Year 4: Blog items

Week 1 - Home Learning

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 4:06pm

Well done to all those children who have been completing work during this first week of lockdown. We have been so impressed with the work and effort you are putting in. We know it isn't easy working from home, but the effort is really appreciated and don't forget by giving it a go and sending us your work, we can respond and help and support you! Just remember, every day you need to complete your tasks on SeeSaw, go on Reading Plus, go on Spelling Shed and go on My Maths. 

Keep up the hard work Year 4!

Online Learning - Important Information for Parents and Carers

Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 11:28am

The expectation remains that all learning will take place online during this period of Lockdown which was announced by the government would begin from the 5th January 202. Online work will be set each day by your child’s class teacher.
For Nursery, Reception and Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 this work will be set on SeeSaw and your child’s login details will be found in the front of their reading diary.
For Years 5 and 6 online learning will be set on Google Classroom and again, your child’s login details will be found in the front of their reading diary.
Both SeeSaw and Google Classroom can be accessed via a smartphone, tablet, iPad or laptop.
Since returning in September, we have worked hard with every child so that they are able to login to their online learning and know how to do this - we are very proud that a lot of children are now using these daily both in class and to submit their homework!
Your child’s class teacher will be in touch soon to ensure you are able to log on and to answer any questions you may have in regards to online learning.
Please bear with us as we try to contact as many parents and carers as we can.
There are a number of other websites that your child may be asked to access to ensure they continuing their normal learning journey and these links can be found here:
For those unable to access online platforms we ask that you contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.
Thank you for your ongoing support during this time.

BLT Spring 1 2021

Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 10:23am

Christmas 2020 at Boundary

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 3:00pm

Although it has looked very different from previous years, we have still celebrated the festive season at Boundary, albeit it in our bubbles and via whole school virtual assemblies.

Our carol service was a beautiful event, witnessed, shared and enjoyed (virtually!) by the whole school – a testament to the resilience, patience and determination of both our children and our staff.

During the week, bubbles have enjoyed their Christmas dinner. The hall was set out beautifully with crackers to pull, hats to wear and the odd poor joke to tell for each year group bubble to enjoy their Christmas dinner on their special day! A huge ‘Thank You’ goes to all the staff for making it run smoothly, especially Debbie and all the catering and welfare staff for all their hard work in making our delicious dinner.

Each bubble also enjoyed their party day this week, with children wearing their Christmas jumpers and their best party clothes! Each class spent the last afternoon of this term watching a special virtual pantomime ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and eating popcorn.

Although 2020 has not been the year we would have hoped for, our children, staff and parents and carers have once again united to create a supportive, nurturing environment for the children of Boundary, ensuring that each child continues to receive the best education and start in life despite the events of this year.

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for your ongoing support during these strange and difficult times and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful, safe and happy New Year and we look forward to welcoming you all back in January.


Religious Education - a summary of our learning so far....

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 1:00pm

At Boundary, our curious and tolerant children have had a busy few weeks learning lots about different religions and we can’t wait to share what we have done…

Reception have been busy learning about the Christmas story and filming our nativity in their outdoor area. They loved dressing up and re-enacting the nativity play.

This half term in Year 1 for RE, the children have been learning all about Jesus and the Christmas Story.  They have learnt about the roles of a family and why babies are special. They have read the Christmas Story and then ordered the events.  This week, they worked together in groups, to sort out Christmas cards into ones with a religious meaning and ones without.

Year 2 having been exploring the question...

Why do Christians say that Jesus is the 'Light of the World'?

They children have learnt about how lights are used by Christians in celebration and to mark special events, what advent means and how they can be a light to other people!

Year 3 have been learning about Islam and who Muslims follow. They have learnt about the characteristics that the prophet Mohammed showed and how Muslims can be charitable. The children have reflected on this and how they can apply it to the role models in our lives.

In Year 4, they have been learning about Christianity and how Christians show love to everyone. The children have done this by looking at parables such as The Good Samaritan and The Unforgiving Servant. These parables have told them that it is important to 'Love thy neighbour' and treat everyone around them with care and respect.

This term in Year 5 they have been learning about Islam. They looked at Ramadan, The 5 Pillars of Islam, The Holy Qur'an and Hajj.

The Holy book of Islam is the Qur'an, Muslims clean themselves in water that has been blessed, before they hold it. - Lacey-Morgan

The pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) is one of the five pillars of Islam and Muslims must do it at least once in their life if they are physically capable of it. Ihram is the name given to the special spiritual state in which pilgrims wear two white sheets of seamless cloth during their pilgrimage. - Myles

Year 6 children have been learning about the Hindu belief in reincarnation, karma and the 4 Ashramas (stages of life). The children have reflected on the milestones they have achieved in their lives already and possible future ones.

Rainbow Laces

Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 10:30am

Yesterday, we took part in some Rainbow Laces activities. We learned all about the LGBT+ community. We looked at four sportsmen and women and we had to draw a picture what we thought these sportsmen and women look like. This introduced stereotypes. We looked at the meaning of the colours of the Rainbow Laces flag; red=life, blue=harmony, purple=spirit, yellow=sun light, green= nature, orange=heeling. Everyone can join in with different sports and anything in life and we shouldn't treat people differently, whether they look different to you or have different opinions to you. The children were very sensible and we had some great discussions.

It's been a busy week in Year 4!

Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 10:57am

Wow what a busy week in Year 4! We had great fun at Forest School (pictures to follow next week, so keep your eyes peeled!). This week, we made our Design and Technology Toddler Nightlight prototypes. We are going to evaluate them so we can make a final design. Also this week, our Eco Warriors planted Oak tree saplings around the school grounds. We cannot wait to see them grow over the years.

Forest School Fun

Date: 1st Dec 2020 @ 10:27am

Last week, we started our first of three Forest School sessions. The children firstly gathered around the campfire to see if they could remember the Forest School rules - they were great! Then we had lots of time to explore our Forest School area and make nests. The children had to make a nest thinking about which animal it would be for and how it would keep their animal safe and warm in the cold winter weather. Next week, we are going to be lighting the fire and having s'mores and hot chocolate! We can't wait for them to keep us warm in the cold December weather.

Points and Patches

Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 3:39pm

This week in PE, we focused on perfecting our point and patch skills. A point is where a smaller body part is being used to balance, whereas a patch is where a larger body part is being used to balance. Today, we got apparatus out. We had to travel in different ways up the benches to the podiums. Once we were on the podiums, we had to hold our chosen point or patch. Then we had to safely jump off the podium and land on two feet.

The start of our toddler night light journey..

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 1:41pm

Last week, we looked at how circuits work within toys and night lights. This week, we started our journey to making a night light for a toddler. We learned about the interests of two toddlers, so that we knew what they liked before starting to draw our designs. We also decided that we will make our own switch for the night light. This will be made from paper clips, paper fasteners and card. As a class, we made a design brief. This means that everyone knows what they must include to hit all the design criteria. We are so excited to continue the designing process, before making prototypes, then evaluating them before making the real thing! WATCH OUT FOR THE FINAL PIECES TOWARDS THE END OF THE TERM!

Researching Blackpool

Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 10:30am

To start this half term, we are learning to write persuasive adverts. Due to everything going on at the moment, we thought we would write a persuasive advert to persuade people to come on holiday to Blackpool next summer! This week, we have been researching lots of different and exciting things about Blackpool. We researched the illuminations, the tower, pleasure beach, promenade, zoo and Sandcastle. We found out some really interesting things and we think we might even have a "staycation" here! FUN FACT: Did you know its costs £2.4 million a year to stage the bright, shining and dazzling illuminations!!! WOW!

