Year 3: Blog items

Dance and Art - We're Bright Sparks!

Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 8:53pm

Welcome back to Autumn 2 in Year 3. This week we have started learning about Artists Georges Seurat and Henri Rousseau, we looked at their paintings and added comments about colour, form, texture and shapes. We expressed our likes and dislikes. We also started our first Dance unit, Dance around the world. It was great to talk about all the different styles of dance we knew and then we began to create a 32 beat motif based on 3 different dance styles, African, Indian and Street Dance. We had to keep in time to the beat and it was tricky, but a good first week. 

We also listened to the Fire Service Bright Sparks assembly and talked about how to stay safe around Bonfire Night. Our top tip is to hold a sparkler in a carrot or cucumber!

BLT Autumn 2 2020

Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 1:22pm

Newsletter Autumn 2 2020

Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 1:19pm

Black History!

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 1:02pm

This week we have been learning about 'Black History Month'. We have enjoyed learning about Mary Secole, Nelson Mandella and finding out why Black History is so important. We read the book 'Sulwe' by Lupita Nyongo, who is a Kenyan-Mexican actress and author. The story helped us to understand that our beauty comes from within, everyone is different but everyone is special and beautiful. Our differences should be celebrated and our similarities bring us together. Our learning also linked in with our school characteristic this week - tolerance. 

Half Term Boundary Learning Together

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 8:06am

Please make sure you use the websites we have directed you to already. Keep your learning fresh in your mind and make sure you use Timestable Rockstar, MyMaths, Spelling Shed and Seesaw. Tasks have been set. Read, Read, Read!!

No Pen Day

Date: 6th Oct 2020 @ 4:26pm

This week we have enjoyed a different Tuesday morning - it was no pen day! We had to complete all of our learning without using a pen. We used teamwork, collaboration and worked on our communication skills. In Maths we did three digit subtraction (using hundreds frames and counters) and in Reading into Writing we ordered hand washing instructions ready to include in our explanation texts which we will be writing next week. We really enjoyed our morning! 

Super Samba!!!

Date: 12th Oct 2020 @ 4:46pm

This half term Bracken class are enjoying learning how to play the Samba drums. This week we learnt how to play four beats together, in rhythm, missing a different beat each time. 

School Council Elections

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 1:43pm

This week has been important for British Values at Boundary because we have taken part in the School Council Elections. We presented our manifestos if we wanted to be considered as a candidate and we thought about what a good Student Council Representative needed to be like. We had a secret vote and posted our ballot papers. On Monday we will find out which candidate has been selected to represent each class.

We're keeping fit!

Date: 23rd Sep 2020 @ 4:34pm

Over the last few weeks we have been trying to improve our fitness using different exercises. This week we did some running, star jumps, planks and ab crunches. It was hard and very tiring, but we are trying to challenge ourselves every week to do a little be more and show great determination and resilience. We learnt how important it is to rehydrate after we have done exercise. 

Learning how to play the glockenspiel!

Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 9:22am

This week in music we have enjoyed learning how to play the glockenspiel. We spoke about rhythm, beat, tempo and notes. We moved to music, sat down and listened with closed eyes. After listening, talking about the song and answering the questions together (using correct musical language) our task was to play the glockenspiel in time with the beats in the song. We learnt how to play the notes C, E and G. It was great fun! We had to work collaboratively and help each other.

Year 3's busy week.

Date: 13th Sep 2020 @ 7:08pm

Welcome back to Year 3. Not only have we been busy learning about each other, but we've also been starting to learn about our new topics in Computing and Science. We looked at the vocabulary needed for Forces and Magnets and learnt how to use our new email accounts to login to the Chromebooks. We completed some self portraits in green and we talked about Year 3 expectations. We were all very smart and organised in our first week back and have lots of great things to learn and look forward to!

Changes to Home Time Arrangements

Date: 3rd Sep 2020 @ 4:18pm

Changes to home time arrangements

As we have now been open for a number of days we have noticed a concerning lack of social distancing by parents and carers. Therefore, we are enhancing our COVID Safe rules.

We recommend that face coverings are worn by all parents and carers who are medically able to do so – staff will also be wearing face coverings.

To further ensure safe exiting at the end of the date, we will now stagger the collection times:

Year 3 – finish at 3:15pm

Year 4 – finish at 3:10pm

Year 5 – finish at 3:20pm

Year 6 – finish at 3:25pm

As always, for those parents/carers who have to collect children from Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1, staff will still wait with your child until you can collect them from their designated zone.

Nursery, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3

There will be no changes to Reception and Key Stage 1 at this time, however, this situation is under constant review. Please remember, do not call your child over to you, they will be brought to you by a member of staff.

Please follow these new procedures to help keep your child safe.

BLT Autumn 1 2020

Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 11:10am

Sport Relief

Date: 15th Mar 2020 @ 7:40pm

Children had a great Sport Relief. They were all allowed to come into school in their sports wear and they were involved in different sporting activities throughout the day. We were also lucky in Fern class as we had a special talk from Mrs Cooper on her journey through martial arts.  Mrs C said how it is a sport which focusses on strength and agility. We wouldn't want to mess with her! 

Let there be light!

Date: 13th Mar 2020 @ 3:24pm

For our new science topic children have been learning all about light. Children have been setting up simple experiments, joined in with practical enquiries and created fair tests to discover that without light we cannot see. Children have recognised that light can be dangerous, darkness is the absence of light and light travels in straight lines. 

Researching the past!

Date: 9th Mar 2020 @ 3:04pm

In our history, we have been using Chromebooks to research about houses and lifestyles and how they have changed since 1066. The children have focussed on four periods of time, Tudors, Stuarts, Georgians and Victorians and answered questions from different areas. Children, diet, jobs, housing, clothing and they discovered a fun fact. We finally compared them as a class to see how they have changed or remained similar over time.  

World Book Day!

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 2:50pm

What a good day! Children have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day. From the beginning and discussing our characters, making book marks and drawing character selfies, visiting the library and being given our own book, guessing the stories and listening to stories! We have had a brilliant day!  

J'aime les Fruits

Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 8:19pm

Les enfants apprennent les cinq premiers fruits (Children have been learning about the first five fruits) in French. Demandez-leur lequel est leur prefere (Ask them which one is their favourite) Les pomme (apple), Les cerise (cherry), Les banane (banana), Les peche (peach) or Les fraise (strawberry). 

Money, money money!

Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 8:06pm

Children have been learning about the value of money. Through role play, children have been working collaboratively through buying and selling, giving correct amounts and calculating change. It is crucial children understand the value of each coin, have the mental ability to count on from given amounts and convert between pounds and pence.

Who lives in a house like this?

Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 7:05pm

Children have been asked the question – What makes a house a home? This half term, we are going to be learning how lifestyles have changed since the Medieval period and how routines within Britain have evolved. Firstly, we are going to look at how we live today and work our way back through the Victorians, Georgians, Stuarts, Tudors and right back to when the first castles were built by the Normans in 1066. 

BLT Spring 2 2019/2020

Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 11:46am

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust