Year 3: Blog items
Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 11:20am
Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 11:17am
Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 11:10am
Date: 15th Mar 2020 @ 7:40pm
Children had a great Sport Relief. They were all allowed to come into school in their sports wear and they were involved in different sporting activities throughout the day. We were also lucky in Fern class as we had a special talk from Mrs Cooper on her journey through martial arts. Mrs C said how it is a sport which focusses on strength and agility. We wouldn't want to mess with her!
Date: 13th Mar 2020 @ 3:24pm
For our new science topic children have been learning all about light. Children have been setting up simple experiments, joined in with practical enquiries and created fair tests to discover that without light we cannot see. Children have recognised that light can be dangerous, darkness is the absence of light and light travels in straight lines.
Date: 9th Mar 2020 @ 3:04pm
In our history, we have been using Chromebooks to research about houses and lifestyles and how they have changed since 1066. The children have focussed on four periods of time, Tudors, Stuarts, Georgians and Victorians and answered questions from different areas. Children, diet, jobs, housing, clothing and they discovered a fun fact. We finally compared them as a class to see how they have changed or remained similar over time.
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 2:50pm
What a good day! Children have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day. From the beginning and discussing our characters, making book marks and drawing character selfies, visiting the library and being given our own book, guessing the stories and listening to stories! We have had a brilliant day!
Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 8:19pm
Les enfants apprennent les cinq premiers fruits (Children have been learning about the first five fruits) in French. Demandez-leur lequel est leur prefere (Ask them which one is their favourite) Les pomme (apple), Les cerise (cherry), Les banane (banana), Les peche (peach) or Les fraise (strawberry).
Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 8:06pm
Children have been learning about the value of money. Through role play, children have been working collaboratively through buying and selling, giving correct amounts and calculating change. It is crucial children understand the value of each coin, have the mental ability to count on from given amounts and convert between pounds and pence.
Who lives in a house like this?
Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 7:05pm
Children have been asked the question – What makes a house a home? This half term, we are going to be learning how lifestyles have changed since the Medieval period and how routines within Britain have evolved. Firstly, we are going to look at how we live today and work our way back through the Victorians, Georgians, Stuarts, Tudors and right back to when the first castles were built by the Normans in 1066.
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 11:46am
Year Group Newsletter 2019/2020
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 11:43am
Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 11:39am
Date: 7th Feb 2020 @ 11:51am
Year three did a wonderful job for their year group assembly. We want to make an impact to our environment and what better way than inform the parents about our ECO BRICKS! These are the way we are able to reuse the non-recycling plastics and stop them going in to the oceans. Please see our Facebook page to find out how to make them! Thank you to all the parents for your continued support.
Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 9:52pm
Children have been learning about Christianity this half term. As part of the beliefs and values within the religion, children have been thinking about how God trusted the prophets and gave them a vocation. Using active listening skills and communication skills, children had to trust their partner to deliver them across the obstacle course safely. Children then read the story of Noah and acted out the screenplay, something they have been doing within their english lessons.
Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 9:19am
Year three have began their computing journey. Children have been using Microsoft Chromebooks to learn how to use different programmes. We have been discussing key principle on how to type, log on and keep safe using the internet. Children have been learning how to hold their hands to type as well as what the different keys mean. For example- the space bar can give a space in-between words as well as stop a video, or pause a game.
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 11:16am
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 11:14am
Spring 1 Topic Overview 2019/2020
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 11:12am
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 9:13am
This half term, we are looking at Animals including Humans in Science. We will be concentrating on our insides and how important it is to eat a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet. For our WOW we used salt dough and mirrors to recreate our own teeth! This was a sticky but fun activity which helped us understand the different types of teeth and their jobs. We also looked at pictures of animal skeletons and using art straws to recreate them on black card. It was so much fun to look at all the different bones!
Date: 9th Dec 2019 @ 1:05pm
It was a little bit chilly but the rain held off as Year 3 began their journey to the Christmas Panto! KS2 had the wonderful opportunity to watch Blackpool Sixth Form in their interpretation of the Grinch at Christmas. Well done to all the students who took part! We had a fantastic time.
Date: 5th Dec 2019 @ 9:32am
Children have been concentrating on direct speech this week! Getting children up and active has helped them remember the order.
Inverted commas, talking talking talking, piece of punctuation, inverted commas - said person.
Ask your children to sing you the song!
Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 9:24am
Our Year 3&4 Athletics team topped the table and took home gold and the plate shield at the latest Blackpool Schools Games Indoor Athletics Plate Finals.
Congratulations on your historic victory. CHAMPIONS !
Year 3&4 Indoor Athletics Competition
Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 4:15pm
Our Year 3&4 Athletics team took part in the North Shore Blackpool Schools Athletics competition. Our team successfully qualified for the Plate Finals. Well done team.
Date: 9th Sep 2019 @ 2:57pm
It was a little bit chilly but the rain held off as Year 3 began their hike to Blackpool Zoo, bright and early! 'It's not far...keep going!' the teachers said. Finally, the children and staff arrived at the zoo and were ready for a fun filled day of learning. After a quick look at some animals, it was time for the educational workshop. Here, the children learnt so much new information including lots about diet and nutrition which links to Year 3's science topic this half-term. After a quick bite to eat, the adventure continued and the children visited all the different animals, finding out lots of interesting facts. As the day came to an end, the children had to find one last bit of energy for the walk home. We returned to school with some very tired children but a great day was had by all!