPads. The children had to learn how to do coding and debug any issues which came up.

HMRC visit and Sikh workshop

Date: 19th Jun 2019 @ 2:58pm

This week we had two very exciting visitors in. On Monday, we had HMRC come to speak to us about what tax is, where it comes from and how it is spent by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The children were very intrigued by their new knowledge and found out a very fun fact about Jaffa Cakes - ask your child what that was all about! Then on Wednesday, we had a visit from Kash (a lady from the Sikh Temple in Preston). Kash taught the children all about Sikhism and show them lots of artefacts. Then the children had a chance to do some Sikh dancing.

BLT Summer 2 2019

Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 10:14am

Summer 2 WOW !

Date: 11th Jun 2019 @ 8:42am

We had an amazing WOW return to Summer 2 in Year 4! All the children had the chance to explore sound for the first time. The children felt the vibrations of their voices on a balloon, saw the vibrations on drums with rice and made vibrations to create sound by applying pressure to a ruler. In the afternoon, the children went on a sound walk around school to listen to what different sounds we can hear in different places.

No device day!

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 4:07pm

Lots of children in Year 4 had lots of fun yesterday during no device day. Some children did some cooking, some children helped out around the house, some children played multiplication bingo, others had debates with members of their household. Well done for putting so much effort in! Hopefully we can do another one soon. Here's some pictures you sent us.

Sandwich making

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:04pm

We had a great start to the new term this week, when we made our own healthy balanced lunch box contents. In the morning, we did a sensory taste test of lots of different types of lunch box contents (for example, tomatoes, sausage rolls, bread, cucumber). Then, we decided what crudités and sandwiches we would make in the afternoon. After looking at the EatWell Guide on the NHS website, we decided how we would make it a balanced diet. Next, we practised cutting using the bridge and claw method and practised grating with a grater. It was great fun in the afternoon making the sandwiches – but lots of children definitely need some practise spreading butter on their bread. We nearly ended up with some butter sandwiches (oops!). All in all, a lovely first day back and the children were really sensible and enjoyed themselves. 

Points and Patches

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:03pm

This week in PE, we focused on perfecting our point and patch skills. A point is where a smaller body part is being used to balance, whereas a patch is where a larger body part is being used to balance. Today, we got apparatus out. We had to travel in different ways up the benches to the podiums. Once we were on the podiums, we had to hold our chosen point or patch. Then we had to safely jump off the podium and land on two feet.

Forest School Fun

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:02pm

Last week, we started our first of three Forest School sessions. The children firstly gathered around the campfire to see if they could remember the Forest School rules – they were great! Then we had lots of time to explore our Forest School area and make nests. The children had to make a nest thinking about which animal it would be for and how it would keep their animal safe and warm in the cold winter weather. Next week, we are going to be lighting the fire and having s’mores and hot chocolate! We can’t wait for them to keep us warm in the cold December weather.

It's been a busy week in Year 4!

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:01pm

Wow what a busy week in Year 4! We had great fun at Forest School (pictures to follow next week, so keep your eyes peeled!). This week, we made our Design and Technology Toddler Nightlight prototypes. We are going to evaluate them so we can make a final design. Also this week, our Eco Warriors planted Oak tree saplings around the school grounds. We cannot wait to see them grow over the years.

Anti Bullying Day 2020!

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:43am

This week we have been doing lots of activities around Anti-bullying day. We thought about how we can be kind and support each other, how we can make sure everyone has a friend and who and where we can go if we feel upset or need to share something with someone. We also all wore odd socks to celebrate our differences and anti-bullying day. it is our differences that we need to celebrate and these differences which make us special. Take a look at some of odd sock picture below. 

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