Sandwich making

Date: 3rd Nov 2020 @ 3:20pm

We had a great start to the new term this week, when we made our own healthy balanced lunch box contents. In the morning, we did a sensory taste test of lots of different types of lunch box contents (for example, tomatoes, sausage rolls, bread, cucumber). Then, we decided what crudités and sandwiches we would make in the afternoon. After looking at the EatWell Guide on the NHS website, we decided how we would make it a balanced diet. Next, we practised cutting using the bridge and claw method and practised grating with a grater. It was great fun in the afternoon making the sandwiches - but lots of children definitely need some practise spreading butter on their bread. We nearly ended up with some butter sandwiches (oops!). All in all, a lovely first day back and the children were really sensible and enjoyed themselves. 

BLT Autumn 2 2020

Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 10:55am

Black History Month in Y4

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 1:30pm

This week, we ended the half term and October in school by celebrating Black History Month. The children learnt all about what Black History Month is and why is it important to learn all about it. We looked at many black men and women who have had amazing achievements; including Ruby Bridges (ask your child/ren who she is and why she had such a brilliant achievement). After we learnt all about what Black History Month is, we focused on the sporting achievements of black men and women. Firstly, we looked at the achievements of American black men and women. For example, the Williams sisters and Barack Obama. Then we focused on British black men and women and their incredible sporting achievements. For example, Marcus Rashford, Jessica Ennis Hill and Dame Kelly Holmes. On Friday afternoon, we went to the Dance Studio and had a look at the black post boxes which each year group had created about their Black History Month learning. Then we went back to class and watched the videos each year group made.

OAA adventure

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 2:22pm

In PE this half term, we have been doing Orienteering (OAA). We have been doing a lot of work on team building skills for most of the half term and we have also looked at map skills. Today, we put all the things we have learned to the test. In pairs, the children received a map of the KS2 playground with A-R on. At each letter, there was a a times table question or a map symbol. The children had to navigate the map and make sure they were holding it the correct way round (tricky at times!!), then they had to write down what they found at each letter. They all worked very hard in their pairs and some pairs even helped others out once they finished.

No pen day in Maple and Laurel

Date: 6th Oct 2020 @ 3:53pm

It was a very exciting day today in Maple and Laurel, because (after break) we took part in NO PEN DAY! This was a great opportunity for the children to use other skills, such as their verbal and listening skills. In Reading into Writing, they read and discussed some cinquain poems. The children had to then sort them into 'good' cinquains and 'bad' cinquains. They did brilliantly at working out how many syllables were on each line. In Maths, the children had to match together their 12 hour or 24 hour times with their partner somewhere in the room. In RE, we researched what dharma is in Hinduism. We discovered that dharma is the religious duty of Hindus and that Rama is an avatar sent from Vishnu to help good overcome evil.

Friendly reminder..

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 2:38pm

We know that there is a lot going on at the moment, but please keep encouraging the children to practise their times tables. By June they need to know up to 12x12 fluently and quickly. Their times table test, which takes place in June, will only give them 6 seconds to answer a question and then it will move on. We will continue to practise as much as possible in school. Miss Crystal and Mr Bamber encourage the children to use Times Tables Rockstars (the children have their log ins) or Maths Frame Multiplication Check.

This is a fantastic website to practise on (don't change any settings!) because it is very similar to the real test!

Good luck :)

Busy week in Maple and Laurel!

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 2:23pm

It's been a very busy week in Maple and Laurel this week. It's also been an exciting week. Children in both classes who wanted to run for School Council had the opportunity to take part in an election campaign for themselves in class. The children who ran were so confident and should be very proud of themselves regardless of the outcome. Voting takes place tomorrow! Good luck to everyone who is involved.

Earlier in the week, we were learning to clapping and shake instruments to the beat of Mamma Mia. We worked hard to find the pulse and the children loved it.

On Thursday, it was National Poetry Day. This came at a perfect time for year 4 because we are just about to start learning about cinquain poems. The children read and enjoyed lots of different poetry throughout the afternoon, then had a go at writing their own towards the end of the day.

Great week year 4!

Getting in some practise!

Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 4:20pm

This week, Laurel and Maple have been getting some practise in using their new Google email address, SeeSaw and Spelling Shed log ins. We spent lots of time going through with the children how to log in to each platform and also how to use it when they were in the platform.

The children did brilliantly and they are now well equipped for doing their homework online!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust