Year 4: Blog items
Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 3:39pm
This week in PE, we focused on perfecting our point and patch skills. A point is where a smaller body part is being used to balance, whereas a patch is where a larger body part is being used to balance. Today, we got apparatus out. We had to travel in different ways up the benches to the podiums. Once we were on the podiums, we had to hold our chosen point or patch. Then we had to safely jump off the podium and land on two feet.
The start of our toddler night light journey..
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 1:41pm
Last week, we looked at how circuits work within toys and night lights. This week, we started our journey to making a night light for a toddler. We learned about the interests of two toddlers, so that we knew what they liked before starting to draw our designs. We also decided that we will make our own switch for the night light. This will be made from paper clips, paper fasteners and card. As a class, we made a design brief. This means that everyone knows what they must include to hit all the design criteria. We are so excited to continue the designing process, before making prototypes, then evaluating them before making the real thing! WATCH OUT FOR THE FINAL PIECES TOWARDS THE END OF THE TERM!
Date: 17th Nov 2020 @ 7:51am
Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 10:30am
To start this half term, we are learning to write persuasive adverts. Due to everything going on at the moment, we thought we would write a persuasive advert to persuade people to come on holiday to Blackpool next summer! This week, we have been researching lots of different and exciting things about Blackpool. We researched the illuminations, the tower, pleasure beach, promenade, zoo and Sandcastle. We found out some really interesting things and we think we might even have a "staycation" here! FUN FACT: Did you know its costs £2.4 million a year to stage the bright, shining and dazzling illuminations!!! WOW!
Date: 3rd Nov 2020 @ 3:20pm
We had a great start to the new term this week, when we made our own healthy balanced lunch box contents. In the morning, we did a sensory taste test of lots of different types of lunch box contents (for example, tomatoes, sausage rolls, bread, cucumber). Then, we decided what crudités and sandwiches we would make in the afternoon. After looking at the EatWell Guide on the NHS website, we decided how we would make it a balanced diet. Next, we practised cutting using the bridge and claw method and practised grating with a grater. It was great fun in the afternoon making the sandwiches - but lots of children definitely need some practise spreading butter on their bread. We nearly ended up with some butter sandwiches (oops!). All in all, a lovely first day back and the children were really sensible and enjoyed themselves.
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 10:55am
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 10:52am
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 10:51am
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 1:30pm
This week, we ended the half term and October in school by celebrating Black History Month. The children learnt all about what Black History Month is and why is it important to learn all about it. We looked at many black men and women who have had amazing achievements; including Ruby Bridges (ask your child/ren who she is and why she had such a brilliant achievement). After we learnt all about what Black History Month is, we focused on the sporting achievements of black men and women. Firstly, we looked at the achievements of American black men and women. For example, the Williams sisters and Barack Obama. Then we focused on British black men and women and their incredible sporting achievements. For example, Marcus Rashford, Jessica Ennis Hill and Dame Kelly Holmes. On Friday afternoon, we went to the Dance Studio and had a look at the black post boxes which each year group had created about their Black History Month learning. Then we went back to class and watched the videos each year group made.
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 2:22pm
In PE this half term, we have been doing Orienteering (OAA). We have been doing a lot of work on team building skills for most of the half term and we have also looked at map skills. Today, we put all the things we have learned to the test. In pairs, the children received a map of the KS2 playground with A-R on. At each letter, there was a a times table question or a map symbol. The children had to navigate the map and make sure they were holding it the correct way round (tricky at times!!), then they had to write down what they found at each letter. They all worked very hard in their pairs and some pairs even helped others out once they finished.
No pen day in Maple and Laurel
Date: 6th Oct 2020 @ 3:53pm
It was a very exciting day today in Maple and Laurel, because (after break) we took part in NO PEN DAY! This was a great opportunity for the children to use other skills, such as their verbal and listening skills. In Reading into Writing, they read and discussed some cinquain poems. The children had to then sort them into 'good' cinquains and 'bad' cinquains. They did brilliantly at working out how many syllables were on each line. In Maths, the children had to match together their 12 hour or 24 hour times with their partner somewhere in the room. In RE, we researched what dharma is in Hinduism. We discovered that dharma is the religious duty of Hindus and that Rama is an avatar sent from Vishnu to help good overcome evil.
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 2:38pm
We know that there is a lot going on at the moment, but please keep encouraging the children to practise their times tables. By June they need to know up to 12x12 fluently and quickly. Their times table test, which takes place in June, will only give them 6 seconds to answer a question and then it will move on. We will continue to practise as much as possible in school. Miss Crystal and Mr Bamber encourage the children to use Times Tables Rockstars (the children have their log ins) or Maths Frame Multiplication Check.
This is a fantastic website to practise on (don't change any settings!) because it is very similar to the real test!
Good luck :)
Busy week in Maple and Laurel!
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 2:23pm
It's been a very busy week in Maple and Laurel this week. It's also been an exciting week. Children in both classes who wanted to run for School Council had the opportunity to take part in an election campaign for themselves in class. The children who ran were so confident and should be very proud of themselves regardless of the outcome. Voting takes place tomorrow! Good luck to everyone who is involved.
Earlier in the week, we were learning to clapping and shake instruments to the beat of Mamma Mia. We worked hard to find the pulse and the children loved it.
On Thursday, it was National Poetry Day. This came at a perfect time for year 4 because we are just about to start learning about cinquain poems. The children read and enjoyed lots of different poetry throughout the afternoon, then had a go at writing their own towards the end of the day.
Great week year 4!
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 4:20pm
This week, Laurel and Maple have been getting some practise in using their new Google email address, SeeSaw and Spelling Shed log ins. We spent lots of time going through with the children how to log in to each platform and also how to use it when they were in the platform.
The children did brilliantly and they are now well equipped for doing their homework online!
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 2:37pm
This week in Maple and Laurel, we have continued our drawing journeys. We have been able to practise with different grades of pencils. We practised hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, coutouring and random hatching.
In Reading in to Writing we started our next journey all about non-chronological reports. See if you can find some examples at home and tell us about them next week.
In PE, we continued with our teamwork skills. The children had to get their rafts from one side of the hall to the other without falling in the 'water'. This meant that the children had to talk to each other calmly and make sure everyone was included. If they fell in the 'water' they had to start all over again. By the end of the lesson, the children were very competitive because they had to get their 'pot of gold' back as quick as possible. It was lots of fun.
Fantastic first full week back
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 2:07pm
We have had a fantastic first full week back. Year 4 have settled brilliantly back into school and are following the new rules well. This week we started our Art journey. We are learning all about drawing. We have had a look the drawings and styles of EH Shepard and Howard Brodie. This week we have had the chance to look at all the different grades of pencils and 8 elements of lines.
In PE, we will be doing Orienteering this half term. This week, we did some teamwork skills and starting to look at the Ordnance Survey Map symbols.
Changes to Home Time Arrangements
Date: 3rd Sep 2020 @ 4:18pm
Changes to home time arrangements
As we have now been open for a number of days we have noticed a concerning lack of social distancing by parents and carers. Therefore, we are enhancing our COVID Safe rules.
We recommend that face coverings are worn by all parents and carers who are medically able to do so – staff will also be wearing face coverings.
To further ensure safe exiting at the end of the date, we will now stagger the collection times:
Year 3 – finish at 3:15pm
Year 4 – finish at 3:10pm
Year 5 – finish at 3:20pm
Year 6 – finish at 3:25pm
As always, for those parents/carers who have to collect children from Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1, staff will still wait with your child until you can collect them from their designated zone.
Nursery, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3
There will be no changes to Reception and Key Stage 1 at this time, however, this situation is under constant review. Please remember, do not call your child over to you, they will be brought to you by a member of staff.
Please follow these new procedures to help keep your child safe.
Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 11:25am
Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 11:22am
Date: 12th Mar 2020 @ 8:34am
Year 4 children have been learning about physical and human features of the coast. They have compared different coastal areas around our country. The children have also been learning about coastal erosion and how it creates stacks, caves and arches.
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 7:49pm
When Year 4 returned to school they found out that their new subject was going to be called ' Oh I do like to be by the seaside'. This topic has a focus on Geography, Science and D&T. The children created ocean themed water colour washes onto their paper. They created different tones and shade to show light passing through the water. Once they were dry the children researched different ocean creatures and created silhouettes to add to their ocean landscapes. Children also started to investigate habitats and elements of living things.
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 1:04pm
Year Group Newsletter Spring 2 2019/2020
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 1:02pm
Topic Overview Spring 2 2019/2020
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 1:00pm
Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 1:03pm
On No Pen Day Year 4 had a day of learning without pens and tables. Every lesson involved active learning and discussion. We started our day with wake and shake, followed by drama and exploring characters emotions. In Maths we focused on recalling times table facts through star jump maths and playing pirates treasure. The children had to recall facts rapidly and discuss mathematical statements.Our afternoon was focused on developing our vocabulary, communication skills and memory. The children developed these skills through games such as 'What am I?' and 'What did I buy?' We ended our day developing our flexibility and agility through Yoga.